Fame, Fortune & Secrets (The Redemption Series: Book 2)

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Fame, Fortune & Secrets (The Redemption Series: Book 2) Page 10

by Maeve Christopher

  “I suppose that’s pretty important with your family.”

  “Absolutely,” Nita said.

  Amanda turned to Cat. “Well, Cat, I have to admire you—not just for the incredible, touching lyrics you write—but also that you have the courage of your convictions. You’ve been interviewed by every major media outlet and appeared on every late night TV show, every entertainment magazine show—and you always proclaim your Christianity and always give credit to God for your amazing gifts.”

  “We serve a great God. I want everyone to know God loves them, and that love can change their lives, too.” The passion in Cat’s blue eyes seemed to affect Amanda.

  “Cat, your manager Joe Harris, tells me you and the band will be doing a ‘praise and worship’ program after the official ending of your upcoming concert in L.A. This has created quite a stir. Does all the controversy bother you?”

  “It does not. We’ve been careful to let everyone know the concert will be worth the price of admission. We have some very special guests who’ll be appearing as well. When it ends, we’ll be singing praise to God with some of our original songs and some well-known and well-loved hymns. That will be a free concert, and we hope people will stay. But that’s certainly not a requirement.”

  Amanda went to another commercial. When she returned to the screen she was seated with Paulo and his girlfriend Ellen. They were dressed in their usual uniforms—white shirts and jeans. They both were shy and nervous, and Amanda tried to calm him with a flirty tone. “Paulo you have the most incredible big blue eyes. Do all the girls tell you that?”

  Paulo blushed crimson, and Ellen giggled.

  Amanda turned to Ellen and said, “I take it that means yes.” She watched Ellen continuing her nodding and giggling and Paulo looking uncomfortable. Amanda smiled at Ellen. “And was that the first thing you noticed about Paulo? His blue eyes?”

  “Yes, and he’s so good-looking.” She giggled. Paulo put his arm across his stomach, and Ellen stopped instantly.

  Her face looked like sudden clouds blocked the sun. I could see her tighten her grip on his left hand. I realized they knew each other very well. Maybe that’s why Eduardo disliked her. He probably thought his little brother was too young for a serious girlfriend.

  Amanda seemed a bit confused about what was happening, but she kept going. “Paulo, you’ve achieved almost unbelievable success in just a few short months. Did you ever think, in your wildest dreams, this would happen?”

  “No. Not like this.”

  “What did you see for your future?”

  “I thought I’d eventually go to London to university. And I thought perhaps I could submit my music to someone there.”

  “Instead, here you are in America, already a superstar. Will you be going to college in England? Or are your plans for school on hold?”

  “No. I—I think I’ll attend university in Salzburg—at least for a while. I’ll be able to record at home. I have a studio all set up. So I’ll be able to focus on my music. My manager, Joe Harris, and my producer, Doug Bainbridge, will be able to spend time with me at home. So that will help, too.”

  Amanda said, “It sounds like you have everything planned out. How does it feel to be an almost overnight sensation? You seem so shy and quiet—and your family seems to be the very center of your life. Has it been difficult?”

  “Yes, a little bit difficult. But I’ve been lucky to have my family and my manager to help me with everything. So really, I can just concentrate on my music, and that’s what I love to do.”

  “How has it been for you, these past months, to be reunited with your big brother, Eduardo, and of course, David, who has been like an older brother to you? Has that been a little strange, after so long without them? I understand they left for college when you were only eight or so,” Amanda said.

  “Yes, I missed them very much, and I’m so happy to have them back. I’m looking forward to having them home in Salzburg. That’s one reason why I want to stay home and attend university there. Even my brother Cisco is moving back home to marry Cat. And Raphael is thinking about building a house right down the road.” Paulo turned to Ellen. “We can be a family again.”

  Amanda smirked. “Tell me some of the things you’ll be doing as a family—now that your big brothers, and your cousin, are home again.”

  Paulo looked up into space, as though in search of an answer. “Well, we always have big family dinners. And we just have fun. Usually I play for them, and we have fun singing and making up songs. Papa always plays chess with Papa Frederick. Sometimes we have competitions—like who can make the best snowman. We have teams. Usually when my grandfather visits he judges the contests. We just have fun. And Eduardo promised me he’s going to teach me to drive as soon as we get back home.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Really, I think everyone aspires to having such a family life.” Amanda changed the subject. “Paulo, tell me how you’ve been affected by your hemophilia. I’m sure you were treated differently than your brothers. It must have been difficult growing up with such an athletic, outdoor oriented family. Are there any sports you participate in?”

  “I swim most every day. Other than that I cannot do sports. But I don’t really think about it. I focus on my music. My parents always told me God gave me a wonderful gift. My brothers are gifted too, in different ways. So we are all grateful for the talents we have.”

  Amanda nodded, and turned back to Ellen. “Ellen, I understand you’ll be going to Salzburg to be a bridesmaid for Nita and Cat. Are you nervous?”

  “A little bit.” Ellen smiled.

  Amanda reached out to take their hands as they went to commercial.

  Joe gave a thumbs-up to everyone and refilled his popcorn bowl. By the time he collapsed back into his easy chair, Amanda was narrating again with video of the capture of notorious drug dealer Albert Santoro. As I watched David pushing that awful man into a police cruiser, Amanda was saying the stage was set for notoriety for all four of our secret agents. That didn’t sound too good to me.

  General Pearson was sitting in the conference room with Amanda and his men. Amanda said, “Agent Alain Dusseault, a French citizen, and Texan Jimmy Hollinger soon found themselves embroiled in the media frenzy surrounding their colleagues and good friends, Agents Lambrecht and Clemente.”

  Amanda spoke to Alain and Jimmy. “I hear both of you met your current girlfriends as a result of David’s relationship with Debbie Aldridge.”

  She got polite nods from both.

  “Agent Dusseault, Glori told me you literally knocked her off her feet.”

  They all burst into laughter, and Alain said, “You could say that.”

  That was about all she got from Alain, so she turned to Jimmy. “Tell me what it’s like to date the most famous, most glamorous woman in the world.”

  “Awesome,” Jimmy said, and there was more laughter.

  Amanda tried to salvage the conversation. “I’m told Cat introduced you two. Considering the hectic schedules you both have, I imagine it’s difficult to spend time together. But the paparazzi have caught up with you two all over the place. Is it serious?”

  Jimmy’s mischievous grin remained in place. “She’s really fantastic. Any guy would want to be with her. But she’s only twenty-two, she’s one of the busiest people on the planet, and she’s focused on her career. And she should be at this point. So we’ll stay friends, I’m sure. But who knows the future? Not me.”

  Amanda pushed. “I know you’ll be moving to Salzburg. And Aubrey? Any plans to see her in Salzburg?”

  Jimmy looked amused. “Contrary to all this talk about all these superstars moving to Salzburg—it’s not exactly a world metropolis. I mean—give me a break—it’s a little town in Austria. No. I don’t think Aubrey’s movin’ to Salzburg anytime soon.” It was time for another commercial.

  Chapter Ten


  Eduardo teased Jimmy during the break. “So what metropolis is Aubrey in now?”

  Jimmy took a fistful of Joe’s popcorn and dumped it over Eduardo’s head. “Chicago. The metropolis of Chicago. Probably a way better metropolis than Salzburg.”

  Before Jimmy could be booed to death by all the Salzburg fans, Amanda was back with a montage of our secret agents in various duties. Jimmy got his revenge when they showed Eduardo throwing a man out of a pit—the both of them all covered in mud. They showed Alain making fun of David’s frustration with trying to teach someone about shooting a rifle, and David just hit the target himself. Lots of funny pictures, but they still made me nervous. They were always in harm’s way.

  Then the General made David show his skill with guns, and the camera showed how he could make precise shots at impossible distances. The General told Amanda there was no one on the planet better than David with a gun.

  Amanda stood in front of a target. “I was literally blown away by the demonstration at target practice. But this next exercise is simply unbelievable. All I can say is if you’re squeamish, you don’t want to watch. And by this hour, your children should be in bed. My gratitude to General Pearson for making this video available to me. It shows a martial arts training exercise—and really—it speaks for itself.”

  The room got deadly quiet, and when David saw what was happening, he held my face to his chest. I struggled to see the screen.

  Eduardo fumed. “Has Pearson lost his fuckin’ mind?”

  Jimmy’s voice was incredulous. “How’d she get hold of a classified video?”

  By the time I wrestled my way back to glimpse the screen, I saw David with a bloody face slam some guy to the floor unconscious.

  Then General Pearson stood beside Alain and addressed the group. “You had your asses kicked by the best. Now we know where we need to focus our efforts. Over the course of your training, you’ll hopefully be able to compete with them, and maybe—finally—win.”

  Amanda made a quick invitation to join her next week for more in depth interviews with Nita, Cat, Glori and Aubrey Rose. As the credits filled the screen, David apologized to me again, and Daddy silently marched my mother out the door.

  David turned me over to Cindy, who ran over with a box of tissues. Alain got up after saying something to Glori, but she sat there with her mouth open in shock. It was unusual for her to be quiet.

  It was Nita who was comforting Eduardo, gently rubbing his back as he leaned forward with his head in his hands. I guess this wasn’t a surprise to Nita.

  Then four secret agents went outside.

  Joe rubbed the remnants of popcorn from his chin. “Well—at the risk of getting my head bashed in—that was one heck of a show!”


  The four men stood outside the kitchen door as Eduardo dialed Pearson. He didn’t answer any of his numbers so he left messages about their concerns on the training video.

  Eduardo slipped the phone back into his pocket and sat on the stone wall. “Who gave her that tape? It couldn’t have been Pearson. He’s not stupid. It wouldn’t further his case that we’re heroes. The Sylvie Mason thing was getting better with the Sara Blackington publicity. It doesn’t make sense.”

  “Unless you’re trying to bring us down—like Colonel Johnson,” David said.

  “It’s a dumb way to do it, but you said he gave the Sylvie Mason story to the press. And he tried to get Darla to give the other story. So maybe it was Johnson,” Jimmy said.


  The four men arrived to the base the following morning almost simultaneously, and entered the conference room. Pearson followed them in. He looked as though he hadn’t slept. “I guess I’m not surprised to see you men here on a Sunday morning.”

  Jimmy spoke first. “Sir, we’re wondering if you really wanted Amanda James to have that video.”

  “Now why in hell would I want Amanda James to have a classified training video?” He took a seat at the table and swallowed half a cup of coffee before he continued. “Last night I sat there watching that program—when they showed that video—I can’t tell you how stunned—how livid I was. I phoned her right away, got the DVD and a letter I supposedly sent with it. Now which of you men sent it?”

  They looked at each other, incredulous. There was silence.

  Eduardo moderated his indignation. “Sir, why would any of us want her to have that video?”

  Pearson looked him in the eye. “I really don’t know why, Clemente. That’s what I’m trying to find out. Let’s face it. You men had it. And if there was any motive in the world for doing something like this, it would be one of you with the motive, and the opportunity. So—I’m not getting any answers.”

  Eduardo saw the distress and confusion on his friends’ faces. “Sir, with all due respect, none of us did that. None of us would ever do something like that. I hope you know that, Sir.”

  Pearson swigged more coffee. “I really don’t believe any one of you is capable of betraying this organization. But I have a DVD and a letter with Hollinger’s prints all over it. The letter was printed from his desktop, and my signature is missing, of course.”

  Jimmy sat red-faced and speechless.

  A knock at the door interrupted Alain’s protest.

  “Betty, come in. What brings you in on a Sunday?” Pearson addressed his secretary.

  “I thought I should tell you in person. I had a message from David on my voicemail about the training video on TV last night. I thought you should know, Colonel Johnson requested a copy of that training video a couple weeks ago. I never mentioned it to you, General. Actually, I’d forgotten all about it until David’s message.”

  Eduardo jumped from his seat and embraced Betty, kissing her on the forehead. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

  Pearson was not too pleased to hear it, but the training video revelation opened the door for the men to lay out their suspicions about Colonel Johnson. The words of a drug dealer and a prostitute would be enough to allow them further investigation with Pearson’s approval.

  Eduardo and Alain boarded a plane for New York.


  I clicked off my phone and headed into the dining room. It was Sunday night dinner at the Bainbridge mansion, and it was just Cindy’s immediate family and me.

  I dumped some salad on my plate and stabbed at it. “Alain just called, and he’s going out of town. He doesn’t know how long he’ll be gone. He said Eduardo would be gone, too. So I guess David is going to keep an eye on all his security stuff for the concert. But Alain said he expected they’d both be back in town for the concert.”

  “Oh wow. What now?” Cin talked to the mashed potatoes she handed off to Doug.

  “I gotta say, Cin, that Amanda James show freaked me out. And it freaked our secret agents out. This little trip must have something to do with that.”

  “I suppose.” Cindy looked tired.

  But she revived when Raphael walked through the door. After their happy greeting, and a slap on the back from Cindy’s dad, he joined us at the table.

  I began my quiz. “So what’s going on now, Raphael? Why did Alain and Eduardo have to leave town? They gonna beat someone else up over that training thing?”

  Raphael gave me his usual knockout smile. “They don’t tell me anything either. But someone made a big mistake putting that video on TV. So my guess is it’s all about that.”

  “Yeah, but you know there’s always more to their stories. Nothing’s simple in the secret agent world.” I poured dressing on the salad. Maybe that’d make it appetizing.


  “Welcome to Gossamer Magazine this Week. I’m Liz Anders. The big story in music this week is Paulo Clemente and his band. They rocked L.A. and the world last night with their first major concert on the heels of their record-setting first album Divine Intervention. They did have some major celebrity intervention though, with all the biggest names there to help kick off what promises to be an amazing career for Paulo and his friends.

  Mac Knight presented Nita with a single red rose when she introduced him to the
stage. That was just the beginning of what can only be described as a steamy duet. The title says it all—Into the Flames. And the way he hugged her after their performance—well we’ll show you again why tongues are wagging all over Hollywood. Of course, Nita’s secret agent fiancé, Eduardo Clemente, was in charge of security for the big show, so he didn’t let things get too far out of hand.

  Billy Jordan and I4U performed their new hit, penned by Paulo and Cat. And so did Annie Knowles. Her new song, Remembering, is climbing the charts into the top ten this week.

  Aubrey Rose flew in from Chicago to open the show for her friend Paulo. Gossamer was at the airport for Aubrey’s arrival—along with—who else—her secret agent heartthrob, Jimmy Hollinger. After he escorted her through the paparazzi and mobs of fans, rumor has it the couple found a brief respite in a quiet lunch at the Dockside in Malibu.

  Glori Coulson, the daughter of renowned director Don Coulson, wowed the audience with her hit, Living One Minute at a Time, and then showed everyone she can dance, with her new release, Private Party. Glori had the whole stadium on their feet—even Aubrey joined in.

  Cat showed remarkable talent—not only with her lyrics—she has a beautiful voice that touches the heart. So much of her material is inspirational and uplifting—and even spiritual in a ‘mainstream’ sort of way. The crowd adored her, and they loved her new song, Inspired, the title song for the band’s next album.

  With all the controversy over the band’s announcement of their free post-concert praise and worship session, people were wondering if fans would stay. Well, Gossamer was there to talk to the fans, and we found there were more people coming in for the free concert than were leaving. Most of the fans were positive—they admire a band that stands for something. And for a new band, especially, it was a risk. But a risk that seems to have paid off.

  Of course, Robby Wilson did so many of the songs from Divine Intervention—and kept the crowd entertained with his commentary and introductions of their celebrity guests. A great showman, Kurt S. on guitar was absolutely amazing—as usual.


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