Lord Harrow's Heart

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Lord Harrow's Heart Page 4

by Susan M. Baganz

  Michael raised his arms as if in surrender. “I am unclear as to what is going on here. Young man, I have no desire to harm you or your mother.” He turned to his wife. “Believe me. I have never seen this woman before. While I will not deny that my past life was not pristine by any means, I have never, to my knowledge, fathered any children in the process. I would never want to do to a child what had been done to me.”

  “I can vouch for Michael. If he says he is not the father, then he is not.” Lord Westcombe turned to Mrs. Wilson. “You acted as though you saw a ghost when Sir Tidley entered the room. Who exactly was Mr. Wilson? Who was your boy’s father?”

  Valeria shook her head. No. She could not share the truth of her past with these people. There was too much at stake. Sir Tidley, Michael, glared at her and she shivered in response. She knelt down by her son and drew him to herself with her good arm. “Dartanian,” she whispered in his ear, “Espère en Dieu, hope in God, mon petit.”

  “Oui, Maman,” Dartanian whispered back to her.

  “Go back to Andrew. I will come for you in un instant.” She shoved Dartanian toward the door. He gazed longingly back at her as he went. Her heart broke at the bleakness she witnessed in his eyes.

  She forced her attention back to the adults in the room. She felt like a spy about to be interrogated. Her only recourse would be to leave. “Je suis désolée, I did not mean to cause la difficulté. Dartanian and I will leave.” She lowered her eyes and moved toward the door her son exited from.

  “I do not think that will be necessary, Mrs. Wilson,” Lady Westcombe spoke up and moved over to Valeria. She placed her hands gently on each of Valeria’s arms. Warmth and compassion emanated from the woman who had extended so much kindness already.

  “I have caused you much trouble.” Valeria tried to communicate her need to go to the woman holding her captive with her warm gaze and gentle touch.

  “No trouble. You need a place to heal and be safe. Est-ce la vérité?”

  “Yes, my lady, ‘tis true.” Valeria let her gaze drop.

  “Well then. We shall leave you to rest. Perhaps we will discuss this later.” Lady Westcombe glared at her husband and the Tidleys, who were still not physically close.

  Katrina looked doubtfully at her husband.

  Lord Phillip was grimacing that his inquisition was thwarted by his wife.

  No one gainsaid her. Lady Westcombe left the room and the rest followed, leaving Valeria standing there alone. What was she to do now?


  Theodore appeared daily at the Westcombe residence and had been denied access to Mrs. Wilson every time. He was in the foyer when Phillip and Beth, along with Michael and Katrina, came down the stairs.

  Michael’s brow was furrowed as he scowled. His hands were fisted by his side.

  Katrina’s arms were folded across her chest.

  Phillip’s jaw was clenched tight and a muscle moved on the side of his face.

  Only Beth appeared genuinely happy when she glanced up and noticed him at the bottom of the staircase. “Theo! How good of you to come and visit us again.”

  “I would be jealous if I didn’t understand it was not my wife who drew you to our door.” Phillip riposted.

  Elizabeth giggled and slapped her husband on the arm. “You doubt my ability to gather a cicisbeo about me?”

  “None would dare, given the way Phillip guards you, Beth.” Theo joked.

  “My goal is to make sure you have no desire for any beaux dancing attendance upon you.” Phillip reached out to draw his wife into the shelter of his arm and planted a kiss on her loosely twisted chignon.

  Beth looked up at him with a smile.

  As a group, they moved into the drawing room.

  Michael closed the door shut behind them. His face remained stoic.

  “Is something amiss?” Theo asked.

  Silence met his question as the various parties chose their places in the room. Beth sat down with Katrina across from her. Phillip stood behind his wife. Michael wandered to the fireplace, leaned his back against it and crossed one booted leg over the other. One hand was rubbing his chin.

  Theo sat in a chair and leaned back to wait. They would divulge their secrets when they were ready.

  The fire crackled and finally Katrina spoke. “Michael, do you swear you never met her before today?” Her hands were squeezed together in her lap.

  Michael met his wife’s gaze. “I swear that I have never seen her before today. The child is not mine.”

  Katrina finally nodded. “I will choose to believe you.”

  Michael’s shoulders drooped, and he moved over to kneel before his wife. “I would never do anything like that to you. After all we’ve endured, I would never want to do anything to jeopardize what we have found together.”

  Katrina gazed down at him and ran one hand through his hair.

  Phillip cleared his throat.

  The two lovebirds grinned. Michael rose to sit next to his wife on the settee, holding her hands tight in his.


  “Will someone tell me what happened?” Theo asked.

  Phillip spoke up. “There was a misunderstanding upstairs. Mrs. Wilson’s deceased husband is a twin to Michael, and her son looks like our friend did when he was a child.”

  Theo looked at Michael.

  “It wasn’t me. She’s really not my type. I’ve never really gone for women who were taller than me.” He reached for Katrina’s hand.

  “Is Mrs. Wilson well?” Theodore was jealous that they’d been able to see her, and he had been denied that pleasure for a week.

  “She was distraught, Theo. It obviously shook her to see her husband come back from the dead. Even her son was terrified. I get the impression he was not of the same temperament as our Michael here.”

  “That alone should be proof that it was not I,” Michael said.

  Katrina leaned away from him. “I remember a time when you were pretty nasty to me.”

  “I lost my memory and was a fool. I eventually came to my senses.” Michael grinned, showing a dimple in one cheek.

  Katrina leaned over and kissed it. “So, you did.”

  “She’s hiding something,” Phillip asserted.

  “What if she is? She has a right to keep her past private.” Michael spoke in defense of the woman who caused a temporary rift in his marriage.

  “She’s too refined to be a nanny or governess,” Phillip said.

  “Are there any Wilsons in DeBrett’s?” Beth asked.

  “We can check. Great idea.” Phillip walked over to a bookshelf where the volume was situated and pulled it down. He sat in a chair near his wife and began to search.

  “Is it possible for me to see her today?” Theo asked.

  “See who?” Katrina inquired.

  “Mrs. Wilson, of course.”

  “How are you associated with her?” Michael asked.

  Phillip piped up as he continued to peruse the pages of the book in his lap. “He ran her over with that silly matched pair he was thinking of purchasing.”

  Katrina gasped. “That’s how she came by her injuries?”

  “Unfortunately, it is true. She rescued a boy in her care who ran into our path. The boy survived unscathed. She and the horses’ hooves unfortunately met.” Theo frowned.

  “Theo likes her,” Phillip stated.

  “Really?” Katrina asked. “She is a striking woman.”

  Theo grinned. “That she is.”

  The women exchanged glances.

  Theo disregarded them.

  “Not here. No Wilson listed.”

  “We could investigate her if it would make you feel better, Phillip,” Michael offered. “I still have contacts at Whitehall.”

  “Perhaps she is in danger?” Katrina offered.

  “If she is, could she be endangering us or Andrew by being here?” Phillip asked.

  Beth put a hand up to halt the conversation. “I do not think we should pry into her past. She has been wounded
. I believe she has a previous connection to the Black Diamond.”

  Everyone’s attention snapped to Beth.

  “How would you possibly know that?” Michael asked.

  Beth’s voice softened. “She has a diamond shaped tattoo on her right shoulder blade.”

  Katrina gasped.

  Michael wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she buried her head into his broad chest.

  Phillip placed his hands on his bride and squeezed her shoulders.

  Theo swallowed.

  The Black Diamond had been a nemesis of their band of friends for years when a minion of his terrorized Josie, now Viscountess Remington. Elizabeth had been attacked and the shape of a rhombus carved into her right shoulder. And then, the worst of all, was Katrina, who had been branded with the same shape. To uncover another woman who had been thus marked was unsettling. And to realize this was a woman he had his heart set on shook him deep inside.

  They were interrupted by a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” Phillip called.

  A servant entered and curtsied.

  “Yes, Margaret?” Beth asked.

  “I thought you would want to know that Mrs. Wilson and her son are packing their bags.”

  “She’s leaving?” Theo asked.

  The maid nodded and departed, shutting the door behind her.

  Phillip headed to the door with Elizabeth at his heals, followed closely by Theodore. They quickly took the stairs to the third floor. Phillip knocked on Mrs. Wilson’s bedroom door.

  It was opened by the woman herself. “Yes?” Mrs. Wilson asked innocently. Her gaze took in Theo and rested on him for a time before focusing to the left of Phillip’s shoulder.

  “Are you leaving?” Beth asked.

  Mrs. Wilson nodded. “I am grateful for your assistance and hospitality, but I cannot stay here.”

  “Where would you go?” Phillip inquired, his voice firm but soft.

  “That is not your concern.” Mrs. Wilson maintained her posture and no emotion was evident on her face.

  Theo longed for her to look at him.

  “I could offer you shelter.” The words were out of Theo’s mouth before he realized it.

  She finally glanced at him. “That is most kind, Lord Harrow, but I do not think you need an injured governess who causes trouble amongst your friends.” She stepped back to close the door.

  Phillip put his foot in and shoved his weight against it. “Not so fast.”

  “Yes, Lord Westcombe?”

  “I think you owe us a month of service for the medical care we are providing for you. You are not fit for travel or service elsewhere with your injury. You can continue to recover here for the remaining five weeks you need to have your arm in a sling. Then you owe us another six weeks before you can depart. We will compensate you fairly and give you a letter of recommendation if you can fulfill those terms.”

  “Please stay. We only want to help you,” Beth implored, reaching out a hand to grasp Mrs. Wilson’s.

  Theo willed her to stay as she looked over to him. Fear and uncertainty were reflected in her wide eyes. He longed for the time when he could offer her comfort such as his friends had to their wives. His arms itched to hold her. His nose desired to bury itself in the scent of orange blossoms and his fingers itched to touch the silken tresses that hung down around her shoulders. His body…he mentally slapped himself for letting his mind wander to territory he had no right to venture into.

  “Oui. I stay for now.” She bowed her head and Phillip allowed her to close the door on them.

  The three of them went down the stairs.

  Phillip protectively held his hand over Beth’s as she rested her arm on his.

  Once again, Theo was left out of the best life had to offer.

  When they came to the bottom floor, Michael and Katrina were gathering their wraps. “Katrina needs to rest. We will leave you now,” Michael stated.

  “Mrs. Wilson is staying for the time being,” Beth announced.

  Katrina nodded her understanding.

  “Take care of that little one, Michael. Congratulations.” Beth smiled broadly as Katrina blushed.

  “Little one?” Phillip asked. His face lit up as the truth dawned on him. He walked around to pat his friend on the back. “Congratulations, Michael. Fatherhood suits you.”

  “I am not sure about that, but Katrina suits me perfectly.” He held out his elbow.

  Katrina hooked hers around it and placed her hand on his forearm. “Theo, it was good to see you again.”

  “Yes. Congratulations, Michael,” Theo said softly. Michael and Katrina were having a second child. He hadn’t even managed to have a conversation with the woman he desired for his wife. He felt alone—terribly alone. “I believe I will depart as well.” Theo grabbed for his hat and placed it on his head.

  “Will you visit on the morrow?” Beth asked and gave him a wink.

  He nodded and departed.

  Walking home he mulled over all he had seen and heard today. Somehow the woman he desired had at one time fallen into the clutches of the Black Diamond. She was a widow with a child. Was that child the Diamond’s spawn? The thought repulsed him. He’d never heard the full details of Katrina’s or Beth’s interactions with the Black Diamond’s minions. He understood Katrina had even been face to face with him, masked though it was. They still had no clue to his identity.

  And now Mrs. Wilson was also a victim of this power-hungry traitor to the Crown. But how? Why? Something inside of him believed she had been unwilling, but he had no proof of that. The Black Diamond needed to be discovered and stopped. Theo had been around to help his friends in their battles, but now—it was personal.


  Valeria sank to the edge of her bed after Lord and Lady Westcombe left. Lord Harrow still made her heart beat faster and it was shocking to see him there although she was aware he had been inquiring after her daily.

  What was she to do? She’d agreed to stay almost another three months. Dartanian would become attached. If she saved enough money she could afford to purchase fare to the Americas. She needed to leave the country. It was the only way she would ever be safe. Could she hold on that long without being discovered?

  Valeria was summoned late the next morning to the drawing room. Upon entering she found Lord Harrow standing there. Elizabeth invited her to sit with them for tea. Valeria sat down across from Lord Harrow. She had a hard time focusing on the conversation he was having with Lady Westcombe.

  “How are you recovering from your injuries, Mrs. Wilson?” Theo asked, his gaze fully attentive to her. He’d glanced at her appearance when she’d entered the room, but he had not mentally undressed her as Mr. Fishbottom and others had done. Statuesque, was how her father had described her. Unfortunately, nude statues appeared to be all that men thought of when she entered a room. But not Lord Harrow.

  “I have some discomfort but am much improved from the day we first met.” She sipped her tea. How long had it been since she had the luxury of something as simple as a cup of tea in a drawing room? Too long.

  “I am glad. I was wondering if you would accompany me on a ride in my barouche tomorrow.”

  “I am a gouvernante, my lord.”

  “Theodore, or Theo, if you please.”

  Valeria shook her head. She could not afford familiarity.

  “It would be acceptable to me. As your mistress, I can give you freedom to do this. And I would also prefer if you would call me Elizabeth or Beth.” Lady Westcombe set her cup down and smiled at Valeria.

  Valeria did not know what to do. She needed the money that the Westcombes could provide for travel to the Americas, but she could not afford to be seen by the wrong people. She swallowed hard. She prayed that God kept watch over them but still sometimes doubted it after all she and Dartanian had endured. “My name is Valeria. What time would you like me to be ready for you, Lord Harrow?” As much as she longed to use his first name, she couldn’t do it. It would lead to dreams
she’d no right to entertain.

  The time was established, and conversation turned to other things. Valeria did not contribute.

  The door opened and Dartanian and Andrew came running into the room followed by a frazzled maid.

  “Dartanian! Ce n’est pas correct.”

  “J’en suis désolé. I am so sorry, Maman. See what we have? A chaton! May I keep her?”

  Valeria peered into her son’s eager face and glanced over at Beth.

  “I have no prohibition against a kitten in the nursery if it is acceptable to you, Valeria.” Beth grinned at the young man as she lifted her son up onto her lap.

  “Uncle Theo is here!” little Andrew yelled. He jumped off his mother’s lap and launched himself on to Theo’s.

  Valeria smiled at the little one’s antics. She turned her gaze back to her son who was older than his years in so many ways. What could a kitten hurt? “What would you name him, mon petite?”

  “Mittens. He has little mittens on his feet. See?” Dartanian held up the white kitten with black paws.

  Valeria held out her hand and he placed the kitten in them. She ran her hand gently over the soft fur and Mittens purred loudly. “It appears we own a cat, Dartanian. You will need to take care of her.”

  Her son’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Je te remercie, Maman! Thank you, Lady Westcombe!” Dartanian scooped up the kitten and snuggled it close. “Come on, Andrew. We need to make a bed for Mittens.”

  With that the maid escorted the children out of the room and up to the nursery.

  “You were gracious in allowing him this pet, Elizabeth.” Valeria grew overwhelmed at the generosity of this woman.

  “It is nothing, Valeria. A little boy needs a pet. When Andrew is older perhaps he will have a cat or a dog of his own. It will be good to learn from your son how to care for an animal. So, it is purely for selfish reasons.” Beth nodded with a half-grin at Valeria and sipped more of her tea.


  The next morning Valeria went to her closet to find that her black gowns had been replaced by dresses in various shades of lavender, and in the latest styles. She was not sure how that happened, but she understood a conversation needed to be had with her employer. She slipped on one of the dresses and found it fit perfectly, accentuating her figure. The shade complimented her complexion.


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