ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Dalik: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

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ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Dalik: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors) Page 7

by Maia Starr

  Dalik came up from drinking and stood up at the edge of the bed. It was sexual and hot. He got my legs and pulled my whole body to the edge of the bed. I just gazed at his long cock, with my mouth opening somewhat in anticipation. Dalik snatched my hips and pulled me nearer to him.

  "I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to fuck you hard," he said.

  He came to down and snatched his cock and set the tip in my opening. I was breathing vigorously and was frightened and eager to feel every last bit of him inside me. He looked down at seeing the tip of him in me and groaned.

  "I wish you could see this perspective," he said. He moved the tip of it in somewhat more, yet not completely. He gradually pumped his body forward moving the tip in little by little. He murmured and groaned as he watched his work. I spread my legs more. I needed it, and I was so wet I knew it would feel like paradise when he slid in.

  Dalik gazed toward me and with one hard push drove his whole cock within me. I shouted!

  It took me a few moments before I could pause. He dove deep within me. More profound than I was expecting, and I thought I would have another climax with one move. Dalik grinned at me and after that got my hips, "You're so wet. You're so tight."

  At that point he moved in and out of me utilizing his body to push forward and back. Since he remained at the edge of the bed with me at the very edge of it, it was simple for him to move along these lines. At that point he moved quicker and speedier, hammering his body against mine. I was losing myself to bliss, to this warrior alien. My entire body was arousing to new sentiments. New cravings. At that point he ceased.

  He pulled out of me. I sat up confounded. I gazed upward at him and he looked down at me and grinned. He said, "Come here."

  I got off of the bed and went to him. He got my hand and put it on his cock, kneading it, rubbing it. I looked down at it, willingly. It was grand. I put both hands on it and kneaded it. I moved down and put the tip of it in my mouth. Wrapping my lips around it delicately. He groaned. I went down to my knees and opened my mouth more extensive, letting a greater amount of him in. I needed to give him the delight he gave me.

  I put one hand on the base of his cock and utilized my tongue to run small circular movements over the tip. He tilted his head back and put his hands in my hair. I slid his cock all through my mouth. Again and again I did this, listening to him react. At last, he said, "Stop."

  I did as he said. "Stand up," he said.

  He got my hands and helped me up to my feet.

  "You're lovely," I said in a whisper. He took a look at me with a smile and said, "I know."

  At that point he put his body on top of mine and entered me once more gradually sliding in and out. Wrapping his lips around my nipples, kissing them and sucking on them. He said my name again and again between kissing them, "Jade, Mmm… Jade."

  I adored listening to my name originate from his lips. It was inebriating.

  Dalik got my leg and propped it on his shoulder and moved further inside me. I knew this implied he was prepared to cum. I opened myself more as I felt the build up of climax and tensed, “I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” I shouted.

  He groaned and moved harder and quicker. Then a few moments later he was shouting, “Jade, oh fuck. I’m cumming, shit!” He released inside of me.

  Chapter 10


  I could not stand to tell her the news after my meeting with Master Bresh. I knew that she would be heart broken and terrified. I was angry and ready to kill Commander Yun for even thinking to challenge me. He would pay for it, and he would pay for it dearly. Now was my chance to get rid of him. I would defeat him and use his own stupidity to have him banished. It was his own doing, all because he was barbaric. He was not an honorable warrior like the Kalazaron had prided themselves to be. He was something else that did not belong here. He did not belong on this planet. But when I told Jade, I was not expecting her reaction.

  "No!" she shouted as she ran to the washroom and locked herself in and I felt absolutely like shit for having scared her. But she needed to know. I did not want to keep it from her. I did not want to keep it from her that it was not her crewmate that was in danger, but it was she that could be forced to be under the commander.

  Bang! Bang! I knocked on the door loudly. “Jade! Please come out. I won’t let that happen,” I said trying to reassure her that I was better than the commander. I would never let him have her ever. I had grown too attached to her. She was mine, not just my human slave either. There was more going on here and we both knew it, but I did not think that she would be the first to admit it.

  Suddenly it grew quiet in the washroom and she walked out with tears in her eyes. I wanted to scoop her in my arms and tell her it would be safe and good with me.

  “So that’s it then? I am to be his if he wins?”

  “He will not win,” I said in a tone that let her know I was in control of the situation. I was a damn warrior that was well respected for a reason. I was damn good. This was no different. I was going to crush the commander in every way the trials brought to me.

  “Then if I am to be his, than I want to be with you first,” she said as she moved to me and put her arms around me and I breathed in deep. I had wanted this so bad that I thought for a second that I was inside one of my projections. It had to be because I did not think that she would be so willing. But when faced with danger the Kalazaron did extreme things, I guess it wasn’t any different for the humans.

  “Jade, are you sure?” I asked looking down at her as I already felt my rod growing stiff and hard.

  “Yes, take me Dalik,” she whispered as she ran her hands over my bare strong chest and her words were delicious to me. I wanted to hear those words and had made them a part of my projection. Now it was real and coming from her delicate mouth.

  I put my large hands on her tiny waist and kissed her. She moaned and said, “Dalik, I dreamt about this,” she whispered between the kisses I was planting on her lips.

  “No, you did not. I planted that in your mind,” I said. She pulled away from me and looked at me in shock. “What?”

  I sighed and said and knew that she was going to be pissed off and pull away from me when I told her what I had done. But I had to tell her, “We Kalazaron enjoy the human female so much because we are able to plant projections in their mind, sexual projections. I had never done it before until you.” I waited for her to slap me and throw things. I expected her to be so angry she would no longer want me to tak her. But then she started to ask questions instead.

  “Wait, you mean when I was asleep with the dry sheet around me, you projected making love to me? You put that in my mind?”


  She was silent. Then she surprised me again with her inquiring mind once more “I want to know more. That is fascinating, and also how dare you do that to me Dalik Moscurn. Why did you do that?”

  I sort of hid a laugh at her reasoning and then told her the truth.

  “Because I want you so damn bad Jade. I want to put my cock inside of you. I want to take you the way I am accustomed to taking females, but I did not want to take you without your permission. The projection is the next best thing.”

  I looked at her unsure what she would make of my blunt honesty, but it was the warrior way and I could not change that.

  “That is really hot,” she said as she moved back to me and pressed her hands against my stomach. I groaned at her touch. I was shocked at her reactions to me, but then I remembered why she was doing it. She was afraid that Commander Yun would have her by tomorrow and she wanted a night of fucking with me.

  “So now what?” she asked. “Do you not want the real thing, now that you have had the projection?’

  “I want you more now than ever,” I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I carried her to sleeping quarters and enjoyed myself as I gave her the best pleasure I knew how to do to a female human.

  The next morning when I woke up I was feeling extreme bliss
and like the true warrior that I was, but then I began to panic. Shit. Being with Jade was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was so much better than the projection. The panic was coming from the fact that she was right about the commander. He was a dirty cheat. I knew this about him and did not put it past him to try to take the Consulate position from me at any costs. I was arrogant and sure of myself before I had lay with Jade. Now that I had experienced her, I did not want anything to take that from me. My jealousy was heavier than it had been before I experienced her. I lay there in the dark figuring out what I could do. I finally came to the conclusion that there was only one thing we could do. We had to leave.

  "Wake up Jade," I said as I nudged her. It was morning and I should be hearing from Master Bresh about the decision. If they were going to allow the commander to challenge my position, than we had to be prepared. She stretched long in the sheets and I did not want to move her from this glorious sweet spot.

  I gave in and kissed her lips and allowed my body to lie on hers if only for a few minutes.

  "Good morning Consulate," she said with a smile.

  "Good morning. We must get started on the day. I should be hearing the news any minute, and if it is a yes then we must prepare,” I said as I got out of bed.

  "Prepare for what?"

  Ding! Ding! A call was coming in.

  "Wait here that must be the Master on the projection screen?"

  I moved out of my sleeping room and into the basic and answered the projection.

  "Consulate, it has been decided that the commander is able to challenge you. The challenge will be held tomorrow. Take this day off to prepare yourself and best of luck to you Consulate," the Master said before he hung up.

  I made sure that the projection was closed off on my side. I immediately moved back into my sleeping room and closed the door.

  "We're getting out of here," I said as I opened the storage wall and began to pack a survival bag. Jade sat up in bed and looked at me confused, "What do you mean? Tell me what is going on here?"

  "It has been decided that I will be challenged by the commander tomorrow. I was given the day off from my Consulate duties today to prepare. However, you were right. The commander will do all he can to win this challenge and pull any dirty trick that he can. What if he has a member of the council under blackmail or bribery? What if he has spiked food that I did not know was in my possession? There are many number of things that he can do as he has many resources. He could have me attacked on my walk to the challenge arena tomorrow and injure me just so that he can win in the combat trials. I do not trust it. Therefore, we are getting out of here."

  "Where will we go? Are we going to the outlands with the rebels?" She asked as she got up out of bed and came to me.

  Her presence was instantly calming to me. I looked at her and said, "No, we would be found quickly if we did that. There is only one place we can go that we would be completely safe."

  "What place is that?"

  "Earth," I said looking at her.

  "Earth?! Do you really mean it Dalik?"

  "I do really need mean it Jade. It is the only way to get you into a safe place. Do you think that there is a place on Earth that we could live where I would be accepted or we could hide and live alone together?"

  "You mean live together, as a couple?" She said that she looked at me with a hopeful manner.

  "That is what I mean Jade. I have realized that I have fallen for you. It is the only explanation of why I am willing to leave all of this behind. I am willing to leave the planet that I love and wanted to help transform just to keep you safe. I will not have any harm come to you."

  "Oh Dalik," I feel the same way," she said and she jumped into my arms.

  I kissed her deeply and moved my hands all over her body taking her in. However there was no time to do anything else.

  "Come, we must pretend like we are going to the market and going about my day. However, we will be going to the pods," I said as I picked out a cloak for her to wear.

  "The pods?" She said as she began to get dressed.

  "Yes, there are emergency escape pods. They are designed to help us escape in the event of a disaster in the city. They are very fast once they are launched and go into hypertravel speed with in seconds and are hard to trace. We can get into one and plot a course to Earth before and launch. We will be more than halfway there before anyone ever discovers that we have left the planet."

  "But are you sure? This is what you want?" She asked as she stopped and looked at me.

  I had to admit that it was not what I wanted before she had entered my life. If it was only me I would be more than happy to take up the challenge against him and I knew that I would win. Now with so much weighing on the whether or not I won, made me feel like I would be too distracted to win. Her life depended on it now. Escape seemed to be the only way to be with her, to be happy, and to be away from that vile creature. I looked at her and simply said, "This is the way."

  Chapter 11


  I had the most epic night of my life. Letting Dalik take me the way he did was thrilling and the fact that he was of an alien race was intoxicating to me. He was very much like a human male, but also very different. His long limbs and tall stature made me feel delicate and petite under his weight. He was able to handle me like a rag doll and I liked that. As I stretched out in bed and thought about everything that had happened the night before I smiled to myself. So it was a shock when he burst into the room in a panic.

  "We're getting out of here," he said as he opened a wall and began to pack. I sat up in bed and looked at him confused and scared, "What do you mean? Tell me what is going on here?" I said wondering what the hell the call he received was about. Were we in immediate danger? Were guards about to burst in here and give me to the commander? My heart pounded not knowing what was happening.

  "It has been decided that I will be challenged by the commander tomorrow. I was given the day off from my Consulate duties today to prepare. However, you were right. The commander will do all he can to win this challenge and pull any dirty trick that he can. What if he has a member of the council under blackmail or bribery? What if he has spiked food that he did not know was in my possession? There are many number of things that he can do as he has many resources. He could have me attacked on my walk to the challenge arena tomorrow and injure me just so that he can win in the combat trials. I do not trust it. Therefore, we are getting out of here."

  I was so confused as to what had changed his mind. He went from being very confident to undertaking the commander no matter his tricks to suddenly being very paranoid. I did not understand the change and since I did not know the planet I had no idea that there were places we could go to hide.

  "Where will we go? Are we going to the outlands with the rebels?" I asked as I got up out of bed and came to him and put my hands on his arms to calm him. I was frightened and needed answers to better understand what was happening.

  He looked at me and said, "No, we would be found quickly if we did that. There is only one place we can go that we would be completely safe."

  "What place is that?" I asked not knowing where we could possibly go. I couldn’t exactly hide the fact that I was a human female and since there were few of us on this planet I would be spotted very easily. Then he said something that caught me completely off guard and shocked me.

  "Earth," he said looking at me.

  "Earth?! Do you really mean it Dalik?" I said suddenly feeling excited that I could actually see home again. That I would no longer be a slave and that I would be out of the threat of Commander Yun’s reach. It was all too perfect.

  "I do really mean it Jade. It is the only way to get you into a safe place. Do you think that there is a place on Earth that we could live where I would be accepted or we could hide and live alone together?"

  "You mean live together, as a couple?" I said wondering if he truly saw me as anything other than a companion and sexual being. Did
he really want to be with me no matter where we were?

  "That is what I mean Jade. I have realized that I have fallen for you. It is the only explanation of why I am willing to leave all of this behind. I am willing to leave the planet that I love and wanted to help transform just to keep you safe. I will not have any harm come to you."

  My heart jumped at his words. Tears started to form in my eyes hearing that he had fallen for me. I was falling for him too and I had been scared to admit that to him and to myself. It was too much too soon, but I had a connection with him. He was unlike any creature that I had ever known. He was a strong warrior that set me on fire in both mind and body.

  "Oh Dalik," I feel the same way," I said as I jumped into his strong arms.

  He kissed me and rubbed me up and down, but I still sensed some impatience in him. He wanted to get moving and now.

  "Come, we must pretend like we are going to the market and going about my day. However, we will be going to the pods," he said as he picked out a cloak for me to wear.


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