The Omega Team: SEAL Escort (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Uncharted SEALs Book 12)

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The Omega Team: SEAL Escort (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Uncharted SEALs Book 12) Page 4

by Delilah Devlin

  This…with Snake…was so much better. While he plied her clit with soft washes of his tongue, he slid a finger inside, circling it to stretch her then stroking deeper, his fingertip rubbing against her walls, until he touched on a place that made her cry out.

  Her back arched off the rock, and she flew, pleasure radiating outward from that mysterious spot and her clitoris, the trembling washing through her body.

  When she could breathe again, she realized he’d moved upward. His arms encircled her. She rested against his chest as he lay on his side, cuddling her, his mouth sliding along her cheek, then pressing a kiss against her temple.

  “You seemed surprised,” he said, his voice a deep rumble.

  She swallowed and pulled back her head to meet his gaze. “That was my first time, Snake. With a man.”

  His brows wrinkled, and the corners of his mouth twitched. “Explain.”

  She wrinkled her nose, because now that her body was no longer riding a passionate high, she was growing embarrassed. “I’ve made myself come. With…toys. I didn’t think I could…get there…with a man.”

  He touched her cheek. “First time a man went down on you. First naturally induced orgasm. I’m honored, and also a little pissed.”

  What sense does that make? She frowned.

  “Not at you,” he said, kissing the tip of her nose. “The fuckers you’ve been with—they weren’t worth a shit, Cat. Not a one deserved you.”

  Mildly alarmed at his words, she realized she didn’t want to be some woman sitting on a pedestal. “I’m not so special. I just needed the right guy.” To keep from blurting more, she pressed her lips together.

  He cleared his throat. “We should head back to our room.”

  Confused, she glanced down at his very hard cock. Didn’t he expect her to return the favor? “But, what about you?”

  His gaze narrowed. “I didn’t go down on you because I expected you to give me anything in return, babe.”

  Sighing, she bit her lower lip. “Am I too much work?” she asked in a small voice.

  His mouth stretched into a lazy smile. “I enjoyed every minute.” He lifted his eyebrows. “Unless you think I was just too damn slow…”

  Her laughter came as a surprise. Sliding her hand along his cheek, she leaned toward him and pressed her mouth against his. “I’d say thank you, but I think my pride’s already shredded.”

  He gently pinched her chin, holding her so she couldn’t dip her head and hide. “You were incredible.”

  With her inside melting into goo, she leaned against his muscled warmth. For however long they had together, she wanted more of this. More of her sexy SEAL.

  Chapter Five

  The next morning, Snake gave one last quick, rolling-eye glance at his clothing and entered the breakfast room where the couples from last night were already seated. He nodded to the Fosters before following Cat to seats across from Elena and Margie.

  The older women looked him over. Elena giggled behind her hand. “Darling,” she said, leaning over the table toward Cat. “He’d look delicious wearing a towel, but he does appear a little uncomfortable.”

  Cat gave him her own slow perusal, her gaze taking in the khaki pants and short-sleeved, straight-hemmed shirt with its profusion of flowers. “I think Lyle wanted to flatter Virgil.”

  The women laughed while Snake glared. Not that he really gave a damn. By now, he knew Cat had purposely empowered Lyle to “go wild” because, likely, she’d wanted her new bodyguard to smolder a bit.

  She hadn’t planned on the smoldering to be mutual. While servers swarmed them—delivering plates of small tortillas, filled with avocado and fresh vegetables, coffee, or their choice of a fruit smoothie—he thought back to the previous night. He’d slept beside Cat—on top of the covers and wearing his briefs. That morning, he’d awoken to find her on top of the blanket, her hand snuggled between his legs.

  He’d made a sound, somewhere between a groan and a whine, awakening her. The moment she’d realized where her hand was, and what she’d caused, she’d proceeded to feel him up through his underwear, her smile growing as he’d given her a blistering stare.

  Didn’t matter he’d taken himself in hand in private before joining her in bed, his dreams had been filled with images of her coming apart atop that boulder.

  Even now, he struggled to behave like a grownup instead of a teenager with zero self-control over his erections. Her color-coordinated outfit was comprised of a peach-colored “outside” bra with rigid cups that matched one of the colors on his shirt, and an overall-type short set that bared her sides to her hips. All he wanted was to gather her close and slide his hands into those gaps. The wispy, useless scarf she’d wound around her neck would do nicely knotted around her wrists…

  Cat smacked his thigh.

  He jumped and focused his gaze. She’d landed perilously close to his semi-hard ache. “Sorry, my mind wandered.”

  Elena tittered again, her dark brown eyes gleaming. “Margie was just saying Virgil left to pick up Cat’s friend, Harper, and her guest. We’re all planning to go snorkeling today. Would you like to come with?”

  He looked to Cat. The last thing he wanted to do was stand around in a swimsuit that couldn’t hide the direction of his thoughts.

  Cat’s mouth curved at the corners. “Thanks for the lovely invitation, ladies, but I want him all to myself today.”

  Margie nodded. “You should have one of the staff prepare a picnic basket and drop you on the north side beach. The rocks form a natural sun shade and provide plenty of privacy. We sunbathed nude the first day after we arrived.”

  Elena rolled her eyes. “I have burns I can’t explain to my gynecologist.”

  Snake nearly snorted his coffee up his nose, which set the women giggling together.

  Then Elena raised her head and looked over his shoulder. Her eyebrows rose high. “Oh, this is awkward.” With her hand tucked close to her face, she pointed toward the entry.

  Cat turned first and gasped. She reached for Snake’s arm.

  Snake glanced over his shoulder then felt his pulse slam against his temples. Parault stood in the doorway beside a smug, overly made-up brunette, with Virgil Preston mugging impishly behind them.

  Reggie Parault’s gaze narrowed on Cat then dropped to where her hand rested on Snake’s arm.

  Snake slowly covered her hand and leaned back in his chair like he didn’t have a care in the world. Slowly, he drew her hand to his mouth and kissed her pale knuckles. “Baby, you finished eating?” he said, loud enough anyone in the room could hear.

  Cat gave him a wide-eyed look. Two spots of rosy color painted her cheeks. “I’ve lost my appetite. Didn’t you say something about fucking on the beach?”

  He winced. Not the best move, but he guessed she was livid. He squeezed her hand and gave her an easy smile. “Let’s change together.” Then he leaned toward her and kissed her mouth.

  Elena’s soft chuckle sounded. “Are you sure you want to go there?” she whispered.

  His gaze held Cat’s as he said, “I’d go anywhere for Cat.”

  Knowing they’d have to pass close to the couple still hovering in the doorway, Snake took his time, easing back his chair and standing, then reaching for Cat’s hand and pulling her upright and against his body. Not so long he embarrassed her, but long enough Reggie knew his relationship with his former girlfriend wasn’t casual. For extra measure, he slid a hand into one of those cutout sides and gave her waist a caress.

  Dropping her other hand, he turned. “Come, sweetheart.” With his expression set, he walked toward the World Champion boxer, gave him the barest of nods, and stood with his back to him as he waved Cat through the doorway.

  “Just wait a goddamn second,” Reggie growled behind him.

  “Is there a problem?” Snake angled his head to look over his shoulder, dissing him with his careless movement. Who dared turn their back on an angry Reggie Parault?

  Cat had been with this motherfucker.
Spent three weeks as his girl. Snake didn’t want to think about how many times they’d shared the same bed. For the first time in his life, he cared about that fact and felt an instant stab of shame. He’d likely had miles more partners. All casual. Forgotten the second he closed their front doors or exited their hotel room.

  Still, he could picture it. Slender, golden Cat and this—this roid-raged asshole whose thickly muscled chest and arms looked capable of breaking stones. And he’d used those shovel-sized hands to put her in the hospital. Snake met the other man’s glare with one of his own. “I asked if there was a problem.”

  Reggie’s upper lip lifted in a snarl, and his hands fisted.

  The brunette’s smile was a little stiff as she glanced at Snake and Cat.

  Cat cleared her throat. “Harper, I thought you were bringing Abercrombie Chad…”

  “He had a thing in the Hamptons. At the last minute, he ditched me. Lucky for me…” she said, gliding a hand over Reggie’s burly shoulder, “Reggie was free.”

  Harper was no friend of Cat’s. Neither was Virgil. The old man had known all along and had waited with glee for the blowup. Even though his blood boiled, Snake really didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

  He knew why Reggie was here. He’d just spoiled the big reunion. From Reggie’s tightening face, there’d be a reckoning. Just not now. A definitely, not in front of Cat. Snake lifted his chin toward the hallway. “Sweetheart, remember, we have plans.”

  Cat sat in the very back of a six-seater cart beside Snake. Neither had said much since the run-in with Reggie. She fingered the fringe on wrap she’d used to wind around her hips. “I’m sorry about that. I can’t believe—”

  “It’s not your fault. Let it go, for now.” He gave her a crooked smile. “Everything will be okay.”

  She gripped the edge of the seat. “How can you say that? You’ve never seen him when he gets worked up.”

  “He’s a bully. I’ve dealt with bullies before. And usually, they were armed or wearing explosive vests. Sometimes, they hid behind bushes while they hit the plunger to explode a road-side bomb. At heart, they’re all cowards.”

  “He’ll think he can take you…”

  The way she said it, so softly, told him she wondered if Reggie could take him. Snake couldn’t fault her. She had reason to fear the bastard. But she was forgetting what Snake was. He wasn’t going to look for a fight, but when the fight came to him, he’d end it.

  He slipped his arm across the top of her shoulder. “Take a deep breath, babe.”

  Although she frowned, she did as he asked, closing her eyes as she inhaled. When she opened them again, her gaze clung to his face. “I don’t want you hurt.”

  “And I don’t want to be hurt. I have three days left on this assignment. I don’t want to miss one glorious minute.”

  The corners of her mouth twitched. “I hope Elena was right about the privacy on that beach.”

  “Oh yeah?” He pulled her closer and kissed her temple. “What do you have in mind?”

  “We have three days. And I don’t want to wait a minute longer.”

  The small sheltered beach was everything Elena had promised. Remote, quiet, the tall boulders provided cool shade and a natural blind. Here, there were no cameras. And the water beyond the beach was free of any pesky paparazzi boats. Snake inhaled the fresh salty air. They were truly alone.

  They unpacked the basket in silence. First laying down the large blanket, then anchoring the corners with rocks because a breeze had kicked up. They didn’t bother unearthing any of the edibles, instead leaving them all behind to head straight to the water. They swam in the gentle waves, never far apart. Standing in chest-high water, they faced each other.

  Snake tucked an errant lock of tawny hair behind her ear then lifted her chin. He’d never seen anyone as perfect as she was. Her freckles were like the stars in the sky. Her green eyes the color of freshly mowed grass. Her mouth was his favorite feature, because it was bowed like a doll’s on top, innocently curved, but the bottom lip was a little too plump, and made for making a man hard. One day soon…

  He kissed her, pulling her flush with his body so he could feel her breasts against his chest. His cock nudged her firm belly, and this time, he didn’t wince. Didn’t draw back. If she’d have him, he’d do his best to erase any memory of Reggie. Be the better lover, the better man…for her. Even if only for this fleeting moment.

  Cat lost herself in his kiss, noting every caress he gave her as his hands roamed her body. She loved the insistent stab of his tongue as he plunged deep inside her mouth. Inwardly, she crowed with excitement. The time was now. No way in hell would he tell her no this time. The way he crowded his cock against her skin, he was telling her, silently, to prepare. She pulled back. “Please, Snake.”

  Smiling, he kissed the tip of her nose. “I packed condoms.”

  She grinned. “So did I.”

  Lacing their fingers together, he tugged her toward the shore.

  She needed no encouragement. Already, her nipples sprang against the thin fabric of her bikini top. Warmth filled her chest and belly, and a languid heat licked at her sex. Just as he would. She knew it. Snake wouldn’t leave her behind. Not ever.

  And now, she wished she knew more about him than the fact he understood how to please her. She wanted to meet his friends, see where he lived, what car he drove, and how he filled his hours.

  She’d give anything to be invited to learn more.

  They moved without haste, but her body was already rushing ahead. Slightly behind him, she reached with her free hand to pull at the bow in the center of her back, loosening her top.

  By the time they reached the blanket, the strappy number had fallen to their clasped hands.

  He glanced downward, loosened his fingers, and let it drop. Then he gazed at her breasts.

  Silently, she stood, letting him look his fill, knowing what he saw—flushed rose tips, paler pink areolas. When he reached to lift one, cupping it, weighing it in his hand, she nearly moaned, she was so excited. So ready.

  His thumb flicked one tip.

  Lust hit hard, and she drew a sharp, hissing breath. “The other,” she whispered. “Touch them both, please.”

  Snake went to one knee and burrowed his face between her breasts while he massaged the mounds with his palms. When he turned his face to draw one peak into his mouth, she clutched the back of his head to pull him closer.

  He went down on the other knee, lowering his head, and then urged her with his hands to drape one thigh over a hard shoulder. Next, he tugged at the ties at the sides of her hips and drew away her bottoms. His hands sank between her legs, fondling her sex. Fingers gliding through her silky warmth and entering as he began to tongue her clit.

  As she rocked her hips forward and back, she never wanted this experience to end. This sensation was heaven. She’d never felt more beautiful or been handled as though she was treasure. When his lips closed around her clit, she stiffened just a little, but he was so gentle, she relaxed again and learned to enjoy the gentle pulls as he sucked it.

  A finger trailed up her inner thigh then slid inside her, swirling in her heat and drawing down more moisture, which he used to coat another. Now, two stroked inside her. The pressure of fullness felt incredible. Cat gripped his hair. “Snake.”

  He gave her mound a kiss then stood and shoved down his trunks.

  His cock was darker than his tanned skin and crowned with a slightly purple head. Thick bluish veins stood in relief against his thick shaft.

  When she reached out, he caught her fingers. “Another time,” he said, his voice tight. “Please lie down.”

  Her legs trembled, so she was only too happy to drop to the blanket then stretch across it. While his gaze roamed her body, she cupped her breasts and teased the tips, tempting him to come quickly and fill her. Her channel already pulsed and was already drenched.

  Going to his knees, he slipped between her thighs, waiting.

icipation pumped her blood hot and fast as she opened wider and lifted her knees.

  He cloaked himself, hissing between his teeth as he rolled it downward.

  Then she followed his glance as it dropped, watching as he fit himself, shaped like a blunt cudgel, against her entrance.

  A slow flex of his hips pushed his shaft inside. With gentle moves, he used his fingers to pull away her folds, before he could work his thick cockhead inside her.

  Once he was past her entrance, he moved forward and back, easing deeper and deeper inside her, his features growing so hard and set, she knew he battled against thrusting fast.

  “You’re tight,” he said, grimacing.

  “You’re big.” She gave him a weak smile, because she was focused on the delicious sensations of him moving within her body. He crowded her walls, his gliding cock building frictional heat inside her.

  Sliding her heels higher on the blanket, she tilted her hips to allow him a more direct angle as he plunged inside. Her hands on his shoulders tightened. Soon, her eyelids grew heavy, her breaths broke, and moans crept from her throat.

  A sly, wet fingertip gently rubbed her clit, and tingles burst through her body. Gasping, she widened her eyes. Her back arched, her head dug into the blanket, and she soared on a thin, warbling cry.

  Chapter Six

  After sharing a shower inside their suite, Snake lay beside her on the bed, promising to wake her before dinner. He knew she needed rest before being put through the emotional wringer. When she fell asleep, he dressed and left the room. He had business to take care of—Omega Team’s business.

  The only threat Cat faced was Reggie Parault. Snake would make sure the man never darkened her doorway ever again. What happened after that? He didn’t have a clue. All he did know was that he’d fallen for her. Just two days of knowing the woman, and he’d gone and fallen in love Cat Mikkelson. His teammates would bust a gut laughing over that fact, but he wouldn’t mind. Not if she loved him back even a little bit. He wasn’t proud. He knew she deserved better. Someday, he hoped, not too soon, she’d wake up and realize she didn’t need him. A man with his limited skill set would never fit into her world.


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