Shyt List 3 (The Cartel Publications Presents)

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Shyt List 3 (The Cartel Publications Presents) Page 13

by Reign (T. Styles)

  She looked around and everybody she thought was staring at her, was doing regular shit. And the woman she thought she’d seen kissing him was suddenly not even there. Once again, the doctor’s voice entered her mind.

  But always…always…take your medicine. If you don’t your mind will convince you of the most absurd things and you’ll find yourself in the craziest of situations.’

  “Are you okay?” He asked sincerely placing his hand on her shoulder.

  “Uh…yeah. It must’ve been somebody else. I’ma go sit down.”

  Yvonna took her seat and waited for him to return with the drinks hoping he wouldn’t bring up the matter again.

  “Look, I’ma make a few rounds, you gonna be cool?” Bricks said dropping the drinks off to table.

  “Yeah…uh…I’ll be fine,” She said not wanting to really be alone.

  “I’m not gettin’ with no other chicks or nothin’,” he joked. “Just gonna handle business.”

  Great. Now I look like a basket case. She had to redeem herself. “Bricks you can do whatever you want to do, ‘cause I am too.”

  The smile was removed off of his face and he said, “Well have fun.”

  “I will.” She said without looking at him.

  He was turning around to leave until he said, “And don’t worry ‘bout Swoopes coming through here,” he assured her with his eyes. “It’s so much money in this room, you gotta be the President to get through them doors.”

  She wanted to relax but it was easier said than done. After all, she had just freaked out. She’d never had an instance like that happen during her illness. Seeing people was one thing seeing situations was another. She decided she didn’t want to be alone.

  “Would it be okay if I invited Ming?”

  “That Chinese chick?”


  “That’s your home girl ain’t it?’ he smiled.

  “Yeah, she’s my peoples.”

  “Well I’ll tell Cameo to expect her. So call her up and tell her it’s cool. You got my cell so call me if you need me.”

  Yvonna called Ming who hung up the first three times, but after a while, she was able to get her to listen with the words, “I’ll do it.”

  Thirty minutes later, Ming strolled into the lounge with Darcus on her arm. They looked cute together and complimented each other very well. The moment Ming hit the floor, in her black one-piece mini dress, all mouths dropped. She was stuntin’ on them bitches with her full-length black Christian Louboutin boots and black waist leather jacket. And when she saw the black leather Mia Bossi bag, an expensive high-end diaper bag, she knew she’d probably just dropped off Boy. But Yvonna was frustrated seeing Darcus because she wanted this to be their time alone. They had a lot to discuss and he would be in the way.

  “Where’s the baby?” Yvonna asked as Ming and Darcus sat across from her at the table.

  “My aunt has him. Ming picks him up when she leaves in the morning.”

  Yvonna decided to excuse Darcus who had obviously decided he wasn’t going to follow the dress code, from the table. He still looked sexy in his jeans and black leather jacket, so she would let it pass.

  “Darcus, can you give me and her a moment?”

  “Not a problem,” he smiled before getting up. “You can have all the time ya need.”

  “Ming, what’s up?” Yvonna asked getting right to the point.

  “I am niece of Yao Chen, drug lord of the Mah Jong Dynasty, and we are Legion.”

  “Okay now you scarin’ me. Last time I heard that Legion word I was watching the movie ‘The Exorcist’.”

  A tear fell down Ming’s face and she wiped it away. “Ming is serious and she needs you to listen. Legion in your culture means thousands.”

  “I’m sorry…I was just playin’…go ‘head.”

  “Like I said, my uncle is the lord of the Mah Jong Dynasty. In disguise it is social club in China. Mah Jong is a game played by four players, which involves skill, strategy and calculation. Same traits needed to be good in drug game. In China, my family does well with drug business, but now, uncle wants territory here in America. I knew this day would come because uncle brought my family over here and opened a nail salon in my name for us to work in. At first we were happy because we all together, and then, he started bringing over people not from family.

  “Just last month, my uncle open ten more nail salons, for which I am owner. They all fronts for cocaine trade. And he’s sending over more people from China to help, many of which I don’t like. But they are skilled in Wushu and weaponry, just as I am.”

  “Fuck is a Wushu?”

  “A form of martial arts.”

  “You can fight?” Yvonna laughed.

  “I can kill.” She wasn’t laughing anymore. “We also good with most weapons used by people in your streets and your military. But trust me Yvonna, the training is the most painful thing I’d ever endured. Ming wouldn’t wish it on worse enemy.”

  Yvonna was stunned. She figured Ming moved a few bricks from time to time after seeing the duffle bag at Ketchup, but this was ridiculous. “So how does the cocaine and New York thing tie in together?”

  “My uncle has had problems breaking in on the trade here in D.C. and Maryland, but has been successful in New York. He has accepted much money from a dealer there and now we must deliver.”

  “So what’s the problem? Aren’t you going to China for business? Since your uncle wants you in New York, can’t he just give you a pass and let you go to China the next day?”

  “I go to China to make good with mother,” she said putting her hand on her chest. Tears flooded her eyes and ran down her face. She was emotionally broken down again. “When…when I first came here, to America for uncle Yao, mother not happy about it. She knew he was using me. She has been fighting with her brother for two decades over his selfishness and cruelty. I thought mother was just angry that with uncle Yao I had a chance to leave China and make good for myself. In China my uncle is a big deal. So against my mother’s will, I left and she made it known throughout our family that I was dead to her.

  “At first I didn’t care because I had money, cars and power. But then, I got to see man my uncle Yao really is. So I would go to China for months and beg at my mother’s feet, each time she would walk away after hearing my pleas. She won’t even acknowledge her grandson, Boy. I had him, thinking she would learn to love me again. It didn’t work.” She paused. “But last trip, she has finally agreed to hear me out and offers me one day to make it right. And that day is tomorrow. If I don’t go I’ll lose my mother for good. And I need my mother.”

  Although Yvonna didn’t know what it was like to have a mother’s love, she certainly understood what it was like to be without it. “Can’t you just tell your uncle you wanna make up wit’ your mother? Is he that fucked up to deny you?”

  “He is evil man. I told him and he laughed in my face earlier today before I met you at restaurant. I was so angry that I slapped him in the face. He got mad, and grabbed my hair, and spit in my mouth. He likes drama. It does him good to know my mother…his sister…might cut me off forever. He plays me against her to forsake her. But if you make the drop, with Darcus, two people Ming trusts, then Ming can serve tea to her mother.”

  “Serve tea? Shouldn’t you be buying her ass a fly Gucci bag or somethin’?”

  “In China, it is tradition to serve tea when one is in submission and sorry. As I am.”

  Yvonna exhaled after hearing an earful. She felt like she went to China and back. “Do you think your uncle would try to kill me?”

  “My uncle would kill anybody to get his way.” Yvonna’s stomach churned. “But it is unlikely that he tried to kill you, because he knows little of you. Why?”

  “A long story.” She was referring to the bullet spree at the restaurant.

  Ming reached over and grabbed her hand. “Will you help me?”

  “Who you gonna tell your uncle made the drop?”

  “He has worked w
ith Darcus before, and things were good. I’ll tell him the both of you are going for me, after I’m on plane.”


  “Thank you so much! Ming loves you for this.”

  “Ming needs to pay me for this too.” Yvonna said sarcastically. “I’m takin’ a big risk.”

  “How much you ask?”

  “Since your feelings are hurt I’m not gonna hit you too hard,” they both laughed, “although I know you are sittin’ on millions.”

  “Ming knew you would snoop around eventually, so Ming left bank statement lying around. It was Ming’s way of telling you a little of her life at a time.”

  “Cool, I just need a little to get back on top and to set me and Delilah up. So, let’s say fifty thousand?”

  “You got it.”

  Yvonna felt a weight lifted off of her shoulders and then she looked at Darcus. He was still staring at her and she wasn’t sure if he was a rapist or what. Whatever issues he had, she knew he had better get over them. If he knew what was good for him.

  Bad Blood

  “I can’t believe you still talkin’ ‘bout this,” Yvonna said entering Brick’s house. She threw her purse on the sofa and placed her hands on her hips ready to get into his shit. “How was I to know Darcus and Cameo had beef?

  “You wouldn’t,” he said closing the door, tossing his keys on the counter, “But I told you, you could invite the Chinese chick, not anotha nigga.”

  “Do you want me to call Cameo and apologize? 'Cause all this you doin’ ain’t even necessary. It was a mistake on my part. I didn’t even expect Ming to bring his ass wit’ her. When I looked up, he was just there. Whateva’ happened to that shit about only the President bein’ able to get through the doors? Huh?”

  “Why do you breed so much drama?” He said to himself.

  “So you really blamin’ me for everything, includin’ Ming bringin’ Darcus?”

  “You know what…this arrangement might not work after all. Maybe you should stay over your home girl’s house or somethin’. My brother was right about you. You got too much shit wit’ you.”

  She was hurt that his brother, a man she’d never met, had already forged an opinion of her. “And you wonder why I run.” She said looking at him. “This why.”

  “I’m not tryin’ to even hear all of this shit right now.”

  “So you puttin’ me out?” she paused. She could’ve gone over Ming’s but suddenly, she didn’t want to. “Whateva happened to you bein’ there for me? You forgot about that already?”

  “Hey, Bricks,” Tina said entering the living room from the basement, “Delilah is sleep downstairs.” She put her jacket on and dangled her car keys, “I had my sister bring over my baby’s old portable playpen and some toys, so Delilah’s good,” she said to Yvonna. “She layin’ on it fast asleep.”

  “Thank you.” Yvonna sighed. “I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem.”

  “Where your kids?” He asked.

  “Greek came and got my kids and Tracey earlier today. You know their father can’t be wit’out ‘em too long.”

  He smiled and said, “Thanks for everything today, cuzo.”

  “You know we family. But is everything okay, here?” She asked looking at him. There was concern in her voice and Yvonna could tell that if Bricks said the wrong thing, she and his cousin would be engaged in a full fledge fistfight.

  “Uh…yeah, everything cool.”

  “Aight…Melvin called and said he back in town. He’ll be over tomorrow.”

  “Cool.” He said looking at Yvonna, who was walking around gathering her shit. His eyes said he wanted her to stop so that they could finish their conversation. But he had to wait to be away from his cousin’s watchful eyes. “Let me walk you outside.”

  “And I’ma go get my baby,” Yvonna said.

  “Don’t wake her up yet.”

  “You said you want me gone, so I’m gone.”

  “Just wait…please.” He said holding the door for his cousin.

  “Five minutes.” She said.

  Bricks walked Tina outside and came back inside. “Sit down.”

  “I gotta get ready to leave. You put me out remember?” She continued walking towards the bedroom to change her clothes.

  “Yvonna, sit the fuck down!”

  She stopped in her tracks but she didn’t sit down. “Make up your mind, Bricks. Do you want me to leave or stay? You can’t have it both ways.”

  “I don’t fuckin’ know right now. I’m not use to this shit!” He said to himself. “I know I shouldn’t be fuckin’ wit’ you.” He pointed at her. “And I know you shouldn’t be in my crib, but I gotta make sure you aight.”

  “That’s the only thing you wanna do? Make sure I’m aight? ‘Cause if that’s the case, I can call you everyday.”

  “See how you still runnin’ your mouth? Now I know you use to talkin’ to dudes any kinda way but that ain’t gonna work wit’ me. Now sit down!”

  “What’s up wit’ you and this sittin’ down shit?”

  “Please.” He said pointing to the couch.

  When she was seated he said, “That Jamaican cat your home girl fuckin’ wit’ ain’t good peoples.”


  “I’m tellin’ you too much but since we in a lot of shit together already I’ma put this on your plate too. He use to be our weed connect, but he got greedy and started overchargin’ niggas. The last time we dealt wit’ him, it was on a package he shorted us on. A lot of bodies dropped over somethin’ that coulda been handled man to man. Cameo got the short end of that transaction. We ain’t see each other again ‘til tonight.” Bricks flicked his shoes off. “Matta fact, I don’t even know why he’s here. He lives in Jamaica or some shit. How your girl know his ass anyway?”

  “I don’t know how she knows him,” she said, leaving out how just the other day she had his dick in her mouth while Ming ate her pussy. “It was my first time meetin’ him tonight.”

  “Well you better tell your girl to stay the fuck away from him.”

  “What Ming does with her pussy is her choice. I can’t make her stop seein’ nobody she don’t want to.”

  “And you call yourself a friend?” He laughed. “Wit’ friends like you, who need enemies?”

  “You finished?” she asked looking over at him. “Since you like women to say as little as possible I certainly don’t wanna interrupt you.”

  “I’m done.”

  “So I guess I’ll be getting’ my baby and my stuff to leave.”

  “I don’t want you to leave. Not tonight anyway. If you wanna go tomorrow, that’s cool wit’ me, you can do what you want. But you shouldn’t be taken that baby out this house tonight.”

  She knew Delilah wasn’t the only person he was concerned about. Brick’s eyes told her she held a place in his heart.

  “Well I guess I’ma go to sleep.” Before she walked downstairs she said, “Do you think your cousin Tina can watch Delilah for me tomorrow? I got somethin’ to do early.”

  “Maybe.” He said looking at her. “She got some things goin’ on during the day, but she may be able to handle it. I’ll call her tonight.”

  “Oh, can I stay downstairs instead of bringing the baby up here?” she said walking to the door. She really wasn’t ready to go to bed but she couldn’t just tell him. She wanted to be around him but her stubbornness wouldn’t allow her to. “I don’t feel comfortable sleepin’ in Kendal’s room.”

  “Yeah. I’ll pull the sofa bed out for you.” He said staring into her eyes.

  “What?” She asked.

  “Nothin’,” he spat back.

  Bricks got the bed together and Yvonna washed up and jumped into it. Delilah was fast asleep in the portable playpen, which was also a bed, a few feet away from her. She liked having Delilah around.

  In bed alone, she thought about what Bricks said. Who needs enemies when you have friends like you? She made up her mind to tell Ming about Darcus.

When she grabbed her phone out of her purse, she realized it was off. She turned if off by accident earlier that day and forgot. The moment the screen lit up, she saw twenty voicemails and they were all from Penny. She listened to a couple of them and erased most. But one voicemail she heard caused her to sit up straight in the bed.

  “Yvonna, yous got a hour to bring my baby home or I’m callin’ the police!”

  “What the fuck?” she said looking at the handset. “This bitch has lost her fuckin’ mind.”

  She knew she would trip when it was time for her to take her baby but she didn’t realize how attached she’d gotten. She decided not to feed into Penny’s bullshit for the minute and as long as she didn’t try to take her child away, she’d be fine.

  She redirected her attention to Ming and called her. “Ming, it’s Yvonna. You up?”

  “Yes. Ming has big day tomorrow. What’s up?” She said in a sleepy voice.

  “You left before a lot of shit broke out. But apparently, Darcus has bad blood with Bricks and Cameo. They say he shorted them on a package and everything. Maybe you shouldn’t have him goin’ wit’ me to New York. ”

  She yawned and said, “Ming knows, he told me about it when we left.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Ming, can’t remember everything, Yvonna. Just that they use to deal with each other and now they don’t. No need to worry, he’s fine. That was many years ago.”


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