Dreams and Desires

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Dreams and Desires Page 7

by Paul Blades

  The man seemed to sense her discomfiture. He gave her the same gaze he had given her in the bedroom a little while ago. As if by magic, she relaxed and calmed down. “He's feeding me,” she rationalized. “Why would he feed me if he was going to kill me? He seems tender and concerned about me. He doesn't seem to be the kind of person who would harm me.” As he fed her another morsel of celery, she smiled at him hopefully.

  When he was satisfied they had eaten enough, the man put the remnants of the food away and placed the dishes in the sink. He grabbed a paper towel and, after wetting it, wiped Kelly's face and breasts and then his own mouth. He looked around the room thoughtfully and then opened the cabinet under the sink and threw the dirty napkin away.

  Kelly was amazed at his apparent ability to intuit what to do. It was clear he had no experience at it, but it seemed to come to him when he gave it some thought. She had hesitated to say anything to him up to now. She didn't know how he would react if she spoke and she didn't want to interrupt their meal, such as it was, but she wanted to try before he decided to gag her again. She might not get another chance. She mustered all of her courage to do so.

  "P-please,” she said haltingly in a low, supplicative voice, “who are you?"

  The strange man looked at her with concern. He stepped towards her and placed his hand on her naked shoulder.

  Looking at the woman, the man knew he would have to punish her for speaking. It was the only way she would learn it was not permitted. He had taken her voice last night and he could do it again, but he didn't want to interfere with her brain patterns. He would not give her the same level of discomfort he did before. That was during a fight and he had little control over his powers at that time. Now, he was stronger and his ability to control them was more refined. He reached out and touched the woman's skin. He sent a small flow of energy into her.

  As soon as their flesh connected, Kelly felt a wave of sickness pass through her. It wasn't pain, but it might as well have been for its effect on her. Her body sagged and she gave a low moan. Every cell in her body seemed to swoon. Her heart began to thump hard in her chest, her breath grew short and she began to sweat. It was like he had done to her before, this morning, although not as intense. Still, it was strong enough to make her want to have it go away immediately, as soon as possible. She looked in the man's eyes, her face a mask of misery. Then he removed his hand and it was gone.

  Kelly's mouth formed a frown and she gave a little whine. She bit her lip and started to cry. What was this power the man had? How could a mere touch bring such nausea and unhappiness? She closed her eyes, grateful her physical misery had ceased. She fought back her tears. She needed to be strong, keep her wits about her. Seize any opportunity to escape.

  The dream-man watched the tears form in the woman's eyes. She would not do that again. He didn't want to discomfort her, but she had to learn. He crouched at her feet and untied the bindings on her ankles. Now that they were refreshed, there was more work to do.

  Kelly watched unhappily as the man released her legs from the chair. Docilely, she let him raise her from the chair and lead her back to the bedroom. When she saw the disheveled bed, the scene of her prior ravishments, her tears began to flow anew. She knew what was going to happen. She wanted to beg him not to use her again, but she knew better than to speak. He had made the consequences of any form of verbal communication to him clear. She knew she had no choice but to succumb to his demands.

  Laying the woman's body on the bed, belly down, the man untied the bindings which had secured her wrists. He brought them above her and tied them to the ornate, brass headboard. He left a little slack so her body would have freedom of movement and then turned her so she was on her back. Her pretty, blue eyes looked up at him apprehensively.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he ran his hands up the woman's graceful, naked legs and over her thighs. His touch had an immediate calming effect on her. Her body, which had been tense, relaxed. Her eyes softened. He lightly caressed her hard, toned belly and her breasts, his hands loving the feel of her skin, the heft of her ample globes. He wanted to discover every inch of her. He lowered his head and placed his lips on her belly, just above the small thatch of hair that sat above her sex. He savored the salty taste. He let his lips play over her skin, washing her with his tongue. He seized one breast with his mouth and then the other, suckling them gently. The nipples were hard and he enjoyed the sensation of them in his mouth. His left hand was on her thighs, softly stroking them. Leaning over her torso, he dragged his lips along her chest and up to her neck. He nuzzled it, kissing her delicately, letting his rough tongue scour its surface.

  As soon as the man placed his hands on her, Kelly felt desire spread through her body. It washed all of her fear and apprehension away. What was she afraid of anyway, she thought. His use of her seemed natural, caring. Her whole body felt thrillingly alive. She relished his lips and tongue as they excited her. His mouth on her breasts, gently tugging on her nipples, generated a soothing, welcome warmth. When he kissed her neck, she let out a sigh of desire. And then he placed his lips upon hers. She parted them to receive him. His hot tongue danced with hers while his hand rubbed her belly and breasts. Her hands tugged at their bindings above her. She wanted to embrace the man's flesh, pull his hard, strong body on top of hers. She spread her thighs unconsciously, her sex burning with need.

  Raijamoon savored the woman's lusts as they grew. His cock was hard with desire. It yearned for the woman's heat and soothing moisture. But he would wait. He wanted to drive her desire higher first.

  He drew his lips from the woman's and began to retrace his mouth's journey down her body, kissing her hardened teats one by one and then descending down her belly. He placed his hand between her parted thighs and took possession of her hot sex, probing it, caressing it. Her hips thrust back at him as she moaned. When his tongue dragged across her skin, she shuddered. And when her pulled her thighs up and apart and began to kiss their inner surfaces, her body began to writhe beneath him.

  Kelly knew what the man intended. She wanted his hot tongue on her sex. Her mind anticipated the feeling of his lips on her moist crevasse and a wave of pleasure flowed through her. When they made contact, when she felt his tongue slide down the gap between her nether lips, his arms circling over her thighs, his torso on her belly, she groaned with pleasure.

  The smell and the taste of the woman's loins were intoxicating to the man. He plunged his tongue between them, lashing at her pussy's walls. Her thighs pulled at his grip as her body recorded his efforts. “Mmmmmmmmmmm,” she moaned as he explored her inner surfaces. When he placed his lips over the hard button at the apex to her cleft, teasing it with his tongue, she groaned, “Auuuuuuurh!"

  The gentle, hot sucking at her clit drove Kelly wild with desire. Her breathing was deep and labored. Wanting to press the man's head deeper into her loins, her hands strained at their confines. She dug her heels into the bed and arched her back. “Oh, god! Oh god!” she thought as she felt her lusts rising to overflow their banks. She bit her lips and tensed as her pussy burned. Her pussy's first contraction made her whole body jump. The pulses of pleasure came again and again and again. The man's tongue was lapping over her pleasure bud, driving her on and on. She felt like her whole body was going to explode. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” she moaned, “Ahhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” while she came.

  As her orgasm gradually began to fade, the man's lips abandoned her clit to lap at her oozing fluids. She felt her body relax as the tongue soothed her. But when the mouth again took possession of her pleasure bud, sucking at it gently, flicking it with its tongue, she felt her lusts begin to begin to build once more.

  Her second orgasm was as wrenching as her first, making her moan and writhe with pleasure. Her body was covered with sweat and still shuddering as her spasms finally began to calm. But there was more that she wanted. She wanted the man's thick rod inside her. Her pussy was yawning with need to be filled. She bit her lip to forestall a verbal plea
for the man's cock, but her mind reached out to him, sending him her desperate desire.

  Her dream lover had received her emotive, almost frantic message. From behind his own lust, he acknowledged in his mind this crucial, first step in the intertwining of their psyches. He needed to possess her almost as much as she needed him and he maneuvered his body between her outstretched thighs. He poised his rigid pole between her distended, engorged labia and pressed himself into her. His cock reveled in her heat as he felt her pussy's walls close around him. Lowering his body onto hers, he extended his arms, taking her bound hands in his. Her hands gripped his tightly as he pressed his burning lips on hers, parting them with his tongue and delving inside. She greeted him and they exchanged their lusts. She groaned when he began his motion inside her fevered cleft. Their bodies bucked like beasts, their mutual passions overwhelmed them. When he came, her legs intertwined his and she pulled him deeply inside her womb.

  Kelly felt the man's hot seed splash into her and the throbbing of the man's cock in her electrified channel. Her pussy exploded in response. It felt good. It felt right. His semen seemed to flow directly into her bloodstream, sending an intense stimulation throughout her body. She felt her electrified pouch grab at the thick, rigid, pulsing pole as if milking it. The wrenching pleasure of her pussy's convulsions as she came made her mind rejoice. When his motions slowed and then stopped, and his body went limp atop hers, she sighed and let her body melt underneath him.

  The otherworldly visitor let himself revel in the post coital warmth and satisfaction of his human body. He knew that he and the woman needed to rest, to recover their energy, but he did not want the intermission to their lovemaking to last long. He knew his seed was seeping into the woman's pores, entering her very cells, germinating what would eventually be an overwhelming and irresistible desire for his flesh and his essence. They had taken an important step; there was more work to do.

  He let his still hard cock slip from the woman's hot canal. She moaned as she felt it leave her and she looked deeply into his eyes. Her fear had left her. He could see that. He placed his hands on her graceful, thin hips and urged her body over so she was lying on her belly. He pushed her knees up under her and raised her until her spread legs revealed her delicate, soft cleft. His human mind absorbed pleasurably the erotic view of her slender hips, her graceful back and the sight of her bound, helpless hands stretched out above her head. Her long, auburn ponytail lay askew around her neck and made her skin seem pale and vulnerable. Running his hands over the smooth, tender skin of her back, he slid his cock up and into her again.

  Kelly meekly submitted to the man's manipulation of her body. He could do what he wanted with her. When she felt the thick, hard cock slide once more into her soft canal, she sighed with pleasure. “Yes! Yes!” her mind exclaimed. “Do it again! Again!"

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  It was dark outside now. Kelly was kneeling on the floor of her living room, her head between her knees, as he had left her after their latest round of lovemaking. They had been at it all day. She couldn't remember how many times she had been driven to ecstatic completion of her passions. He had come in her near to a dozen times. She had experienced frenzied lust for his touch, craved to be possessed by his relentless cock. But now, she was completely at peace. A sense of well being was suffused throughout her body. Her fear of him was completely gone. When she gave it any thought, she knew her reactions were contraindicated by her circumstances. She just didn't care.

  Her hands were bound behind her back and, earlier, after he had satisfied himself inside her once again where she now knelt, he had tied her feet to her hands. It was not the disabling, confining hogtie of this morning. There was sufficient play in the soft cord that connected her ankles and wrists so as not to cause her any discomfiture. He merely wanted to ensure she would stay where he had left her, that she wouldn't rise and stumble, dazed, around the small, but comfortable cabin.

  The man was outside, gazing at the stars. She could see him through the open door when she raised her head, sitting on the steps to the porch, his head turned upwards. She looked up from time to time to make sure he had not wandered away. The inexplicability of his arrival made her fearful he would leave just as suddenly, without explanation, without reassurance of his return.

  She was satisfied to wait for him. Movement without his direction seemed purposeless.

  Their bouts of manic copulation had been separated by rest, small meals consisting of whatever he could scrounge from her refrigerator and his fascinated exploration of her little world. She was aware she had undergone some form of transformation. It wasn't as if she were drugged or hypnotized. She remembered everything very clearly. And she was still the person she had been before he had sprung from her consciousness. The things that were important to her then, her work, her friends, family, they were all still important to her now. She had lost none of her ambition or intellect. She was just different. It was as if the man had added to her personality, not taken anything away.

  She tried to recall when she had realized that her self was being altered, supplemented. It had been clear from the beginning he had some kind of power over her. His ability to affect her moods, her responses seemed to grow and grow.

  It was in the middle of the afternoon when she sensed she had crossed some dividing line between what she once was and what she was now. She had been kneeling on the kitchen floor, her hands bound behind her. Her body was erect, her knees apart, watching the man attentively. He had no need to gag her since she had learned well to resist the impulse to speak to him.

  They had already made love many times. The man was examining minutely the contents of every drawer and cabinet in the kitchen. He went through her pots and pans, seeming to weigh the function of each of them. He removed the utensils from the drawers and turned them in his hands. He looked carefully at the plates, the dishes, the canned goods, the cereal boxes, the cleansers. He even perused the cook books, seeming to read carefully several of the recipes.

  He had been at it about half an hour when he came to the other side of the kitchen table and sat in one of the straight backed chairs and looked at her. He had picked up an apple from the table and was eating it with relish. His eyes wandered over her naked form, measuring it, savoring it. He had earlier unpinned her long, wavy, reddish brown hair and brushed it lovingly. It lay about her shoulders now, free and flowing.

  Kelly's mind had been wavering between rebellion and acceptance. She knew she should abhor what he was doing to her, but her body was so satisfied, his touch was so compelling, she felt herself sliding into a deep desire for him. She was pleased he appreciated her form, proud that he admired her ample, round breasts, her slender waist, her well toned thighs. As she received his gaze, her body started to tingle with arousal. He seemed to be calling her, inviting her as he had in her dream. But this time she was to come to him.

  Kelly slowly, uncertainly, rose to her feet and stepped closer to him. His legs were spread wide, laying his softened sex open to her gaze. He was waiting for her to act on her desire, offering his manhood to her. She was suddenly seized by an urge to please him, to bring him to pleasure as he had brought it to her. She sank slowly to the floor, her eyes locked onto his. When she was again resting on her knees, she let her gaze drift down his pleasing body to his loins. She leaned forwards, arched her back and spread her thighs. As if in a dream, she brought her mouth to his sex, brushed against it with her lips and then took it into her mouth.

  The sensation of having the man's cock in her mouth sent a wave of pleasure through her. She suckled on it gently, relishing the thickness and taste of the flesh. Her breasts hardened and her pussy began to burn as she felt his manhood start to fill with blood and take form. She ran her tongue over the tip and under the circumcised head. For a moment, she wondered at this detail. She hadn't given it any thought before. But if she had conjured up her dream man, it made sense to her that his cock would have
been circumcised. She had never slept with a man with an uncut penis. Her medical training told her it was unhealthy to leave the foreskin intact. Naturally, her perfect man would conform to her image of him.

  Her thought was fleeting. The cock was hardening and she moved her pursed lips tightly down its shaft. The man sighed with pleasure at her efforts, bringing a sense of joy to her. Her mind gave full focus to the meat within her mouth as she gave it earnest, loving caresses. She felt like she was feeding at him, drawing sustenance. The hard flesh between her lips sent a current of desire through her. She began to understand why it caused her pussy to burn so when it was within her. It seemed to radiate an energy that coursed through her whole body.

  Slowly, gently, she coaxed the stiffened pole to completion. The man had placed his hands lightly on her head and it was if she could feel his pleasure emanating through them. The whole world around her seemed to disappear. There was just her body and the cock that filled her. She bobbed her head back and forth, drawing her tight lips the length of the shaft, suckling the meaty head and then descending again until she felt its soft tip press against the back of her mouth. Her bound hands behind her back strained with the need to take hold of it, to possess it. She could feel her naked, heavy breasts sway beneath her. She moaned as her passions grew higher and higher.

  She sensed the man begin to echo her motions with his hips, slowly pressing his hot prick across her lips, drawing it back, pumping into her mouth. His body stiffened and a deep groan emerged from his throat. His grip tightened on her head. When she felt the first throb of his climax, her heart jumped. It was if she could feel his pleasure. His body's thrill at the sensations of his ejaculations passed through his fingers to her brain. It was as if she was coming too. Her burning pussy shuddered and spasmed with pleasure. Groaning, she welcomed the splash of his warm essence against the back of her mouth, savored the flavor as it coated her tongue, thrilled to feel the pulsing of the meat against her lips. She sucked on the throbbing rod hungrily. She wanted his cum inside her, wanted to feel it assimilating within her. It was like he was granting her his life force, feeding her. She was drinking at a font of ecstasy. When his spasms slowed, she kept her mouth on him, her lips surrounding the bulbous tip, relishing each drop that oozed from his softening cock.


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