Pleasing The Professor (The Professor's Student Series Book 1)

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Pleasing The Professor (The Professor's Student Series Book 1) Page 11

by Janae Keyes

  “I had company, Mother. I was quite upset to have had to leave her. What was so urgent?” I was almost certain the annoyance in my voice showed clearly on my face, with the way she withdrew against the couch.

  “We are arranging a marriage for you Ramsey. Forget whatever whore you are entertaining this week, and come back to the family. We will reinstate your inheritance.” I couldn’t help it. I started to laugh.

  “Oh, Mother,” she was looking at me like I had two heads. “What would ever make you think that I would want to marry someone you would pick for me? I’ve done quite well keeping myself out of trouble.” I went to stand.

  “Here,” she pushed the small box in front of her to me. “It’s your grandmother’s ring. Look at it.” Sighing, I opened the box. It was a simple round peridot, set in well-aged silver. Closing my eyes, I imagined what it would look like on Dora and caught myself smiling. “I thought you would see things my way, Ramsey.”

  “Mother, I am not agreeing to your fucking arranged marriage! I am seeing someone. If this is the only reason that you called me here, I am leaving, Mother.”

  “Is she another gold digging little whore like that slut Lena was?”

  I rose from the chair, flipping the coffee table between us. My mother had always gotten under my skin, but I was not going to tolerate her speaking of Lena like this. Taking a deep breath, I struggled to control my rising temper.

  “Don’t you ever utter her name again. Lena was a sweet, innocent girl. I should never have brought her here to meet you.”

  “Oh please, Ramsey Arthur Kendall, that girl would still be alive if it wasn’t for you and your freakish lifestyle!” Mother shouted, raising her voice in a way that she hadn’t since Father had cheated on her the first time.

  “No, Mother. My lifestyle wasn’t the only thing at fault. If you hadn't pissed me off so bad that night, we would have waited. I would never have tied that rope wrong.” I struggled to keep my breathing calm. “Lena wanted nothing more than to calm me. And because of you, she is gone. A flower dead in the night.”

  I turned to find my father standing in the entryway to the foyer, his face red.

  “Don’t even bother, Father. Just get back from fucking the new maid? She’s your type.” Sneering I walked toward the man.

  “Sit down, Ramsey. And apologize to your Mother. You don’t need to upset her. She didn’t want to tell you she’s dying.”

  I sat back down in the seat I had been at before and looked at my mother. She shook her head at me, tell me he was lying, detracting. Forcing me to accept his truth without reason. Without question. I was done accepting things without question. I had spent my time in America. I had spent my time in debt to my father’s friends. I was tired.

  “Oh Father, I am so tired of you thinking you own the world. You are no better than that toupeed, lop-sided, tiny-handed, Cheeto faced, grump, that you call a friend. Or are you still friends with him, since he has political aspirations?” Glaring at my father, I contemplated if staying longer was worth the fight.

  “Did your mother tell you why we wanted you?” Father pulled out his pipe.

  “I’m not marrying whoever you think you can throw at me.” I sneered at Father. I was tired of him. His hair had not receded much since last I saw him, and was still black as night. His silver eyes glittered behind his glasses as he watched me. I knew he was trying to gauge my reactions, to judge if I was going to be receptive to him or not.

  His suit was rumpled, so I knew no matter what he had said to the contrary, he had been banging someone. Poor Mother had gone blind to it so many years ago. No wonder she had taken to expanding the house. I wondered what number mistress this was.

  “Dammit Ramsey, would you just fall in line for once? Did you find another gold digging slut to suck your cock again? Like the last girl that wound up dead? Trina? Gina? Whatever her bloody name was?” Father rambled, my blood was boiling again. I couldn’t take it anymore. Standing, I walked over to the man, decking him.

  “Never speak her name again you fucking cunt. At least I don’t fuck a different woman every week. I would never treat my wife the way you have treated Mother.” I turned on my heel, walking from the room. I stopped in the hallway to look at my parents. “Next time you call me, you had better have a fucking good reason to be contacting me. If not, I will never show my face again until you are both dead. Goodbye Mother. Fuck off, Father.”

  I walked from the house, slamming the door, and running down the front stairs. I got in my car and slammed my fist into the steering wheel. I was in a foul ass mood and as bad as I wanted Dora, I wasn’t going to subject her to me like this. I needed to finish my list.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Ramsey had dropped me off at my building and sped off toward the meeting he had. There were so many thoughts tangling with one another in my mind. I wasn’t sure which one to start with.

  I reluctantly took a shower, I didn’t want to wash him off me, yet I needed to shower badly. I finished up and placed my damp hair in a bun on the top of my head and dressed in my most comfortable pajama pants and tank top.

  Smiling to myself, I touched my lips. I already missed his kisses. I simply missed being in his presence. Our time together had ended too abruptly with the phone call he’d received.

  “What do you want? You haven’t contacted me in years, and now you call. Who died?” He’d sneered into the receiver.

  From the sound of it, it was quite possibly a member of his estranged family. I’d wanted to ask him in the car, but he appeared to be stressed, and I didn’t want to overstep boundaries.

  There was no classification for what Ramsey and I were. He hadn’t specifically called me his girlfriend. Knowing we might not be in that particular area as of yet, I couldn’t dare to bring myself to ask about his phone call and subsequent meeting, it wasn’t my business.

  Eating a Pop Tart, I wondered where Simon was. I had to give him the rundown, but I needed to figure out what to tell him. I wanted to leave out the parts about punishments and other kinky aspects. I wasn’t stupid and knew a bit about bondage and kinky things, but I’d never experienced it firsthand. I didn’t even know where to start when discussing it with Ramsey.

  The man behind closed doors was not the same man that stood in front of the classroom every day. The dominant nature he took on was tantalizing. The way he took charge with me, making me his, it was as if we’d moved into another universe.

  Just thinking about it, I felt the sting of the crop he’d punished me with it, the sound of it coming into contact with my ass. The shocking way that I wanted more of it. I shivered with the thoughts running through my mind at a million miles a minute. I could hear my voice as I thanked him and counted each smack. I moaned at my not too distant memories.

  I grabbed my backpack from the side of my bed and pulled it up. I had time to read and take notes for my essay, as it seemed, for the time being, there’d be no more alone time with Ramsey.

  The moment I pulled out my book a piece of paper fell out. I knew the beige paper of Ramsey’s notepad after my night with him. There were little notes on the same paper littering the house, little reminders, and lists. He liked lists.

  Sweet One,

  Come to class tomorrow, short skirt, no panties. If you follow my instructions you will be rewarded, if not, a punishment awaits.


  The Professor

  I read the note over a few times before I bounced off my bed and to my wardrobe. He asked for a short skirt, but I hadn’t brought any with me. I’d go with a short dress instead, my favorite gray sweater dress with thigh high boots.

  We were playing a dangerous game, Ramsey and I. He could lose his job, I could lose my scholarship. My reputation was already stained, and the alarm bells should have been telling me to run and save myself, but that only made it all the more exciting.

  Riding a bike, in a short dress, sans panties, was interesting, to say the least. I was constantly w
orking to keep my dress down to not give someone an unsuspecting peek at my goodies.

  I locked my bike up before skipping up the stairs into the old building that held the classroom. I spotted the familiar faces of my classmates as we all took our seats. Ramsey came out of his office, his hands rubbing his head. He didn’t look particularly happy, but the moment his eyes landed on me, I saw a spark of joy enter his eyes.

  “Good morning class, let’s get to it. I’m doubtful that many of you have been doing the reading. Therefore, it is quiz time,” Ramsey announced. Most of the room groaned at his announcement. “This quiz will show me which of you are lazy shits, and which of you want to be here and do the work, plain and simple.”

  He called a student at the end of my row up to the front to pass out the quizzes to each row. I pulled out a pen and took my quiz into my hands, scribbling my name on top and looking up toward him as he leaned forward on the podium. I tried to not sigh at the sexy that stood before me. The man that made me scream out for him and claimed my body as if it was always meant for him.

  “Does everyone have their quiz?” he questioned as he tapped his fingers on the wooden podium, waiting for the last few students. “Now, has everyone put their name at the top?”

  “Oi, I ain’t got’n not’in’ to write wit,'” called a voice in the back of the room.

  “Can someone get this gentleman a pen?” Ramsey growled, clearly irritated with the incompetence of the room. He waited another few moments while the neighbors of the fellow who didn’t have a pen managed to get him one. “Okay, now that everyone can write, you may start. Once finished turn your paper over. I will give you twenty-five minutes.”

  Glancing down at the questions, I had to hold back a snicker. They were all too easy. I jotted down my answers to the fifteen questions on the page before turning my paper over and looking up toward Ramsey who still leaned over the podium, watching the classroom like a hawk until his eyes landed on mine.

  I fluttered my eyelashes down to help position his gaze to under my table where I’d hiked up my short dress just a tad more. Peering back at him, he raised an eyebrow as a smile came to his lips. I’d followed his instructions; a reward would definitely be in order.

  On either side of me, the other students were wracking their brains trying to answer the simple questions on the page. I took their distracted state as an opportunity.

  Sliding a hand under the table, I spread my legs, keeping my eyes locked with Ramsey’s who shifted at his podium.

  This wasn’t something Dora did, Dora Monroe didn’t touch herself in a room full of near strangers, yet I was. I’d given over my sanity to another sexual being. As crazy as it all was, I relished in it.

  My fingers slipped down over my opening, wet and waiting. My hand on the table took ahold of my pen as I began to caress my clit. Ramsey’s fingers gripped the podium as he watched me pleasure myself in a room full of students.

  I closed my eyes for just a brief moment at the tantalizing sensations moving through my body. Opening them, I found Ramsey’s eyes glassed over watching me intensely as I continued. I dipped a finger into my opening and ran it back over my clit, biting down on my lip.

  My fingers went faster and harder. I was too far gone, I needed the release. Still holding my pen with an iron grip, I heard a crack come from the plastic, but I couldn’t let up. Biting my lip to keep from uttering Ramsey’s name, I saw him lick his lips in anticipation of my impending orgasm.


  My sanity and my pen went at the same time as I came. My eyes shut, breathing through my nose to keep any suspicion off me. I let the broken pen fall on top of my paper as I opened my eyes and looked to Ramsey who smiled.

  “Good girl,” he mouthed to me.

  The moment class ended. I began to place my books into my bag when a figure approached me. I smelled his scent first before I glanced up to see Ramsey standing over my desk.

  “Ms. Monroe, I believe we have a scheduled meeting,” he said down to me as students moved around me to exit the classroom.

  “Yes, Professor, we do,” I answered, standing.

  “Please head toward my office,” he instructed. I gave him a nod in response and began down the row and around to head toward his small office.

  I glanced back to see the final students leaving the classroom before I reached the door and began to turn the handle. Yet, before I could, hands were on me.

  Ramsey’s body against mine, pushing the door open and bringing me into the office before the door slammed. My body roughly pushed to the door, Ramsey’s lips on mine, hands under my dress, holding my ass.

  “God Dora, I’d fuck you right here if I didn’t have a faculty meeting in mere minutes,” he growled on the skin of my neck. “I like that you know how to follow directions.”

  “I missed you the rest of the weekend. Was everything okay with your meeting?” I timidly asked.

  “That’s none of your concern,” he sternly noted. I swallowed hard. He placed his hand on my waist and pulled my body close, nose in my hair. “We do need to talk about the weekend, but not now. Maybe we can catch a moment tomorrow afternoon.”

  “I’ll be working once I finish classes.”

  “Ah yes, Mr. McCulligan’s shop.”


  “We’ll see. Fuck, I have to get going to that meeting.”

  “When will I get my reward, Professor?”

  “In due time, Sweet One.” He twirled one of my curls between his fingers before pulling me in for a final heated kiss.

  I was surprised to arrive at class on Tuesday morning to find that Ramsey had canceled class. I wondered what led him to do it as he hadn’t mentioned anything to me. He’d given me his phone number, and I was tempted to call or text him, but I was afraid of overstepping boundaries.

  With class canceled for my morning, I took the time to get some studying done in the library. I had other classes to focus on and a paper due at the end of the week in one.

  By the time I glanced up from my study session, I had realized I had needed to get to work as quickly as possible. Rushing outside, I hopped on my bike and headed off toward the closed shop.

  Using my key that Mr. McCulligan had supplied, I opened the door and turned on the dim lights before zigzagging through the bikes and to the back office where I stored my things.

  The shop was relatively quiet, and I sat on a stool behind the counter with my copy of 1984. The ringing of the bell at the front door jerked me from my concentration, and I peered up to see my friend and neighbor, Simon.

  “Dorothy-Dear!” he cheered as he rushed over to me and hugged me over the counter. “I am so sorry about being so busy.”

  “It’s fine, how was your audition?” I asked, knowing Simon had spent the whole weekend preparing for an audition he had in the morning.

  “Okay, I suppose. I’ll know more in a few days, but I’m not here about that. We must talk about your weekend with the Professor,” he cooed as he leaned over the counter. I rolled my eyes. “Come on girl, spill it. Was the sex good?”

  “Simon, really?” I questioned, shaking my head. “The sex was great. It was better than great, actually. I love his house too. It is secluded, and he’s a sweetheart. I wanted to spend more time with him, but he had some business. I think his mom called or something. I’m not sure he wasn’t happy.”

  “Why would he not be happy with his mom calling?” Simon questioned.

  “From what he told me, he and his family don’t get along. They cut him off years ago. Whatever it was, seemed like a big deal. He took me back home, and that was that. I haven’t spoken to him much besides class yesterday. Class was canceled today,” I explained as I once again, considered calling Ramsey, but dismissed the idea.

  “Sounds serious,” Simon commented as the bell at the front door went off again.

  There he was, Ramsey entered the shop. He gave both Simon and I a wave as he came over to us. Right away, he rounded the counter and came to me, pulling me
into his arms and planting a chaste kiss on my lips.

  “Missed you, Sweet One,” he hummed against my lips.

  “Well, I’m going to leave you lovebirds alone. Have fun and remember to use protection. Dora, your mom sent you a whole box, you have no excuses,” Simon playfully scolded before giving a wave and leaving the shop.

  “A box of what?” Ramsey asked.

  “Don’t ask.” I shook my head. “Where were you today?”

  “I had some business to take care of,” he plainly said.

  “Oh.” I looked down. The parameters of our relationship were unknowns, and I felt when asking too many questions that I was stepping on eggshells, I wanted to avoid that feeling of worry for that and any other worries that were plaguing me.

  Ramsey’s fingers on my chin, he lifted my head to look into my eyes. Right away, I saw concern. I bit my lip afraid of what would emerge from his mouth.

  “Sweet One, what’s bothering you? I’ve noticed it. You are such a beautiful and energetic creature, but at times, you slink away. Frequently, you second guess yourself, and I feel the worry spilling off you. Whenever you talk of your old school, I see a nervousness in you. Remember our playroom rules, honesty. Be honest and tell me what’s wrong?” He lifted me from the stool and sat before pulling me into his lap, holding me close, keeping me safe.

  I took a deep breath, not knowing where to begin with him. His hand rubbed my arm in a protective way. My secrets were safe with him. I knew that from our first moment.

  “Things didn’t go well at my old school. There were girls I thought were my friends. The simple fact, they weren’t. One night, the boyfriend of one of the girls was flirting with me at a party, he slipped something in my drink. It was planned between him and the girls. They took suggestive photos of me with him in his room and spread them over the internet. The next thing I knew, I was the school whore. It was embarrassing, and I lived in a nightmare for the rest of my Spring semester.”


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