A Lesson in Patience

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A Lesson in Patience Page 18

by Jennifer Connors

  “They'll be fine for a couple of days, Ginny.” Colby took her hand and looked at her. “We won't be getting much alone time from now on. Let's enjoy it.” His smile melted Ginny's heart.

  Despite his previous cantankerous attitude, Ginny now saw something very sweet about Colby. He was a gentleman, but he was also a playful boy. She could see how he wanted to please her, but also take care of her. Ginny turned away suddenly and looked at the landscape.

  No, no, no, no, no, she kept repeating in her head. I can't fall in love with him. It will hurt that much more when I'm gone. Her palms grew sweaty and her heart beat too quickly. This was going to be bad.

  Using his free hand, Colby turned Ginny's face toward him. When he saw the tears, he grew worried. He kept it to himself until they reached the ranch. Asking Vas to take care of the cart, Colby took Ginny out into the field, southeast of the house. As they were walking, he felt himself feeling real fear. What if she didn't want him anymore? What if she'd changed her mind? What if she'd gotten her memory back and was in love with someone else? As much as Colby didn't want to know, he wouldn't put it off.

  They found an old boulder sticking up through the ground and took a seat. Then Colby took Ginny's hands and asked what was wrong.

  Ginny wasn't about to be honest with him. He would have her locked up in an insane asylum if he knew the truth about her. So, she told him the first thing that came to mind. With her ability to lie compromised, her words were very close to the truth.

  “I might be falling in love with you, Colby.”

  Colby let out the breath he'd been holding. Smiling like a cat who'd caught a big, fat mouse, he said, “And that's something to cry about?”

  “No.” Ginny hedged while she thought of something to say. Anything, really. Stupid or otherwise. It finally hit her. “What if I get my memory back and it's bad? What if I'm not a good person?”

  Colby laughed, but quickly coughed to cover it up. He didn't want to hurt her feelings, but to hear her say she might love him, that was about the best thing he'd ever heard in his life. It was better than when he found out he'd been accepted to Columbia.

  Taking her face in his hands, Colby leaned down and kissed Ginny gently on the lips. “We'll get through anything together. We're a team, right? You, me, my family. If you love me, there ain't nothing we can't get through.”

  Ginny recognized the corniness of the words, but couldn't help but be touched. He was so perfect. But, in the beginning of any relationship, don't people feel like everything is perfect? Keeping that in mind, Ginny smiled and said three little words that shocked her husband. “Let's not wait.”

  His eyes grew big as the meaning of her statement finally registered. Sputtering, he asked, “Are you... Are you sure?”

  Taking her hand and rubbing his stubbled cheek, she replied, “Of course I'm sure.” She let a big sigh and revealed, “You have no idea how much I want you right now, Colby Miller.”

  Colby felt his heart pound in his chest and his breathing become labored. “Oh, I have some idea, Ginny Miller. Can't be any worse than what I've been feeling since shortly after meeting you.”

  Ginny turned her head and looked befuddled. “But, you hated me.”

  Laughing, he said, “Naw. I was just pretending. Sometimes men like to behave like asses to impress their women.”

  Smiling and shaking her head, Ginny reached out and hugged him. She seemed to fit so perfectly in his arms. Resting her head on his shoulder, she inhaled his scent. Then she felt something else. Colby's hands were trying to unbutton her shirt. Pulling back she looked at him.

  “Now?” was all she asked.

  Colby looked around to see if they were alone. That was when he spotted his two brothers, out the barn window, with their spyglass. He quickly covered Ginny up and said, “Maybe not now... later... tonight. Come to my room. Please.”

  His politeness was her undoing. “Tonight. I promise.”

  Chapter 26

  Dinner took forever. The boys wouldn't stop their questions about what happened with Reverend Thomas. Colby merely stated that they wouldn't be attending church any more. That made things worse.

  “Did the Reverend hit you, Ginny. Cause if he did, I'll have to put him straight,” Frank said, with all due seriousness.

  “Me too,” shouted Nate. “Papa always said it ain't right to hit a girl.”

  “Isn't right, Nate,” Ginny said as she took another bite of her food. She and Colby had hoped to keep what happened from the boys, but maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

  Colby gave Ginny a look from across the table. Ginny read his question and shrugged. They couldn't keep the truth from the boys. Either they would find out from them or from some twisted gossip in town.

  Ginny took the first stab. “Yes boys, Reverend Thomas is the one who hit me. He thought I was being insolent and needed to learn my place.”

  Nate looked confused. “What's your place, Ginny?”

  “Well Nate, the Reverend thinks my place is to be silent, never speak up for myself or anyone else. I think the exact opposite.”

  Frank scrunched up his face. “What, 'cause you're a girl?”

  It was Colby who answered. “Yes, that's how the Reverend feels. I happen to think Ginny's pretty smart, don't you?”

  Both boys readily agreed and also supported Ginny in her ability to speak up. Ginny knew there were a few other things that needed to be said.

  “Just so you know, the Reverend was not willing to marry Georgia and Vas. That's what caused the argument in the first place.”

  Nate gasped as he stared at Georgia and Vas. “Nu-uh,” Nate declared.

  Georgia turned her gaze to her plate and Vas took her hand. “That's right, Nate. Too many people in this world frown on people like me marrying someone as pretty as your sister.”

  “I also want you two to know that I only hit the Reverend after he hit me. I don't condone violence, but that man had it coming.”

  Two sets of eyes stared widely at Ginny. “You hit the Reverend?” Frank asked.

  Colby answered, “Better watch out you two. Ginny's got a mean right hook.”

  Chastising him, Ginny said, “Colby, please. I really shouldn't have done it, but something tells me that no one's ever let him know that his actions have consequences. I only wish his wife would stand up for herself too.”

  “Regardless, we now have to travel to Cheyenne to get married.” Colby looked directly at the boys. “You two will need to stay here and help Tim while we're gone. We'll be gone no more than three days. I don't want to come home and find out you've gotten into mischief. Understood?” Colby held Nate's gaze a moment longer than Frank's. The message was obvious. That morning in the barn, after he ran away, they had made some sort of deal. Ginny still didn't know what it was, but it was having the right effect on Nate at that moment.

  “Yes sir,” they both responded.

  “Good, that's settled. Frank and Nate, help Nizhoni with the dishes.”

  “Awwww,” they both whined, but got up and brought the dishes to the sink.

  Georgia was right behind them, “I'll help too. That way we can finish up and have time to play outside a little before bed.”

  Vas and Colby started to discuss their upcoming trip, while Ginny helped clear the table. In no time, everything was cleaned up and decided. They would leave in two days, provided the weather was good. Colby and Ginny went to sit on the front porch and watch the boys play with a hard ball Georgia had made for them. Vas and Georgia took a turn around the yard.

  Ten minutes later, Tim and Eloise arrived with stupefied looks on their faces. Eloise came up on the porch with her hands on her hips and looked directly at Ginny.

  “Did you hit Reverend Thomas today?” she asked, gasping every word as if it couldn't be possible.

  Ginny, who had been rocking slowly, turned her gaze toward their guests and said, “Yup.”

  Tim snickered, but one look from his wife, and he stopped immediately. “How could you
do that? He's a man of God.”

  With a fake whine, Ginny responded, “Well, he hit me first.”

  “He told me what you said to him. You had it coming.”

  “Now Eloise, that ain't fair...” Tim started to say, but Ginny finished for him.

  “Really, Eloise. Would you allow Tim to hit you for speaking your mind?” Ginny knew she should get control of herself. Although she could admit that a good face slapping was exactly what Eloise needed.

  She gasped again. Ginny thought if she kept it up, she would probably pass out. “You have to admit that the Reverend had a point.”

  Shaking her head slowly, Ginny asked, “Meaning?”

  Eloise drew herself back and whispered, “Meaning that you don't welcome murderers and thieves into your home.”

  Completely missing her meaning, Ginny asked, “You think I'm a murderer and a thief?”

  Using Colby's favorite exasperation looks, Eloise said, “No, not you. The Indian over there.” Eloise casually shrugged her shoulder in the direction of Vas and Georgia, who were now playing ball with the boys.

  Ginny turned to look at Colby, who just shrugged. “Do you know something that we don't, Eloise?” Ginny asked, trying to take the high road, knowing it wasn't going to be easy.

  Whispering again, she stated, “All Indians are. And don't get me started on the Mexicans. Vas had no chance with parentage like that.”

  Before Colby could stand, Ginny put a hand on his arm. But it was Tim, who came up behind his wife and spoke in a low, but menacing tone. “Now, Eloise. Don't be saying anything stupid. I've known Vas and Nizhoni a long time, and they're both fine people. I've worked with plenty of ranch hands from all over, and the one thing I've noticed is that you can't judge a book by its cover.”

  Turning toward her husband, seeing that she would get no support, Eloise turned on her heel and walked back in the direction of their home. Tim looked down and said, “I'm real sorry about that, Colby, Ginny. I'll go talk to her. She's just been so worried about the baby and all.” Then Tim took off walking fast to catch up with his wife.

  “Well, that was awkward,” Ginny said, watching the pair leave. Tim tried to take his wife's arm, but she brushed him off and kept going. “Wouldn't want to be in that bed tonight.”

  “Oh, Mrs. Miller, you won't be. Seeing's how you and I have a date in another bed.”

  Ginny felt herself blush from Colby's words. He reached over and grabbed her hand. Picking it up, he placed a gentle kiss on the back and winked at her. Ginny smiled and went back to watching her new family.

  In the silence, Ginny began to think about her lives. Ian had been great in the sack, though, overall, they had little compatibility. He wanted to own her and control her, and she wanted none of that. He was gorgeous, strong and brutish, able to protect her and able to command an army. There were definitely aspects to him that appealed to her, but the whole package wasn't there.

  With Colin, he had the perfect personality to fit hers. He took her seriously, and listened to her opinions. He had an acerbic wit and could be just as sarcastic as Ginny. He too, was a handsome specimen, but it only added to his appeal, but didn't define it. And still, she didn't feel like she'd fallen in love with him. Maybe it was because he'd abandoned her, and that would have taken some time to get over.

  Even when she considered Miles, who had the looks and, most likely, the talent in bed, she never felt anything more than friendship. Miles was like that extraneous character in a book, where you never find out what happens to him, but are always left to wonder.

  So what was it about Colby that was different. God knew he treated her like dirt for the first few weeks she was here. Knowing now why he was so bitter, she didn't hold it against him, but why did she feel something extra? Maybe because he was an American, like herself? No, Ginny thought, she'd never been that shallow. Was it the easy drawl he used when he spoke? Ginny couldn't put her finger on it. Maybe she was just so vulnerable, having lived two lives already not her own. Maybe her lack of experience in the love department was finally catching up to her. Feeling her head starting to ache, she gave up. If she was in love, she was. If she just thought she was, oh well, too. What was to be done?

  There was only one thing to be done. Come to Colby's bed that night. If she couldn't be sure about love, she wanted to be sure that he was every bit as satisfying in bed.

  Chapter 27

  After the boys and Georgia had gone to bed, Ginny went to the bathroom and washed up. She filled up the tub halfway, not wanting to wait for a full tub and began to wash herself all over. When she felt clean, she got out, dried off and brushed her hair. As she was leaving the bathroom, Colby entered the kitchen and stopped to whistle at her.

  “Mrs. Miller, you look mighty fine this evening. Any plans?” he asked, with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Ginny, being herself, took the low road. “I have a date with a handsome man. I might even put out tonight.”

  A look of confusion came over Colby's face. “Put out?” he asked.

  Ginny walked up next to her husband and whispered, “You know. Take off all my clothes and ravish him to near death. That's the plan anyway.”

  Colby turned his head to look in her eyes. “Lucky man.”

  “Indeed. See you around, Colby.” Ginny turned and went up to her room. She would give him ten minutes, figuring after her word play it would only take him five. Then she would go to his room. Ginny was feeling pretty good about how the evening was shaping up.


  Ten minutes later, Ginny knocked lightly on Colby's bedroom door. The door opened immediately, with Colby grabbing her arm and pulling her inside. He closed and locked the door behind her. Ginny got her first glimpse of his bedroom.

  It was obvious that the room used to belong to his parents. There were many womanly touches, from the colorful quilt and matching pillows, to the flower prints on the wall. There was even a vase with fresh flowers next to the bed. The room smelled clean and fresh, with the window open to allow a small breeze. The rug on the floor was soft and clean. Ginny remembered Nizhoni beating it just the other day.

  Colby came around to stand in front of her. “Are you nervous?” he asked, concern in his eyes.

  “No. I know you'll take good care of me.” Ginny meant the words, as Colby was the protector of his family.

  He reached his hand up to cup her cheek. “I'll always take care of you, Ginny. After tonight, you'll be mine forever. No more business arrangement. We'll be married for real. You alright with that?”

  Ginny took in his vulnerability for a moment. He wanted this so badly, and she had to admit that at the moment, she wanted it too. But then, nobody gets married thinking that someday they'll grow apart and leave each other. In the beginning, it's all wine and roses and lovemaking. It takes something more to make it last.

  Ginny couldn't be concerned with the far future right now. She knew this fantasy wouldn't last. She could only live in the moment, and right now, the moment told her to agree and make love to this man.

  “I'm alright with that, Mr. Miller. I'm definitely alright with that.”

  Smiling, Colby lowered his mouth to hers and began to kiss his wife tenderly, but passionately. He entered her mouth, tasting her and letting her have her fill of him as well. Without a thought, Colby picked up his wife and placed her lightly on the bed. And that was when it happened.


  Ginny stopped kissing Colby, but he simply moved to her neck. As he climbed into the bed next to her, she heard it again.


  Ginny stiffened and Colby stopped and looked at her with confusion.

  “What's the matter, Ginny?”

  Instead of answering, Ginny bounced a little on the bed.

  Squeaky, squeaky, squeak.

  Her eyes widened, but no words would come to her. After a moment, Colby understood her dismay. Colby went about testing the bed as well.

  Squeaky, squeaky, squeak.

  He bowe
d his head, realizing that the bed would make too much noise. And, as if to cement that into their heads, they heard Nate call out, “You alright, Colby?”

  His voice gruff, Colby responded, “Yeah, Nate. I'm fine. Go back to sleep.”

  Colby stood up and helped Ginny from the bed. His face said it all. Ginny felt a case of giggles overcoming her and she pressed her hands against her mouth to keep them from escaping. When Colby looked at her, it was too much. As quietly as possible, she started to giggle, her whole body joining in.


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