World Seed_Game Start

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World Seed_Game Start Page 8

by Justin Miller

  New Spell Developed!

  Alchemic Sleep – Nature Magic Spell – ★

  This spell mixes the mana signatures of different herbs to cause the target creature to fall asleep.

  Mana Cost: 10

  Great… now I have a sleep spell, too.. Shaking my head, I dismissed the notification and opened the chat with Jacobs. “Hey, sorry I didn’t get your message before, had a bit of a mix up with a new spell.”

  It wasn’t long later when he replied. “No worries, I just sent it a minute ago. But seriously, man, how’d you jump four levels already? I was grinding like crazy last night because the guards said that the morning was the most dangerous time to hunt.”

  I chuckled, doing my best to contain my joy as I spoke. “Oh, nothing much, just poisoned a big group and a few wolves while they were fighting each other.”

  “….That’s totally cheating. You know that, right?”

  “Yup. But don’t worry, it’s not like I’ll be able to keep that up forever. I mean, how useful is it going to be once we get to the level where everyone is carrying around health potions or antidotes, and wielding the more high-tech weapons? Alchemy is only going to take me so far for now, unless I stumble on a really good recipe. On the other hand, your Gravity Magic will probably be a useful spell school no matter where you are.”

  He chuckled at that, and I could almost hear him nodding his head as he replied. “True, true. Going to be working on learning Enchanting today. Got the feeling it’ll be pretty useful later.”

  “Probably a good idea.” I nodded, and there was a distant ding in my mind as I thought about how all of the current tech in the game was fueled by mana. Since they wanted this to be realistic, then obviously any tech developed here would work the same as in real life. But since we had yet to leave our own solar system in real life, that meant that they had to fill in the gaps with magic, like a mana-powered FTL drive, or a portal gate between worlds. “Don’t know if I’ll be picking up another skill yet, or wait until I get to a bigger town. I can’t really get anything tech-related here.”

  “True, again. I figure I’ll keep carpentry mostly for crafting furniture, get myself ready for if I can get my own house. Enchanting, however, is my go-to skill for making magical items. Maybe there’ll even be a branch of it to cover Magitech crafting.”

  “No idea. I don’t know anyone that would be high enough level to ask.” I confirmed with my contacts list, and aside from my mom, who may not have even met a colony yet, I didn’t know anyone else with a level in the double digits.

  “Well, going to go and find out eventually. Wish me luck!” He laughed into the connection, and then dropped it, likely going to learn his new skill. With the call dropped, a message appeared in front of me.

  Your actions have indirectly caused the death of a wolf pack.

  The poisoned rabbits you let the wolves take were shared among the pack, weakening them enough that when a stronger predator attacked they were unable to put up much of a fight and were wiped out. I hope you feel proud of yourself.

  You have leveled up!

  You have reached level 10! Inventory size increased. You may now choose a class.

  I blinked slightly. Okay, sure, I might have actually been proud of myself for inadvertently causing the death of an entire wolf pack. I definitely felt proud of myself for reaching level 10, and the option to choose a class felt very nice.

  Opening up my character sheet, I saw there was now the option to change my class away from Novice. Clicking it, I was shown a wide list of possible choices. They seemed to be listed in the order of relevance to my current skills.


  Known as the guardians of nature, the druids are a fairly secretive people, borrowing the power of the natural world in order to fuel their abilities. Advanced Class example: Xeno-shifter, able to mimic the appearance and aspects of alien races.


  Existing within nature, and knowing how to live alone, the huntsmen are a proud archetype. Whether in the city or the jungle, even in the outer reaches of space, they are able to find the means to survive. Advanced Class example: Bounty Hunter, a mercenary which takes on the job of hunting people for profit.


  The arcane masters of the realm, mages are the intellectuals, the ones who gave the various worlds most of their power they have to this day. Advanced Class example: Tech-Mage, a mage specializing in manipulating or creating Magitech.


  Living in the shadows, stealing life and coin with but a thought, the rogues are powerful allies and deadly foes. Through poison, stealth, and cunning, they can defeat any challenge. Advanced Class example: Assassin, refining the art of killing to the utmost.


  For those uninterested in stealth, uncaring for the arcane practices, and not bowing their knee to pray to a god, there can only be the path of the fighter. Wielding any variety of weapons, they can tear through an enemy with a giant’s strength. Advanced Class example: Soldier, specializing in advanced weapons.


  Those loyal to a god may draw their powers from realms beyond, causing harm or aid to befall their targets. While you will be restricted to the path of your chosen deity, you will gain powers more easily as you seek their guidance. Advanced Class example: Apostle, an embodiment of the chosen deity.


  Holy warriors, those who show the wrath of the gods while protecting those who cannot protect themselves. They honor the edicts of their deities, and show those who oppose them the power of the heavens. Advanced Class example: Crusader, spreading the word and wrath to worlds beyond.


  Every fighter needs his weapon. Every captain needs his ship. The Craftsman are those that specialize in production, often joining hands to create grand projects. Unlike other classes, they gain experience through crafting. Advanced Class example: Starlight Sculptor, able to sculpt the light of the stars into beautiful works.


  Without economy, the world would be in chaos. Without merchants, there would be no economy. A merchant may gain experience through trading, often going vast distances, maybe even to entirely new planets, to turn a profit. Advanced Class example: Smuggler, a dealer of illicit goods specializing in discretely transporting them across borders undetected.

  I looked through the classes, a bit surprised. Not surprised that there were so many options, but that there were so few. Though, each class had an Advanced Class example listed, so they could likely evolve over time. I glanced at the list of nine classes several times before I decided to narrow my choices to the top three. Anything below that I was truly not qualified for. After all, the fourth option was for Rogue, and the only rogue-like skills I have are poison and Mana Signature, which suggests it may eventually be a suitable stealth skill. Anything below that I have absolutely nothing for.

  So… Druid, Hunstman, or Mage. Thinking over it for a while, I weighed the pros and cons of each, before ultimately making my choice. For better or worse, the class I picked was….

  Chapter 10: The AI, the Witch, and my god, that wardrobe.

  You have selected the base class ‘Druid’.

  10 Wisdom, +5 Intelligence.

  You have received a class quest

  The Ways of the World

  Rank ★ Druid Class Quest

  Look for someone to teach you the ways of the druids.

  Time Limit: None

  Reward: Druid Class Skills

  Failure: None

  Having made my choice, I noticed that choosing th
e class gave a set of stat points, which seemed to indicate wisdom being the most important stat to a druid. As such, I poured my five points from leveling up into the stat as well. Simply selecting a class was equivalent to gaining three levels, so I was rather happy with it.

  Looking up, the sun had yet to go down, so my sleep effect likely hadn’t lasted for very long. Picking myself up, I dusted off my clothes and made my way back towards the mage’s tower. While she wasn’t exactly a druid, the shaman instructor should be able to show me to someone who was.

  Once I arrived there, I made my way over to see her. “Excuse me, may I have a moment?” It looked like she had just gotten out of a ‘class’ with another group of players, so I tried my best to be polite.

  After she looked over to me, she suddenly smiled for some reason. “Oh, sure. You seem to have grown quite a bit since last time.”

  We walked a fair distance away from the others before I decided to ask. “Do you know where I can find a druid?”

  She smirked knowingly at my comment. “Chose your class, did you?” I blinked, having not expected her to know about how players choose classes, before she continued. “Everyone gets one chance to decide which of the nine paths in life they face once they reach a certain level of strength. For those of this world, we go to a temple and pray to the god or goddess of our chosen path, but we were told that you travelers would not need to do so thanks to your connections to the gods.”’

  “I see. But yes, I decided to follow the path of a druid, and need to find someone that will be able to teach me.” I tried my best to remain calm. The NPCs in this game were a lot more realistic and knowledgeable about players than most games allowed.

  “Well, that won’t be too hard. He’s a bit outside of town, in order to not be disturbed, but I can take you to him. First, though, we need to get you your companion AI.” She raised the sleeve of her robe to reveal a metallic wristband with a blue display screen. Now that I think about it, don’t all of the NPCs have their wrists covered?

  I hadn’t given much thought to it before, as it was just local fashion, but this made me piece it together. “So, what is it?” I could guess a bit from what she had called it, but I didn’t know what all it was for.

  “The companion AI is a device to help anyone that seeks to gain strength and travel the worlds. Alliance policy is to wait to hand them out to people until they have chosen their class with the gods, to stop them from charging off without the ability to survive.” As she spoke, she signalled to someone else that she was going to be leaving for a while, and escorted me out of the building. “They are simple devices that help display information for you, and record your adventures. For instance, if you had chosen to be a mage, you could download a rune database into your companion, and save a list of customized spells. Since you learned alchemy, you can also save your notes on that into it.”

  I nodded my head slightly at her explanation. “So that’s what Lisara meant when she said I’d be getting a device to replace my journal soon.”

  “Right. But one of the most important things about the companion AI is that it can evolve. Not in the physical sense, but it will develop a personality over time, and certain items will be able to grant it upgrades. Since it accompanies you everywhere in your adventure, and automatically records any new information, you can ask it questions about things you don’t understand or have forgotten. Since this is your first companion, it’ll be free. But if it gets broken you’ll need to pay to repair it or get a new one.” With that done, we arrived in front of a building. From the sign, it seemed to be the general store for this village, which I had for some reason never thought to visit.

  …Seriously, why was I still wearing level 1 clothes? And damaged ones, at that! I let out a small sigh as I realized I probably could have been wearing actual armor by now, or at least robes enchanted with a bit of defense. As we entered the store, there was an elven man with long black hair wiping down the counter. “Greetings, Her Tinyness.” The man smirked to the loli teacher, who started to clench her fists and gave off a rather terrifying aura. “Sorry, sorry, you know your company is always appreciated, Rita.”

  I really need to start asking for people’s names… I shook my head at how forgetful I was about it, and was going to remedy it immediately when Rita spoke up. “Yeah, can it, Harlan. This guy is just ready for his first companion.” She pointed a thumb at me, causing him to raise a curious eyebrow.

  “Really? He managed to get the gods’ approval wearing just that?” He looked questioningly at me.

  “Yeah… don’t remind me… Forgot to get new equipment.” I sighed helplessly, making him chuckle a bit.

  “Well, no matter. As they say, the gods work in mysterious ways.” He then reached into a hidden compartment behind the counter and pulled out a wristband similar to the one that Rita was wearing. “Here you go, your first companion. Do you want to purchase any additional software for it?”

  I tilted my head, considering it. “Is there an alchemy guide that I could get?” To which he nodded, getting my hopes up. I should know better by now, really.

  “The Basic Alchemy Handbook, complete with listings of all lesser herbs and their known effects, as well as several recipes, is available for thirty silver.” He smiled as if that was already a discount, shattering what little hopes I had left. My mere one silver couldn’t afford anything…

  “I’ll… I’ll pass, thanks…” I tried not to sound as if I had been run over by a truck, I really did. The giggle that sounded up next to me made me realize I failed miserably.

  “Alright then, just strap this on, and choose the basic settings.” I stepped forward at his invitation, accepting the wristband, and put it on. A moment later, a message appeared on the screen of the device.

  New user detected. Retrieving mana sample…

  Mana sample acquired. Insert user name.

  A holographic keyboard appeared above the wristband, which I used to type out my name. Without realizing it, I had typed out my character name, rather than my player name. That’s really going to get annoying..

  Falenel registered as owner. Please assign companion gender designation.

  I blinked at that, looking up to Rita. She grinned wryly, nodding her head. “After it develops a bit, it’ll have its own electronic voice. The gender assignment helps you determine the path the personality and voice will take. Though, most of the personality is based on how you act and speak with it.”

  I nodded back to her, and immediately chose female. If I’m going to have someone to talk to whenever I play the game, I’d rather it at least sound like a beautiful woman, rather than a gruff man.

  This unit registered as female. Do you wish to assign a name to this companion?

  This option didn’t surprise me as much as the last one. I could see some people viewing the AI as merely a tool to use, and not bother naming it. However, I quickly typed in a name I was rather fond of, someone I had dated for a time in the real world.

  This unit shall now identify as Celeste.

  “So, what is a basic AI able to do?” I asked out loud, curiously. Before Rita had a chance to explain, my wristband displayed another screen with text on it.

  A first level companion AI is capable of observing, recording, and reviewing. I may notice aspects of your environment that you fail to, or more quickly make a connection between a situation and relevant information. As I have tapped into your mana flow, I can see whatever you see, though I do not have the power to alter your perceptions or change the flow of mana in any way without prior upgrades.

  After reading the message, I glanced over to Rita with a curious expression. She smiled and explained. “I said before that they could be upgraded. Some upgrades improve mana efficiency or increase recovery. Some allow them to modify your field of vision to form a sort of heads up display. I’ve even heard that there was an upgrade that allowed you to have full 360 degree vision for a short while.”

  “Ahh… I would probably like the d
isplay one, since it would be more handy than reading from a display screen.”

  This time it was the shopkeeper who explained. “Just give it a little bit until she can form her own voice. I’ve never seen it take more than a day for an AI to be able to start speaking verbally to its owner. And for that time, I’d suggest against fighting monsters. Remember, it records all of your experiences to establish its base personality. If its first day is filled with violence, it will in turn have a violent personality.”

  Okay… so no more mass murdering bunnies until it is able to talk, gotcha. I nodded my head slightly at that. For the most part, I had already gotten rid of my grudge against the horned rabbits, so that wasn’t too much of a problem. Looking over to Rita, I figured I was done here. “You were going to take me to see the druid instructor?”

  Rita nodded her head for a moment, and then opened her eyes as if suddenly remembering. “Oh, right! Sorry, forgot about it. First time helping someone with their companion. Later, Harlan!” She turned around and quickly left the store. Following behind her, I decided to pull out my book of plants to quickly flip through it while we walked. If Celeste records everything I see, then I shouldn’t need to spend more than a few seconds on each page for her to acquire all the information on it. And this way, she should be able to help identify plants that I overlook. It didn’t take more than a couple minutes to finish the book and put it away again, and by that time we were just leaving the village..


  I forgot to get armor again!

  Our walk through the woods was actually fairly easy, with not a single animal attacking us. Although the rabbits we passed sent me mean glares(which didn’t look so mean with their adorable faces), none of them acted while I was with Rita. Even the wolves backed away as we walked by.


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