World Seed_Game Start

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World Seed_Game Start Page 2

by Justin Miller

  This is a Grav-Bar, a device capable of altering its own weight by manipulating how gravity impacts it. Using it, I gradually increased the weight until I had trouble lifting it, and then began my workout. Last time I bothered to check, I could bench press eighty pounds. I’ve never really had that much strength in my arms, honestly. But now, I needed at least basic strength, seeing as I’d be fighting in a fantasy-like world.

  Gradually, I felt as my virtual body grew stronger and stronger, having to increase the weight on the Grav-Bar several times. At the end of the first hour, I was able to repeatedly bench press 100 pounds. Thankfully, it seemed as though I wouldn’t get exhausted in these trials, because I didn’t have to take any breaks before I finished. “Okay, Aria, I’m ready for the next trial.”

  Final Strength evaluated at 10.

  Really… that just doesn’t inspire confidence. I shook my head at the prompt, before I found myself standing on a wide log, with a series of other logs propped up on their end around me.

  Welcome to the Trial of Agility.

  “So… this time I’m supposed to jump around like a monkey, and not fall off?” I asked the disembodied AI voice, who responded back with a simple yes. Having my answer, I shrug, and begin casually walking between the logs close enough to walk between. That lasts for about five logs, before they start gradually growing further and further apart as I move away from the starting area. Soon, I’m forced to make small jumps to get to the next log, and have to be careful.

  On my twentieth or so log, I completely miss the jump, slamming face first into the side of the log I was aiming for, slowly sliding down it while I feel the bark scratching up my face. I’ll tell you now, it did not feel pleasant. And as soon as I had hit the bottom, I found myself standing back on that first log in the center of the field.

  With a sigh, I once more began to walk and hop through the logs, noticing that it was just a bit easier this time. Unlike strength, the build I wanted focused heavily on agility, so I had to stay here quite a while until I was able to reliably do these. As such, it wasn’t until three hours later when I finished this trial, satisfied with being able to casually leap between logs just over two meters apart, and cover some a bit further with difficulty. By this time, however, my fave was feeling very sore from all the failures.

  Final Agility evaluated at 12.

  Really? That’s only a 12? I was hoping for at least a 15… I shook my head again at that message before waiting for the scene to shift again. This time, when I arrived at my next trial, I found myself sitting down at a small table in a well lit room. In front of me was an eight by eight chess board, though nobody was sitting at the opposite side.

  “Don’t worry, still here.” Aria spoke up as the first pawn moved on the other side of the table. “We’re just going to do this for a while, until I beat you enough that you’re satisfied.” There was an obviously mischievous grin in her voice as she said that, and it only made me more determined to win!

  … Two hours later, and fifty seven losses, with no wins… I was hanging my head in shame while the AI kept laughing merrily. “Just… just get on with it…” I said, knowing I truly would never be able to beat this AI. It was like playing against a dozen different grandmasters all discussing strategy behind your back.

  Final Wisdom evaluated at 11.

  Welcome to the Trial of Magic.

  I didn’t even have the presence of mind to pay attention to this latest window, still reeling from my defeat. By the time I noticed what was going on, I was standing in a wide room, surrounded on all sides by a circle of pedestals. Atop each pedestal was a single book, though there was also one inside the circle with me. Looking at the closest book, I found it to be a book detailing the basics of mana control. “You can learn from any two of these books, not counting the Mana Manipulation book before you. After you have acquired the skills, you may spend as long as you like practicing them.”

  I let out a final sigh, and opened the book, reading through it. There was a strange sense of energy around my, like static over a television, and it only grew stronger as I got further along in the book. Around halfway done, I was able to identify this new feeling as mana, the key component to any and all magic in the world. The book also taught me how to pull the mana into my body, which I began doing slowly.

  New Skill Acquired!

  Mana Manipulation – Beginner Level 1

  Exp: 0.0%

  This skill enables the user to sense the mana around him, and draw it into his body. Higher levels will allow for more complex manipulations.

  Seeing that I had properly learned the first skill, I set it down on its pedestal, and walked around to take a look at the books around me. Each one seemed to cover a different field of magic, from nature, ice, fire, water, shadow, even more sci-fi ones like technomancy or stellar magic. Knowing that I could only choose two of them, I grabbed the one I thought most helpful to me, given my race, Nature Magic.

  Opening the book, I was relieved to find that Nature Magic encompassed both plants and animals, as I was afraid I’d need to hunt through more books to find the latter. Quickly reading through the book, I memorized the basic spell taught within it, Nature’s Grasp. Strangely, I did not receive any prompts after finishing the book, so I set it down and began practicing.

  Placing both hands in front of me, I gathered my mana between them. Since I was by every definition a beginner, I opted to use the chant provided for the spell. According to the books, once I gained enough skill that would no longer be necessary, but for now it was a price I had to pay. “Mother of all things, that which rules the land, come forth to my call and seal their movements.”

  With each word, I caused the mana between my hands to spiral and contract, absorbing my intention before I slammed it into the ground. A moment later, a few thin vines began rising up from the ground around me, though they did not seem very energetic about it.

  New Skill Acquired!

  Nature Magic – Beginner Level 1

  Exp: 0.0%

  This skill enables one to match their mana with that of the world around them, granting them power of plant and beast alike.

  Current Spells Known

  Nature’s Grasp

  My smile grew three shades brighter that day, as I had managed to cast my first spell! Next, I began looking around for the other schools of magic, and ultimately decided on Wind Magic, because I felt it was a good match for my build. Reading through the book, I then practiced the spell, which was a simple gust of wind. No doubt the GMs did not want people to have strong combat spells at the beginning of the game that could make them overpowered.

  New Skill Acquired!

  Wind Magic – Beginner Level 1

  Exp: 0.0%

  This skill enables the user to match their mana to that of the winds, controlling them with their magic.

  Current Spells Known


  With this, there was simply one trial left, but I had plenty of time, so I stayed in the Trial of Magic while practicing all three of my new skills until they hit Beginner Level 2. Not that there was any noticeable change between them, but I felt like I should do it.

  “Alright Aria, time for the last trial..”

  “That’s right, John! One more stop, then we can get you into the world of Neo Life.” She seemed a bit more energetic than before as she said this, likely looking forward to being rid of me after spending half a day together.

  Welcome to the Trial of Combat.

  Looking around, I saw a weapons rack with various weapons to choose from. There were bows, swords, even a few rifles alongside the daggers and shields. “Choose wisely, young adventurer.”

  I looked at the various options, but ultimately I grabbed a bow, a single quiver of arrows, and a dagger. I’d have to come
up with some way to overcome the ammunition cost of the bow, but that was for the future. Once I had selected my weapons, I was brought to a shooting range. “Can’t exactly ask you to fight a monster before you even know how to fire your bow, can I?” She asked with a slight snicker.

  I’ll show you! I thought in my mind as I nocked an arrow, pulling the bow back to full length, and letting it fly straight for the target!

  Yeah, if only life was so nice… The arrow barely made it halfway before swerving off course and falling to the ground. I grimaced, grabbing a second arrow and shooting again… and again… finally, on my tenth arrow, I managed to hit the outer edge of the target twenty meters away.

  New Skill Acquired!

  Archery – Beginner Level 1

  Exp: 0.0%

  This skill enables the user to display their mastery(or lack thereof) of the bow, striking down enemies from afar(or not so far)!

  With a slight grumble, I continued firing the bow again and again, until I was consistently able to hit the target. I only hit the bullseye once, but it was enough to level up my Archery to level 2. And with my acceptance of the skill, I was brought to yet another area. This one looked like an old roman arena, a wide patch of sand with stone walls atop which a cheering audience sits. And in the seat of Caesar, was everyone’s favorite blue-haired goddess, Aria.

  I knew by the mischievous grin that she was going to thoroughly humiliate me. “Ladies and gentlefolks, I bring to you our newest competitor, Anonymous784! And his opponent… the three time undefeated champion…” As she spoke, I facepalmed at her generic name for me, while at the same time the massive gates on the other end gradually opened up, and a loud roar was emitted from within.

  “Common rat mob!” Wait what?

  As she called for it, the small rat walked out of the oversized gate, looking up to me and twitching its nose almost cutely. “Let the games begin!”

  Chapter 2: A rose by any other name

  Suddenly, as if her words had triggered some kind of rage mode, the small rat lunged at me, its eyes glowing red. Unable to react in time, I barely got half a step back before it was on my leg, and had managed to tear off a chunk of flesh.

  You have successfully become dinner

  -20 HP

  With that one bite, I watched as roughly a quarter of my health bar vanished, causing me to panic. Grabbing my dagger, I attempted to slash wildly at the rat, only to have it jump off before I could connect.

  That was not the rat.

  -10 HP

  Fuck that hurts! I actually managed to stab myself by accident?! At this point, a third of my life was already gone, so I just began swinging wildly. Best case scenario, I’ll hit the rat. Worst case… well, at this rate I’m going to die anyways. Seriously, why the hell is a rat so strong?!

  You missed– wait, what? How did you do that?!

  30 Damage Dealt

  I blinked at the notification, looking over where I had blindly swung my dagger, only to see it covered in blood, the throat of the creature having been cut. Naturally, that didn’t mean I won just yet, but I definitely pissed it off! With its throat cut, it was taking constant bleed damage, as well as moving much slower than before. Seeing this as my chance, I charged at the rodent and resumed my wild swinging!

  Now you’re just showing off.

  20 Damage Dealt. Common Rat Mob died.

  Almost refusing to believe that I had actually managed to do that, I took a look and did indeed see that formerly vicious rat lying dead on the ground, before its body shattered into blue light, fading away from view.

  New Skill Acquired!

  Dagger Mastery – Beginner Level 1

  Exp: 0%

  This skill marks your ability to wield a dagger, and actually hit what you aim at. Good luck with that.

  New Skill Acquired!

  Wild Luck – Beginner Level 1

  Exp: 0%

  For those that can’t depend on skill to hit the target, they can always count on their luck!

  You have completed the Trial of Combat, against all odds.

  Level +1, Strength +2, Agility +1, Luck +4

  Looking over, I caught a glimpse of Aria, who seemed to be pouting over the loss of the rat. Or over my victory. I’m not really sure. Either way, it didn’t take long before she stood up with a wicked grin, looking towards the false crowd. “Well, there you have it folks, a new champion! Now, shall we move on to his next challenger?!” There were cheers from all around the stands while I inwardly pleaded for this to stop.

  “Next up, from the home team, the biggest bad that ever graced our halls, the bull of Cernea!” As she spoke, the gate opened yet again, and this time the loud footsteps could not be mistaken for anything else. The giant frame of the gate barely even allowed the figure to get through, and when it did I wished to anything that I could surrender.

  What stood before me could only be described as a minotaur. Half man, half bull, standing over four meters tall with an overly muscular build, wearing naught but a loincloth, and carrying a massive axe that no smaller creature would dare to wield.

  Welcome to the Trial of Combat, Second Stage.

  I’ll admit, I cried there for a moment, before that massive axe brought itself down onto me, slicing me in half before I even got the chance to feel anything.

  You have died.

  Exp -25% to level, dropped below requirements for Level 2. Level reduced to 1.

  How was that fair?! Going from a bloodthirsty rat to a minotaur?! I began cursing my own luck before the next window appeared.

  You have failed the Trial of Strength, Second Stage. No rewards will be given.

  I wanted to rage at Aria for so obviously rigging the match against me, but my whole virtual body suddenly froze.

  Time until servers open: 1 hr, 20 min, 23 sec.

  Don’t tell me I have to wait here for over an hour like this… I started to complain again, even if only in my own thoughts, before the clock suddenly fast forwarded.

  Time until servers open: 0 hr, 40 min, 52 sec.

  Time until servers open: 0 hr, 15 min, 0 sec.

  Time until servers open: 0 hr, 0 min, 3 sec.

  Servers are now open!

  With that last window appearing, I suddenly found myself standing in a forest, and around me were various wooden buildings, which seemed to be naturally shaped from the trees themselves. Even the fountain behind me was seemingly carved out of a single solid stone. Naturally, the first thing I did when I landed in the game was what I do in every game.

  Character Information.









  Level 1






  Health Regen




  Mana Regen


















  No name? Do I have
to choose that later? Or is it assigned to me… I shook my head in confusion, but my question was soon answered as an elderly man approached me. And when I say elderly, that’s by elven standards. He was pretty much the only person in the entire area that showed signs of aging past twenty!

  “Greetings, traveler. I am elder Bamu Silverleaf, and I welcome you to our tribe.” He offers a polite bow after speaking. His robes appear as a natural shade of green, while he carries a gnarled wood staff at his side. “May I ask the name of this traveler?”

  There we go… I nodded in response to him. “My name is… Falenel Swiftfoot.”

  “Then, welcome again, Falenel, to the village of Greenbrooke. May you find what your heart yearns for.” After giving the simple introduction, he turns and walks off, apparently being here merely to greet new players and ask their name. Why they couldn’t do that in the character creation, I’ve not a clue.

  Name has been registered as Falenel. Note, house names are not available until Level 15.

  And that explains why he only responded to my first name. Now… quests, quests, quests. Aha! Quests! Nearby, I saw what appeared to be a large wooden wall, with various overgrown leaves stuck to its side. On each leaf is a quest, from slaying mobs, to carting items, or even advertising for the local guilds. Thinking it over, and remembering my horrendous experience with the rat during the tutorial, I decided to first visit the Hunter’s Guild, in hopes of learning how to better use my weapons and not get eaten.


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