Take My Hand

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Take My Hand Page 18

by P Nelson

  Chapter 15

  Lilith sat at her desk the next morning peering at her screen through red-rimmed, swollen eyes. She had spent most of the night crying and now felt despondent and dehydrated. Having endlessly gone over her argument with Gaige in her head for the rest of the night, she hadn’t gotten much sleep either, but she already took time off last week and didn’t want to draw more attention to herself. Unfortunately, her normal existence of invisibility appeared to be fading away, and she caught several pitying looks from her co-workers.

  “Good morning, Lilith,” the tight voice of Eric Danvers sounded behind her. She really didn’t want to turn around and wished she could wear sunglasses inside. In an effort to keep her emotional state a secret, she continued to look at the screen and pretended to concentrate.

  “Oh, morning, Eric.” Lilith heard her voice come out more like a croak and inwardly winced. “I’m so busy this morning.” She hoped that would send him away.

  “Really? With next year’s projections?” Eric’s voice indicated he was not convinced. “I’d like to speak with you in my office.” Knowing this wouldn’t lead anywhere good, Lilith shook her head.

  “I should really get a head start on these.” Lilith took a deep calming breath. “You know I hate leaving things until the last minute.”

  Lilith felt Eric’s breath on the back of her neck. He was standing far too close for two work colleagues. The intimacy didn’t bother her, but it failed to create the tension that Gaige would have in a similar position. Just thinking about Gaige made her throat tight and her heart ache.

  “This is not a suggestion,” Eric’s voice had gone deep, and it sent a shiver of reluctant obedience down her spine.

  “Yes, sir,” Lilith answered back realising she had given him the honorary title outside the club and winced. If he had any reservations about her calling him sir, he didn’t show it. Eric pulled her chair away from her desk and waited for Lilith to stand up.

  “Good girl,” Eric praised in a voice low enough that Lilith was positive only she could hear. As Lilith stood up, she looked around the office floor, but everyone appeared to be paying attention to their own work. Lilith walked the length of the floor and entered the open door of Eric’s office. She sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk and waited for him to join her. Lilith stared straight ahead as he closed the blinds on the windows looking out into the office. He went to his desk and sat down, scrutinising Lilith’s face and posture.

  “You want to tell me about it?” Eric asked in his Dom voice. Lilith found it hard to argue with the authority she heard, especially because Eric was her boss.

  “No.” Lilith shook her head a little. Eric said nothing, letting the silence stretch between them. “I had a tough night, and I didn’t get much sleep. It won’t affect my ability to do my job,” she quickly added.

  “Fuck the job, Lilith,” Eric swore. “This is about you and Gaige. I want to know what happened.”

  Lilith frowned. “That’s none of your business, Eric. Whatever happened between Gaige and me is private.”

  “No, it’s not, actually.” Eric leaned forward to rest his elbows on his desk. The shirt he was wearing grew tight over his sculpted shoulders and arms. The same sight on Gaige would have sent her pulse racing. On Eric, she could appreciate that the man definitely worked out, but that was all. “You were pulled into the kink world rather quickly, and I’m sure you read over all the stuff about hard limits and safe play thoroughly. But if you had read the fine print, you would know that I have the right to top any sub who is in emotional or physical distress. It’s my responsibility to make sure you’re safe and protected since we’re both members of The Cage. Now I want you to tell me what happened.”

  “I don’t think that’s an actual clause.” Lilith’s voice was small, and she wasn’t sure of herself. One thing she learned during her time in kink world was that Doms took the care of their subs as their greatest responsibility.

  “I can call Master Flynn right now, and he will tell you why he put that clause in there.” Eric smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “As of right now, you have ten smacks coming to you; if I have to call Master Flynn, he’s probably going to add another twenty for your failure to read over all The Cage’s guidelines.”

  “You can’t spank me,” Lilith blurted the words out and realised by the look on Eric’s face she had said the wrong thing.

  Shaking his head, Eric’s smile finally reached his eyes. “Oh, Lilith, we’re in trouble. Why don’t you try and mitigate how much trouble you’re in by telling me what happened to make you so upset.” He held up a hand to forestall her next words and continued, “You’ve worked here for almost a year, and I’ve never seen you less than put together. Today, you come in here looking like you cried your eyes out all night. I’m your boss, but I’m also your friend. In this case, I might also be the only person who understands what you might be going through.”

  Lilith swallowed the hard knot in her throat. Eric was being reasonable, and he did make sense. She opened and closed her mouth a few times. “How can you understand? You’re a Dom, not a sub.”

  “That’s exactly why you need to talk to me.” Eric leaned back in his chair. “I’ve been topping subs for a long time, Lilith, it means I’ve seen a lot of stuff in my time. You’re not going to find a more sympathetic ear.”

  Listening to his words, Lilith frowned in suspicion. “Why haven’t I seen you at the club?” Eric’s normally open face shuttered, and he looked away. “You want me,” Lilith’s voice was only a whisper. Eric’s piercing gaze focused on her face once again.

  “I’m not going to lie and tell you differently,” Eric’s voice held a note of sadness. “I hired you not only because of Calla’s recommendation, but because you were so lost and hurt. Recognising the sub in you, I hoped that one day you would come to the club, but I waited too long.” Disappointment rang in his tone. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t still top you effectively.”

  Lilith realised the only way she was going to escape back to her desk was to reveal what had happened last night. Taking a fortifying breath, Lilith decided the fewer details the better. “Gaige says I need to deal with my late husband’s family,” she began slowly. “He’s right, of course. But I pushed him last night, and I said some things that were not very nice because I wanted to fight with him. I’ve never been like that before,” Lilith admitted as she stared at the desk.

  “The kink world is one of the few places in the mainstream society where people can access their emotions on a truly primal basis,” Eric’s voice was slow and confident but Lilith couldn’t look at him. “I’ve been practicing for years, but I don’t count myself as an expert. There are as many ways to play as there are people. What binds us together is the shared knowledge of the cleansing aspect of practicing whatever gets you off.” Eric was silent for a minute, and Lilith glanced up. She looked into Eric’s eyes, and she saw a depth of understanding and community there that took her breath away. “It’s up to your Dom to push you. Gaige knows you have hard limits, but he’s there to help you push past them so you can move on. You know the way you’ve been living isn’t healthy; he wants you to be free of your past.”

  “I want to be free of my past, but I don’t want to do the thing I need to get there,” Lilith admitted. “I’m such a coward.”

  Eric stood up and walked around his desk to kneel in front of Lilith. “You are the farthest thing from being a coward, Lilith.” He took her chin between his fingers. “I don’t think you understand the extraordinary strength it would have taken to walk away from everything you knew, to start a new life. I’m definitely not saying that what you did was right, but you had to be pretty determined to start all over again.”

  “I don’t feel brave.” Lilith didn’t have any tears left, and she was happy not to start crying again, but her eyes burned. In a swift motion, Eric stood up and helped her from her seat. He sat down in her place and pulled her onto his lap. Lilith stiffened in his ar

  “This is just some comfort, Lilith.” Eric positioned her so that her face rested against his shoulder as he stroked her hair. “I hope Gaige knows what a good little sub you are.”

  “Last night I said things I knew would hurt him, and all he did was walk out.” Lilith pressed her face into Eric’s shoulder. “He told me I would regret all the things I said to him, and I do. So much. He hasn’t called me or anything.”

  “He’s probably waiting for you to call him, Lilith.” Eric’s voice was calm and reassuring. “Gaige will be waiting for you to get your head around what happened last night, and he’s giving you the power over how you will approach him. Always remember Lilith that the sub has the most power in the exchange. You can stop everything with one word.”

  “But what is the word I need to start everything again?” Lilith asked and looked up when Eric started laughing.

  “Lilith, you’re such a sweet sub, I can’t believe that Gaige is stealing you from me.” Eric leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. “All you have to do is call him and apologise.” Eric cocked his head. “And take your licks like a good sub. Now, I think we have our own smacks to deal with before you can go back to work.”

  “You’re really going to spank me?” Lilith asked as Eric lifted her off his lap.

  “Damn right I am, Lilith. It’s the job of every good Dom to make sure no poor deed by a sub goes unpunished.” Eric walked around his desk.

  “Sounds like some sort of Dom handbook rule,” Lilith muttered as she watched him. She felt better now that she had spoken with Eric about her problems. Lilith wished it had been Gaige, but it would be tonight. Her head was already full of plans to make last night up to him.

  “I want you to pull your skirt up to your waist, Lilith.” Eric said in his Dom voice as he tested the flexibility of a plastic ruler in his hand. Lilith stared at the ruler.

  “You’re not going to use your hand?” Lilith asked.

  Smiling over at her, he shook his head. “I would only use my hand to spank you if we had a contract in place. It’s very intimate for both the Dom and the sub.” He held up the ruler. “This will be effective, and it will provide some emotional distance between us. Now pull up your skirt and place both your hands on my desk Lilith. Spread your legs like a good girl.”

  “What about everyone in the office, won’t they hear?” Lilith was nervous about being exposed in her boss’s office.

  “As long as you can keep your gasps and moans to a minimum, we should be fine,” Eric said as he positioned himself behind Lilith.

  Lilith walked to the side of the desk, her heart pounding in preparation for the spanking she was about to receive. She was nervous, but the thought of Eric doing the honours did not turn her on. Instead, she felt as nervous and self-conscious as she had the first time Gaige laid her over his lap. Trying not to think about the ruler colliding with her flesh, Lilith pulled her knee length skirt up, baring her panties.

  “Oh, no, Lilith, this isn’t going to do at all,” Eric murmured from behind her. “Does Gaige know you’re wearing panties?” Damn. Lilith knew she wasn’t supposed to be wearing any underwear, but she had automatically put them on this morning without thinking.

  “Well, the thing is Eric….” Lilith said as she felt a blush creeping up her neck.

  “No explanations, Lilith, you have been one very naughty sub today. Pull off the panties and set them on the desk in front of you.” Eric gave his directions in a calm voice. “They look really nice; too bad you’ll never see them again.”

  “But…,” Lilith began.

  “I can wait here all day, Lilith. It’s one of the perks about being a boss.” She could hear the smile in Eric’s voice and wanted to cringe. Lilith knew she would only get more punishment if she argued, so she pulled her panties off quickly and put them in front of the desk in front of her. “Good girl. Now put your hands on the desk in front of you lean over and spread those beautiful legs, Lilith.”

  “Yes, sir,” Lilith managed to say around a lump in her throat.

  “You have a beautiful ass, Lilith, has Gaige taken you there yet?” Eric asked casually, and she heard him slap the ruler on the palm of his hand a few times.

  “No, Gaige said he is waiting to claim my ass in front of everyone at the club.” Lilith couldn’t believe she was having this conversation with Eric in his office.

  “He’s obviously very serious about you. I have never seen him claim a sub that way before,” Eric mused and Lilith felt her heart lighten a little. Maybe she could salvage her relationship with her precious Dom.

  “It’s a count of twenty, Lilith, this is punishment so I want you to count each stroke. No subspace for you. What is your safe word?” Eric asked last.

  The familiar preparation for a scene washed over Lilith like a warm blanket. This is how she and Gaige began when they wanted to play. The familiar exchange comforted Lilith and made her less nervous over what was to come.

  “My safe word is red, sir,” Lilith responded immediately.

  “Good girl,” Eric said as he stepped in behind her. Even though Lilith knew he was there, staring at her ass and whatever of her pussy might be showing between her legs, she didn’t feel anything sexual by it. Her pussy would have been wet and her ass begging for Gaige’s touch had he been here. Knowing Eric was behind her made her discipline feel as if it was a punishment.

  Eric didn’t bother warming up her ass the way Gaige did and she heard the smack of the plastic as it hit her ass cheek before the scalding pain reverberated over her nervous system. She gasped in shock at the sting and the warmth that followed.

  “Are you with me, Lilith?” Eric demanded.

  “Yes, sir.” Lilith gasped out the words. “One, sir.”

  “Very good girl, Lilith,” Eric responded before raining more blows on Lilith’s backside. She moaned and did her best to stay quiet and still as she counted out her smacks.

  Gaige had felt wretched all morning. He hadn’t slept well since he wanted to drive back to Lilith’s apartment and pull her into his arms. Unfortunately, he had to leave the ball in her court as they said. She had to come to the realisation that she wanted to be with him. That she wanted to give him her true submission. Even though he had gone over everything a hundred times in his head and still drew the conclusion it was best for him to wait for her. Gaige found himself in his truck driving over to Lilith’s workplace.

  He tried to convince himself that he was a Dom and his job was to make sure Lilith hadn’t continued to dwell on what happened last night. Really, he just wanted to make sure she was all right. He wanted to hold her and tell her they could work through everything and then spank her ass silly for the attitude she pulled last night.

  Pulling into a parking spot near Lilith’s office, he got out of the truck and walked over to the building. Maybe Eric would give her the rest of the afternoon off so they could work things out together. It was probably best if they didn’t go to the club for the next few days. Their relationship had gone from zero to minor dependency in little over a week. A break from the emotional highs and lows of the club would probably do them both some good.

  Gaige ran over all the things he wanted to say to her in the elevator going up to the floor he visited before when he came to fetch Lilith after her subdrop. In fact, he didn’t care what Eric or Lilith had to say. He was simply going to go caveman on them until she relented and let him take her home. She needed to be soothed after all she had come so far in such a short time.

  “Hello again, I’m here to see Lilith Graham,” Gaige introduced himself to the receptionist again and she smiled back at him.

  “Hello, Mr Harlow. I’m so glad you’ve come in this morning.” The receptionist leaned forward on her arms, aiding the swell of her breasts resting just below her blouse neckline. “Lilith was looking a bit under the weather this morning.”

  “Not to worry, I will soon see her to rights.” Gaige gave the woman a smile even though he was doing his bes
t not to wager whether a nipple might find freedom at any moment. She smiled benignly as he passed by her desk.

  Gaige walked down the row of cubicles where he knew Lilith’s desk was. Her cubicle was empty. Frowning, Gaige looked to where Eric Danvers’ office was. The blinds were drawn again. His heart did an odd thump, and suddenly, he found it difficult to breathe. On leaden feet, Gaige approached the office door. A secretary, an older woman smiled up at him from heavy glasses making her eyes appear like two large bugs.

  “Can I help you, sir?” the receptionist asked. Normally, he would chuckle at the double meaning behind the word sir, but instead, dread infused his body. Still staring at the door, he addressed the receptionist.

  “I’m looking for Mrs. Graham,” Gaige said even though he was certain of the woman’s next words.

  “Oh, she’s meeting with Mr Danvers. Shall I let them know you’re here?” The receptionist asked just as they both heard the muffled smack of something against flesh followed by what Gaige knew to be Lilith’s moans.

  “No, they know I’m coming,” Gaige said as he reached for the handle of the door. The receptionist looked as if she wanted to stop him, but he was quicker. Gaige opened the door just enough for him to step inside, swallowing the wave of emotion that threatened to overtake him as he inspected the tableau in front of him with a connoisseur’s eye.

  Lilith had her skirt pulled up over her hips; her luscious ass was on display and bore the marks of the plastic ruler that Eric held in his hands. Dimly, he was aware of feeling annoyance at the scrap of lace on the desk in front of Lilith. She was not supposed to be wearing panties as his sub. Not that she was going to be his sub for much longer.

  “Gaige, I can explain,” Eric was looking at him with a frown on his face. He lowered the ruler.

  “I don’t think this needs much of an explanation,” Gaige’s voice was cold, monotone. Lilith was watching him with wide eyes, her throat working. Her eyes told him that she had been crying all night over him. Gaige looked at Eric. She didn’t look upset now. He wondered how wet her pussy had gotten with her punishment. His Lilith liked the bite of pain.


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