A Lesson in Patience

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A Lesson in Patience Page 16

by Jennifer Connors

  When he pulled away from her, Ginny had a glazed look in her eyes. He smiled smugly. Colby realized that for the first time in his life, he was at peace right where he was. He didn't feel the need to move on or away. He felt like he was right where he was supposed to be.

  Seeing the smug look on his face, Ginny said, “You can knock that grin right off your face, Colby Miller. You're not that good a kisser.”

  His smile only grew more radiant. “How would you know? How many men do you remember kissing?”

  Truth was she could remember every man she'd ever kissed, from her real life through all her romance lives. Not that she could explain that to Colby. Regardless, she had kissed one other man, that she could remember as Colby put it, while living in this body. And she was not about to tell Colby about it.

  Allowing him this one victory, she conceded, “Fine. It was a nice kiss. But without anything to compare it to, how do I know there isn't something better?” Ginny raised her eyebrow in challenge.

  Growling, Colby muttered, “You'd better not go around finding out, Mrs. Miller.” When the words left his mouth, Colby got a flash of their future. It was a name he would pass down to his children. Again, he felt only peace.

  Pulling his wife toward him, resting her head on his shoulder, he said, “Get some rest, Ginny. We'll set out tomorrow back to the ranch. It will be a long day trying to find a suitable spot to cross that swollen river.”

  With Colby's warmth against her, Ginny finally succumbed to the exhaustion she had been feeling. Between the riding, the falling and the river, her body had had enough. It was time to let go. So she did.

  Chapter 23

  Ginny woke up at dawn, surprised that she had slept through part of the day and all of the night. She was stretched out next to Nate, who was still breathing softly. Disoriented at first, Ginny soon remembered what had happened and how she had agreed to be married to Colby for real.

  In the first light of day, Ginny began to wonder if that was such a good idea. After all, Colby had treated her so badly, for the past few weeks, she didn't know if she could summon up any warm and fuzzy feelings toward him. She found him attractive, that was never an issue. But his personality, up until yesterday, wasn't anything but annoying.

  Could she put that aside and have sex with him? With Ian, in Scotland, he had an annoying personality at times, but she was still able to appreciate his finer qualities. Don't even get her started on Colin, her Regency English Earl, who abandoned her for a whole year. Still, she was able to forgive him and move on. And now, she had Colby.

  It seemed to her that unless she could find something in him that could churn her butter, she was better off not sleeping with him yet. Ginny could be shallow when discussing a fine piece of beefcake, but she would never act on those feelings. Despite her situation, as a romance novel heroine, she had to have some feelings for a man before she up and slept with him.

  Rather than fret over the possibility, she would just go about getting Nate home. Colby had said it would be a long day, so maybe something would happen that would light a fire inside her. Or, if it didn't, she would just have to make him court her after all. After their talk yesterday, she knew there was something about this man she could care about, and not just his siblings.

  Ginny propped herself on her elbow and looked for the man in question. Still asleep, Colby was propped against the same rock they'd shared the night before. His eyes were closed, his arms crossed across his body, his chin touching his chest. Just seeing him at peace made Ginny smile. She'd meant what she'd said about him being a good father. Perhaps that would be the grease to get the wheels of their relationship going.

  As if sensing her attention, Colby lifted his head and stared back at Ginny. His blue eyes sparkled in the early morning sunlight. His expression said he was eager to get their journey going, so he could have his wedding night. The look made Ginny's stomach drop. If she thought he had any doubts, she certainly couldn't think that now. It was clear that Colby had no doubts about where he wanted this relationship to go.

  Ginny smiled and rose from behind Nate. Careful not to hit her head, she left the enclosure and found some privacy behind a group of trees. After relieving herself, she found a clear puddle to wash her hands and face with. Refreshed, she returned to their makeshift campsite and found Colby stoking the fire and Nate sitting up against the rocks.

  Seeing her again, he looked relieved, like he thought she'd left for good. Smiling at her young charge, she said, “Good morning, Nate. Colby.”

  Smiling back, he replied, “Good morning, Ginny. Colby's gonna make us some breakfast, then we have to get back to the ranch.” His voice grew morose as he spoke the last part.

  Colby, who knew why, said, “Nate, you know you have to be punished. You should have come and talked to me. You shouldn't have worried Ginny so by running off. What if we didn't find you?”

  Staring down at the ground, playing with a dried leaf, he responded, “I know, Colby.” His voice sounded so much like the little boy he was, but his response was very much the man he would become.

  Trying to back Colby up, she asked, “What will his punishment be? Because I was pretty worried.” Ginny figured he would be grounded or denied something. Never did she consider what Colby had in mind.

  “He'll choose his switch and he'll get ten licks.”

  By sheer willpower, Ginny didn't gasp. She should have known, but it just never occurred to her. This was a different time, and she knew she should say something to deter him, but Ginny also knew it wasn't her place. She would speak to him privately, though, the first chance she got.

  The chance came a few minutes later, when Nate went off to get some privacy. Whispering, Ginny asked, “Ten licks?”

  Colby knew the moment he'd said the punishment that Ginny would object. She had become like a mother to Nate with an inherent need to protect him. Rather than be annoyed, he asked, “What do you think would be fair?”

  “I'd rather not hit him, but I know that's probably not a possibility.”

  “Ginny, he took off alone. He could've been killed yesterday and taken you with him. I've got to teach him a lesson.” Although his voice was calm, he still sounded annoyed.

  “I know. He does need to learn a lesson, but do you think hitting him will help? Nate wants more than anything to be old enough to help out like Frank does. Maybe if you tell him that this stunt has proven that he's not ready to join you on rides, it will have more of a lasting effect. And that if he wants to join you, he will have to prove how mature he is. Together we could probably come up with some very unpleasant tasks for him to accomplish to prove himself.”

  Colby was stunned. This woman never ceased to amaze him with her ideas. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. After all, the whipping would be forgotten with the pain, but her idea would last for a long time, and maybe have him really consider his actions first. Hadn't Colby taken a switch to both his brothers after their previous stunts, and yet they continued to pull their antics.

  Before Ginny could object, Colby had her in his arms and was kissing her, hard. He would get them home as quickly and safely as possible, but then he would have her. He would give her exactly five minutes to wash up before he carried her to his bedroom and made their marriage official.

  When Colby grabbed her, Ginny had only a second to think he might hit her. When he kissed her, she felt bad that she thought he was capable of such a thing. Whatever she said, he seemed really pleased with. Not only had she stated her case without him getting mad at her, she had won. So, Ginny kissed him back.

  They only pulled apart when Nate returned. “Ewww. Can't you two do that somewhere else? Gross!”

  Pulling his mouth from hers, looking Ginny in the eyes, Colby said, “Someday you might not think it's so gross, kid. You'll be willing to drive all the way to Denver to find a girl for yourself.”

  Nate, not catching the nuance of his statement, replied, “Just kill me if that ever happens. Let's ea
t breakfast and get home. Please.”

  After breakfast, they packed up their supplies and made sure their fire was out. Colby took Nate with him on his horse, and Ginny took her own once again. After yesterday, Ginny wasn't thrilled about getting back on the beast. But, with sunny skies and no lightning to be seen anywhere, she hoped it would be safe.

  Chapter 24

  The day was a long one indeed. They had to ride a number of miles out of their way to find a safe place to cross the still swollen river. Once across, they found Vas, who was looking for them. When he couldn't find any trace of Nate, he decided to join forces with Colby and search the river.

  With Colby in the lead, Vas held back to talk to Ginny.

  “What happened?” Vas' voice sounded worried that Colby hadn't been on his best behavior with either of them.

  “Nate fell into the river, and I had to go in to get him.”

  “Dear God. It's a wonder you two are still here.”

  Glancing at his face, Ginny saw wonder and respect. “In all fairness, he fell into the river because I scared him. My horse...” Ginny stated while pointing at the offending animal, “decided to take off on me. When he finally decided to dump my ass, it was right by Nate, who then fell into the river.”

  Vas felt bad about laughing, although it didn't stop him. “Damn, Ginny.”

  “We were clinging to a log when Colby arrived to fish us out.”

  Turning his head to stare at his friend, Vas asked, “What's gonna happen to Nate?”

  “We decided that rather than spank him, we would have him prove to us that he can be mature.”

  “How're you gonna do that?”

  Shrugging her shoulders, she replied, “I dunno know. We'll figure something out. I do know that he won't get a chance to ride with Colby anytime soon.”

  “Well, that'll hurt him. There's nothing he'd love more than that.”

  “That's the idea.”

  Vas left them to search out Tim and the others to bring them home. It was late afternoon when they arrived back at the ranch, to a much relieved Frank, Georgia and Nizhoni. He was sent right to the bathroom to wash up, then Nizhoni gave him something to eat and he was sent right to bed.

  “We'll talk in the morning, Nate. First thing, you meet me by the barn. Understood?” Colby said, keeping his voice menacing.

  “Yes, sir.” Nate turned with shoulders slumped and headed to his bedroom. Frank was hot on his heels hoping to hear any tales Nate had.

  Ginny and Colby decided not to tell Nate that his fate had changed. Better to have him worry over his beating all night. Hopefully, the impression would last longer.

  “You must be exhausted, Ginny. Would you like me to draw you a bath?” Georgia asked. She had sensed that something had changed between her brother and Ginny but wasn't about to question it. Whatever it was, it was better.

  Ginny turned to Georgia and said, “That sounds wonderful. Thank you, Georgia.”

  Colby, who had been stealing glances at Ginny throughout the meal, said, “Don't stay in too long. Some of us might like some hot water as well.”

  The room fell silent as everyone tried to interpret Colby's tone. Georgia, innocent as a babe, looked curiously at her brother. Nizhoni, who had lived a long life, smiled in appreciation. Nothing got past her. Ginny glanced at the carnal look Colby was giving her and felt her stomach flutter. Was there enough attraction for her consent? Would she consider sharing his bed, even after weeks of torture? Hell yes, she decided. She'd seen the real Colby, the one not marred by bitterness. The one who wanted to be happy and make a life with the woman he loved. She might not love him, but she couldn't deny the attraction.

  With a flick of her head, she told him to meet her in the other room. Georgia went about preparing the bath, and Nizhoni cleaned up the kitchen. Ginny got up and left the kitchen, Colby hot on her heels.

  Ginny went to enter the parlor, but Colby escorted her outside instead. Heading for the barn, he pulled into an empty stall. When Ginny tried to talk to him, he ignored her attempt and began to nibble on her neck instead. Feeling herself being distracted, Ginny playfully tried to push Colby away. He could not be deterred.

  “Colby, can we talk for a minute?” she asked, voice innocent, but tinged with the passion he was igniting in her.

  “Hmmmm?” was his only reply. His mouth was better used for other things.

  “About our marriage?” Ginny was soon forgetting her arguments, as she got caught up in the moment.

  Pulling away, he asked, “What about it? Do you want to be married proper before we...” Colby's cheeks turned pink, as he suddenly realized that his bride was a virgin. Even is she wasn't, she obviously didn't remember one way or the other.

  Putting a hand on his chest to reassure him, she said, “I don't know if I've ever... you know...”

  Placing his own hand over hers, Colby said, “It's alright. We can wait, Ginny, until it's right. We can go see Reverend Thomas tomorrow and talk about a real wedding ceremony. I want you to be a true mother to my brothers. And a true wife to me.”

  Part of Ginny thought it was corny and stupid. She was, after all, a 21st century woman, not a 19th century prude. The thought of having this man all over her made her heartbeat quicken. But there was another part of her that thought that wasn't right. She could sleep with him and maybe move on, but it just didn't seem like the way it should be. Ginny thought she should smack herself in the head. Obviously, she was getting too caught up in these romance novels.

  As she stared at Colby, she tried to decide. Yes or No? Sex or Wait? Possibly move on or continue to live this life? In a flash, she knew what she was going to do.

  “Colby. I can't deny that I really want you. I want more than anything to come to your bed tonight. But, I also think that we should be officially married first. I doubt John, by the back of his wagon, constitutes an official marriage. I'm sorry.” Ginny thought he would get mad, but he surprised her instead.

  “I think that's a good idea. We can go into town tomorrow and speak to the minister. He'll be pleased as punch to be able to marry us.”

  Not hearing any sarcasm or annoyance, Ginny asked, “Really?”

  Colby smiled at her. “Honest and truly.”

  Ginny smiled back. After one more brief kiss, Colby escorted her to the bathroom and the hot bath that Georgia had so kindly drawn. Before she could enter the bathroom, he whispered, “Do be quick, Ginny. If you're not out soon, I may have to come in and find out what's taking you so long.” With a wink, he disappeared out of the kitchen.

  Ginny was left to wonder if she'd made a stupid mistake in turning him down for the night. What could she have possibly been thinking?


  After a frustratingly sleepless night, Ginny woke up later than usual. By the time she entered the kitchen, only Frank and Georgia remained. Nizhoni had already left to attend her garden.

  Sitting on one of the available chairs, Ginny asked, “Where are your brothers?”

  Frank, who was stuffing his face with food, responded, “Colby took Nate to the barn for his punishment.”

  “Don't speak with your mouth full,” Ginny said automatically, having heard it from her mother a thousand times growing up. “How long ago did they leave?”

  It was Georgia this time who spoke. “Maybe ten minutes. Colby looked plenty mad, and Nate looked even more worried.” Georgia looked worried as well.

  “Ginny, is it true? Are you and my brother getting married for real?” Georgia asked before Ginny could go outside and find out what was going on.

  “Uh, yes. We're going to talk to the minister today.”

  “That is excellent news. Vas and I need to speak to him as well. Do you think that maybe we could have a double ceremony? We could be each other's bridesmaids. I could help you make a dress. What do you think?”

  Ginny stared at her for a full minute before responding. “I, uh... that would be great.” Truth was, Ginny didn't care. One way or the other, she was going to
marry Colby. If her soon-to-be sister-in-law wanted to share a wedding, fine with her.

  “Are you sure? If you want your own ceremony, I won't be offended.” Georgia's expression gave her away. She looked terrified of rejection.

  Ginny felt terrible. “Georgia, truly, I would love to have a double wedding. I'm more worried about you. Are you sure you don't want to have your own ceremony?”

  “Absolutely not. I already consider you my sister and so wanted you to be my bridesmaid. That you can officially become my sister would be a dream come true, especially as I marry the love of my life.”

  Ginny didn't know what to say, mostly because she was trying not to gag. Such sentimentality wasn't part of her makeup. But, seeing how much it would please Georgia, she couldn't resist making her happy.


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