Shyt List 3 (The Cartel Publications Presents)

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Shyt List 3 (The Cartel Publications Presents) Page 15

by Reign (T. Styles)

  “Unmotherly shit?!” She yelled. “You got me fucked –”

  She was so mad about what he said, that she slammed into the back of a car at the light. When the driver got out, the rage in his face frightened her.

  “If this nigga's smart, he’ll get back in the fuckin’ car,” Gabriella said filing her nails.

  “Bricks, hold on, I just got into an accident.”

  Yvonna stepped out of the car and got closer to the angry driver. She was pissed when she saw that the only damage he had was a knick to his black paint. It was so small you could barely see it.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” he screamed pointing to his black BMW. “ARE YOU ASLEEP OR FUCKIN’ DRIVIN’!?”

  “Look…ain’t shit wrong wit’ your car,” she said turning around to walk away. “So stop bein’ a fuckin’ sissy.”

  She gave him her ass to kiss and strutted back to her car. But the moment she opened the car door to slide into her seat, he placed his banana hand on the handle, preventing her from closing it fully. Now he had fucked up.

  “You got five seconds to get the fuck off my car.” She said calmly.

  “Bitch, you betta get back out here and wait for the police,” he said maintaining his hold on her door. “Think you gonna hit a nigga’s car and roll out?”

  Yvonna positioned her body so that her feet were sitting flatly on the street, and then she looked around only to see mounds of people watching.

  “I can’t stand rubberneckers!” she said out loud.

  She hated them even more considering they were also witnesses. Thinking on her feet, she hung up on Bricks, and went to the video camera setting on her phone. When she was there, she held it in her hands. But she didn’t record just yet.

  The moment he turned away, she took her long foot and kicked his phone out of his hands. It fell to the ground and crashed into a bunch of tiny pieces. Now it was time for action so she hit the record button on the phone and positioned it in her lap.

  Pissed she’d just broken his phone, he lunged toward her in full attack mode. And this sudden act of violence is what the witnesses saw. She allowed him to approach her and put his hands on her throat. But when she had enough, she kicked him in his penis and he doubled over and fell to the ground.

  Then she screamed, “Rape!” and kicked him in his mouth while he was down. “Somebody help me!”

  Sure it was mighty convenient that the man whose car she had just crashed into was suddenly about to rape her but she didn’t care about how fake it looked to other people. She just cared that they looked. Witnesses gathered and she tried to hide her pleasure.

  When she was done beating him for all that he was worth, she turned off her video recorder and in a voice that only he could hear said, “I got a tape of you attacking me, if I hear something about a hit and run I’m gonna take this shit to the police. Just take this whack ass lil’ BMW down the street and leave me alone.”

  With him still on the ground, she got back into her car, and swung the door outward so that it hit him slam in the forehead. He fell on his back and she closed her door. Instead of going on about her business, Yvonna’s evil ass rammed into the back of the man’s car breaking his bumper. When she backed up and pulled out, she smiled at the damage she’d caused. Once far enough from the scene, she called Bricks.

  “Are you aight?” he asked excitedly. “Were you hurt?”

  “Fuck that! Let me tell you something, you don’t know nothin’ ‘bout me bein’ a mother. I’m a damn good mother. I love my daughter, and everything I do including keepin’ time wit’ you to get rid of this nigga is for her. So don’t ever disrespect me again.”

  “When you comin’ to pick her up? ‘Cause I’m not ‘bout to argue wit’ you ‘bout this shit. I got somewhere to be in a hour.”

  All the arguing in the world didn’t change the fact that she had to pick up Delilah before going to her meeting in Virginia. But who could she get to watch her at such short notice? She would rather kill Penny then to ask her to watch her baby again. And Ming was out of town. Then she remembered her sister Jesse and smiled. She hadn’t talked to her since she’d been home, but she was sure she’d love to do it. She had been spending a lot of time with her niece while Yvonna was hospitalized and they had a good bond.

  “I’ll be on my way in twenty minutes to get Delilah. And don’t worry, I won’t ask you for anything else again.”

  She pulled over on the side of the road and tried to remember Jesse’s number. Her nails tapped on the steering wheel and suddenly, she thought she saw Martin Lawrence walk across the street. Remembering what happened at the club with Bricks she closed her eyes tightly opened them back and again Martin Lawrence was there.

  “Please stop,” she said to herself. “Please…please…please stop.”

  Pressing her fingers firmly against her eyes, she counted…one…two…three. When she reopened her eyes he was gone, and she remembered Jesse’s number.

  “I don’t know why you callin’ that bitch!” Gabriella said angrily, “She doesn’t care ‘bout you or that kid.”

  What bothered her about Gabriella’s comment wasn’t that she expressed loathe toward her sister, but that if Gabriella felt hate for Jesse, that somewhere deep inside herself, she felt hate toward her sister too. After all, she had learned in the institution that Gabriella was only an extension of who she really was and what she really felt.

  “Shut up! I love my sister!” She said rubbing her throbbing temples. A passing driver looked as she talked to herself in her car.

  “That bitch doesn’t love you!”

  “Go away!” Yvonna screamed. “Go away! I don’t need you!”

  “Mam, are you okay?” A lady asked passing her on the street.

  “Bitch, get your sloop footed ass away from my car!”

  The woman ran away and since Gabriella was gone, she called Jesse. “Hello?” Jesse said when Yvonna called her.

  “Jesse…it’s me, Yvonna.”

  “Hey! Where have you been?” She sounded excited to hear from her and that made her smile. “Is this your new number?”

  “Yeah. Lock it in your phone too.”

  “I already did!” she said happily. “I called Penny’s earlier and she says you aren’t staying there anymore. She sounded upset.”

  “You know how Penny is,” Yvonna said softly.

  “Oh…well…I was hoping we could get together before I go back to school tomorrow.” She said skipping the subject. “I haven’t seen you in months.”

  “It’s time for you to go back to college already?” Yvonna asked, wishing she had the kind of life that would have allowed her to go to school.

  “Actually it’s not. But I have a new roommate in my dorm room in UCLA and I want to make sure I keep an eye on my stuff when she moves in. But I want to see my big sister before I leave. Hope I’m not being too mushy.”

  It was still weird to Yvonna that she could hold a conversation with her sister despite their violent past. After all, she was the reason Jesse had to wear a prosthetic limb.

  “You not being too mushy. Maybe we can see each other before you leave tomorrow.”

  “I’d like that! Yvonna,” Jesse paused, “How have you been? Have things been working out with your treatment?”

  “Yeah. I’m not having any issues like I use to,” she said despite seeing Gabriella sitting in the passenger seat earlier. “And I’m not violent either,” she continued with her lies, despite drop kicking a man a few miles back.

  Yvonna could hear Jesse smile through the phone. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Jesse, I have an important meeting to go to today, and I can’t take Delilah with me. Do you mind watchin’ your niece for me? For a couple hours?”

  “Sure…but I’m sure Penny could do it for you.”

  “I’m asking you,” Yvonna said, not wanting her to know that there was tension between she and Penny. “I figure this will give you some time to be with your niece while helping me out
at the same time.”

  “No problem. I’m at the old house. I’ll see you when you get here.”

  Yvonna jotted to Bricks house, grabbed her baby and left without a word to him. The more they fought, and he stayed, the more she felt a connection toward him, and that scared her most of all. Once she dropped Jesse off, she was on her way to Virginia when her phone rang.

  “Hello,” Yvonna said in an irritated tone. “Who is this?”

  “You shouldn’t use this phone if you wanna live. You really made him angry by killing his cousin. Please protect your family and go as far away as possible.”


  “Hello…hello!” She screamed looking at the phone. “Tell me who you are?”

  It was too late; once again, the caller was gone.

  Down To The Wire

  Jona, Peter, Guy, Lily and Terrell met at the usual motel to discuss the new details on Yvonna.

  “So what’s up?” Lily asked nonchalantly, “This thing has caused us too much time and we want to round it up.”

  “I found out a lot.” Terrell said convincingly. “And it’s changed my stance on this whole situation. I don’t think she’s the monster we made her out to be.”

  “You’re kidding right?” Lily asked looking at the others. Their eyes told Terrell that conversations occurred about him behind his back.

  “I’m very serious, Lily. This girl has gone through a lot.”

  “And we haven’t?” She laughed. “So tell us, what has the good doctor learned that will make us forget about all of the people she’s killed? And that our own lives might be in danger?”

  “Before I go any further, does anybody remember the name Penny Hightower?”

  “Penny Hightower?” Guy repeated looking at his partner Peter.

  “Yeah.” Terrell confirmed.

  “That’s the woman who Yvonna was staying with before she turned herself into the institution. She’s like her guardian or somethin’. Why?”

  “I knew I recognized the name.” Terrell said in validation remembering her at Yvonna’s first court trial. “Can you speak to her? It seems there’s a connection between Gabriella and Yvonna”

  “You know they took us off the case.” Guy said. “They hired some new detectives who believe Yvonna isn’t involved in any of this. So unless we just make a house call, there’s no way we can justify to our superiors why we’re even talking to her. She could file a harassment case and we’ll lose our badges.”

  “He’s right. I say the less people we bother the better. That way when we do decide to move on this, we won’t have awakened a bunch of witnesses.”

  Terrell scratched his head, placed his hand on his hip and paced the room. “What if I met with her alone? I can pretend I’m asking about information on an old patient or something like that. I won’t even elude to Yvonna…just Gabriella.”

  “Look…I already said it’s not a good idea,” Peter said seriously. His brows creased. “So don’t push it.”

  “Is that all you got?” Lily questioned. “You’ve wasted all this time only to tell us Penny’s name and a possible association?”

  “Yes. I mean…no. I found out that Penny and the pastor from the church where Gabriella was last seen, were together at one point and time. And Penny was also in charge of some place where Gabriella was being housed and abused.” Their expressions remained stone and he could tell they needed more. “Anyway, the pastor’s oldest son and Gabriella were close. It was during the same time Yvonna was in the picture.

  “From what I understand, Gabriella and Yvonna were in some kind of children’s hell hole together. My informant, who was later killed after I met with him, said that Gabriella was some kind of child hero in this place. It’s probably why Yvonna developed the Gabriella personality to protect her because she was that to her when they were kids. So if I can find out what Yvonna went through, maybe I could prevent her from killing in the future and we won’t need to kill her.”

  “Wait…so you want to save her instead of killing her?” Guy asked.

  “What I’m saying is that I think we should hold off,” Terrell said, “I think we should not make a move until I find out more information.”

  Lily laughed and shook her head. “I told you all,” she said looking at the others. “He has no intention in moving on this matter.”

  “Don’t you get it? Somewhere out there, some place exists which abuses children. We can be heroes if we can get Yvonna to recall where this place is.” He paused looking around the room.

  “I’m not interested in being a hero! I’m interested in living.” Lily interjected.

  “But maybe I…I can…get her some therapy or something,” he said to no one in particular. “And maybe I can put her under hypnosis and find out more information. I don’t know,” he said shrugging his shoulders. “I do know that until we find out what happened in that place, we should hold off.”

  Lily walked up to him and left a few spaces in between them in case he wanted to strike her. “We’ve decided to kill Yvonna in two days. With or without you.”

  “What?” Terrell asked with great confusion. “You…discussed this without me?” Their betrayal hurt him.

  “We had no choice,” Peter said. “You’re roaming around here like some fuckin’ super psychiatrist and forgetting what matters. I’m sorry, Terrell, but I haven’t been able to sleep since I found out she was home. And already, people are dying.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Treyana’s husband, Avante, was found strangled to death in his home. They think it’s some kind of sick sexual lunatic but I think not. I’m sure it was Yvonna. She probably chased him down because of his involvement with Treyana and she won’t let up until everyone who knows anything is dead.” Guy continued. “Including us.”

  “So we’re sorry, man, but we have to move on this.” Peter added. “We can waste no more time.”

  “I’m begging you,” Terrell pleaded with deep sympathy in his eyes, “don’t kill her yet. Let me talk to her. If I see one inkling of murder in her eyes I’ll kill her myself. I promise you.”

  “Terrell, just stop! You’re making yourself look ridiculous!” Jona screamed getting up from her sitting position on the bed. Normally she was quiet in the meetings but the thought of losing Terrell because of his sick insatiable desire to save Yvonna was too much to bear. “I don’t feel comfortable either with her being home. And I didn’t want to tell you this but in my meeting with her, she told me she would kill me. Soon.”

  “What?” he said, his face screwed up. “You never told me anything like that?”

  “Yes I did,” she lied.

  “No you didn’t,” he said sternly. “I would’ve remembered that. I think you said something about her being jealous or some shit like that. But that was the extent of it.”

  “You were so wrapped up in finding her that you haven’t paid me much attention lately,” she said giving the group too much information on their relationship.

  Terrell looked at her in disgust. He knew she was lying but he also knew the others believed her. If he gave her a piece of his mind, he’d only succeed at making himself look more ridiculous and she’d win their favor.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you, Jona,” he said softly, “I’m just saying something that important, I would’ve remembered.”

  “Do you care more about Yvonna than your own fiancé?” Lily asked. “How cold can you really be?”

  “Of course I care about her!” He said looking at Jona who was now sobbing. “That’s…that’s not what I’m saying.”

  “Then it’s settled, the bitch dies in two days,” Lily said rubbing Jona’s back who had suddenly fallen to pieces on the bed. “With or without you she dies.”


  “Oh shit! I think she’s drowning!” A young white man yelled as he sat by the poolside on a green lawn chair. “Somebody go get her!”

  “I’m not fuckin’ wit’ that sick bitch. She said she wanted to get i
n there, let her stay in there.” An older black man said before pulling on a glass weed pipe.

  “Are ya’ll gonna get her or not?” A red haired white female asked as she stood by the sliding door connected to the pool. “Ya’ll brought her here ya’ll go get her. I don’t want the cops in my house on account of a dead bitch.”

  When no one moved, she decided she had to go save her. Diving into the water fully clothed, she pulled Yvonna out and placed her on the poolside. The men realizing she was really hurt rushed to her side. The black man performed CPR until water escaped her mouth. When she opened her eyes, three people she didn’t recognize were standing over top of her.

  “Are you okay, Gabriella?” The black man asked. Yvonna recognized him as Jeff, the man who sold her the Lidocaine.

  “Where am I?”

  “You’re at my house.” Jeff said. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” she said coughing up more water. “How long have I been here?”

  “Since yesterday.” He said.

  Yvonna hopped up and looked at herself. She was wearing a red bathing suit and she couldn’t remember a thing. The longer she went without medication, the more reckless she became. The last thing she recalled was meeting with Jeff and making the fake cocaine with mashed speed pills and the Lidocaine combined. The next thing she knew, she was laying by the poolside with strange lips on top of hers.

  “What happened?”

  “Bitch you know what happened!” The white female said lunging toward her. The men held her back. “You came with my cousin Chris over here, and instead of being with him, you decided you wanted to fuck my husband Jeff. You’re a drunk who can’t handle her liquor and I want you out of here.”

  Yvonna could’ve screamed on her but she didn’t have the time. Besides, a whole day had gone by and she hadn’t remembered.


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