ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Dalik: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

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ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Dalik: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors) Page 9

by Maia Starr

  "You are going to win," I whispered to Dalik as he looked at me and was moved away from me.

  I knew what was going to happen because he had explained to me how the trials worked. Even though I did not understand a lot of it, I did understand that the first part was a trial of intelligence. The commander and Dalik sat at a large table facing each other. The trial began and I did not understand what was happening between them in this match of wits, but I understood that Dalik had the upper hand. I could see the commander getting frustrated as he shouted, "You are a cheat!"

  "Concentrate," I whispered as though Dalik could hear me. I knew that the commander was trying to throw him off with his distractions and Dalik seemed to know as well because he did not respond to the commander’s threat. I don't know how much time had gone by but I knew that half the day had been spent. Dalik had won every single challenge of the wits and the commander was growing increasingly frustrated. He was like a spoiled child and I wanted to laugh at him. He was no warrior; he was nothing but a brute.

  "Let the combat round preparations began," a loud voice said. This was the part that I was the most nervous about. Dalik was a great warrior. I knew that. However this was the only part of the trial that the commander could match with Dalik’s skills. I knew that the commander could not possibly win enough rounds to compensate his losses already. But I was fearful of something else, I was fearful that the commander would kill Dalik out of spite. He would kill him so that I would be free of him. I watched as Dalik got into his warrior gear and he smiled at me. I smiled back and nodded my head with arched eyebrows giving him support that I knew he could take him. But deep down inside I was very nervous and very scared. The commander was not going to fight fair. It was obvious to me.

  "Let the battle begin!"

  As soon as the words were shouted the commander was charging Dalik before the words had ended. I gasped in terror, but Dalik turned quickly as though he knew all along what the commander would do. I wondered if they had fought before. It seemed that they were at odds already when I first encountered them together. If they had fought before then Dalik knew his style. He knew that he would fight dirty and he was well prepared for it. I wanted to look away as blow after blow each warrior was an equal match for each other. I did not think one could win because they were both very good. I should have looked away but I could not.

  Then it happened. I saw it happen quickly and it was a very clever trick. A large metal button fell off of the commander’s leather like sleeves on his forearm. It rolled under Dalik’s feet and he slipped and fell on his back. The commander was on top of him quickly. I should have been edging toward the back of the room to be ready to escape but I did not do anything like we had planned. I was in shock. The commander had his staff against Dalik’s neck as he pressed down. He had cheated and it worked.

  "Ribs," I whispered as though Dalik could hear me. I don't know if he could but in that moment he used his fist to punch the commander in the ribs with just enough force that he loosened the pressure on Dalik's neck. He rolled on top of the commander pressing him onto the floor and punched him over and over in the head until the commander was unresponsive.

  "Halt!" The Master shouted.

  Dalik stood up. His breathing was hard and he look down at the unconscious commander expecting him to spring up and pull another trick as he backed away from him.

  I was so relieved that I wanted to run into his arms. But I dare not show how much he meant to me and how much I meant to him. It could be used against him in our future together in the city. For now, I would play the obedient female human slave as though I did not want to be his slave, and I was his true Kalazaron captive. It was the only way.

  Chapter 14


  This would have been easier if Jade’s life was not at stake. I was a damn good warrior and I was more intelligent than Commander Yun. Yet every single trial that I went through… Jade was in the back of my mind. I could feel her presence. Ever since I had projected into her that one night, I felt a connection to her mind. Now, I could feel her stronger than ever. Still, I managed to win every battle of wits against he commander and now it was time for the warrior trial. I prepared in my gear and knew that the commander would have several tricks. I was ready for them all.

  "Let the combat round preparations began!" I began to pull on my fighting gear and I smiled at Jade. She gave me a supportive look and it meant everything to me.

  "Let the battle begin!"

  As soon as the words were shouted the commander was charging toward me and I could hear his clunky moves. He was not light on his feet at all. I turned quickly and blocked his blow, then another and another. Then it was my turn as I threw punch after punch into his ribs. He stumbled over but recovered quickly. We wrestled and fought equally and his sneer only made me angrier. I would not have him be with Jade. I went into a world of my own as I anticipated his every move and blocked it.

  I however, did not anticipate him loosening a metallic button from his cuff and tossing it under my feet. I slipped and fell back and he grabbed a staff quickly and was on top of me. He was on my neck as he pressed down. He had cheated and it worked.

  "Ribs," I heard Jade whisper as though she was in my ear. I balled my fist and punched the commander in the ribs where I had already caused some harm and with just enough force that he loosened the pressure on my neck. I rolled on top of the commander pressing him onto the floor and punched him over and over in the head until he was unresponsive.

  "Halt!" The Master shouted.

  I stood up. I had done it. I had proven myself worthy of the Consulate position twice. Now, I would be seen as a very powerful leader amongst the warrior Kalazaron race. No one would ever question me or doubt me again. I was angry that I had to prove it a second time, but this was a golden opportunity.

  “Dalik Moscurn!” the Master and ruler of our Kalazaron Empire shouted.

  “Master Gorgeen Bresh,” I said kneeling down on one knee and bowed my head to him.

  He continued, “You have proven yourself worthy of being my second in command yet again. You have beaten Commander Yun, in the Stanis Trials. I now declare that you remain my second and the Kalazaron Consulate!”

  The crowd cheered as I was named the second in command with yet again.

  “I am most grateful Master Gorgeen Bresh. I hold this in the highest of hearts and mind and will do my duty to the Kalazaron for my eternity life,” I said once again as I had done a few days before.

  “Rise, the Kalazaron Consulate, and lead your brothers and sisters of Kaethon,” he said.

  I stood up on my feet and turned in a slow circle to the crowd as I raised my hands in a high V over my head. The crowd cheered and I grinned.

  Then I silenced the crowd and then addressed Master Bresh. "I hereby request that Commander Yun be demoted from his position. His questioning of my authority and ability to be Consulate can now be seen as an act of treason. I request that he be shipped to the moon of Latty where he will serve in the mining fields for the rest of his life."

  Everyone was silent. The commander was still a great hero that had conquered many spaceships and territories, though not everyone knew how brutally he had done it. There was no honor in the way he acted as a warrior and it brought great shame to our name. The Master moved to the middle of the floor and finally said, "Your request is granted. Let this be set as an example against any rogue warrior that thinks they can take the laws into their own hands."

  I stood tall and proud and had great relief. I looked over at Jade and she was smiling at me. Now, the threat to her was now removed. We could be together in peace.

  Chapter 15


  After the day of the trials, I was happier than I had ever been, including my time on Earth. Now that Dalik had proven himself a very powerful Kalazaron warrior, there was a little that he could not do. His word was now seen as sacred and the warrior race seemed to have more respect for him than even the m
aster himself.

  It had been two months since that fateful day of the trials when I thought that I would either become the slave of the commander, or have to escape in a pod to Earth. I could not imagine either one of those futures now that my life was almost perfect.

  "Are you happy Jade?" Dalik asked me.

  "Yes Consulate, I am very happy. Are you?"

  "Yes scientist, I am very happy. Are you nervous about tomorrow?" He asked.

  "A little yes, because it is the first. However I am very excited as well," I said as I kissed him.

  "Well you have brought a lot of first into the city. You are the first systems scientist that we have ever had. Now you will be the bride in the first human and Kalazaron warrior wedding."

  I smiled as I took in his words. He was right. After the trials I had proved myself worthy of being a scientist that analyzed the systems of the city and improved them. It took a while to show my skills but the results could not be doubted. Master Bresh had finally seen the results for himself and allowed the Consulate to give me the position as system scientist. Since Lavender Prost was doing well in the medical field in the outpost, it helped to show that us human females could be an asset.

  However, now I was going to do the most basic female thing imaginable, I was going to be a wife. But unlike any other human female on the planet Kaethon, I was going to be the wife to a Kalazaron warrior. It was a very unusual thing, but as Dalik said I had done a lot of first here in the city.

  The next day, I wore a wedding dress that I designed myself of white sheer muslin like fabric layered on top of each other to make a glorious flowing wedding dress. We were getting married in my first science project, the Iccanis fields. The beauty of the cold planet could be seen all around us, even the blue mountains in the distance. As I walked down the aisle I stared ahead at my future husband. He was tall, gorgeous, and he was an alien.

  THE END (P.S. See next page for your Free & Exclusive book!)

  Get Your EXCLUSIVE & FREE Copy of:

  Exclusive Prequel: Kalazaron Blue Planet Warriors


  P.S. Checkout the Book Preview on Next Page


  (Blue Planet Warriors Prequel)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1

  In the far reaches of space near the M823 galaxy there lived an alien race of male dominant warriors called the Kalazaron. They were a fierce alien race that looked similar to humans, with a few differences. They were tall and lean at seven feet tall, sometimes taller. Their skin was accented with an iridescent blue in various areas of their taut skin and it was cold. This feature of cold skin was due to them adapting to their cold blue planet of Kaethon. They had long muscular limbs perfect for fighting and their persona was a very dominating one. They liked to get what they wanted, no matter what the cost or risk. And although there were female Kalazarons, they had very little influence or rights in the patriarchal society, as the men ruled with a hard fist.

  It is near this cold blue planet of Kaethon that a starship from Earth found itself making an emergency landing. The humans had never heard of the Kalazaron before, and they were surprised to find them living on the planet of Kaethon as the M823 galaxy had always been thought of as a desolate one. So when the starship, that was carrying twenty mail-order brides to a planet of human miners, crash-landed on the surface they had no idea what they were in for. The human females could not foresee the sway the domineering Kalazaron warriors would have over their bodies and their hearts. The Kalazaron warriors could not foresee just how fascinated they would become with the human females that would set off years of revering them at a high value.

  On this starship from Earth was the mail-order bride Meera, who thought she had left Earth for a better life and to finally marry. All that she wanted was to escape her New York where nothing ever happened and nothing ever happened to her. At five feet tall with brown hair, brown eyes, and a curvy figure she thought she was too plain to ever find a husband on Earth. Therefore when she read the advertisement for mail-order brides seeking to travel in space and live on the mining planet of Suvell, she jumped at the opportunity. Marrying a man she had never met was a small price to pay for a vastly different life with a chance of adventure. She knew growing up that she did not belong in New York and as she read the advertisement she thought, “Perhaps I do not belong on Earth either.”

  So Meera joined nineteen other women on a ship manned by five crewmen to take them to Suvell. This particular crew had made the journey on a routine basis and it seemed very safe to her. But when the engine blew out, no amount of safety precautions could save them in space. They veered off course and straight into the M823 galaxy and onto the nearest planet.

  “It’s no good, we have to land now!” Captain Steck shouted as he maneuvered the ship.

  “The only planet nearby is Kaethon! But look, it is showing signs of life,” the crewmate shouted.

  “What? Kaethon is supposed to be an inhabited planet,” the captain said as he looked at the life scanning monitors.

  “I guess our research was wrong,” the crewmate said as he prepared the emergency landing procedures.

  “Great god. Let us hope that we land in an area without native or at least that they are hospitable,” the captain said.

  Everyone looked at each other as they knew that usually in these situations that hostilities always arose, especially if the natives were an armed force.

  In the living bay Meera and the other women screamed with fright at the eratic flight pattern of the ship.

  “What do you think is happening?” Meera asked Tiffany, another mail order bride passenger with red hair and green eyes.

  “I don’t know! But I think we might be crashing,” she yelled.

  Meera’s eyes grew wide at Tiffany’s response. This was not in Meera’s plan. She only wanted to be a wife and to be taken to Suvell for a new start. She imagined a strong miner with a great body, a byproduct of his work, for a husband. This dream had been in her head for months while they traveled in space, and now it was all coming crashing down, literally.

  As the starship entered the thick blue atmosphere of Kaethon, Captain Steck was in shock at what he saw before him. “I can’t believe it!”

  “It’s an entire city! Look at that?” the crewmate shouted as they looked out the window before them at a gleaming city of blue glass and a well-built city structure.

  “This is an advanced species. We must be ready for anything. What is that over there?” Captain Steck pointed toward an area devoid of buildings.

  “It looks like crops.”

  “Yes, I think you are right. Let’s aim for that. Our landing will not be a gentle one and the gravity measurements here are just about what they are on Earth. Oxygen levels are reading normal as well. Hold on!” the Captain yelled.

  Seconds later the starship gouged a large scar through the crop fields as it crashed to a stop. They had made it. They were alive and in one piece, but now they were on a foreign planet they nothing about.

  Meera unlatched her seat belt and stood up. “I think we’ve landed somewhere. Perhaps we made it to Suvell after all?”

  “No, that is impossible. We had another three months of travel before we were anywhere close to Suvell,” Tiffany said.

  The door opened and Captain Steck moved through the door. “Is everyone all right?”

  “What happened? Where are we?” Meera asked in panic.

  “Everyone remain calm. The ship suffered damages in space and we had to make an emergency landing. We have landed on the planet Kaethon. There is civilization here. We know nothing about this planet or its inhabitants. There is oxygen and gravity and we saw a very well built city on our descent. Let us hope that…”

  Boom! Boom! Loud gunfire sounded from outside. “Exit or ship! Now!” the booming voice said over loudspeaker from outside. The girls screamed in panic. The Captain and the four crew
men looked at each other. “Well they speak our language. That is a plus,” the Captain said.

  “I advise that we go out there slowly with our hands in the air. Let us show them that we are not hostile. That we only seek their help with our ship and then we will be on our way,” the Captain said to the crewmen who nodded in agreement.

  So slowly they opened the door of the ship and walked out into a crop field of plants they had never seen. The air was cold, but not unbearable. In the distance were blue mountains on one side and the city on the other. But what was the most astonishing sight of all was the line of tall warriors standing before them with blasters and spears in their hands. They were tall males that looked human only different. Standing at seven feet tall and some of them taller than that, they were fierce looking. Their bare chest gleamed with iridescent blue tints along their oblique muscles, which were chiseled and toned. Broad shoulders were stout and thick supporting a very straight lined posture. The strong stomach muscles were hard and led down to their waist which was covered in a leather like kilt of sorts, almost like a Roman gladiator of ancient Rome. Thick black boots went up their calves and their muscular forearms were covered with leather like sheaths. In this uniform they looked ferocious because this alien race of warrior known as the Kalazaron had trained since they were young. It had been this way as far back as any Kalazaron could remember. They had always been a fighting race that used brute force to make decisions and to run their systems. They did not keep this type of behavior exclusive to their planet of Kaethon either. They commanded an impressive fleet of starships that roamed the nearby solar systems where they would pillage and plunder like pirates in space. They plundered for wealth often stealing treasure and taking captive animals and beings as slaves to toil in their fields, in their houses, and sometimes even in their beds. But the Kalazaron were not all brawn and muscle, they were very intelligent and advanced, more so than Earthlings. Their technology was superior and unlike anything that humans had ever seen. Their starships were fast and had an invisible cloak shield that let them sneak up on unsuspecting ships. Their weapons were innovative and their fighting skills were only made more effective because of their large size, long arms meant a long reach. The city structure was progressive and the buildings made the most of the beautiful nature of the blue planet by using lots of glass to let the vast views inside, but still kept the inside private through use of a special blue glaze. This strong, intelligent, advanced warrior alien race now held weapons aimed at the Earthlings that had crashed landed onto their planet, and they were very suspicious and angry.


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