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Hot Alpha SEALs: Military Romance Megaset

Page 90

by Sharon Hamilton

  “Good. Men like me are—”

  She somehow found his Adam’s apple as it bobbed, and sucked on that. “Wild. Savage. Sexy…”

  Ah. That was it.

  Stone’s stomach sank. Yeah. She was a groupie. This wasn’t about him as a man…it was about him as a SEAL. Why he felt so disappointed, he didn’t know. Most guys would just say, “Thank you very much, ma’am,” and get on with it.

  But somehow, even though it was her, even though it was Lily, and he wanted her with a blazing passion, he couldn’t do it.

  He started to push away but then, she said something that made his resolve crumble.

  “You have a great sense of humor. Even when people are shooting at you. And you love your Mom. Your family. And you’re smart, charming when you want to be—”

  “Wait. What? When I want to be?”

  “You can be…grumbly.”

  “I excel at grumbly.”

  “I noticed.”

  “It’s a gift.”

  “At any rate…I find you very attractive.”

  “What if I wasn’t draped in full SEAL kit? What if I was wearing overalls or a business suit?”

  “I would find you attractive if you were buck naked.”

  A scorching talon of lust slashed him. “Would you?”

  “Oh,” She stroked his pec. “Most definitely.”

  “Lily.” He should probably make one more attempt. But he was weakening and, damn, he wanted to weaken.

  “Yes, Stone?”

  “We shouldn’t do this.”

  “Hmm. You’re probably right.”

  His mood plummeted. On some level, he was already in her.

  “But you know what?” she said. “I don’t care.”

  She kissed him again and his mood…rose.

  This time, he didn’t stop her.

  Chapter Eight


  Oh. Heaven. He levered over her and took her mouth in a brutal kiss. Lily reveled in it, giving back as good as she got. He tasted incredible and smelled…so manly. Like wood smoke and sweat and, well, like Stone. Her heart thudded, her mind reeled. Lust blossomed.

  She wanted him. Now.

  Like a wild woman, she scored his chest, his scalp, sank her nails into his bulging biceps. He groaned and pulled her closer. His large hand skimmed up her abdomen until he cupped her breast and squeezed. Delight shot through her as he tweaked her nipple. “Yes,” she murmured. “Yes.” His lips traveled across her cheek and he nibbled her earlobe; the sensation made her a little crazy. When she wriggled against him in a desperate attempt to get closer, he seemed to go crazy too.

  He growled—growled—and shifted down, enveloping her throbbing nipple through the lace of her bra. Wet heat. Suction. Her thoughts flew, scattered to the four winds as pleasure trickled through her.

  Mindless, boneless, swamped with need, she fiddled with the catch of his pants. But dang it…she couldn’t get them undone. In her fumbling, her hand brushed against something hard and insistent and he muttered an imprecation. He was too beset to remember to apologize, which she found amusing.

  She cradled him, gauging his length, his width, his girth.

  And yes. He was magnificent. “Stone,” she whispered as she tightened her hold. “You’re so hard.”

  “Jesus, Lily. Don’t do that.”

  “I can’t help it. I want to feel you. Take your stupid pants off.”

  “They’re not stupid,” he snorted in a laugh, but he complied, sitting up to kick off his boots and slough his trousers off. As he fumbled in his pack for something, she pulled hers off too.

  He yanked off his shirt and came back to her, sealing their chests together. It was wonderful. His skin was warm and smooth, though she found a couple scars. She could rub against him all day.

  But he had something else in mind.

  After another scorching kiss, he pulled away. She started to complain until she realized it was to kiss his way down her body. As he suckled and sipped, he caressed her. She tingled wherever he touched her…and he touched her everywhere.

  When he reached her belly, he glanced up and held her gaze as he slipped her panties off.

  Her breath caught.

  Oh God. Oh God.

  He edged between her legs and spread her knees and buried his face.

  She nearly screamed. The touch of his tongue on her clit sent shards of exquisite sensation through her. She was hard there, and aching. His laving soothed her, but stoked another fire. When he moaned how good she tasted, the sound rumbled through her, sending more delicious pings through to her core.

  She probably shouldn’t have buried her nails in his head and ridden his face as he ate her, consumed her, but she was wild, unleashed. Crazed as she never had been. It felt so good, and he was skilled. He seemed to know just how to touch, where to nip, when to lap.

  The orgasm was a surprise. It leaped upon her like a jungle cat and gobbled her whole. Brilliant shimmers of exquisite colors exploded in her mind as wave upon wave of bliss claimed her.

  But he didn’t stop. No. Not this machine. He kept working her, tantalizing her, driving her higher and higher.

  When her second climax hit, he seemed to sense it and, just as she dissolved, he shoved two thick fingers deep.

  She tried to cry out. She tried to wail, but her voice was lost, along with her sanity, winging away into some far off dimension.

  Still, he didn’t let up. He found that spot, that tiny spot hidden in her folds, where all her nerves joined and her being coalesced. He rubbed it, teased it, until she was shaking and quivering and boneless again.

  He moved up her body and Lily was battered by conflicting waves of regret and anticipation. Regret that the ecstasy had stopped, though he still stroked her lightly, and anticipation because, as he rose, he gazed downward, aiming his fisted cock for heaven.

  “Stone,” she whispered, as he nudged her entrance. “Stone.”

  He was well named.

  His erection was hard as a rock.

  Jesus God. She was wet. Slick and hot and tight.

  Stone squeezed his eyes shut as he worked the head of his cock into her. It was fucking heaven.

  She was fucking heaven.

  She’d been gorgeous, beautiful, amazing, writhing beneath him, coming again and again with hardly any prompting. The second time, she’d flooded him with her arousal and he’d known—known—she was ready. But he’d wanted to bring her to the brink one more time.

  He wanted to make her come again.

  He adjusted his position so he had a better angle, and drove home. She cried out and shivered around him, a maddening squeeze. Goddamn, she was amazing. She clasped his cock as she clasped his body, wrapping herself around him and holding on for dear life.

  He doubted he had much patience, but he was determined to try and make this last. She made it hard on him, moaning and huffing and growling in his ear, murmuring evil little comments like, “Yes, harder. Fuck me, Stone.”

  There was only so much of that a man could take before he went absolutely apeshit wild.

  He tightened his muscles and eased his cock in and out in a slow, salacious drag.

  This, apparently, annoyed her. She glared up at him and snapped, “Faster. Faster.”

  And really, who was he to refuse a lady?

  Bracing himself on his elbows, he increased his speed, wedging her legs further apart with his knees and bending to suckle at her breast. He wished he’d removed her bra, but that ship had sailed. No way was he stopping to do it now. So he settled for teasing the pebble-hard tips through the lace—which, apparently, drove her insane.

  She tried to wriggle and thrash, but he held her still, as he whipped in and out of her in a frenzy of passion, pummeling her, ravishing her, taking all he wanted, and more.

  His fervor seemed to reignite hers. They wrestled against each other in a combat that had two victors. In concert, they raced toward perdition.

  “Yes,” she cried, sinking her finge
rs deep into the cheeks of his ass. A sharp thrill snaked through him as she tugged on a sensitive spot.

  “Oh yeah,” he muttered. “Yeah.”

  Unbelievably, she came again, and it was his undoing.

  It began with small ripples and quickly swelled to hellish quakes. Each one snarled through his body, a mind-bending torment. His long, hard stokes dissolved to shorter, quicker, deeper thrusts. Faster and faster, like rapid fire, he took her. His cock swelled. His balls constricted. His muscles seized.

  And fuck.

  Everything exploded. His body, his heart, his soul. Something deep inside him released and he felt as though he was soaring, wheeling in the sky, dancing in the wind. It was the most incredible experience he’d ever had.

  The most beautiful conflagration.

  Even when it was over, sinuous sizzles coiled through him. He trembled as he hovered over her, gasping, struggling for balance. He stared down at her, this woman, this miracle. This creature who could never be his.

  But this night was his.

  This night, she was with him.

  And the memory would be his for all time.

  When he covered her mouth and kissed her with grief-stricken gratitude, she responded with a matching anguish that surprised him.

  Perhaps they weren’t so different after all.

  Oh my.

  Lily stared at Stone, his beautiful face transformed in bliss. Oh, that had been splendid. Better than she could ever have dreamed or hoped or wished for. Certainly far and above any experience she’d ever had with a man. Ever.

  But then, she’d never been so wildly attracted to a man.

  She’d meant what she said. She’d never met anyone like him.

  It wasn’t just that he was a SEAL. What woman didn’t fantasize about these modern warriors? It was him. The way he made her feel.

  He collapsed by her side and fiddled with something. It was a surprise to realize he was removing a condom. She hadn’t even seen him put it on. And—to her mortification—she hadn’t thought about protection herself. Thank God he had.

  He buried it in the soft dirt, and then pulled her into his arms and held her as his breathing came back to normal. Oh heavens. She loved this too. Making love with him had been amazing, but this was…well, it was exquisite. She’d never felt as safe as she did in his arms.

  She kissed the underside of his chin. It was speckled with fuzz, which she found fascinating. He responded by tucking his head and kissing her again. This time, the kiss was soft and sweet. He sighed, but he didn’t speak.

  They laid there for a long while, just soaking in each other’s warmth and reveling in the gentle waves of afterglow. It was difficult for Lily to remain silent. She wanted to dance and sing and say something stupid like, Was it good for you? But she sensed he needed this time, this peace, and she didn’t want to break the fragile spell winding between them.

  When he finally spoke, it wasn’t what she expected.

  “Are you okay?”

  Okay? She was fantastic. “I’m fine.”

  “I’m sorry…”

  She wrenched out of his hold and glared at him. “Sorry? For what?”

  He shot her with a repentant smile. “I shouldn’t have been so rough.”

  The sound she made could have been a laugh. Or a snort. He’d been feral. Wild. Crazed. It had been awesome.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. You didn’t hurt me. You weren’t too rough. It was…”

  His muscles tensed as she searched for just the right word. But none of the words that came to mind seemed to adequately describe—

  He came up on his elbow. “What? It was…what?”

  Her eyes glowed. “Perfect.”

  “Perfect?” His face broke into a grin.

  “Perfect.” She caressed his cheek and thumbed his dimple. “One thing though?”

  His brow rippled. “Um…yeah?”

  “When can we do it again?”

  He barked a laugh; it rang off the ring of rocks. Then he gathered her in his arms and pulled her back down. “Give me a minute to recharge.”

  “A minute?”

  “With you?” He winked. “Yeah. A minute. But…”

  “But, what?”

  “It would help if you took off your bra.”

  She was quick to comply.

  He didn’t intend to fuck her again. Hell, he hadn’t intended to fuck her the first time. But as they lay there on the hard ground, entangled, and he teased her soft skin, cupped her supple breasts, and feasted on those button-hard nipples, Stone found it didn’t take long to recharge at all.

  On top of all that, he was very aware they didn’t have much time. The chopper would probably be coming in at first light. Once they were picked up, once he was back with his platoon and she was returned to her father, they would never see each other again.

  He wasn’t sure why that realization lent desperation to his moves, but it did.

  And as fan-fucking-tastic as the first time had been, the second was better, which blew his mind.

  Hell, she blew his mind.

  They kissed and touched each other playfully at first. A caress here, a nibble there. Her forays were shy, but as passion rose so did her boldness. When she took him in hand and fisted his cock, his breath stalled, but that was nothing to the sheer blinding lust that engulfed him when she scooted lower…and licked him.

  Holy God.

  Her mouth was hot and slick, her tongue mischievous, her suction mind-bending. She worked his cock like she was starved for it, craving a taste of his cum. Sucking and lapping and taking him deep.

  At one point, he nearly lost control, but damn, he was glad he didn’t when she crawled on top of him and took him in.

  He shouldn’t have let her do that, but it felt so good, skin to skin. The folds of her channel were velvety smooth and slick and tight. Before he lost all control, he lifted her off and leaned over to find another condom. Goddamn, he should have left them closer.

  It seemed to take forever to find one in his pack, but he ripped it open and slipped it on, ignoring the fact that his fingers shook.

  “There,” he laid back and grinned at her.

  Her smile lit a fire in his belly.

  The sight of her angling a leg over his torso and taking him in again was like a splash of kerosene on that fire. And fuck, it felt good.

  She rode him then, like he was a bucking bronc. Up, down, around in torturous circles. He held her, tried to guide her movements with fingers buried in the flesh of her hips, but she would not be controlled.

  She did as she liked, fucking him, but pleasuring herself on his aching rod.

  Her breasts were irresistible. He cupped them and tried to hold on as she moved, tweaking the nipples to urge her to higher and higher passion.

  It was a slower climb to heaven this time, but no less powerful for the leisurely ascent. When she came, her body convulsed around him. The scintillating sensation of her helpless quivers and quakes made his vision dim.

  With her orgasm, she became boneless and crumpled onto his chest. He rolled over, taking her with him, and, without breaking their connection, began to thrust.

  Ah. What a relief to control the movements, to take her masterfully, powerfully. To possess her completely.

  Something deep within him coiled; his muscles quivered with the tension. He sucked in a breath, preparing for the onslaught of glory as tension mounted.

  It rose to an unbearable height, lashing him with need, scalding him with an agonizing heat. Little skitters ran up and down his spine and settled at his core.

  With a shudder, he broke. The orgasm screamed through him, buffeting him about, taking him and tossing him asunder.

  It was a glorious asunder.

  He’d never felt so emptied. So filled. So complete.

  He remained there, poised over her, buried in her, reveling in the moment, in her.

  She murmured something unintelligible and then her lashes fluttered closed.

  God, she was beautiful.

  But it was more than that.

  There was something about her he couldn’t put his finger on. A rightness, perhaps. When she was in his arms, he felt as though everything in the world fit right in place.

  He wouldn’t think on tomorrow. Couldn’t. This moment was all there was. With him and Lily, connected. Everything was wonderful.

  Wonderful. Yes.

  Until he pulled out and removed the condom and realized…it had broken.


  Goddamn Garrett and his fucking old condoms.


  No response. He glanced down at her. Her eyes were closed. A tiny snore rumbled. She was asleep. Poor thing. This had been a hell of a day. He had no right to exhaust her all night.

  He could tell her in the morning. He would tell her in the morning.

  For now, he’d let her sleep.

  “Lily,” he said again, but softly, and only to himself. He kissed her brow and pulled her into his arms and arranged her head on his chest. Hopefully he was not too hard of a pillow.

  He didn’t feel hard at the moment.

  At the moment, he felt like a limp noodle that had been thrown against the wall.

  He was definitely knocked off balance.

  These feelings swimming around in his head and in his heart were so new, he wasn’t sure how to interpret them.

  Or if he should.

  All he knew was, come morning, he didn’t want to let her go.

  But he had to.

  Chapter Nine


  A rustling roused her. That and a sharp pain in her hip. Sleeping on the hard ground apparently didn’t agree with her. Lily shifted and another ache rippled through her lower body, but this was a pleasurable ache. A smile curled her lips as she recalled their adventures of the previous night. Oh, how amazing had that been?

  She’d loved having him over her, but she had really enjoyed riding him too. Stone was so large, she’d had to stretch her knees wide to encompass the girth of his hips…and that had allowed her to take him deep—

  A shudder swept through her as she remembered the bliss, along with a humming curiosity. Would he want to do it again this morning? She opened her eyes and saw him gathering their things and organizing his backpack and her heart sank.


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