The Dragon’s Flight: Gay Paranormal Romance

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The Dragon’s Flight: Gay Paranormal Romance Page 4

by Clearwater, Julian

  It wasn’t something Ethan wanted to overthink, especially considering the danger that David was placing himself in. It was like a vigorous game of tug of war, where if Ethan gave just slightly, David would pull him over. Just the same, every bit that David gave, Ethan would cling to like his life depended on it. It was obvious that they were both keeping things from each other, but Ethan couldn’t find it within him to be that angry. As sure as he was that his reasons for keeping quiet were good ones, he was also sure that David was equally confident in his reasoning.

  Still, it made it difficult to remain perky as he met David at the diner. As before, David had arrived early, and was already perusing the menu when Ethan stepped into the establishment. David glanced up, and Ethan found himself ever enchanted by that warm smile. For once, the mischief behind that grin was surprisingly absent. In its place was what Ethan could define as nothing but sheer adoration. He couldn’t particularly blame David’s feelings, as he was growing rather attached, himself.

  Sliding into the booth, he rested his elbows on the table, chin positioned in his palms. He watched David with a faint smile, trying to mask just how exhausted he was. David seemed to catch on to his weariness, however, and reached out to brush his hand against Ethan’s arm.

  “You look exhausted. Long day?”

  Ethan merely nodded, opting to remain silent and glance over the menu. He already had an idea of what he wanted, as he had eaten here before. Still, he couldn’t find it within himself to muster up enough energy for long conversation. David seemed concerned, but after a moment, Ethan managed to bring himself to his senses a bit more.

  “How’s your day been? Busy as well?” Ethan asked, reaching out to lace his fingers with David’s.

  David quirked his lips in a smile, squeezing the proffered hand and considering his words. “Always busy. But not too busy to find time for my favorite guy.”

  Ethan felt himself blushing, and glanced up as a waitress approached them. He ordered a double cheeseburger with chili, extra fries, and a chocolate milkshake. David’s eyes widened a bit at the large order, and he opted for a simple BLT sandwich.

  Ethan felt somewhat chagrined by the look David was fixing upon him, but fortunately, David made no effort to tease him. He simply moved his thumb along the back of Ethan’s hand, tracing the bumps of his knuckles.

  As Ethan moved to speak, he was startled by how quickly their food arrived. He hadn’t realized how famished he was, and he drew his hand away from David’s to properly dig into his food. Low rumbles drew themselves from his chest as he stuffed his face, pausing every so often to take a long swallow from his milkshake. He could feel David’s eyes upon him as he shoved a handful of fries in his mouth. He chewed quickly, intending upon apologizing for his rude behavior, but David’s lips only curled in a smile.

  “What’s so funny?” Ethan asked, pretending he hadn’t just decimated a huge platter of food.

  “I never expected you to be so voracious. I can only wonder if you have such an appetite in, well, other facets of life,” David murmured.

  Ethan’s cheeks grew flushed as the implications washed over him, though he couldn’t say they were particularly unwelcome. He tapped his fingers on the table, hesitating a moment before replying. “Are you prepared to find out?”

  David’s eyes widened a bit at the question, and he inhaled a shuddering breath before placing his sandwich back on its plate. He waved over the waitress, his hands shaking.

  “Fetch me a to-go box, will you?” David all but growled. “And run my card while you’re at it. We need to get out of here.”

  That predatory look was returning to his features. The waitress seemed oblivious to the exchange, slipping away to do as David had asked.

  “That eager, are you—” Ethan began, cutting himself off in a strangled gasp as the toe of David’s boot crept up his inner thigh. “God, David,” he hissed in embarrassment, trying to swallow a moan as the slightest bit of pressure was applied to his crotch.

  “What?” David asked with a smirk. “Can’t keep your composure under pressure, baby boy?”

  When the waitress returned with the to-go box and David’s card, Ethan quickly dumped the contents of the plate into the box before closing it up and lurching out of the booth. He grabbed David by the hand, eager to obscure the bulge that was beginning to strain the crotch of his jeans. David seemed delighted by Ethan’s eagerness, and as soon as they were out of the restaurant, he pinned Ethan to the outer wall of the building. Their lips met in a bruising kiss, and the two briefly fought for dominance before Ethan drew away and made to drag David toward his apartment.

  “Shit, I should have brought my car,” Ethan grunted, his voice strained from lust.

  David smirked, reaching to slip his hand into the other man’s back pocket. He steered him in the opposite direction, confidence in his step where Ethan seemed to be faltering.

  “My place is closer. Come on, stud. Let me show you how a real man can treat you,” David said.

  Ethan gasped for breath, staggering in the direction he was led. The trip to David’s apartment was a short one, and the two rushed up the stairs.

  David fumbled with the lock on his door for a moment before pushing it open, tumbling to the ground as Ethan all but tackled him. Their lips locked once more, and Ethan kicked the door closed behind him. He pulled away just slightly, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the side of the room. David immediately latched on to one of his nipples, sucking furiously before grazing his teeth to the tender skin. It seemed they wouldn’t even make it to the bedroom in their desperate fervor to undress each other, and David quickly shifted their position to press Ethan against the floor. His own shirt was shed, tossed aside. Ethan pressed sloppy kisses across the expanse of David’s chest, sinking his nails into the flesh of David’s shoulder.

  “You taste so good,” Ethan gasped, sloppily licking toward David’s neck.

  David arched into the touch, tangling a hand in Ethan’s hair. Before David could realize what was happening, Ethan sank his teeth into his shoulder, marking David as his own.

  David gasped, and Ethan could feel his hardness twitch between them.

  “Pants off. Now,” Ethan growled gutturally, and David’s eyes widened in shock and arousal. He was swift to oblige, however, and Ethan could tell that he was relieved to be free of his constricting jeans. His boxers were tented, and Ethan offered little preamble before slipping them down David’s hips.

  “You never seemed the type to take charge like this,” David gasped, nearly doubling over as Ethan grasped his length in his hand.

  Ethan smirked, slowly moving his hand up and down David’s member.

  “You didn’t seem the type to let me,” Ethan retorted, leaning down to exhale a warm breath against the girth presented to him.

  David’s hips jerked as if of their own volition, and Ethan glanced up at him with a cheeky smile.

  “Think you can keep from blowing your load before we get to the main event?” Ethan asked, before wrapping his lips around the head of David’s member.

  David shuddered, tensing his hands on Ethan’s shoulders as Ethan began to bob up and down along his manhood.

  “I don’t…I don’t think I can hold out that long. Christ, you’re good with your mouth,” David gasped.

  Ethan smirked, drawing away from David with a loud pop.

  “Get some lube. If you think my mouth is good, you just wait,” Ethan murmured. He shifted his own jeans down his hips, shifting his boxers to allow the tip of his manhood to peek out. He quirked a grin, turning his back to David before baring himself entirely.

  David rushed to a side table, where he brought out a bottle of lube. He squeezed a glob onto his fingers. Ethan spread his rear tauntingly, reaching back to provide David ample access to his tight hole.

  David struggled to breathe steadily as he slipped his fingers inside of him. Ethan groaned softly, resting his front half on the ground and waving his rear tauntingly
in the air.

  “You’re like a little bitch in heat, don’t you?” David muttered, trying to reclaim control of the situation.

  “I just need a big stud to fill me up.”

  Ethan smirked at the wide-eyed look David turned upon him, before the other man began to quickly smear lube along this girth. Each touch to his member seemed to make David tremble, and Ethan could only wonder if he would last long enough to even enter him. It was cute in a way, though he would find some way to be satisfied either way, be it from David’s manhood or mouth. However, just when he was beginning to doubt David’s abilities, the other man mounted him and pressed the tip of his member to Ethan’s pucker. Ethan mewled softly, pressing into the other man’s touch as he slowly began to enter him.

  “So…tight,” David gasped, sinking his nails into the flesh of Ethan’s hips. Ethan found himself growing impatient with the slow pace being established, so he wiggled his hips enticingly to try and engage David further. It worked just according to plan, and before either of them knew it, David was pounding into Ethan like a beast unleashed. Ethan cried out loudly with each slap of skin against skin, getting rug burn from where he was skidding across the floor.

  “Give it to me, give it all to me. Fill me up, baby,” Ethan moaned, clenching around David as David wrapped a hand around Ethan’s length as well, only serving to heighten both of their pleasure.

  “Oh, you want it?” David hissed, shifting his angle so that he could properly slam against Ethan’s prostate. The orgasm hit like a wave crashing over him, and Ethan came with a loud cry, spilling his sticky seed all over the carpet. He slumped halfway to the ground, hands tensing into fists beneath him.

  “Well here it comes,” David shouted, bottoming out inside of Ethan before blowing his load as well. Ethan continued to mewl and twitch as he was filled to the brim, allowing himself to entirely slump to the floor as David finished off inside him.

  Moments passed where the two simply lay on the floor, and Ethan was quite sure he couldn’t walk if he wanted to. David drew away from him after what seemed an eternity, shakily rising to his feet and offering Ethan his hand. Ethan gripped it, pulling himself to wobbly feet. He lurched forward, falling limp in David’s arms.

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to walk home like this,” he muttered shyly, feeling a bit ashamed by how weak he must have seemed.

  “Come to bed with me. We can worry about cleaning up in the morning,” David said with a warm smile.

  Ethan felt his cheeks warm, and his heart pounded in his chest at the idea of staying the night with David. He allowed himself to be drawn into David’s bedroom, all but collapsing atop the sheets as he was released. David crawled into bed beside him, and Ethan sighed happily as David wrapped his arms around him.

  “Comfy?” David inquired with a goofy smile.

  “The most comfortable I’ve ever been in my life,” Ethan admitted. The two shared a smile before Ethan leaned in to press a gentle kiss to David’s lips. David returned the embrace tenderly and for a moment, it felt they were more like lovers than a couple of guys screwing around.

  Hoping their actions spoke of things to come, Ethan shifted so David could spoon him as the two of them fell asleep.

  He slept more comfortably than he could have ever expected.


  As much as David wanted to spend time with Ethan the following day, he knew he had a responsibility to keep an eye on the dragon activity in town. When he mentioned going to the field again, he expected Ethan to bid him farewell and be on his way. He didn’t expect the pilot to insist upon tagging along. David wanted to deny Ethan, wary of risking his safety.

  “It’s where we had our first date, after all,” Ethan said with a smile, and David felt his heart give a sharp pang. It was adorable, and he couldn’t deny that he was falling fast for the other man. It was, in a way, where they’d had their first date. In spite of his wariness, he allowed Ethan to tag along. In a worst-case scenario, he would fight the Opal dragon bare-handed in order to protect his lover. He simply hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

  Ethan suggested they go to Ethan’s place so Ethan could get a change of clothes. From there, they could go to the fairgrounds and then take his chopper the remaining distance to the field. David was quick to oblige, knowing what a long walk it was. Moreover, he wanted Ethan to have a means of escape if they came across something unsavory.

  “I thought you hated this place,” David mused, once they touched down in the middle of the field. Ethan shrugged his shoulders, then linked arms with David.

  “I love spending time with you though, so that cancels it out. I can’t help wondering what you’re looking for, though. Has something about this place piqued your interest?” Ethan pressed.

  David fought not to bristle in response. “Just exploring the area. It seems a bit off, doesn’t it? The way the bugs go quiet when you’re here. It’s like there’s nothing as far as one can hear.”

  He didn’t want to divulge too much information, but he needed to have some excuse for coming to the field repeatedly. Ethan simply chuckled, falling into step beside him.

  “What do you expect? A sasquatch?” he teased, though David found very little humor in the situation. Moreover, he was troubled by something else about the field. Something besides the dragon activity he had noted his first time upon visiting. Specifically, he noticed the exact opposite: there seemed to be absolutely no additional dragon activity past the night he’d ventured out here alone. There were no fresh prints, no newly fallen trees, no telling claw marks in the dirt. He drew away from Ethan, beginning to search more frantically. He couldn’t begin to fathom the idea that his bounty had moved on from this place. It was unthinkable. He couldn’t believe he’d allowed himself to get sloppy, all for a quick lay.

  “David, are you okay?” Ethan asked, resting a hand on David’s shoulder.

  David shrugged off the other man, irritation brewing up within him. “Do I look okay, Ethan?”

  His hands tightened into fists at his sides. David was aware that he must seem irrational, and Ethan was watching him with a mix of suspicion and concern.

  “You wouldn’t understand,” David blurted angrily. “You just…you wouldn’t get it! I don’t know why I thought you would.”

  Ethan frowned, gently attempting to take David into his arms. “How can I understand if you don’t explain to me? It’s like you’re looking for something here, but I have no idea what. If you tell me, maybe I can help you. I can’t help with something you won’t explain to me, David. Just let me in,” he urged, resting his chin atop David’s head.

  As much as David wanted to take comfort in Ethan’s touch, he couldn’t get past the idea that he’d allowed his bounty to slip away. The cash he may have made from such a kill would have been enough for him to live comfortably for a year, at least! It wasn’t as if he could explain any of that to Ethan, of course. In spite of his own choice to keep his lifestyle a secret, he found himself growing increasingly irritated with Ethan’s calm manner.

  “You wouldn’t understand,” David grumbled. “You know what, Ethan? Just forget it. I need to get out of here. You’d be best off to see yourself home.”

  David broke free of the pilot’s grasp and stalked off.

  Ethan called out to him, but David didn’t break his stride. If the dragon had left the area, it couldn’t have gone far. If he went to the Dragon Slayers Society headquarters, they might have some additional information regarding his target. He had been tracking notes on his personal recording device, sending the records into the society every day. He knew they would be pursuing any leads he may have clued them into, as well as properly analyzing the dirt he’d sent in.

  Ethan’s shouts soon faded into the distance, and though David’s heart ached slightly at his own cruelty, he tried to reason that it was in both of their best interests to pursue this threat. At least when the dragon had been making its home in the field, the dragon slayer knew where to track it. No
w it could be anywhere, and he had no means of keeping tabs on the massive and dangerous creature. He would apologize to Ethan later, but for the time being, he had to focus on the task at hand.

  The walk to headquarters was an arduously long one, and when he saluted the soldiers at the front gate, he was nearly too sore to pull of the maneuver. However, he had become rather recognizable in the local headquarters, so the guards quickly allowed him through. He staggered along inside the building, spotting Jacob lingering near the information terminal by the bounty board. Jacob seemed to be perusing the files with vague interest, unaware of David’s presence until the slayer was nearly on top of him.

  “Jacob,” David greeted warmly, happy to see his mentor in spite of all he’d been through.

  Jacob smiled, pulling David in for a tight embrace. “David! I was wondering when you would show your face again. I was going to start looking for you. There’s a new information packet regarding your bounty. I was unable to access it without your personal identification.”

  David couldn’t help but chuckle at how boyish his older mentor was being, scanning his identification card over the terminal before tapping through to access the new information packet. It was a lengthy document, though a particular part was bolded and marked with important labels. He scrolled down to the section in question, skimming over it to get a general idea. Beside him, Jacob gasped as he read the entry as well.

  “A…a glamour? What’s a glamour?” David asked, never having seen the term in documentation before.

  “It’s a remarkably rare ability among dragons. I’m not surprised you’ve never seen it; I never expected you to have to know about it. In my lifetime, I’ve never encountered a dragon that was capable of producing a glamour,” Jacob said, awe clear in his voice.

  David narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest as he scrutinized his mentor. “An explanation, Jacob! This could be crucial,” he demanded, surprised by the grim look that the elder slayer turned upon him.


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