The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2) Page 7

by Lindsay Downs

  “We’re right here, m’ lord, and Rick is excited also.”

  Turning he was met by a young groom about Toby’s age from the looks of him.

  “I need you to depart at first light. You will be carrying three letters. One for the Duke and Duchess of Kettering, the next for the Earl and Countess of Stratham, and the final one is for the owners of travelers’ inns you’ll need to stay at. I would suggest the ducal estate then London where the earl and countess will be. Once they are delivered return here.”

  “Yes, m’ lord,” they replied in unison.

  Matthew was unsurprised to see both wore the same wide grin. Turning, he made his way back to the manor and to his office.

  Chapter Seven

  With the letters on their way to Simon, Emma, and his parents, Matthew turned to his next task, working on the Ashburn pavilion. Stepping from the dining room, he walked to the office and over to the desk. He took a seat then leaned over the rough sketch for their structure. With a smile, he took up a pencil, checked to make sure the tip was sharp, and then reached for a ruler. Easily, he added a few more lines. Satisfied at the work, he set the sheet aside then retrieved the copy he’d been working on for Simon.

  “Yes, this I’m sure he and the duchess will love for the building. Given a choice between the three I’m sure they will choose this one,” he mumbled not realizing Connor was standing in the doorway.

  “M’ lord?”

  “No, I don’t need anything, and by now you should realize I tend to talk to myself. That is a habit from living alone. And before you say anything, such as, ‘m’ lord, you should find a wife’, don’t. Everything, including that will come in time. My time.”

  “Yes, m’ lord. I’d never to presume to do that. I came by to tell you a visitor is coming down the drive.”

  Fully aware he wasn’t expecting guests as the Ashburn’s would be coming for dinner, he wondered who this person could be. Yesterday, on returning to the Hall he’d responded to the Redditch invitation. Curious, he stood and made his way to the front porch in time to see a very large traveling coach enter the courtyard. He didn’t recognize who the owner was as there wasn’t a seal on the door.

  When the coach came to a halt at the steps, he noticed the curtains had been drawn, hiding the person inside. For some reason all this secrecy was making him nervous. Hearing Connor come up behind him, Matthew glanced to the man.

  “Well, open the door and help them out. Whoever they are.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  Not moving from where he stood, he waited while Connor did as ordered.

  “Mother,” Matthew blurted out then raced down the steps to help her out.

  “Connor, have my things moved from the suite and into another, then have Mrs. Swithin send a maid to remake the bed,” he ordered.

  “No, Son. You stay in the room, and I’ll take another. I don’t wish to inconvenience you. The only other person I have is my maid.”

  Matthew turned back to the carriage to see the elderly woman glaring at him. Then again, for her in regards to him that was her normal attitude. Helping her down, he smiled to her.

  “Don’t try being nice to me. You’ll always be in trouble with me for literally putting a bee in my bonnet.”

  He hoped one day she might forgive him, but suspected that might be from one of their graves, most likely his. Turning back to his mother, he offered his arm which she accepted.

  “I have so many questions, but first let’s get you settled,” he declared, guiding his mother in to where the housekeeper awaited them.

  “My dear Mrs. Swithin, how nice to see you after all these years. I’m pleased to see the ocean air has been good for you,” the countess declared.

  What happened next left Matthew speechless.

  “Yes Serena. I’m so happy you recommended to the late duke I take up the position here. Now, let’s get you up to your suite so your maid can help you change.”


  With his mother and maid headed upstairs, Matthew turned to Connor.

  “This is the first time I ever heard of this. I only became the Radcliffe Hall butler when the previous one died five years ago.”

  “Thank you. Tell Cook there will be five for dinner while I write a note to Lady Elsie informing her of the countess’ highly unexpected arrival.”

  “Certainly, m’ lord. Shall I have a groom sent over.”


  Turning about on his heel, Matthew stormed back into the manor and went straight to his office and retook the seat at the desk. Withdrawing a sheet of foolscap from the drawer, he next examined the nib on a quill.


  This very brief note is to inform you that my mother, Serena, Countess of Stratham is now residing with me at Radcliffe Hall.

  Viscount Rathbourne

  Folding then sealing the missive, he glanced up when Connor stepped into the doorway.

  “M’ lord, Toby is ready to take the note to the Ashburn estate. Do you wish him to await a reply?”

  “No, and no doubt he’ll be using Devil?”

  “Yes I will, m’ lord, as I suspect speed is of the essence,” the young man announced.

  “On that you are partially correct. All I ask is that you don’t tire him as I’m going to be taking that beast out later.”

  Yes, to escape both mothers as he suspected Elsie would be coming over post haste.

  “I shan’t, m’ lord.”

  With the note on the way to let Elsie know her dear friend had unexpectedly arrived, Matthew waited for his mother to change. Not sure how long she would take, he returned his attention to the ducal drawings. He hoped if his mother—wait… She’s here, and a short while ago he’d sent a rider with a letter to her and father in London. What could he do? Nothing, unless Toby on Devil could catch up with Rick and his tiger.

  “Connor,” he called out aware the man would most likely be in the hall.

  Instead of the butler, his mother swept in.

  “Son, you look panicked.”

  “I am. This morning I had two riders take letters to Simon along with you and father.”

  “Let me guess, to inform us that you have found the lady who will make the perfect viscountess then countess.”

  “Yes. Also to have the Rathbourne ring sent down.”

  “I brought the jewelry with me, and it’s been cleaned and the stones, where needed, have been reset. Now you only need to decide when to offer for Kathleen.”

  “First, please have a seat,” he directed.

  Matthew waited until his mother was comfortable then joined her on the settee.

  “As you said earlier you have many questions. Let me guess. Why am I here so early in the day? Simply put, we stayed outside of Cornwall at a lovely inn. From there to here was only a good hour ride. Why am I here and not in London with the earl and Jeremy? The short answer, Elsie sent me a letter, hastily penned, I might add, telling me of the almost immediate attraction between you and Kathleen.”

  “So, throwing caution to the wind, you packed up and came down. Let me guess, going from sunrise to sunset?”

  “Yes. Considering the urgency of the letter, I had no choice. I also made sure the men were well cared for.”

  The simple fact that she cared for those who handled the horses brought a smile to Matthew’s face. This had been instilled in him and his younger brother for years.

  “Don’t be surprised if Elsie arrives within the next hour or so. While you were refreshing I sent her a note that you were here.”

  “Thank you, Son. I was going to ask if you would let her be made aware I’ve arrived. Now, as I haven’t had luncheon shall we adjourn to the parlor and order up a tray for me?” Serena inquired.

  “M’ lady, Cook is putting together one at this moment. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll collect your meal and meet you in the sitting room,” Connor declared from the door.

  “Why am I not surprised you were standing in the hall waiting to make t
hat pronouncement?” Matthew uttered.

  “M’ lord, if I wasn’t then I wouldn’t be doing my job,” the butler said, and then bowed and disappeared.

  Matthew helped his mother stand then followed her down the corridor to the pleasant parlor. Even though he’d been in residence for about three weeks, this was the first time he’d been in the room. He smiled on seeing the parlor had been well maintained by the staff. Escorting his mother to the settee, he waited for her to get comfortable then took the chair across from her.

  “Why didn’t father accompany you, and where are the guards?” Matthew uttered.

  “He wanted to, but at the last minute decided to remain in London to make sure your brother behaves. Jeremy seems to have become smitten with a young lady, whose name might sound familiar. Lady Valerie, Kathleen’s sister. As for the outriders, I sent them back to the estate. I couldn’t see any reason for them to be here.”

  Matthew was aware Valerie, from the last report he’d gotten from Kathleen, had become enamored with a young man but had refrained from naming him. So what his mother had told him didn’t come as a complete surprise. He wondered what Roger and Elsie’s reaction would be on learning this little piece of information. Matthew was about to ask what his mother thought it might be when the butler stepped in.

  “Set the tray on the table in front of the countess then make yourself scarce, and that means no lurking in the hall,” Matthew ordered.

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  Waiting until they were alone, he peered over to the countess who was smiling back to him.

  “How did you and Kathleen meet. If I’m not mistaken, Elsie sent you an invitation to dine with them. Was that where you met or at a ball or possibly a picnic?”

  “No, and how we first saw each other is rather interesting. I had found locations for two gazebos and started to hunt down a third area. That’s when I remembered Simon and Emma enjoyed fishing. From the map of the estate, I had seen a river running through the back of the land. I rode out, and as I came to the waterway I heard two women talking. When I approached, I didn’t realize one was the countess and the other Kathleen until introductions were made. It seems both also like to dip a line, and that’s what they were doing.”

  “So, you might say they were poaching the duke’s fish? I can’t wait to tease Elsie about that,” his mother declared.

  “Yes, except where the river cuts through the Ashburn estate they have nothing but rapids. Anyways, from almost the first time I laid my eyes on Kathleen, I was smitten. From what I’ve since learned, she was taken by me as well. What makes everything so interesting is that Elsie won’t let us be alone under any condition. However, that’s not a problem as for when we’re together, seemingly we are the only ones in the room or strolling about the grounds.”

  “Have you yet spoken to Roger about offering for her?”

  “With you here, along with the Rathbourne ring, that day is fast approaching. They will be joining us for dinner this eve, and if I can get a few moments alone with the earl I will ask for her hand. Now, why don’t you finish your meal then we can walk the grounds so I can show you were I plan to recommend the gazebos be built.”

  “Yes. Off you go so I may enjoy the meal in peace and quiet.”

  Summarily dismissed, Matthew returned to the office and the plans. Thinking about the different renderings, he had an idea. When the earl, countess, and Kathleen arrive for dinner he’d borrow Roger to review the drawing. At that point, alone and with the office door closed, he would seek the earl’s permission.

  Marching in, he went to the oak table where the Ashburn pavilion was laid out. Carefully, he studied every little detail and smiled. They would love what he’d created. The only problem he foresaw was Kathleen wouldn’t be able to enjoy the building if she accepted him.

  Footsteps in the corridor brought his head up and to the door as Connor stepped in.

  “No, I wasn’t lurking. I came to tell you the Ashburn landau is coming down the drive with the earl, countess, and Lady Kathleen.”

  This got Matthew wondering why they were visiting now and not just Elsie. Could something have happened to prevent them from coming for dinner.

  “Thank you. I’ll inform Her Ladyship.”

  Giving the butler a nod to the bow, Matthew left the plans where they were and returned to the parlor. No sooner had he stepped in than his mother stood and swept over to him.

  “I heard. Shall we greet our guests?”

  With a smile, Matthew followed his mother to the front porch, arriving as the coach pulled up. Walking down the steps, he waited for the earl to climb down then assist the countess out. It came as no surprise when Elsie went directly to his mother. He watched while they greeted each other then offered Kathleen his hand, which she accepted.

  “Pardon this unexpected visit, but we were returning from a drive, and Toby saw the carriage and waved us over. He then presented the note to me. I do hope you don’t mind,” Roger said.

  “No, not at all as this will give the two countess’ time to start catching up with each other as you well noticed,” Matthew replied then turned his attention to Kathleen.

  Once she was settled on the cobblestones and had shaken out her carriage dress, Matthew turned to Roger.

  “M’ lord, while the ladies talk may I borrow you for a few minutes, the final drawing for your pavilion is finished. If you approve then we can show the ladies.”

  After escorting Kathleen in, Matthew watched as she glided down the hall behind their mothers. Turning to Roger, he waved the earl into the office, followed him, and then closed the door.

  “Before you ask, I wasn’t expecting the countess to arrive so suddenly on hearing my mother had arrived. However, that’s not what I wish to discuss with you.”

  “So, showing me the drawing was a ruse so you may ask my permission to offer for Kathleen? Before you inquire, not only myself, but the countess also gives you our blessing.”

  “Thank you, and if she accepts, I promise not to keep her hidden away at my estate. We will attend the season in London and on occasion journey down here if we don’t meet in town,” Matthew declared.

  “When were you thinking of offering for her?”

  “With your consent, I thought this eve before dinner.”

  “Yes, that would be perfect. Now, let’s see how you improved on the design.”

  Matthew guided the earl over to the table where the plans were laid out.

  “Here you are. I believe you will approve.”

  Matthew watched as Roger looked over the sketches.

  “I commend you being able to take my suggestions and integrate them in. Shall we let Kathleen and Elsie see the drawing now or later.”

  That got Matthew thinking. If they waited until this evening, showing the plans would be an excellent way to lead up to his proposal. If he had the drawing in the parlor on the table that would have her sitting, and he could kneel making everything seem normal, until the moment.

  “In the parlor tonight. Then when she least expects I will ask for her hand.”

  “Genius. Now, shall we join the ladies before they start wondering what we’re up to.”

  He’d not mentioned to Roger that not only would he request to marry Kathleen, but after she agreed he would give her the topaz necklace. Granted, he’d been saving the piece for the eve of the Redditch ball, but now would be even better. He just hoped she’d wear the pastel-yellow gown tonight.

  “I believe we should,” Matthew said then opened the door, looked out, and smiled. No Connor in sight.

  “Oh, I’ve also not mentioned anything to my mother about the murders we are looking into. I didn’t wish to worry her. We can get together tomorrow and lay all the facts out to her,” Matthew declared then with Roger at his side made for the parlor.

  “Gentlemen, you were gone for quite a while. Is everything all right with the final drawing or were you talking about something else?” Kathleen inquired.

  “No, only the
depiction of the final pavilion. As you are aware, there are a great many details which your father needed to examine,” Matthew declared, hoping not to be caught in the lie.

  “So, when do we get to see the drawing?” Elsie said.

  “I was thinking this evening before dinner,” Matthew declared. He grinned on getting head bobs for the ladies.

  “Now, Roger, we need to return to the estate to rest as this evening might be long since Serena and I still have a great deal of catching up to do,” Elsie uttered.

  “I agree mother. I still have to decide which gown to wear and how Patty should do my hair,” Kathleen teased.

  A glare from his mother stopped Matthew from rolling his eyes. Of all the times and places Kathleen and he had visited not once had she mentioned how she’d be attired. To him, everything she wore, and he couldn’t wait to see her not wear anything, he’d approved of. Either silently or complimenting her.

  Helping her and then his mother stand, Matthew offered both his arms but was refused by Serena. He did like that Kathleen slipped her hand in his. Again, when they touched he felt heat shooting up his arm before settling much lower in his body. He prayed she wouldn’t be aware of her effect on him. Peering to her, he did notice her cheeks had pinked slightly, but she was looking up to him. Matthew let out a sigh.

  In the courtyard, he handed her up then stepped aside while Roger assisted Elsie.

  “Until this eve,” Matthew declared, earning a warm smile from Kathleen.

  He waited until the landau quit the courtyard before turning back to his mother, with a wide grin on his lips.

  “Before you say anything son, shall we retire to the parlor?”

  “Of course.”

  Following the countess into the manor and down the corridor into the sitting room, he waited until she got comfortable on the settee as before. Again, taking a seat in the same chair, he looked across the table to her.

  “Well?” she inquired.

  “Not only Roger but the countess as well, have given their blessing for me to ask Kathleen for her hand.”

  “And when do you plan to offer for her?”


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