Pleasing The Professor (The Professor's Student Series Book 1)

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Pleasing The Professor (The Professor's Student Series Book 1) Page 13

by Janae Keyes


  My heart was pounding. It had been thumping out of my chest since we sat in the Burger King, and Ramsey told me that he, in fact, wanted us to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I had a giddy excitement spilling through me for this new prospect of a future with him, and for what was to come tonight.

  I sat next to him in the car, as he pulled up in front of his house. He turned the motor off, and I spotted him pull something from his pocket. My eyes adjusted to the dark to see it was a small jewelry gift box.

  “Dora,” he began. My eyes met his. The soft smile on his face made my stomach clench.


  “I wanted to give you something. I know I might have been a tad standoffish before and I want to show you that I care about you. I kept feeling I was fucking up with you, and that I was scaring you away. I got you a little gift. I hope you enjoy it.” Ramsey placed the small box in my hand.

  I popped the little lid off to find a necklace that was absolutely perfect and very me, simple. The pendant was a simple green peridot. I grinned as it was absolutely perfect. Leaning over to Ramsey, who immediately got my intentions and leaned in to allow me to kiss him.

  “It’s perfect. I love it. Thank you so much,” I cooed before kissing him again. “And, you didn’t fuck up. I’m not scared. You haven’t scared me off one bit, I promise.”

  “Brilliant,” he cheered. “Let’s get inside.”

  Getting out of the car, I walked with Ramsey to the front door, hand in hand. Moving to the side, I was already prepared for Sue to bolt from the house as I already heard his panting and scratching on the other side of the door.

  True to form, the moment Ramsey opened the door, Sue came bulldozing out of the house and straight to his tree. I giggled watching the dog scurry around doing his business.

  “Sweet One, I’ll take care of Sue. Take your things inside and do anything you need to do. Meet me in the playroom, in only your underwear,” Ramsey said into my hair, giving my behind a tap.

  “Yes, Professor,” I answered giving him a soft smile before I entered the large house.

  Being alone, I took the time to observe everything as I walked up the wooden staircase. The wallpaper was a dusty blue with swirling designs. There were framed covers of literary magazines along the walls and a few replicas of classic paintings. Ramsey’s house felt like him. It was put together with a small something that added the perfect amount of mess.

  At the top of the stairs, I knew the way directly into his bedroom where I dropped my things in an old armchair in the corner where a weeks or so worth of Ramsey’s clothes littered the area on the chair and the floor.

  I made quick work of taking my blood sugar, doing my insulin, and stripping myself of my clothes.

  I thought of a very real future with Ramsey entered my mind as I stood in his room. His bed unmade was oddly a welcome site. My absolute favorite part about his house was that it felt lived in. In my mind, I pictured waking up with him often, our breakfasts in bed with Sue sitting at our feet. Was I thinking too far in the future? Possibly, but I wanted it badly.

  Passing a mirror that needed a good dusting, I saw my reflection. I stood in a new bra and panty set that Simon insisted I buy when we’d gone out shopping earlier in the afternoon. Olivia needed new undergarments, and he’d dragged me along to a hosiery boutique.

  My new set was a smoke gray lace. The lace was accented with bits of ivory ribbon. The bra pushed my nice sized tits up. The panties were cut off boy shorts held together at the hips by the accented ribbon. When I saw it, I knew Ramsey would like it, and Simon insisted that I buy it.

  I fluffed my wild curls before leaving the room. My bare feet padded down the stairs. The front door still open, I could hear Ramsey fussing at Sue to come inside. I giggled softly before I was swift in continuing to follow instructions, like the good submissive I was being trained to be.

  Taking the stairs down into the basement, I opened the door to the playroom. The lights came on automatically with my entrance as they’d done before. I took in the large room, which had a new addition near the window. A giant X-shaped contraption stood on the other side of the room. I stepped to it, running my fingers over the leather that covered the front of the wooden structure that was taller than me. A shiver ran down my spine as I wondered what was done with it.

  “That’s a Saint Andrew’s Cross,” Ramsey’s voice came smooth from behind me. I jumped and spun to face him.

  Ramsey had fully entered the room. He’d removed the V-neck sweater he previously had on and stood in his dark brown slacks and powder blue button up. He began to step to me. It was almost as if his demeanor completely changed from the moment he stepped into the room. His back was straighter and his stance powerful, my knees buckled together.

  A rapid heat consumed my body as the man that held my pleasure in his hands stepped to me. I’d been sexually frustrated all day since our quick romp in his office, where I hadn’t been able to come. Being the good girl he wanted me to be, I hadn’t taken any steps to relieve the frustration he’d sent me away with.

  My feet absent-mindedly taking a step back as he came toward me, my back bumping the cross. I gasped at the cold leather on my back and Ramsey’s arms straightaway bringing me to him.

  “Do you know how hard it was to sit with you and not touch you, kiss you, fuck you?” He hissed, his mouth sweltering against mine before he took my lips into a heated kiss.

  Teeth nipping at my pouty lips, hips clutched in his iron grip. I’d already been left with subtle bruises from our office romp, and now I was sure I’d be left with more bruising.

  My arms linked around his neck as I pulled him closer to me. I needed our close proximity. I agonized for it constantly when I didn’t have it. Addiction was an understatement. I had a deep dependence on Professor Ramsey Kendall.

  Ramsey pulled away, our chests heaving up and down as we worked to catch our breath, intensity filling the air, both of us wanted to fuck, but we had plans, and tonight I’d be learning in a different classroom.

  “Before we do anything, we need to discuss safe words. Your safe words will be as follows: if you are perfectly happy with what we are doing, use Nirvana. If you are good and want me to keep going, when I ask you, use Cash. If for some reason you aren’t happy with what we are doing, but you want to continue playing, and try something new, use Coldplay. When you reach your breaking point and need to stop, use Metallica. And if you are worried about your blood sugar at any time you are to use Sugarland. Do you understand, Sweet One?”

  I took mental notes of everything he said before giving my answer, “Yes Sir.”

  “I told you that you lead the night,” he started as his hands left my body, making me yearn for more of his touch. Though tonight, I knew I’d be rewarded for letting myself go and being everything he wanted me to be. “It’s all on display for you Sweet One. Take your pick, ask questions, tell me if you want to try.”

  “Umm ok,” I answered as I peered around the room. I turned to the thing behind me. He’d given me a name, but not what it is for. “This cross thing, what’s it for?” I asked.

  “That, Sweet One, is to punish you. You will be attached to it, and I may punish you how I please.” There was something about his voice. It was strong, gruff, yet consoling. “Would you like to try it?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Okay.” His hands were on my shoulders as his sensual blue eyes peered into mine. “Don’t be afraid Dora, you know I’d never hurt you.”

  “I know. It’s not that I’m afraid. I’m quite intrigued and excited. I find it weird that I’m so excited, though. That’s the strange part for me,” I confessed, and he smiled.

  “I absolutely adore that you’re excited. I know it’s a little strange at first, that feeling of strange elation just from being around this stuff. I promise you, though. I’ll make it enjoyable for you.” He kissed my forehead. “Now Dora, find something you want to try or face a punishment. I need you to be decisive about your pleasure.�

  I wandered over to a bookshelf built into a wall. It was filled with porn DVDs and magazines. I held back a giggle at the sight.

  Snap out of it Dora, I thought to myself. I felt like such a prude in a strange way. Yet, I was standing in the middle of the room my boyfriend used for sexual pleasure, ironic.

  “Professor,” I said, acknowledging him how he wanted to be called when we were confined to the room.

  “Yes, Sweet One,” he said as he stepped to me. I turned to face him once more.

  “I know you said that I can be the lead tonight, but from my understanding, in this room, you’re in charge. I want you to be in charge. I want to serve you and pleasure you with my obedience and service. And learn as I do so.”

  I saw my words processing in his mind. Every word I spoke was truth. I was in a room full of items I didn’t know, and if I was to learn, I wanted him to teach me as he did in his classroom.

  “If I’m taking the lead, Dora, it might not be gentle,” he warned.


  “Just remember the safe words, use them if needed, and know how much I care about you. I promise you will get everything you need.”

  I nodded but abruptly remembered that Ramsey needed my words, without words he wouldn’t do anything.

  “Yes Sir,” I breathed.

  Before I knew it, Ramsey grabbed me hard. My panties were stripped away easily with him untying the bows that held them together without a fight. My body wedged roughly between Ramsey and the wall. I’d never been so enthralled in my life. My heart pounded as I awaited his next move.

  “I’m going to blindfold you, is this okay?”


  “Okay, is not an acceptable answer,” he growled.

  “Nirvana, I’m sorry.”

  “Dora, you broke a rule and gave a wrong answer, and you apologized when I’ve told you to stop apologizing for everything. What does that mean?”

  “I will get punished.”

  “Exactly. You are to follow the rules, Dora.”

  I swallowed hard at his stiff tone. My heart was hammering in my chest, but the dampness between my legs grew. Ramsey’s dominant personality turned me on.

  At once, everything went black on me. I’d been blindfolded. My hands yanked behind my back, and metal suddenly secured to one of my wrists. Ramsey’s hands were on me as he moved me. My cuffed hand pulled in front of me as he bent me over. My other hand was cuffed, and I was secured to something, it felt like a metal bar. I realized at once it was the metal bar that was connected to the wall on one side of the room. When I first saw it, it reminded me of a balance rail in a ballet studio.

  “Dora, tell me exactly why you need to be punished?” His voice echoing through my straining ears.

  “I didn’t answer you correctly, Sir,” I said as I tried to figure out where he was in the room in proximity to me.

  “And what else?” My ears picked up the sound of a slapping noise. I knew that noise, I remembered it from the weekend, the sound of him hitting his hand with the paddle.

  “I apologized when you’ve told me to stop apologizing for everything,” I answered.

  “Good, I’m glad you know what you’ve done wrong. For not answering correctly, you will get seven paddles. You will count each one. Is that clear?” He informed me as I felt his hand rest on my ass, offering my cheeks a sensual rub.

  “It is clear, Professor.”

  With my effortless answer, his hand was gone, and the paddle came in contact with my ass. A sharp pain coursed through my body, causing me to hiss.

  “One. Thank you, Professor,” I choked out.

  Quickly thereafter was another. The sting radiated down my leg. I maneuvered to keep my footing on the linoleum floor.

  “Two. Thank you, Professor.”

  Oddly, as much as it hurt, it was liberating. That was a feeling I hadn’t quite expected, as he paddled to seven, me thanking him each time.

  It was possible that the feeling of freedom that took over my bound body was the same he got when he had that control. While giving away my control gave me a sense of liberty, taking on control is what did it for Ramsey. Each passing moment with him brought me that clarity.

  “Now, Sweet One, for your apology, I have something special for you.” His voice hummed, and I swear I heard a tinge of excitement echo through his tone. I allowed a breath free.

  A buzzing sound filled the air. I burned to know where it was coming from. I felt his feet pressing to mine, making them slide, spreading my legs. The hum still filled the atmosphere, when at once I jerked with a pleasuring tickle on my clit.

  I moaned loudly, feeling the pleasure that was given to me. I’d finally be able to come after our teasing quickie in the afternoon. Yet, as fast at the pleasure began, it ended, leaving me panting for more.

  “That was good, wasn’t it?” He asked in an almost menacing tone.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’m going to give you more, but there is a simple catch. I won’t allow it to last long enough for you to come.”

  I groaned in response. I immediately understood why this was a punishment. Not allowing a person that release when they were so close, that was torture at best.

  Once again, what I right away knew as a vibrator, was back. I focused on every good feeling it gave me until it was gone. I whimpered in frustration.

  “This is what happens when you fail to follow the rules, Sweet One.”

  Right away, there it was again. Pulling me into the vortex of pleasure, but only for mere moments. Tears entered my eyes. I wanted that release so bad. It now began to physically hurt. I wanted to apologize for breaking the rule, but that would once more be committing the crime.

  I swear it went on forever. The vibrator would give me moments of near bliss, and the moment before the explosion was to happen, he’d remove it, leaving me panting and gasping for my sanity. As much as I could hate it, I craved it more. Not having an inch of sanity left was elating in itself.

  “I think you’ve been punished enough and I do owe you a reward for your following my instructions on Monday,” he told me. “Are you ready for your reward, Dora?”

  “Yes Professor,” I panted.

  I felt his breath between my thighs, his hands spreading my legs. My hands seized and grasped at the metal bar the moment his tongue ran along my slit, bringing me near to heaven. I moaned loudly as he swirled his tongue around my bud of pleasure before lapping at my aching pussy.

  “Yes, yes, please,” I chanted, pressing my hips toward his face.

  The grip he held on my thighs was so strong; it was like he was starving for all I could give as he inched me closer to my impending explosion.

  Ramsey’s teeth had nipped at my clit before he sucked it between his lips, that single action brought me the crashing orgasm I’d waited for all day.

  “Fuck!” I screamed, my legs nearly buckling. They shook under me as I worked to hold myself up in the midst of pure pleasure.

  Lapping away at the evidence of my explosion, I hummed at the feeling of Ramsey’s tongue, getting up every bit he could.

  Only moments later, I’d been allowed the light again, and my hands were uncuffed. I had squinted at Ramsey before I allowed my eyes to adjust back to the lighting. Ramsey’s mouth wet with the evidential cream of his feast.

  “I knew you were a sweet one from the moment I laid eyes on you. You taste so sweet on my lips,” he said, voice seductively deep as he pulled me to him, his mouth attacking mine, my taste in my mouth.

  He pulled away and looked me over.

  “I need you to take off your bra, go to that couch,” he instructed as he pointed to a black, velvet upholstered, chaise lounge in the room.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Doing as I was told, I sauntered over to the lounge, my legs still weak. Reaching behind myself, I unhooked each delicate hook of my bra and slid it from my arms before I deposited it on the arm the couch. Eagerly, I sat down and watched Ramsey who was on the ot
her side of the room removing his own clothes.

  “I want to warn you, Sweet One. There might be days where you are punished more severely. You know how you are sitting nicely on that couch? Sitting comfortably won’t be possible on those days,” he warned as he approached me, spreading my legs with force, and standing between them.

  Ramsey gripped my shoulder, as he began to lay me on the couch. I peered up into his passionate eyes. With each moment that passed between the two of us, it was impossible to not fall for him.

  “I want an honest answer, have you enjoyed tonight so far?” Ramsey asked.

  “Yes, I have Professor,” I hummed in anticipation as he brought his body over mine.

  “I'm glad. I have so much to show you, but not tonight. After tasting you, I need to be in you, Dora.” His eyes were glossed over in lust as they studied my naked frame. “Next time I want to try the flogger on you, the nipple clamps—”

  “Nipple clamps?” I had asked at once before I realized I'd broken a rule. My hands went over my mouth in response.

  Ramsey tsked at me. A punishment was coming.

  “Maybe we will use them now then. As you have taken the opportunity to interrupt me.” Ramsey stood and walked to a cabinet, opening a drawer. I strained to see what he was pulling out.

  Turning back in my direction, I saw them. He held two metal contraptions in his grasp. I swallowed, uneasy, but also intrigued and eager.

  “Lie down,” he said, giving me instruction in that tone that turned me on with a vengeance. I did as told and returned to my previous position of laying on the velvet of the chaise. “Dora, you have excellent potential as a submissive, but you need to keep the rules in mind. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Coming to me, Ramsey’s warm hands came in contact with my perked nipples, rubbing until a small moan escaped my lips. A smile graced his lips.

  The moment his hands left my peaks, one of them was greeted with the cool feel of metal before a snap, and enticing pain ripped through me. The next was quick to follow. I wiggled, unsure of if I wanted it to stop or keep going.

  Ramsey took the ends of each clip and gently pulled. I hissed at the painful tension it created.


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