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Dazzle Page 10

by Amber Garza

  Out of the corner of my eye I see the man moving toward Ariel. My chest burns as the creature crushes my body. Fighting to breathe, I kick up with my legs. Using all my force, I shove my hands into the belly of the creature. It shrieks while it’s flung across the room. Before I can relish in my victory it lands on its feet just like a cat and races back toward me. I can’t see Ariel, but I can hear her shouts of protest as the creature bats and claws at me. Its eyes blaze red and it hisses through its sharp teeth.

  Slap. Crack. I fear Ariel has been hurt so I push the cat away with my arm and maneuver around it. I’m impressed when I see Ariel whack the man in the head with a lamp. Only I know she won’t be able to win against him. I reach out to grab the man, but the creature knocks me down. My face hits the floor and blood fills my mouth. The creature slices at my back and I feel wetness coat my skin. I cry out in pain as my back feels like it’s on fire and I can feel the skin ripping and tearing. My arms are bent under my body and I fight to get them free so I can push myself up.

  The creature shrieks and jumps off me. Shocked, I look up to see Delaney standing in the doorway. When I peer up at the creature I see the jagged leg of a table stuck in its back. Blood flows freely from it and the creature howls and staggers. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I pick the furry thing up and hurl it toward the window. Glass breaks and rains down over the room. I hear the creature land with a shriek and thud in the bushes outside. The man glances around at the three of us and with a panicked look jumps out the window and races toward the creature.

  “We can’t let him get away!” I yell.

  Two police officers burst into the room.

  “They went that way!” Delaney points to the window. After the two cops burst through it, she turns to me. “Micah.” Her mouth gapes. “You’re covered in blood.”

  The room sways around me and the walls bend in on me.

  “Micah.” Rushing to my side, Delaney takes me in her arms. “Here. Let me help you.”

  “Why do you look like that?” I have never seen her wear so much makeup. Not to mention that she’s wearing a dress and super high-heeled sandals.

  She scowls while helping me to the ground. “Like I can never get dressed up?”

  “But where did you go like that?”

  She ignores me and turns to Ariel. “How could you let this happen? What were you thinking? The two of you could have gotten killed.”

  Ariel’s whole body is shaking. Her hair is plastered to her head, which is slicked in sweat, and scratches cover her arms. “I-I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know they would be here.”

  “Of course they were,” Delaney snaps. “They were probably waiting for you to show up.”

  Ariel’s lip quivers and tears gather in the corner of her eyes.

  “Delaney, it’s not her fault.” I have to stop this. Even though I know there is more to the story and clearly Ariel is hiding something, I know she wasn’t expecting to get attacked.

  “What?” She gives me a skeptical look. “You expect me to believe that coming out here was your idea?”

  We don’t have time for this. “If the police don’t catch them, they’re going to come back. And when they do, they’ll bring more.”

  Delaney’s face changes into serious mode. “Okay, we have to get you out of here. You’re injured too bad to fight them off.” She studies my wounds. “And you’re losing a lot of blood.”

  “That creature was freakishly strong.” I shake my head remembering how hard I had to work to fend him off. Peering up at Ariel, I ask, “Did you get what you needed?”

  Dazed, she reaches into the pocket of her jeans. After pulling out some crumpled papers and a small photograph she nods.

  Delaney looks on incredulous. “That’s what you risked your life for?”

  With quivering fingers, Ariel shoves the items back in her pocket. “They’re my dad’s.”

  This seems to appease Delaney and she gives a slight nod of her head. “Okay, I’m going to need your help to get Micah out. He’s too weak to walk on his own.”

  I reach up and touch Delaney’s arm. “Hey, thank you for coming. You saved my life.”

  “Of course.” She smiles. “That’s what we do. I only wish I got here sooner. I was clear across town when I got the vision. I called the cops the minute I could and I was hoping they’d beat me here.” Delaney nods in Ariel’s direction. “I need you to get on that side of him and help me get him up.”

  “Hold on.” Ariel kneels beside me. “Let me try something.”

  Delaney groans. “We don’t have time for games right now.”

  Anger flashes in Ariel’s eyes. “This isn’t a game. Just trust me.”

  “Trust you? Oh, yeah like that’ll happen.” Delaney laughs bitterly.

  I put a hand out. “Laney, let’s just see what she’s going to do.”

  Before glancing back up at Ariel, I see Delaney roll her eyes. Ariel leans over me and puts both hands on my chest. Closing her eyes, she rubs her palms downward. A warm tingly sensation shoots through me. My skin feels odd, like it’s hot and cold at the same time. I lean back and enjoy the feeling.

  “Should I give you two some privacy?” Delaney’s sarcastic voice cuts into the moment.

  Ignoring her, I glance back up at Ariel. She is concentrating so hard that her forehead is a mess of squiggly lines and her eyes are squinted. My flesh feels like it’s coated in some amazing warming ointment. Ariel opens her eyes and a look of sheer excitement crosses her features.

  “It’s working. It’s working.”

  I have no idea what she’s talking about, but Delaney lets out a little gasp.

  “You’re a healer.” Delaney’s face holds a look of pure awe.

  Suddenly, Ariel pitches forward. Her head lands on me and she lets out a long ragged breath.

  “Are you okay?” I touch her hair.

  She lifts her head, breathing heavily. “That took so much energy out of me. Usually it isn’t that hard. I guess my gift isn’t completely back.”

  “It’ll come back fully in time.”

  “Micah,” Delaney says, “most of your wounds are healed.”

  Looking down, I see that many of the cuts on my chest have now disappeared, and a few of them are only surface wounds.

  Ariel smiles triumphantly. “The ones on your back are probably still there. I can try to heal them later.”

  I reach my hand up and graze Ariel’s cheek with my fingers. “Thank you.”

  Ariel blushes and it surprises me. It’s the first time I’ve seen her do that.

  “Okay, now we really have to get out of here.” Delaney hurries toward me. With Ariel on one side and Delaney on the other, we make it out of the house alive.

  “Child, what were you thinking?” Mom swats me on the head. Only she doesn’t hit me very hard. I think she’s just trying to make a point.

  “You know better than this, son.” Dad towers over me. He may not have special powers, but he spends a lot of time working out and he’s pretty buff. I don’t blame him. It must be tough to have your son surpass you in strength at eight years old.

  Delaney, Ariel and I are in my family room with my parents, Delaney’s parents and Camille. Asa is watching cartoons in my bedroom. I’m sitting on the couch between Delaney and Ariel and our parents are standing over us. I feel like I’m a little kid in time-out.

  “It’s not their fault. It’s mine.” Ariel stares at her hands as she wrings them in her lap. “I’m the one who made Micah take me there.”

  Camille’s eyes widen. “Why would you do that?”

  Ariel bites her lip. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know anything bad would happen. I just wanted to get some things.”

  “If you needed something you should have just asked. I could’ve taken you shopping.” Camille narrows her eyes disapprovingly at her daughter.

  “You can’t buy me this.” Ariel stares into her mother’s eyes. “I wanted some things of dad’s.”

  Camille’s face pales.
“I see.”

  “Are you sure you weren’t followed home?” Dad crosses his arms over his chest.

  “Yes,” I respond. “They were long gone when we left.”

  Delaney’s dad, Paul, speaks next. “Okay. Well, obviously, the Starlings can never go back to their house.”

  Next to me, Delaney stiffens. Ariel inhales sharply. Clearly neither one is happy about the prospect of spending more time together.

  Rebecca, Delaney’s mom, nods her head in agreement. “Yeah, we’ll need to speak to Zerach again to see how to proceed.” She looks at us. “And the three of you need to stay away from that house. Do you understand?”

  All three of us nod.

  Mom pats me on the head. “And you need to stay put and get some rest.”

  I sigh. “But Mom, Ariel healed me. I’m fine.”

  “Uh-uh.” She waggles her fingers. “Don’t even be lying to me. I see those cuts on your back, and you don’t know if that creature’s talons were poisonous.” Mom caresses my shoulder with her hand. “Tabitha will come over tomorrow and treat you.”

  Until Mom said it the thought never crossed my mind. But she’s right, of course. Saraf’s creatures are known to be poisonous. I glance over at Delaney and I know the fear on her face mirrors my own.

  “Then you can stay home from school for the rest of the week and recover,” Mom says.

  “A week?” I’m dumbfounded. There’s no way I’m going to lay around and rest for an entire week. It will be torture.

  “This is not open for discussion.” Mom purses her lips, giving me her no nonsense look.

  I sigh. It’s no use. Mom will never back down now.

  Once plans are made for the next course of action, Delaney and her parents head home with Camille in tow. Dad heads to his room and Mom scurries off to get some medicine for me.

  Ariel hangs back. She places a gentle hand on my arm. “I’m really sorry about today, Micah. I feel just terrible.”

  I cover her hand with my own. “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. I put your life in danger. I almost got us killed. It was totally selfish of me.” She casts her gaze downward.

  “Hey.” I reach my hand up and tip her chin with my finger until she faces me. “I understand why you wanted to go back. I wouldn’t have taken you if I didn’t.”

  “Thank you.” Leaning forward, Ariel pecks me lightly on the cheek. Her vanilla scent fills my senses. My heart picks up speed. It’s all I can do to keep my arms pinned at my sides and not sweep her up into an embrace. She pulls away and smiles. It’s so sweet I know I will remember it forever. When Ariel smiles it transforms her whole face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look this beautiful. “I better go. I’ll come see you tomorrow.”

  And just like that, she’s gone, leaving me to wonder if I imagined the whole thing.

  Chapter 16


  I HAVE SEVERAL texts from Sam, and each one is a variation of the same message. He wants to know what happened and find out if I’m okay. Having no idea what to say, I throw my cell on my nightstand and get ready for bed. While I put on my pajamas, I think about how good Sam’s lips felt on mine. My insides soar high as a kite at the memory. Then just as quickly it dive bombs at the recollection of my vision and having to take off.

  Ariel enters the room just as I’m slipping under the covers. Anger burns through me at the sight of her. This whole mess is her fault. If only she hadn’t dragged Micah to her house I would have been able to enjoy my afternoon with Sam. Instead, he probably thinks I’m a total freak. And I have no idea what excuse I’ll use when I try to explain.

  As if sensing my thoughts, Ariel looks up at me with those large eyes and says, “I know you’re mad at me, Delaney. But I really didn’t mean for anything bad to happen.”

  I narrow my eyes. “Of course I’m mad. You practically handed my best friend to the enemy. He could have been killed.”

  Her lips start to quiver, so I turn my head. The last thing I want to do is feel sympathy for her. I know she didn’t force Micah there just to get something of her dad’s. There’s more to the story, and I intend to find out what it is.

  “I’m really sorry.” I hear the rustle of sheets and the creak of the air mattress behind my back.

  “Sorry isn’t good enough. Micah could have poison running through his body right now because of your mistake.” I punctuate the word ‘mistake’ to let her know I don’t entirely believe it was. The thought of Micah being poisoned tears at my heart. I pray he hasn’t been. I just want this whole thing to be over.

  In a quiet voice Ariel says, “Micah forgave me.”

  “Well, I’m not Micah.”

  “Clearly.” The implication lingers in the air.

  Sam is already at his desk when I enter first period. He smiles at me and I feel my cheeks warm. Lowering my head, I smile back. Micah is home today, recovering from the attack, but I still don’t want others to notice. For now I want what I have with Sam to be kept secret from everyone. It’s safer that way.

  I duck down and slide into my desk. The minute I pull my notebook out of my backpack my cell vibrates in my pocket. Yanking it out, I see it’s a text from Sam.

  R u mad at me?

  Not at all. I quickly text back. Mr. Chauncey dims the lights and turns on the projector screen. It hums as he begins his lecture.

  Then y didn’t u return my texts last night?

  I hold the phone under my desk and try to be discreet as I respond. I’m sorry. It’s all I can come up with. It would take too long to type an explanation.

  Was it something I did?


  Then y did u run off?

  I hesitate, my stomach tightening. How will I ever make him understand without telling him too much? I’ll explain later. When can we meet?

  After class.


  Janitor closet?

  I almost laugh out loud at that. I fight back the giggle rising in my throat and type with my thumbs. Ok.

  After tucking my cell away, I tune into Mr. Chauncey’s lecture. He’s talking about the Battle of Distinction. It’s a story I’ve heard dozens of times from my dad, but it’s an important piece of our history, so I listen.

  “Saraf was Zerach’s right-hand man and most trusted friend when he first founded the town of Edenly. For the first hundred years Zerach ruled over Edenly with Saraf by his side. However, Saraf burned with jealousy. He wanted the power. He wanted to rule. Unbeknownst to Zerach, Saraf was plotting to overthrow his friend and take over the town of Edenly. He traveled to the Valley of Despair and enlisted the help of the grotesque creatures of the night.”

  I remember the giant black cat-like thing that attacked Micah, and I shiver.

  “The creatures stormed the city and a war ensued. Many lives were lost, but in the end Zerach won and banished Saraf to the Valley of Despair, which we now know as the Charred City. Now, Saraf is never allowed to set foot inside these city walls.”

  Over the years I’ve loved this story. It gives me comfort to know that we live in a town that’s protected from evil. But today I’m troubled. I feel like maybe I’ve misinterpreted something. My arm shoots up.

  “Yes, Delaney.” Mr. Chauncey points to me.

  “I know Saraf is never allowed in Edenly, but what about his followers?”

  “Obviously there have been cases over the years of Sarafites being discovered in our city without our knowledge. But the law states that anyone bearing the symbol of fire is not allowed within our city walls.”

  I bite my lip, fear slithering down my spine. How did the Sarafite man and creature that were in Ariel’s house make it inside of Edenly? And if they were able to break in, how many more are here too?

  After class, Sam and I are once again pressed inside the janitor closet together. This time the bleach smell is even stronger and the water in the mop bucket is even dirtier.

  “We really need to find a new hiding spot. There’s got be another sec
luded place on campus that’s less…disgusting.” I curl up my nose.

  Sam smiles and places his hands on my hips, as if locking me in place. “Okay, I’ll make it my mission to find one.”

  My eyes sink to his lips and I remember what it felt like to kiss him. I’m about to lean forward and do it again when he says, “So what happened yesterday? I was so worried.”

  My stomach knots. “Um…nothing. I just re-membered I had an appointment.”

  His eyes darken and I can tell he doesn’t believe me. “That’s what freaked you out so bad? An appointment?”

  I nod. “I knew if I missed it my mom would find out about us.” He looks angry. I can’t bear the thought of him being upset with me. Grabbing his hand, I squeeze hard. “I can’t let that happen. I want to keep seeing you. I don’t want it to end.”

  The mad look from earlier disappears, replaced with a grin. “Don’t worry. This is just the beginning.”

  “Delaney, wait up!” Sam finds me in the parking lot after school just as I’m getting into my car. “Wanna hang out this afternoon?”

  His voice is a little loud and I scan the area to be sure no one is watching. Fortunately, the other students are busy with their own conversations. Sam’s dark hair falls in a wave over his blue eyes that twinkle at me under the rays of sunlight. I want nothing more than to spend time with him. Then I remember Micah at home, slices painted up his back from a Sarafite creature. I have to go check on him.

  “I’m sorry. I have to get home.”

  “C’mon, you can’t spare me an hour?” He winks and one side of his mouth curls upward. It’s so cute I feel my resolve slipping.

  “I don’t know. Micah’s really sick and—”

  “Superman can take care of himself.”


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