The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2) Page 12

by Lindsay Downs

  “Yes, m’ lord, you have my word.”

  “Thank you. You may return to your duties.”

  Once Rick left, Matthew thought over what the young man had told him. Was there a possibility Alwyn and Cerys’ deaths could be solved? To discover those answers he, Roger, and a few select others would have to dig deeper.

  Finally, he returned to the work at hand, finishing the post to the broadsheets then arranging for the three to be sent on their way in the morning.

  With his work completed for now, Matthew pushed back from the desk and made his way to his suite. There he bathed then dressed for dinner.

  Chapter Twelve

  With no idea when Simon and Emma would arrive, Matthew decided not to travel over to speak with Roger. Instead, he sent the earl a note telling him that he’d learned several interesting facts about their target-Jonas Ringer.

  Frustrated at sitting around with nothing to do, Matthew tossed the book he’d been, sort of, reading down and stormed over to the stable. He didn’t stop until he was standing in front of Devil’s stall.

  “You want to go for a gallop?”

  “Yes, he does, and when you return to your estate that monster is going with you, isn’t he? Ever since you started riding him, when he’s not exercised that beast kicks at the stall walls until he’s let out to run about,” King declared.

  “Yes, I’ll be taking him. I’m not sure how though with Toby riding Lady Kathleen’s mare. Can Devil be led?”

  “Of that, I’m not sure. I believe Marigold can be, but you’d best check on that with Cowell.”

  “Thank you, I will when next I’m over there. Now, let me get my monster saddled so he can stretch his legs. My plan is to take the path to the beach and go into the village that way, then return on the road. That should tire Devil out.”

  “Yes. Do you have any idea if Her Ladyship will be needing the landau to go into the village?”

  “No, I don’t believe so. Last I saw of her, she was meeting with Mrs. Swithin and Cook.”

  “If that’s the case, I’d best have the dogcart readied in case the cook’s assistant needs to pick up supplies,” King said.

  “That would be wonderful.”

  With a nod to the stable master, Matthew collected a brush. In short order, he had Devil groomed and saddled. Leading the beast from the stall and out into the morning sunlight, he saw his mother striding across the courtyard toward him. He was happy she was smiling because it meant he’d still be able to get the ride in.

  “M’ lady, good morning.”

  “And to you also, son. I do hope you’re not planning on being gone for long? You should be here when the duke and duchess arrive.”

  “No more than two hours as I plan to gallop Devil, almost under orders from King.”

  The furrowed brow of his mother made him need to explain further.

  “Since I’ve been riding the monster, if he’s not exercised daily, he gets fidgety to the point of trying to kick down his stall. I’m also going to be taking him back to my estate when Lady Kathleen and I return after the wedding.”

  “Of that I’m glad, since I know you don’t have a really excellent mount there. Now, you’d best be off and stay safe.”

  “I promise to. If Lady Kathleen should, not that she’s expected to, stop over, make her aware when I’ll return.”

  Accepting a head bob from Serena, he waited until she stepped away then climbed onto the saddle. Giving her a smile, Matthew started for the path leading to the beach. Once there, he glanced up and down the shore and grinned on not seeing any foot prints in the sand. That meant the authorities hadn’t found the cave were the smuggled goods were stored until they could be distributed.

  Starting off at a canter, Matthew kept his attention focused ahead when he caught movement, something was bobbing in the water. Bringing Devil down to a walk, he guided the beast to where the water lapped against the shore. As he studied the object more closely, Matthew suddenly realized he was looking at a large piece of canvas with rope tied around it. Then he saw a bloated hand. A body.

  Jumping down and still holding the reins, Mathew waded out and grabbed at the rope and started to drag the body to the shore. Once it was far enough from the waves, he climbed back onto the saddle and then tapped Devil’s sides with his heels, sending the beast into a fast, ground-covering gallop. Racing up the narrow path, Matthew headed directly to the stables. He knew his quick arrival would cause concern, and he wasn’t wrong.

  “King, get several grooms and have them take the track to the beach. They won’t need horses. Also, is the dogcart set?”

  “Yes, m’ lord. Toby just finished harnessing a pony to the shafts.”

  “Have him drive over to the top of the path. We’ve got another dead body,” Matthew declared.

  “Then one of the grooms had best be Rick. His father is a fisherman so Rick is familiar with many of the sailors,” King volunteered.

  With a nod, Matthew turned Devil and was about to return to the beach when he spied his mother coming out of the manor. He rode over to where she waited for him.

  “Mother, please stay inside. I discovered a dead body, and I’m having several grooms bring the corpse up from the beach.”

  “Yes, son, I will, and thank you for informing me. Where will you take the deceased?”

  That was the one thing he’d not thought about. Unlike the Ashburn estate, the Hall didn’t have a separate cold building. The only other place was the greenhouse except the structure was too warm.

  “I’ve no idea, Mother. Do you perchance have a suggestion?”

  “Give the grooms the direction as to where the body is then race over to Ashburn estate, and ask if you can borrow their cold building. I’m sure Roger will agree. Once he does, come back here, and as I see Toby at the reins, I’ll start him on his way over.”

  “I agree, even though I’d thought of asking as I didn’t wish to impose on them.”

  “I can understand your concern. Now, you’d best be off,” Serena ordered.

  With a nod, Matthew rode over to where the men were waiting for him. After informing them where the body was he turned to Rick.

  “Either on the beach or here, take a look at the cadaver to see if you recognize the person. If you can that will help in finding out who killed him.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  Matthew then looked over to Toby. “Cover the body with straw or something so if you pass anyone they won’t know what you’re carrying. Drive over to the Ashburn estate. I’m on my way there now to inform the earl of the murder and ask permission to put the body in their cold building.”

  “I will, m’ lord.”

  With a nod to the men, Matthew tapped his heels onto Devil’s sides, sending the beast into a gallop. As he raced down the drive, ahead he saw the ducal traveling carriage. Right now, they were the last people he wished to see, much less talk to. He brought Devil to a walk then a halt as the coach came along side. Not surprisingly, he watched as Simon stuck his head out the window.

  “Viscount, are you coming to greet us.”

  “I’m sorry, but no, Your Grace. I’m going over to speak with the Earl of Ashburn, as he is the magistrate, of a murder.”

  “Then don’t just sit there like a ninny, be off with you,” Emma called out from the carriage.

  “With pleasure, Your Grace. When the countess learns of your arrival, she’ll most likely meet you at the steps.”

  Accepting gratefully the dismissing wave from Simon once again, Matthew set his beast into a gallop. As he raced along the road to where Roger was, hopefully, Matthew worried at how much his mother would say about the previous murders and name the possible suspect.

  Riding into the Ashburn courtyard, Matthew was first greeted by King who took control of Devil. As he marched to the front door, he was then welcomed by Kathleen and Roger.

  “M’ lord we need to speak in private,” Matthew directed to the earl then turned to Kathleen. “M’ lady, I promise to ex
plain everything later.”

  “Lord Matthew, as you need to talk to father I have an idea what has happened. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. When you’re finished I’ll meet you in mother’s parlor.”

  “M’ lady, I’ll see you shortly.”

  Offering Kathleen his arm, Matthew escorted her in and up to the first floor. At the door to the office he raised her hand to his lips, brushing them across her knuckles. The sudden warmth from this intimate touch ran through his body. Glancing to her eyes, he noticed her cheeks had pinked. He released her, and then watched as she glided down the corridor. Once he saw her step into the parlor he turned and walked into the office.

  “I apologize for rushing over unannounced, but we’ve had another murder. I found the body floating in the ocean when I was riding on the beach. One of my men will attempt to identify the victim.”

  “That’s what I suspected when I saw you racing into the courtyard. I gather you’re having the body brought over here?”

  “You’re correct Roger. I hope you don’t mind as the Hall doesn’t have a place to store the corpse.”

  “Not at all. I’ll send for the doctor to confirm the cause of death.”

  “Then, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve a betrothed anxious to learn what I just told you, even though as you heard she already suspects.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’ll join you.”

  Giving Roger a nod, Matthew turned, and together they made their way to the countess’ parlor. Walking in, he bowed to Elsie then took a seat in a chair opposite Kathleen.

  “Matthew, let me hazard, there has been another murder,” Kathleen declared.

  “Yes, but who and why is still a mystery. Rick, whose father is a fisherman might be able to recognize the person. That I won’t learn until I return to Radcliffe Hall which I should do post haste. As I was galloping up the drive the duke and duchess arrived. I quickly told them what little I was aware of. By now though, they’ve learned, from mother, of the other two deaths.”

  “Then you should be off, and we’ll see you, your mother, and the duke and duchess tomorrow eve. However, I suspect you and the duke might be over sometime sooner,” Kathleen declared.

  After accepting a head bob from the countess and helping Kathleen stand, hand in hand they made their way to the front door. There they were met by Cowell still holding Devil.

  “Until later, dear lady,” Matthew said, bowing over her hand.

  Climbing back onto the saddle, he nodded to Cowell, smiled to Kathleen then, this time at a walk, made for the drive and back to Radcliffe Hall. Enroute he stopped and informed Toby the earl was expecting the body and to drive around to the cold building.

  When he rode into the courtyard, Matthew wasn’t surprised to see his mother along with Simon and Emma waiting for him. After turning Devil over to King, he started across to formally greet the duke and duchess only to stop and turn back.

  “Have Rick ready to come over when I send for him.”

  “Yes, m’ lord,” King said.

  With a nod, Matthew turned and marched over to greet Simon and Emma. Walking up the stairs, he bowed deeply to them.

  “Welcome, Your Graces.”

  “Thank you, Matthew. Shall we retire to the office so you may fill us in on this and the other murders?” Simon demanded.

  “My pleasure, Your Grace.”

  Waving them to lead, Matthew offered his arm to his mother then followed Simon and Emma down the hall to the office. Walking in, Matthew was taken aback when the duke and duchess settled on a settee together. Guiding his mother to the other, he waited until she was settled then joined her.

  “As at the ducal palace, when staff aren’t around Christian names may be used,” Emma announced.

  With a smile to her, Matthew then glanced over to Simon.

  “What has mother told you about the other murder?”

  “Not very much, except the first two victims are Welch and you believe a Jonas Ringer might be the killer. As for the current one, nothing.”

  Easily Matthew filled everyone in on the newest death then remembered he still needed to speak with Rick.

  “I need to interview one of the grooms who might know the victim.”

  “Then, let’s hear what the young man can tell us,” Emma uttered.

  “Connor, I’m aware you are within earshot. Have Rick come over.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.” The butler announced from the doorway.

  “Matthew, as you have spoken with the young man, why don’t you handle the questioning?” Simon suggested.

  “Thank you, as your title might frighten him into silence.” With that said, Matthew stood and walked over to the desk. In doing so, he would understand the groom’s focus and attention would be on him and not Simon.

  No sooner had he taken a seat than Connor stepped in.

  “Your Graces, m’ lord and lady, Rick as asked for.”

  “Have him come in,” Matthew directed.

  He studied Rick and the interesting expression of happiness he was wearing as he walked in, bowing deeply to Simon, Emma, and his mother.

  “You wish to see me, m’ lord?”

  “Were you able to recognize the body?”

  “Yes. The man goes, correction went, by the name of Paul Newcomb. He used to be in the Radcliffe crew until I caught him stealing, which we all are aware isn’t allowed. I kicked him out about a year ago. Last I heard, he’d gone over to the Redditch crew. I’m guessing their leader must have seen him pilfering from them as well, and Paul was killed.”

  “Rick, is it?” Simon said, causing the young man to turn toward him.

  “Yes, Your Grace, but then again, I remember when you were a marquis. How may this humble groom be of assistance to one of the best rowers I’ve ever heard about?”

  “On that point, you’re correct. I’m guessing you must be running the crew now?”

  “I am, Your Grace, and have been for the past several years. As such, I’ve learned quite a bit about the other crews up and down the coast.”

  “Rick,” Matthew said getting his attention. “Do you think Jonas Ringer could have killed the man?”

  “I believe so, m’ lord. Now, ladies forgive me, but I will be as delicate as possible.”

  “Thank you, Rick,” Emma said.

  “Please continue,” Serena told the young man.

  “From what I understand of the man, and I’m only guessing mind you, if Ringer killed the first two he would have had to have been in a blind rage. Newcomb was killed in the style Ringer uses, or so I’ve heard. He much prefers to look the person in the eye while he runs a blade across their throat.”

  Quickly, Matthew turned his attention to the ladies and was amazed neither seemed shocked at what they’d heard. Now, with this piece of information he had to take Ringer down and hard. Matthew wondered if the man would die in the process or dance the hangman’s jig. Hopefully, the latter.

  “Thank you, Rick. You may return to your duties.”

  “My pleasure, m’ lord, especially if I can make the area safe for all.”

  “Including the smuggling crews,” Simon added.

  “Particularly them. Your Grace, I received word from my contact a shipment of cotton is arriving in three days and was asked if I want the job.”

  Right now, with Simon and his wife visiting, Matthew wasn’t sure if he wanted to join in not to mention have Kathleen involved. He wondered what the duke would say on learning she would run with the crew.

  “Rick, if Her Grace doesn’t mind or object, I believe I still recall how to handle an oar if you’re in need of an extra hand.”

  “Your Grace, having you along would be an honor and privilege. I should warn you, His Lordship is almost as good as I heard you were.”

  “Of course His Grace will accompany you,” Emma declared.

  “Well son, you heard Her Grace. However, there is one condition. From the moment I put my feet on the beach and until I take them off you will call me Simon.
No sense scaring the others.”

  Hearing how he wanted to be called came as no surprise to Matthew as he’d given Rick the same direction. He wondered if Kathleen would be joining them then remembered the cargo was cotton. So, most likely she would.


  “I’ll join you also as I’m sure you’ll be needing Lady Kathleen along to judge the quality,” Matthew declared receiving a gasp from, he suspected, Emma.

  “Of course. Shall I pass the word?”

  “No, if you don’t mind, I’ll inform her.”

  “Thank you, m’ lord.”

  With a nod from Matthew, he waited until the groom left then turned to Emma.

  “Yes, she on occasion does run with the crew as did her mother before her. This is part of the Ashburn tradition. I’ve seen her in action, and Kathleen is very good at her job.”

  “Simon, if Matthew’s betrothed goes, then so do I. Don’t forget I’m comfortable around boats,” Emma declared.

  “And I’m going to be the only sensible one and stay safe and warm here in Radcliff Hall,” Serena announced.

  “Mother, a wise decision on your part. Last I recall, when you took a sail on the channel several years back, you spent most of the time-”

  “Don’t even think of finishing your thought,” Serena demanded.

  Aware he needed to heed his mother’s words, Matthew turned to Simon.

  “Will you and Emma be joining us for dinner?”

  “Most certainly. Then afterwards I’d like to look over the plans for the gazebos,” Simon uttered.

  “Then I would suggest we retire to our suites and prepare for the evening,” Serena said.

  After an exquisite meal, of which fish was one of the courses, Matthew led Simon into the office. There he showed the duke the first two plans for the gazebos, holding the pavilion one back.

  “All right, I like them, but where’s the final design?”

  “Here, Simon. However, I should warn you this isn’t what you had asked for. When I saw the area, I had a vision of a different structure there,” Matthew spoke spreading the rendering of the pavilion on the table before him.

  What surprised Matthew was how quickly Simon studied the drawing then turned to him.


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