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Dazzle Page 8

by Amber Garza

  “All the time,” Ariel says wistfully.

  I smile. “You know, you’re the first person who’s ever agreed with me.”

  Ariel smirks. “I take it that Micah doesn’t share your view.”

  “Are you kidding? Micah loves his gift. He’s never once wished it away.” I glance over at my dresser. Several framed photos of Micah and I smile back at me.

  “Yeah, I could tell. He’s pretty intense about it.”

  I chuckle. “That’s one way to put it.”

  “So, what’s the story with you two?” Ariel pushes the book off her lap and leans forward.

  The look in her eyes makes me uneasy. “We’re best friends.”

  She nods. “He said sort of the same thing.”

  Her words bother me. When did she discuss our relationship with Micah? And why is she even interested in it? Enough playing nice, it’s time to get down to business. “So, what’s your gift?”

  The question seems to throw Ariel off guard. “Well…I don’t have a gift anymore. Remember, they took it away?” She runs a shaky hand over her short hair. With her other hand she fingers the lace that lines the top of her nightgown.

  I cock my head to the side. “It’ll come back in time. You know what you have to do.”

  Ariel narrows her eyes. “You don’t have to pretend to be my friend. I know you don’t want me here any more than I want to be here.”

  “Then maybe you should tell us who’s after you.”

  Shaking her head, Ariel lowers her body down on the mattress. She rests her head against the pillow and stares up at the ceiling. “Don’t you think if I knew I would tell you?”

  No, I don’t.

  Rolling over onto my side, I turn off the light and darkness blankets the room. I press my face into the soft pillow and pull the comforter up to my chin. My curtains are open and I can see Micah’s room is dark as well. I think about the way he looks at Ariel and the question she asked about him, and my stomach churns. I just want those guys to be caught so Ariel can go back home and we can all move on with our lives. The last thing I want right now is all this drama. I hear Ariel rustling around on the air mattress, and I try not to feel guilty for keeping my bed. I only slept on that air mattress once on a camping trip, and it was so uncomfortable that I never used it again.

  A figure walks past my window, catching my attention. Hair prickles on my neck. Then I realize it’s just one of the guards and I exhale. My nerves settle and my shoulders relax. Snores and heavy breathing slip down the hall from the other bedrooms. Pretty soon I feel my body drift off and everything goes black.

  Whispers circle me, pulling me out of my slumber. My eyelids open and I struggle to keep them that way. They burn from exhaustion. Turning over, I blink as my vision adjusts to the darkness. Ariel’s mattress is empty, the covers tossed on the ground beside it. I hear voices just outside the door.

  Trying hard not to make a sound, I scoot to the edge of my bed. The box-spring creaks beneath me. I hold my breath and step onto the ground. As quietly as possible, I creep toward the doorway. My ears are perked, honing in on the voices. I peek out into the hallway and then jump back. Ariel and her brother are just a few feet away. I press my body against the wall and listen.

  “I’m scared, Ari,” the little boy whispers.

  My heart tugs. I feel bad that Asa is involved in all this. None of this is the kid’s fault. Even though I don’t trust Ariel and I’m not sure what to make of Camille, the one member of the Starling family that I do instinctively like is Asa. It’s impossible not to like him. He’s so cute.

  “Everything’s going to be alright, buddy. There’s no need to be scared.” Ariel’s voice is reassuring. I peer out again and watch as she strokes her little brother’s hair. The tender look on her face gives me pause. It’s so different than the hard exterior she shows the rest of us. Asa really brings out a different side of her.

  “I don’t want those bad guys to take us.” Asa’s voice rises, hysteria evident in his tone.

  Poor kid. He’s terrified.

  “Shh,” Ariel kisses the top of his head. “No one’s going to take you. I promise. I’m taking care of everything.”

  What does she mean by that?

  There is a flower on my desk. One lone, bright red rose. I see it the minute I walk into Mr. Chauncey’s classroom. I glance up at Micah who walks beside me. Clearly it isn’t from him since we rode to school together. When I reach my desk, I pick up the flower and see that there is a tiny slip of paper folded in half underneath it. Fingers shaking with excitement, I open the paper. Micah’s breath is hot against my neck as he peers over my shoulder. I wiggle away from him to read the note in privacy.

  I’m still waiting for that yes – Sam

  I close my fist around the paper, hiding it in my palm. My body warms. I hope that Micah didn’t see it. Glancing up, I catch Sam’s eyes as he watches from his seat, wearing a large grin. He flashes me a wink and my pulse races. Turning around, I lower myself into my seat.

  “Who is it from?” Micah leans over.

  I shake my head and swallow hard. “Secret admirer.”

  “Huh.” Micah furrows his brows. “Maybe we should show it to your parents. It could mean something.”

  Annoyed, I shove the note deep into the pocket of my jeans. “Micah, it’s just some school crush. It has nothing to do with what’s going on with Ariel. Not everything is a conspiracy.”

  The bell rings and Micah sits up, staring forward. I look down and realize that I’ve gripped the rose so hard one of the thorns has pricked me. A tiny droplet of blood oozes out of the center of my palm. After setting the rose down on my desk, I rub the blood with my finger, attempting to wipe it off. Instead it coats the inside of my hand with red smears like an abstract painting drawn in blood.

  “Hey.” Sam intercepts me in the hall after class.

  “You’ve got to stop this,” I hiss.

  I look behind to make sure that Micah isn’t looking. All I see is his retreating back in the sea of clamoring students and it makes me sigh in relief. No need to add to his paranoia.

  “Don’t worry.” Sam smiles and nods in Micah’s direction. “Superman isn’t watching.”

  My face heats up. “He can’t see us talking together. You have to leave me alone.”

  Sam grabs me by the elbow and his touch sends tingles up my arm. “C’mon.”

  “Where are we going?”

  He pulls me through the crowd. “Some place we can talk in private.”

  “But I have to go to class,” I protest, yet I make no effort to free my arm from his grip.

  He opens the janitor closet and slips inside, yanking me in with him. The door closes quickly and I pray that no one saw us go in here. I wrinkle my nose. It smells like bleach and window cleaner. A mop bucket filled with dirty water sits next to me. I close my mouth and try to breathe minimally.

  “Why are we in here?” I demand.

  “I told you I wouldn’t give up until you said yes to a date with me, and I meant it.” Sam moves closer to me. I back up until my shoulders hit the wall. In the tiny space Sam’s chest is practically pressed against mine.

  I force out a light laugh even though my heart is beating faster than ever. “And what are you gonna do? Hold me hostage in the janitor closet until I do?”

  He chuckles. “Something like that.”

  I smell bar soap and the faint traces of gasoline on his skin. Never in my life did I think I’d ever be this close to Sam, and if I were smart I’d run out of here right now. But I don’t. I stay put even though I know it’s all wrong. No one else makes me feel the way he does. It’s as if when I’m with him something dormant in me comes alive.

  “What if I never say yes?”

  “Then I guess we’re stuck in here forever.” He grins.

  For a minute that doesn’t sound so bad. Then the bell peals and my body tenses.

  “What do you say, Delaney?”

  I hesitate. Am I really contem
plating this? “No one can find out. Especially not Micah.”

  Sam’s eyes darken. “What is it with that guy?”

  “It’s just that my parents are really strict and I’m not allowed to date. If Micah finds out I know he’ll tell them.” I could kill myself for how stupid I sound at this moment. I mean, what sixteen-year-old isn’t allowed to date?

  “Deal. No one has to know.”

  My heart flips in my chest and I almost gasp out loud. Am I really going on my first date?

  Chapter 14


  THE PUNGENT SMELL of soap chokes me as I drive to meet Delaney for our date. It took me thirty minutes to scrub all the grease off my hands, but black specks still remain under my nails. I picture Delaney’s face when we were in the janitor closet together. Her longing was written clear as day across her face. Obviously she’s attracted to me. I know I can get her to trust me if I can just keep up this charade a little longer. When I turn down the street where we’re meeting, my heart pounds in my chest. Nothing can go wrong tonight if I want to succeed in my plan.

  When Delaney’s car comes into view, I take a deep breath, summoning all the charisma and charm I possess. I only hope I don’t screw it up. Delaney wanted to meet at a local park so her parents won’t find out about us. The park is deserted, except for a few teenagers smoking near the swings.

  After parking my car, I cut the engine and step out. Delaney emerges from her vehicle and the air leaves me as if I’ve just jumped into a pool of ice-cold water. She wears a short black dress and thigh high boots. Her hair is swept up and held in place by sparkly pins. Loose tendrils fall around her pale face. Her eyes are lined in black and her lips are painted a deep red. She looks hot.

  “You made it.” I smile at her and am amazed to find that it doesn’t take that much effort. In this moment I’m actually glad she’s here.

  “Of course.”

  “It’s just that I thought you might stand me up.”

  Her lips curl upward. They are perfectly heart shaped and I imagine what they would feel like against mine.

  “You look amazing,” I say.

  “Thank you. So do you.”

  Shaking my head, I force myself to remember my mission. “Ready?” I offer her my hand. She takes it in hers and her soft skin feels good.

  “Where are we going?”

  “That depends.” I wink.

  “On what?” Her pale face glows under the glaring streetlights.

  “On how late you can stay out.”

  Disappointment flashes in her eyes. “I only have a couple of hours. My parents are out for the evening, but I need to be home before they return.”

  “That gives us plenty of time.”

  I take her to a club on the outskirts of town, far from prying eyes. It’s located in a strip mall, and from the outside it looks non-descript, like it could be a clothing store. However, they always have the best bands play here. Better yet, I know the bouncer so I get in without any hassle, and the bartender never cards me. Holding Delaney’s hand we make our way inside. Sweat and perfume mingle in the air. Bodies gyrate to the loud, pulsing beat. The lighting is dim, with neon pink and blue lights flickering from the ceiling. I pull Delaney through the crowd. Most of the guys we pass turn in our direction and openly stare at Delaney. I bring her closer to me, relishing the jealous stares. Finally, we find an empty couch in the corner.

  “Sit here and I’ll get us a drink,” I holler over the loud noise.

  She gives me a hesitant look. Of course Miss-Goodie-Goodie doesn’t drink alcohol.

  “Is soda okay?”

  Relief slides over her features. I almost laugh. The times I’ve taken Bree here, I’ve had to carry her out because she gets so drunk. I return with our sodas, just as a huge guy with piercings all over his face bounds over to Delaney. He leans down and wobbles a little. Clearly, he’s had a few too many.

  “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?”

  “Hey, back off.” I step in between them. The sudden movement causes soda to splash on my arm.

  The man turns to Delaney. “You better stay close to your boyfriend. Something bad can happen to a girl like you here.”

  Before I can step in to defend her, Delaney lifts her chin. “You should be more worried about what will happen to anyone who tries to mess with me.”

  The man mutters something and staggers off. I’m impressed. If that had happened to Bree she’d burst into tears. I hand Delaney a soda and take the seat next to her.

  “What a jerk.” She rolls her eyes.

  “You seemed to handle yourself pretty well.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ve dealt with scarier guys than him before.”

  Her comment reminds me of the real reason I’m here. “Yeah, I remember when we were kids and you saved that girl from being kidnapped.”

  Delaney’s head whips in my direction and she gives me a fierce look. “I didn’t save her. It was just a coincidence.”

  “You seem to have a lot of those.”

  There’s that blush again.

  “I guess sometimes I’m just at the right place at the right time.” She shrugs her shoulder and takes a sip of soda, looking really agitated.

  I fight to keep my face neutral and not let my irritation show. Getting information out of her is going to be like pulling teeth. I remind myself that I need to stay patient. It might take time, but eventually I’m sure Delaney will spill all of her secrets.

  The music reverberates through my body. Maybe it’s time to try a different tactic. I turn to Delaney and smile. “Wanna dance?”

  She nods and allows me to lead her out onto the dance floor. We shove our way to an empty spot. The band on stage is playing a loud rock song. I struggle to find the beat to the frenetic music. To my relief, Delaney seems to be having trouble as well. She moves in awkward, stiff movements, and her face is serious, like she’s really concentrating. Apparently she isn’t good at everything. She looks so cute it makes me laugh.


  I shake my head, but the laughter continues to spill from my mouth.

  “Are you laughing at me?” I’m afraid she’ll be angry, and I scold myself for screwing things up.

  But then she smiles and playfully swats me in the arm. “Stop it. I know I’m a bad dancer, but you’re not so great either.”

  I hold up my arms. “Guilty as charged.”

  The song ends and the band resumes with a slower song. Taking my opportunity, I grab Delaney by the arm and pull her to me. Her body crushes against mine. I wrap my arms around her waist and sway back and forth. Her heart beats against my chest and I’m pleased at how fast it is.

  “This better?” I whisper into her ear.

  She nods, leaning her head on my shoulder. Her hair tickles my neck. Her fingers dance along my back, causing my skin to break out in chills. Colored light and fog swirl around me, and I feel dizzy. The music sounds far away and the people around us blur until it seems that Delaney and I are the only ones in the club. My head spins, Delaney’s fruity scent enveloping me. She peers up at me, her green eyes piercing into mine, as if hypnotizing me. My breath catches in my throat. She purses her shimmery red lips, and I swallow hard.

  With my heart hammering in my chest, I graze her cheek with the back of my hand. Her skin is soft to the touch. Her eyelids flutter. I want nothing else than to feel her lips on mine, to keep touching her. I lean forward and am just about to kiss her when I see them.

  The two Sarafite guys I met at the shop are standing against the bar, watching us with rapt attention. I inhale sharply and step backward, pushing Delaney away from me. What was I thinking? I curse myself for letting Delaney get under my skin and making me forget my plan.

  “What’s wrong?” Delaney furrows her brows.

  I force myself to act nonchalant. “Nothing. It’s just that it’s time to get you home.”

  “Oh, really? Is it that late already?”

  “Yeah, let’s go.
” I guide a confused Delaney out of the club. As we leave, I keep my head down not daring to look at the guys at the bar. Their presence reminds me of the seriousness of my mission. They’re not going to let this go on forever. I need to have something to deliver to them soon.

  We step outside and cool air circles us. I thread my fingers through Delaney’s. “I had such a great time tonight. I wish it didn’t have to end so soon.”

  She grins. “Me either.”

  “When can I see you again?”

  Delaney bites her lip. I can practically see the wheels in her head spinning. “I think I can probably get away for an hour tomorrow afternoon right after school.”

  “Okay, wanna meet at the park?”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  The park is filled with children when I meet Delaney. I can tell this makes her nervous. Her gaze keeps darting to the playground and scouring the parking lot. Would it really be that bad for her if someone saw us together? It stings a little, actually, and I wonder if the real reason she doesn’t want people to find out about us is because she’s embarrassed to be seen with me.

  Then I glance over at her and she smiles that sweet smile of hers, and it quells the thoughts. Clearly she’s into me. No, I’m sure she was telling the truth about why we have to sneak around. I could see that when her dad was at the shop. Her parents are obviously strict, and I know I’m not the kind of guy any girl wants to bring home to her parents, especially not a girl who follows Zerach.

  And besides, it works out better for me too. I don’t want anyone to see us together either. I don’t want to have to explain to Bree why I’m with Delaney. That chick has enough jealousy issues. No need to fuel the fire.

  Looking around, I see a trail that leads to a picnic bench in the back corner of the park covered by a large tree that bends down resembling a person touching their toes. “Let’s walk back this way.”

  “Okay.” Delaney follows.

  We walk side-by-side down the trail. There is a slight breeze in the air that lifts Delaney’s hair gently from her shoulders, emitting her apple scent. There’s something about that smell. It haunts my dreams. I smell it even when she’s not around. Although I have to admit that it beats the scent of car grease.


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