When Wolves Love

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by J. R. Fates

  When Wolves Love

  Us Against the Wolves Book 2

  All photos used in this book, including the cover photo were made available under a Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) and sourced from Flickr.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 1

  “How sweet of you,” was the first thing Noah Sinclair said when saw Adam Harrison standing by the doorway of his Literature classroom.

  Adam looked out of breath, with windswept blond hair and a heaving chest. Beads of sweat grouped around the sides of his forehead and then trickled down his sharp, angular cheeks and jawline. Noah was tempted to give Adam a kiss, leaning a bit forward, but stopped when someone passing by coughed loudly and eyed the two of them. At the warning, Noah let out a deep sigh and ran a hand through his jet-black hair.

  “Are you kidding me?” Noah asked, his tone incredulous, as he directed the question more to himself than to Adam. “It’s been two months! I would’ve thought they’d be used to ‘us’ by now!”

  At that, Adam laid a hand on Noah’s shoulder and squeezed it before he pulled it back and let it fall at his side.

  “Let them be,” Adam said, as they started walking to the football field.

  It had become routine for them already, routine for Adam to pick Noah up from his last class for the day, so the two could squeeze in some time together before Adam had to go to football practice and Noah to band rehearsal. When they made the announcement that they were a couple, during the football game in which Adam scored the winning touchdown, there had been mixed reactions from the crowd. One half was supportive and congratulated them on coming out, for being courageous, and for being an inspiration to others who were scared and still hiding. For the other half though, Adam and Noah didn’t miss the sneers and jeers they received. They didn’t have it as bad as the other same-sex couples in their high school though. No one dared to taunt them; no one left hateful messages; no one bullied them and aired their disapproval. They wouldn’t. They couldn’t or else they’d have to go against two of the most popular cliques in school – the athletes and the musicians.

  When Adam came out and announced his relationship with Noah, Noah’s group was more accepting. Soon enough, not only Thomas knew, but everyone else in his band, Kiss Kiss Bang, and then the rest of the musicians in school. As for Adam’s clique, it was harder to get them on his side. The female athletes were all supportive though. They were both sad and happy even, sad because Adam and Noah could never be available to them any longer and happy because, according to Brittany, the head cheerleader, “It’s sexy that you and Noah are together. That’s hot.”

  As for the male athletes however, there was no denying the shift in attitude. The guys acted weird around Adam when they were in the locker rooms. Before, they could all be naked and could tease and joke one another. Now, none of his friends dared to do that anymore. They always wore towels every time Adam was with them.

  It was making him crazy to be honest, and Adam just wanted to tell them off and shout, “Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I find any of you attractive!” but he kept it to himself. He was already on thin ice, losing close friends because of being gay. If he lost his reputation as the leader of the jocks, then Noah and Adam wouldn’t be completely immune to the teasing and bullying they’d receive from the school’s population.

  “Hey,” Noah’s raspy voice cut his train of thought. He’d been burying himself in band practice the past days and overworking himself had made his voice raspy, but Adam wasn’t going to complain. Noah sounded hot. “You alright? I hope you’re thinking about me.”

  At that, Adam automatically tipped the corners of his lips up into a small grin. It was sexy, disarming even, and Noah was ever so happy to be the recipient of such.

  “You wish,” he teased. “I’m just thinking about…”

  With the way Adam furrowed his eyebrows together and bit his lip in contemplation, Noah knew. “That again?” he asked. “You regret coming out, don’t you? It’s been months…”

  “No,” Adam said quickly, finality in his tone of voice. “Of course, I don’t. I just wish we could do what other couples do in public…”

  “Speaking of which…” came Noah’s response, a teasing lilt in his voice.

  When they turned a left and arrived at the perimeter of the football field, they saw Brittany in a liplock with Grant Fuller, the captain of the basketball team. Her hands were all over his chest and back while his were slowly making their way towards her bum. Brittany kept her moans of pleasure as silent as she could make them, and Noah couldn’t help but smirk at the two.

  “So you want the public to know the kind of sounds you make when I-”

  Adam’s hand quickly flew up to cover Noah’s mouth. Against his hand, Noah tried to move his lips and fight Adam’s strength. Noah was tempted to play dirty and use a little bit of his ‘extra’ strength. He was a shifter after all, and he barely made use of his special abilities. He went against the idea though. Using his abilities could expose Adam and him, and no one could know they were shifters. No one could know they could turn to wolves at will and kill without much effort. Being a homosexual couple? They could handle the judgmental looks and remarks. Being supernatural wolves? The crowd would have their heads on a plate.

  “I’ll let go, but you have to keep quiet,” Adam whispered against Noah’s ear. Adam was standing squarely behind him, and Noah could feel the rise and fall of Adam’s chest against his back. At Noah’s faint nod, Adam unwound his arm from Noah’s chest before he moved his hand away from Noah’s mouth.

  “Awww,” Brittany cooed. Grant and she were finally done having vertical sex, and Adam wished they just walked away. They both had practice to go to, so why were they walking towards Noah and him? “Rough play? Out here in the open?” she then said, shifting her mischievous eyes from Adam and then to Noah. “You two definitely are my O-T-P.”

  “O-T-P?” Adam and Noah looked at one another in confusion.

  “One true pairing!” she exclaimed, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Before she could say any more, Grant got a hold of her hand and pulled her in the direction of where the rest of the cheerleaders were.

  “You’re scaring them off, babe,” Grant said before he gave Adam a salute. “See ya, Harrison,” then said the captain of the basketball team.

  “Back at ya,” said Adam in reply. Then, Grant moved his eyes to look at Noah. He tipped his head faintly to give him a nod, which Noah returned.

  “I have to say I judged Brittany wrongly,” Noah said softly. There were still a few minutes left until football practice started, so they stayed at the sides. “I thought she was the worst…head cheerleader, attitude problem, you know? But she’s the most supportive of you, of us, from your clique.”

  “So does that mean…?”

  “I think I hate her a little bit less now,” Noah then said, a twinkle in his amused eyes.

  At that, Adam pulled the edge of his lips up into a small smile. “She caught me by surprise as well. Anyway, enough about her. Come to my house after your band practice, alright?”

  “As always.” Noah was tempted to lean forward and kiss him, but he stopped himself before he could. “Goodluck with training. Break a leg.”

  Adam furrowed his eyes together and glared at Noah, who only shook his head and let out a laugh. Adam could see the twinkle and happiness in Noah’s eyes. He knew it was because of him. He made Noah happy
, and Noah knew he made Adam as happy as well. As long as they were together, to hell what other people thought.

  Chapter 2

  “Uh-…ugh…” Noah breathed, as his back felt the hard surface of his bedroom wall. Hands. Adam’s hands. They were raking over his bare chest, sending bursts of heat wherever he touched him. Noah opened his eyes for a moment; he could see his crumpled shirt strewn over his desk chair a few feet away. Then, all he saw was blond. Adam’s hair. Adam was kissing his neck relentlessly, kissing and biting, and Noah balled his hands into fists at his sides. “A-Adam…the…gig,” Noah then said in between heavy breaths, as Adam continuously used lips, teeth, and tongue to mark Noah.

  “I can’t understand you,” came Adam’s quick response, and before Noah could talk and explain, Adam crashed his lips against his, and they both knew Noah was a goner.

  Noah unclenched his hands at his sides before his fingers found the tip of Adam’s polo shirt. With a swift tug, Noah pulled the cotton up and over Adam’s head and threw it on his bed a few feet away. Noah couldn’t help but edge his lips up into a mischievous smirk at the sight of Adam shirtless. He really wouldn’t get tired of the view, never ever. Sinewy lines marked the expanse of Adam’s skin, from the toned waves in his arms to the stony ripples in his back and stomach. Noah’s favorite though was the two diagonal lines that peeked out from Adam’s beige shorts.

  ‘Come-fuck-me-lines’ as they called it. Noah learned the term from Marianna, one of his bandmates, and Noah understood why they were called so. Seeing those two lines, pointing downwards towards Adam’s groin area, Noah felt a painful and growing heat in his own groin as well. He wanted to fuck Adam. Against the wall, Noah wrapped an arm around the back of Adam’s shoulders and pulled him closer against him, chest to chest. Then, Noah pulled away from Adam’s lips to bite into the skin of his neck. He tugged and he bit and he kissed, making his mark on Adam’s skin. The raspy groan that left Adam’s mouth was more than enough to send heatwaves throughout Noah’s body. He felt his erection growing, pressing against Adam’s, and another grunt of pleasure left the jock’s lips. Unable to wait any longer, Adam wrapped his fingers tightly around the hem of Noah’s jeans and pulled him in the direction of his bed.

  “Wait, Adam,” Noah said, running a hand through his ebony hair. He couldn’t believe he was really going to do this. He was going to say ‘no’ to sex, right when they were both so ready. Maybe just a quick- Noah shook his head at the thought. “Come on, we’re already late for the gig.”

  “Really?” Adam said mischievously, making a move to unbutton his shorts. There was a knowing smirk on his face as he slid his shorts slowly downwards.

  “Don’t you dare!” Noah said, abruptly picking up his shirt, throwing it on, and rushing towards the door. “I’ll meet you outside.”

  At that, he closed the door behind him and leaned his back against it. He let out a sigh of relief. Temptation over. He had failed the last time his band had a gig and he almost lost their spot to perform. Noah’s defenses fell that time and he bit the bait. That night, Noah performed in the bedroom first with Adam. This time though, he was going to perform onstage first. He could celebrate with Adam after.

  When Adam appeared a few minutes later, Noah was already waiting in the car and was ready to leave. He texted Thomas, Callum, and Marianna – his bandmates – a few minutes ago. They were all already in the bar, and he was the only one missing.

  “I have to say,” Adam started, when he entered the passenger’s side and took his seat. “You’re getting better and better at saying ‘no’ to me.”

  Noah made a face at that and let out a sound of disapproval. Then, he turned the engine of the car on before he leaned across to give Adam a hard kiss on the lips. He could imagine his mother peeking through the living room window. It was a blessing that his parents were open-minded and accepted that their son was bisexual. Adam didn’t have that kind of privilege though. With the kiss, Adam responded and moved his lips against Noah’s before the latter pulled away.

  “You know I can never really say ‘no’ to you,” Noah said, shifting the car from park to neutral and then drive. “How about we celebrate after the gig?”

  There was no missing the boyish grins on both their faces.

  “Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up! You have a show to get to!”

  Chapter 3

  Adam could feel his lips curving up into a sheepish grin. It was the kind of smile he couldn’t control, a smile he couldn’t hide, and it was all because of Noah. He never would have thought that everything that happened would happen. He never thought of getting into a relationship with another man. He never thought of risking his reputation for someone else. He never thought of the risk of losing his friends to follow his heart. Most shallow of all, he never thought he’d be here, in a music bar, to support Noah. But he was, and it was all because of him.

  Looking around him, Adam knew he stuck out like a sore thumb, from the clothes he wore – beige shorts, a collared cotton polo shirt, and boat shoes – to his inability to bob his head to the beat of the music. He might have been a beast out on the playing field, be it football, soccer, or basketball, but he had no musical bone in his body. His definition of dancing was grinding, and there was no way he was going to do that when his boyfriend was up onstage.

  He looked at Noah from where he stood at the backend of the bar. He couldn’t get in the way of the band’s loyal groupies who were jumping up and down at the foot of the stage trying to get a hold of Noah and his bandmates. Adam chuckled when a few girls tried to grab Noah’s shirt to rake their hands over his abs. Good thing he didn’t have to go through all that trouble to touch his boyfriend. As long as they were alone (and had enough time), Adam could do whatever he wanted to Noah.

  A few minutes after, the song ended with Noah plucking at his guitar strings to create a soft yet melodic tune. Adam still remembered what he learned from his music class, which was a major part of why they got together. Noah taught him how to play guitar, and from where Adam stood, he knew that the combination Noah played was difficult and required skill. He just made it look too easy.

  Soon enough, the music faded and everyone erupted into cheers and an encore. Giving in to the demands of the crowd, Thomas, the drummer, started playing a new beat, and soon enough, Callum and Marianna joined in on the bass and keyboards respectively. At that, Noah started strumming his guitar and singing a more upbeat tune, while the crowd jumped to the beat. When Adam shifted his head and caught Noah’s eyes, the musician couldn’t help but send a wink his way. Adam felt that same grin earlier come onto his face. It was the grin he couldn’t control, the automatic grin only Noah could summon.

  “Miss me?” Noah asked, as he walked closer to Adam.

  The band just finished their set, and that meant they were free to party. When Noah was a foot away, Adam leaned forward to give him a kiss on the lips. The better part of going to bars and clubs was that the population was more accepting of same-sex couples. It was probably because not everyone was stuck in high school, and that was one of the reasons why Adam and Noah were looking forward to graduating and going to college. Where they went was still up in the air. They were still waiting on the colleges they applied to.

  “You still owe me…” Adam then said, mischief lacing his tone, as he hooked a finger under the belt loop of Noah’s jeans. He then tugged Noah closer to him. “For breaking off what we started in your bedroom.”

  Desire glazed over Noah’s azure eyes. Their set was done for the night, but the band still needed to stay until the end of the night to talk to the bar manager. Noah’s eyes then flew towards the emergency exit that led to an alleyway intersecting the main street. They could insert a quick make-out session (or more) there.

  “Let’s go,” Noah whispered, intertwining his fingers with Adam’s as he led them to the back exit of the bar. When they reached the alleyway, Noah hurriedly pressed Adam up against the brick wall. Parting his lips, he was ready to crash
his mouth against Adam’s when it was the jock’s turn to hit pause.

  “Do you smell that?” Adam then asked, suddenly high on alert.

  Noah wanted so badly to say ‘no’, but he would be lying. He nodded his head in response. “Yeah, I smell it.” Blood.

  Turning on their abilities, their heightened sense of smell, Adam and Noah tracked where the blood was coming from. It didn’t take long for them to find the origin. They pushed the huge trash container to the side and there, they saw a girl their age covered from head to toe in blood.

  Chapter 4

  “Come on,” Adam then said, rushing over to kneel at the woman’s side. “We have to help her.”

  Noah pressed two fingers against the girl’s wrist and when he felt her pulse beating, he breathed a sigh of relief. “She’s still alive, but we need to get her to the hospital.”

  Noah and Adam worked together to pull the girl up into an upright position. Then, Adam shed his shirt off him to wrap around the girl’s waist to minimize the bleeding. Noah then pulled his own shirt over his head to bandage the wounds on the girl’s arm. Before they could carry her to the main street and call an ambulance, the girl moved and to their surprise, tried to push Adam away. Shocked and in disbelief, Adam took a couple steps back to stare at the bleeding figure.

  “I d-don’t…need your…help,” she stuttered a bit, trying to push Noah away this time, but he held his ground. “Lleave me…a-alone.”

  Noah rolled his eyes. Here he thought no one could beat Adam’s stubbornness. “Right, and let yourself bleed to death? I’d rather not have that on my conscience. Now, come on. The doctors and nurses will be able to treat your wounds-”

  “N-no…no doctors,” said the woman, trying to push Noah away. The latter was a bit surprised at the strength of the girl. She was injured and bleeding, but Noah could feel her pushing him and succeeding. His sneakers were moving against the cement. This time, Noah used a little bit of his shifter abilities to block the woman’s strength.


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