Hot Rocket

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Hot Rocket Page 3

by Stowe, Dani

  Fuck! It hurts. I yell in agony because I swear to God I want to put this fucker down.

  “Oh my God!” cries Keiko.

  She’s in tears and my heart breaks as my buddies hold me back. I try to reach for her as she is escorted away—away to safety, away from the fight, away from me.

  “Damn, man! Calm down. We gotta go!” says Vollmer, who’s got me in a chokehold. “We need to get you home before somebody calls the police and you get in real trouble.”

  Bleau pulls at me and gets under one arm as Vollmer gets under the other to help me walk forward.

  “So, it is her,” states Bleau, but I don’t say a word. “She’s unbelievable. Amazing, really. I don’t think you should be messing with her,” Bleau continues and I’m starting to fume again.

  “I agree with Bleau, man. She’s out of your league,” Vollmer concedes. “That’s probably why she let you go. She’s like royalty to the Air Guard. Hell, to the country. Honestly, she’s not worth the fight. I can see how you might’ve easily fallen for her in just a few days, but it’s obvious you were a fuck toy. She was twiddling with your prick, man.”

  “No, she wasn’t,” I insist, but just then someone pushes me hard on my back and I nearly fall forward. I’m so irritated—I’m going to put this asshole down. Right. Now.

  I raise my fist and turn to take a punch as I jerk forward and it’s Keiko. She skips back and falls on her ass onto the asphalt; her face expresses terror.

  I drop to my knees. “I’m so sorry, baby. I would never hurt you.” I reach for her hands, but she pulls them away.

  “Who are you?” she bawls.


  “Hey! We gotta go. HPD is here,” Vollmer announces as he tries to get me up.

  From the corner of my eye, I see flashing blue lights and I turn to see two white cars labeled with the insignia of the Hawaii Police Department. I look back to Keiko.

  “Please go,” she says as she dusts rocks from her hands. But I can’t. I can’t move.

  “Get out of here!” she yells as she rubs her hands together harder trying to rid herself of dirt. “Will you fucking take off before you get us all in trouble, including me?” she whines.

  I get up to stand on my feet and Bleau pulls at me again. We hustle to his car in the parking lot. As I get inside, I think about Keiko on the ground, which reminds me of the time I got in trouble as a little kid for throwing rocks at a girl.

  I hear my father in my head. “You’re a good boy, Jet. Angry, but a good boy. If you can find a way to turn that anger into something positive, you’ll be an unstoppable force no girl will be able to resist and you won’t have to throw rocks to get her attention.”

  I fucked up. I feel like such a dumbass rather than a Badass because I didn’t just fuck up with Keiko once, but twice now.

  Chapter 4

  Ugh. I get out of bed, patting my bruised face, and hit the john. Looking at my face in the bathroom mirror just pisses me off and leaves a bad taste in my mouth from last night. Trying to dilute the mental image of being punched by that dickhead captain, I brush my teeth and walk to the kitchen of my dormitory.

  Filling the glass coffee pot with water, I can almost feel the wet splash on my face from two months ago. I reminisce about Keiko and me in the tub together at the hotel when she splashed my face, trying to start something sexual. I think about her long legs as she sat across from me. She spread them wide open as I lifted her bubble-covered feet and wrapped them around me.

  As I reach for the coffee and a filter, I remember the mornings we shared drinking java in a nearby café. She was always looking up to the sky. It made me desire her more though I’m not sure if it was because I was attracted to her obsession with the celestial bodies beyond the clouds or because I was jealous she was more interested in what was up there than what was right in front of her.

  I became more eager to impress her, so I challenged myself to be the nicest, sweetest, most charming guy she would ever come across. I was considerate. I was gentle. I was polite. It wasn’t my norm, but I found the endeavor to be quite exciting and fun—and she seemed to like it.

  My phone rings, snapping me out of my fond memory. I hit the brew button on the coffee machine and walk back to the bed to reach for my phone. Looking at the screen, I know I am in big trouble. Damn it!

  “Good morning, sir,” I say to my commander.

  “Good morning, Airman. Your Badass is in deep shit.”

  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry about last night. I thought I was defending—”

  “I don’t want to hear your lame-ass excuse. I’ve already spoken with Captain Foskett, as well his superiors, and we will have to issue you an Article 15.”

  Article 15. My brothers are going to be pissed. I don’t give a shit about the reduction in rank or pay or what my commander thinks; but when my Badass older brothers hear, the shit will hit the fan, as the embarrassment will be enough to get me an ass chewing.

  “What about the Captain?”

  “Which one?”

  “Foskett,” I inquire. “He punched me while I was down. What does he get?”

  “Are you kidding?” laughs my commander. “He’s a jet pilot that flies a million-dollar plane. He gets a scolding. You get fucked.”


  “And Matsuura? Is she in trouble, because she had nothing to do with it.”

  “Matsuura was never there. And you will never go there again. Is that clear?”

  Never there? She really is royalty.

  The smell of fresh coffee fills my nostrils and makes my heart float as I’m reminded of the scent of coffee and Keiko in the morning in the five days we were together.

  “Badass!” roars my commander. “You need to answer me when I ask you a question. I don’t know how you ever got involved with Captain Keiko Matsuura or to what degree, but I’m telling you right now she is the poster child for the Air Guard. She is practically a celebrity on this island. I’ve met her as well as her family. She’s extremely nice, like her parents—well-spoken, smart, and decent human beings. Captain Matsuura is out of your league and I don’t want you contacting her. Be respectful of the higher powers at work here and learn from them. Learn from her. Be decent. Be the nice guy for a change and leave her the fuck alone.”

  Be the nice guy.

  My commander sighs. “Specialist, can I get confirmation you understand what I’m asking you?”

  I was the nice guy. I am the nice guy. It’s the other guy who yanked at her. I was just stepping in to defend her. At least, I’m pretty sure I was.

  My commander yells. “Fuck stick! Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir. I understand.” My phone buzzes; I have another call. I have no doubt it’s Vollmer calling to check on me and thank God because I need a friend right now.

  “You’re restricted to the base through the weekend,” says my commander through another phone buzz. “Don’t leave. I know your history. I’m not trying to be cruel to a Badass because I knew your father, but I think you need some time to cool off. Steer clear of Captain Matsuura. There is to be no communication. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir,” I mutter.

  “I’ll see you in my office on Monday at o eight hundred hours.”

  “Yes, sir,” I growl this time.

  Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. It’s fucking ridiculous.

  Vollmer was right. I should’ve never wasted so much time thinking about one chick. My whole fucking career could be at stake.

  To think. I tried to defend her when I hardly even knew her and who she really was!

  I fucked the woman for five days and she didn’t want anything to do with me afterward. I wasted all that time thinking, hoping, and wishing we might run into one another one day and she still might like me. I’m like the little boy I once was throwing rocks across a fence at my neighbor hoping a little girl would take notice and want to play.

  Keiko, I’m sure, probably thinks the same way my neighbor did when we were kids—
she’s too good for me because she has the perfect life with a perfect future, which is supported by her perfect family living in a perfect house. I, on the other hand, am just a leftover rugrat, abused like a dog—pitiful, but with enough esteem to know I should at least be appreciative to be in the company of so much perfection.

  Fuck them. Fuck the Captains. And fuck her.

  I press the green round call button to switch lines and answer the phone.

  “Jet,” says Keiko.

  Fuck me.

  Chapter 5

  “Meet me for coffee, later,” Keiko cheerily chirps into the phone like nothing’s happened. “I know a little café a few blocks from Waikiki Beach. Meet me there and we can talk.”

  I don’t know what she thinks she’s doing. “I’ve been ordered not to leave the base.”

  “Then come to my hangar. I’m here. Right now. I’ll show you my plane. I know you want to see my plane, Jet,” she teases.

  “I’ve also been ordered not to communicate with you.”

  There’s a long pause as her breathing competes with the sound of my heart beating in my ears. I want to say something, but I can’t figure out if I should be cool or upset. Plus, I might just fuck up again.

  It’s obvious she wants to say something though nothing is coming out of her mouth until she finally cusses. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

  “There’s nothing wrong with me. What’s wrong with you? Why are you calling me? You’re too good to be calling me.”

  “What are you talking about? Why are you behaving like an asshole?”

  “Because I am an asshole.” I feel my face flush again and it makes my sore cheek throb. “How about the Captain you were with last night? Now that’s a bigger asshole, but apparently, you like assholes because you clearly like him better than you like me. You didn’t want anything to do with me at the end of our five days together. You didn’t ask for my number or anything.”

  She snaps, “You didn’t ask for mine either!”

  There’s another long pause and my coffee pot starts gurgling, letting me know the brew cycle is nearly complete.

  “Why did you lie?” she asks. “Why would you lie about being a pilot in the military?”

  I sigh. “I am a pilot. I fly, just not for the military—for fun.”

  “What else did you lie about?” she asks.

  “Nothing, but I wasn’t the only one who lied. You didn’t tell me you were some worshipped, sexy, super geek destined to be the next man—or woman on the moon.”

  “I didn’t lie,” she insists, “I just didn’t tell the whole truth because I didn’t want you to get scared off. A lot of guys can’t handle what I do or my motivation. They become alarmed like they’ll lose their alpha points or something. Be honest, Jet. Would you still have spent all that time with me if you knew I was your superior.”


  I laugh. “I wouldn’t have been so nice. I would’ve fucked you a lot harder that’s for sure.”

  “Why are you acting this way?” she snivels.

  “Why aren’t you acting like my superior?” I demand to know. “I just found out you’re supposed to be some hot-shot, super fly-girl, but it sounds like you’re just another whiny little brat—too spoiled by her mommy and daddy to handle rejection. Between the two of us, you’re the bigger fraud because deep down you’re just a selfish wench who wants what she wants and tramples over people without any consideration about how she might affect another person, like the almighty superior you think are.”

  I hear a click.

  “Keiko?” I call out. She’s hung up.

  I drop the phone and fall face-forward onto my bed. Banging on the mattress with my fists a few times, I accidentally hit myself in the face—right in the spot where I was punched last night. The pain is more unbearable than before, especially because I did it to myself—fucked up again.

  I roll onto on my back and sense the aroma of freshly brewed coffee is trying to envelop me—remind me. The titillating scent prompts the first morning Keiko and I went to have coffee together. It smelled of dark roasted beans harvested from a distant rainforest mixed with freshly baked croissants and spiced lattes; the smell filled nearly every corner of my senses. The rest was consumed with her big, beaming-white smile and soft exhales between pursed pink lips as she tried to cool her coffee.

  Reluctantly pushing myself up off the bed, I slip on a pair of jeans and put on a t-shirt, even though I know I’m not going anywhere. I head over to the coffeepot to pour myself a cup and realize I’ve already brushed my teeth, so I’ve ruined my first cup for the day because a fresh cup of coffee does not go down well with freshly brushed teeth.

  Nothing, and I mean nothing—not even an ice-cold glass of water goes well with a freshly minted mouth, except...


  Pussy is by far the only thing palatable enough to go with a minty mouth and now? I want to lick Keiko’s clit. The itch on my tongue to taste something other than mint shoots straight to my groin. I want to fuck that woman but first with my tongue and sink my teeth into her thighs, her lips, her tits.

  I fix my hair and grab my keys. I make sure to lock the door before I head to my rusty ol’ Bronco and next thing I know, I’m driving around base on an early Saturday morning in search of any sign that might lead me to Captain Keiko Matsuura’s office, which is likely inside of a hangar that belongs to the Air Guard.

  Driving between hangars under a cloudless and gorgeous early morning blue sky, I figure if my commander were to find me seeking out the Captain I’d get in bigger trouble than I am in already but I don’t fucking care.

  I pull into a suspicious hangar with fighter jets stationed out front and park my Bronco. I know the area pretty well, but this is the one hangar I’m not familiar with, which makes me figure it must be hers otherwise we would’ve run into each other by now.

  Walking into the hangar, I immediately see long, black hair, which falls above a poppin’ pretty ass sealed tight in a green flight suit.

  I look around and there’s no one in sight. My shoes scuffle against the concrete floor as I walk towards the poppin’ heart-shaped ass and Keiko turns to see me.

  Her eyes squint with suspicion and she starts walking backward into an office as I make my way across the hangar to her. She’s shaking her head and her face is red—she looks pissed.

  I pick up my pace because she’s about to slam the office door on me and I barge through.

  “Get out,” she barks as she backs up against her desk and I get distracted. Plastered across the walls are astronomical posters and framed certifications and awards.

  She picks up a pen and throws it at me bringing me back to earth. “You’re an asshole!”

  “Yep.” I shut the door behind me.

  She looks nervous, but there’s something else behind her voice and stance; she’s curious about the asshole who showed his face last night at the ball and is here now. She sniffles. “I don’t know you at all.”

  “Nope,” I say as my fingertips reach the top of her flight suit and get a hold of her zipper.

  She smacks me in the face.

  Ugh! Right in my bruised cheek!

  “Don’t fucking hit me!” I shout stepping right up to her. She’s breathing heaving in my face and I want to bite those lips.

  “Then, stop behaving like this is. What happened to the starry-eyed man I met two months ago? I had no idea you were such a callous asshole.”

  “But you like assholes.”

  She slaps me again.

  Goddamn it! “Ow!” I yell.

  I fist her hair and bring her eye-to-eye with me. “If you slap me one more time, Captain Keiko Matsuura, I’m going to bend you over this desk and slap that ass so hard, you’ll be starry-eyed for days.”

  From the corner of my eye, I see her raise her arm. She’s going to slap me! She wants to get fucked.

  She takes a deep breath as she winds her arm back and slings it towards me.

  I block
it, grip her wrist, and twist it behind her back as I bend her over the desk and I smack her ass hard.

  “Nnnn,” she whines but she doesn’t fight me so I smack her ass again—harder. I smack her so hard once more, I’m sure she’s felt the sting of my hand through the fabric of her flight suit.

  But with the last smack, I grab. I can’t help but wonder what her ass looks like underneath. I bet it’s as red as an apple and I bend down to bite her juicy butt.

  “Ah!” she yelps and I clench her bubble ass, gripping it between my fingers so I’m pinching the whole thing hard in my palm.

  Her ass is shaking. I’m sure it hurts and she tries to get up but I smack her ass again and push her back down.

  I’m growling when I speak. I want her to know who’s in charge. “I know why you didn’t want to stay in contact.”

  I use both hands to keep her in place as I rock my hips to grind my hard cock against her pussy hidden beneath her flight suit and she gasps. “I know why you didn’t want to keep my number.”

  I pull at her hair, lifting her just enough off the desk so I can slip my hand around her front to grip the zipper of her flight suit and I pull it down. “Little Miss Smarty Pants doesn’t want a nice guy to fuck her all the time.”

  I pull her up to feel her back against me and I slip my hand under the fold of her flight suit and under her bra.

  “Oh, Jet,” she gasps as I grab a hold of her tit and knead it.

  “You missed me?” I ask with a nip on her ear.

  “I missed you,” she pants and I pinch her nipple so hard she jerks and I grip her body tight.

  “You sure?”

  “Captain!” We hear a voice call out.

  “No,” she whines softly.

  “Captain Matsuura,” a man calls again.

  I recognize the voice. It’s Captain Foskett—the nice guy. The guy I’m sure Keiko hangs with because he’s so fucking nice—Mr. Fucks-It-Nicely.

  Keiko frantically fixes her flight suit and tries to straighten her hair.

  A knock resounds and I turn around to see Fucks-It-Nicely open the office door.

  “Sir,” I nod.


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