The Final Move Beyond Iraq: The Final Solution While the World Sleeps

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The Final Move Beyond Iraq: The Final Solution While the World Sleeps Page 40

by mike Evans

  3. Michael D. Evans, The American Prophecies (Nashville: Warner Faith, 2004), 21.

  4. First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.

  5. John T. Elson, “Toward a Hidden God,”, April 8, 1966, ttp://,9171,835309,00.html (accessed November 10, 2006).

  6., “Dr. Dobson Urges: Head to Alabama,” August 26, 2003, (accessed November 11, 2006).

  7. Jerry Ropelato, “Internet Pornography Statistics,” Internet Filter Review, (accessed November 10, 2006).

  8. Washington Post, “To Put it Another Way,” October 7, 2001, B3.

  9. Susan Sontag, “The Talk of the Town,” The New Yorker, September 24, 2001, as quoted by the Highland Shepherd, (accessed December 11, 2006).

  10. Barbara Kingsolver, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, September 27, 2001, as quoted by Right Wing News, (accessed November 11, 2006).

  11. The White House, “Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People,” news release, September 20, 2001, (accessed November 12, 2006).

  12. Ibid.

  13. The White House, “State of the Union Address of the President to the Joint Session of Congress,” news release, January 29, 2002.

  14. “Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998,” as quoted by Iraq Watch, (accessed December 30, 2006).

  15. Alan Colmes, Red, White and Liberal (New York: Regan, 2003), 53.

  16. David Horowitz, “Moment of Truth (for the Anti-American Left),”, March 31, 2003, (accessed November 11, 2006).

  17. Ibid.

  18. Richard D. Heideman, “An Open Letter to all Jewish Community Leaders,” September 3, 2001, as quoted by Jewis Ozzies Intern.Net, (accessed November 13, 2006).

  19. Herb Keinon, “Festival of Hate,” Jerusalem Post, September 7, 2001.

  20. David Horowitz, Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc, 2004), 135–136.

  21. James Woolsey, personal interview with Mike Evans, August 16, 2006. For more excerpts of this interview, see Appendix D.

  22., “Saddam Hussein Is Losing Grip on Northern Cities in Iraq,” transcript, April 10, 2003, (accessed November 12, 2006).

  23. George Barna, “A Biblical Worldview Has a Radical Effect on a Person’s Life,” The Barna Update, December 1, 2003, (accessed November 12, 2006).

  24., “New Bible Translation Promotes Fornication,” June 24, 2004, (accessed November 13, 2006).

  25. Ibid.

  26. Jacob Laksin, “The Church of the Latter-Day Leftists,”, January 13, 2005, (accessed November 13, 2006).

  27. John W. Chalfant, Abandonment Theology: The Clergy and the Decline of American Christianity (Winter Park, FL: Hartline Marketing, 1997), 8.

  28. Francis A. Schaeffer, The Great Evangelical Disaster (Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1984), 37.


  1. Christopher Columbus, Book of Prophecies, as quoted in Stephen Mansfield and Douglas Layton, Searching for Democracy (Nashville, TN: Servant Group International, 1997), 83.


  1. United Nations, “Letter from President Ahmadi-Nejad to President Bush,” news release, May 9, 2006, (accessed February 26, 2007).


  1. United Nations, “Message of H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the American People,” news release, November 29, 2006, (accessed February 26, 2007).


  1. Author’s paraphrase. See page 210.

  2. John Lehman, “We’re Not Winning This War: Despite Some Notable Achievements, New Thinking Is Needed on the Home Front and Abroad,” Washington Post, August 31, 2006, (accessed February 1, 2007).

  About the Author

  Mike Evans is one of America’s top experts on the Middle East. For decades he has been a personal confidant to most of Israel’s top leaders. Mr. Evans is an award-winning journalist and has been published in the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, USA Today, Washington Times, Jerusalem Post, and numerous publications in America and the world. He is a member of the National Press Club and has covered world events for more than two decades.

  He is the author of the New York Times best sellers Beyond Iraq: The Next Move, Showdown With Nuclear Iran, and The American Prophecies. Millions throughout the world have seen the television specials he has hosted. Mr. Evans’s prime-time television specials have received national awards on thirteen different occasions.

  Mr. Evans is a top-network Middle East analyst and is in constant demand. He has appeared on hundreds of network radio and television shows, such as Fox and Friends, MSNBC, Nightline, Good Morning America, Crossfire, CNN World News, BBC, The Rush Limbaugh Show, and others.

  This book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq, has been translated into a major television documentary.

  As a public speaker, Mike Evans has spoken to more than 4,000 audiences worldwide. In the last decade alone, he has addressed more than 10 million people around the globe, with more than 110,000 leaders in attendance at his conferences. He has spoken at the Kremlin Palace in Moscow, the Kennedy School of Law at Harvard University, and the World Summit on Terrorism in Jerusalem.

  Mr. Evans’s wife, Carolyn, is the chairwoman and founder of the Christian Woman of the Year Association. Ruth Graham, Elizabeth Dole, Mother Teresa, and other distinguished women are among the recipients who have been honored over the past fifteen years. The executive committee is comprised of a number of prominent women, including Dr. Cory SerVaas, owner of the Saturday Evening Post.

  To contact Mr. Evans to speak at your event or to obtain a DVD of the documentary based on The Final Move Beyond Iraq, please write Dr. Mike Evans, P. O. Box 210489, Bedford, TX 76095.

  Dear Reader,

  In 2003, I wrote Beyond Iraq: The Next Move, which became a New York Times best seller and, in fact, toppled Living History by Hillary Clinton from its number-one spot on Rush Limbaugh broke this story. The book became a New York Times best seller just weeks after its release.

  In the book, I wrote that the greatest threat to American troops would come after the war for Baghdad had been won, that Iraq would become the new ground zero for terrorism, that an army of suicide bombers would spread out across Iraq in an attempt to weaken the resolve of the American people, and that Iran and Syria would play the diplomatic card but would clandestinely support terrorism in Iraq. All of these things have come to pass. Should the events outlined in The Final Move Beyond Iraq come to pass, it would be infinitely more catastrophic than the events of 9/11. The stakes are grave, indeed. The information in Beyond Iraq: The Next Move lays out the biblical and strategic basis for the battle in Iraq.

  In chapter three of the book you have just read, I mentioned a petition to the president for a strong and safe America. It is a statement of moral clarity in a world of shifting and declining values. This urgent petition declares that patriotic Americans everywhere are against amnesty for the killers and murderers of our troops.

  Over three thousand of our men and women have been killed
and over twenty-one thousand wounded. There must be justice; the terrorists must not be allowed to go free. Israel should not have to pay the price of appeasement by giving away biblical lands, forcing them to divide Jerusalem and give away Judea, Samaria, and the Golan Heights to terrorist regimes. Iran must not gain nuclear superiority that could turn it into a deadly nuclear power. Iran and Syria, both terror states, must not be allowed to participate in the determination of the future of Iraq. Iran and Syria are not the solution; they are the problem.

  The United Nations must not be permitted to determine the future of Iran’s nuclear power—Iran is a nation that wants a world without Israel and the United States. Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has stated, “The U.S., Britain, and Israel will eventually disappear from the world like the pharaohs. It’s a divine promise.”

  If you would like a copy of the petition to the president, please write today to:

  Petition to the President

  Dr. Mike Evans

  P. O. Box 210489

  Bedford, TX 76095

  If you would like to receive copies of my weekly Middle East alerts, please mention that when you write for your copy of the petition. My book Beyond Iraq: The Next Move may be ordered at the above address for $11.00 (includes postage and handling). You may also visit our Web site at to sign the petition, sign up for Middle East alerts, and order Beyond Iraq: The Next Move.




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