Pleasing The Professor (The Professor's Student Series Book 1)

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Pleasing The Professor (The Professor's Student Series Book 1) Page 15

by Janae Keyes

  “Hello, class. Please come up to the board and find your partners for your groups. Everyone has a group, so there are no favorites. Once you are all together, sit facing me. Go!” I stood back as the class descended the board to find their groups. This was going to be the unsettling I needed for this class. The shakeup. What I hoped, would get them to start working on their own fucking work.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I hadn’t expected to wake up to a text message from Ramsey. Our previous morning had gone from sweet to sour. We’d had our first fight, though not really a fight, a small tiff as we learned our boundaries with one another. I understood him being upset, but there hadn’t been a reason to take it out on me. If my parents had taught me one thing, it was to not be a doormat and demand respect, especially in a romantic relationship.

  Lying in bed, I read over his text message. Our relationship was the farthest thing from conventional. I was his student, and he my teacher, everything about that came with a slew of complications and rules broken. Then there was the sexual element of our relationship. Ramsey had his quirk, a quirk that turned me on honestly, and I enjoyed our roles and the playroom.


  I’m a tosser. I hope you aren’t angry with me. I missed you in my bed last night. Tonight, I’ll pick you up from the library. I don’t think it is a good idea for me to fetch you at your residence anymore. See you in class today.

  The book I’d found in a little old bookshop sat on the edge of my bed after I’d fallen asleep reading it. My eyes scanned the cover, Learning to Serve: The Guide of a Submissive. I’d been shocked to come across that type of book, but knew I had to have it. There was so much I didn’t know, and this book would be a great start, along with anything I could find online, and I’d found a lot.

  One thing that stood out was the various types of D/s relationships there were. It wasn’t all one flavor, and more than the 31 Baskin Robbins had. I’d seen the different toys used and what they were for. I found myself strangely excited about what else Ramsey had in store, but he had to do one thing for me, respect me.

  Arriving in class, I was out of breath from riding my bike at top speed to rush after getting out of my room later than I’d planned. Panting as I entered the classroom, I noted lists on the board. Ramsey and his lists.

  Taking my seat, Ramsey’s eyes landed on me for a brief second before he started the class, announcing that we were going to be put in groups. Great, the bane of my existence were groups. I was a classic introvert and working with other people made my skin crawl. I felt myself becoming small and crawling into my hole. Fuck.

  Arriving at the board, I found the names of my group.

  Group 5

  Dora Monroe

  Brittany David

  Sean Spence

  Crystal Hawkins

  I knew who Sean was, only based on a number of times he’d interrupted class and made jokes that were completely eye roll worthy, just great. It wasn’t hard to spot the jock who stood around with two girls, one had perfect blonde curls and was gazing off in Ramsey’s direction, in deep thought. The other girl was very punk rock, fading blue and purple hair, black knee boots with fishnets, short dark jean skirt, white crop top, and leather vest showing off her arm of tattoos.

  Sean was a brainless jock, the blonde looked like a complete bitch, at least the punk rock girl seemed like she could be cool. Sighing, I slumped off in their direction.

  “Hi, I’m Dora,” I introduced myself.

  “We know who you are, Teacher’s Pet,” the blonde said before she began to head to a seat. I followed suit with the rest, and we sat facing Ramsey.

  “I’m Brittany,” the punk rock girl introduced herself. “This is my boyfriend, Sean.” I tried not to look surprised that she was dating the dumbass jock of the class. “That’s Crystal, excuse her, she’s trying to figure out how to get into the teacher’s pants to pass the class.”

  “Shut up bitch,” Crystal said before Ramsey cleared his throat, silencing everyone.

  We were to be in our groups until the end of term, which was a month away. We had to finish our reading of 1984, which I’d done already. Once we finished, individually we had to write a small research packet. We each had a paper on a different theme of the book, and they had to tie in together. When the entire class groaned upon learning the assignment, I joined in.

  “I know it’s Friday night and all, but maybe we should get together for a short study session at the library around four thirty or five,” I suggested to the members of my group. My goal was to get the project done as swiftly as possible, so I could return to my bubble of solitude.

  “Five is cool with me,” Brittany noted, the other two agreed. I jotted down the note in my planner just as Ramsey dismissed the class.

  Purposely, I loaded my bag fairly slowly as the other students flooded out of the classroom. As the final student departed, I threw my bag over my shoulder and stepped down to Ramsey who was picking up papers on the podium.

  “You know, I kind of hate you right now,” I commented, his head shooting up and looking at me with worry. “The group project thing, I hate working in groups and mine is the worst. I get the bitch and the jock. Thanks.”

  “I’m sorry, I picked them at random, but it seems many students got lucky and still ended up with friends,” Ramsey informed me.

  “No shit, two of my group members are dating.” I stepped toward him.

  I hoped to signal that I wanted him to touch me, maybe hold me a little. I hadn’t seen him since he dropped me to attend my class. Our only other contact was the text message I’d woken up to.

  “I got your text,” I mentioned.

  “That’s good. If you’d like to come, I can get you from the library around six,” he said as he placed his papers inside of a folder.

  It was unlike us to be in a room alone together and not be wrapped up in one another. I was ready to jump him, yet he stood off, not initiating anything. I bit my lip. Had I done something wrong?

  “I’m meeting my group at five. So, six works perfectly for me. Am I staying?”

  “I’d like you to. No interruptions this time, the whole weekend.” He started toward his office, I followed behind him like a lost puppy.

  Inside the small office, I expected physical contact, finally, but nothing. Instead, he was at his desk, sorting through things, almost ignoring me.

  “Have I done something wrong?” I asked, worried. “Is this a type of punishment? I feel like you are ignoring my presence on purpose.”

  “I’m trying not to bend you over my desk and fuck you senseless right now, Dora,” Ramsey said, his eyes piercing mine, lust glassing them over. “I want us to be a little more careful, which is why I suggested I pick you up at the library from now on. Now that we are together, I feel like we might get too laxed and I want to stay vigilant. I wouldn’t dare want you to lose your scholarship and get you into any trouble.”

  “I understand. See you tonight then?”

  “Of course, Sweet One.” He stepped to me and placed a chaste kiss on my awaiting lips. “What are your afternoon plans?”

  “I have a lunch date with Simon,” I informed him.

  “Have a great time. See you later.” Ramsey quickly gave my butt a quick swat. I giggled as I left him alone in his office, anxious and excited about spending my weekend with him. This weekend would be a do-over.

  For the millionth time, I glanced down at my phone. It was nearly fifteen minutes after five, and my group hadn’t arrived. I grunted in frustration as I thumbed the pages of my copy of 1984.

  Simon and I had a great lunch. He went on and on about this guy he was seeing, online. Ellis was a Brit, but living in the States while studying. They met on some site for Gays to meet and hit it off. Simon and I were both fools in love.It was fun.

  He wasn’t terribly happy that I’d be missing karaoke. I made him a promise that I’d discuss with Ramsey about doing karaoke every other Friday. I couldn’t belie
ve I was in a relationship and with someone, I could see myself with in actuality. There was this illusion of a future with Ramsey that I continued to see. The idea of it, made my heart skip. I wondered if Ramsey also thought this way.

  I was about ready to give up when I heard voices coming in my direction and glanced up to see my group members chatting away as they were approaching.

  “Of course, Miss America is perfectly on time. The model student,” Crystal mocked as they reached the table I occupied.

  Each of them took a seat and stared at me as if I was the only one doing the work, in a way, I knew I would be. With a sigh, I pulled out my notebook and the copy of an email all the students should have gotten from Ramsey.

  “I printed out the e-mail from Professor Kendall,” I told him.

  “There was an e-mail?” Brittany asked.

  “We get e-mails?” Sean looked dumbfounded at this revelation. It was hard to hold in my snort at the jock who sat across from me.

  “Yes, your school account,” I answered. “He sent the four themes for our group. We each have to pick a theme from the following: Poverty v. Wealth, Totalitarianism, Loyalty, and Propaganda. If you all don’t mind, I’d like to take Totalitarianism.”

  “I’ll get Loyalty,” Crystal spoke up.

  “Poverty V. Wealth,” Brittany chimed in.

  “What’s Props—whatever?” Sean asked as he was left with the final subject, I rolled my eyes. I wondered how someone like him got into such a university in the first place.

  Quickly, I learned my answer. Sean’s parents were on the board, and as he was good at rugby, the coach wanted him on the team. Something I didn’t expect; Crystal and Brittany were practically best friends. Joy. I got the bitch sisters and the dumb jock. I was going to kill Ramsey.

  “I’m over this class, and my usual tactic I used all during college isn’t working,” Crystal moaned as she flipped through her pristine copy of 1984, she’d obviously never taken any time to do the reading.

  Brittany came from a stinking rich family. They practically gave her a list of the top universities, and she could attend any one of them. Crystal’s story was similar, though she’d entered with good grades. Though those grades were only due to the fact that she slept with half her teachers.

  “That’s because the professor can likely smell whore from miles away,” Brittany pointed out as Sean was attacking her neck with his mouth. Crystal scoffed at her friend.

  “I know Miss Teacher’s Pet will have no issues getting good grades,” Crystal pointed out.

  “How’s that?” I asked as I realized it was nearing six and I could escape the torment of spending time with the group of idiots I’d been assigned to.

  “You act so innocent. I saw you at the Burger King with him the other night. Professor was practically drooling over his pet. I always see him giving you rides. I bet you’re riding him, right?” Crystal asked, her ice blue eyes staring me down as I nervously fiddled with my pen. I now understood why Ramsey wanted to be more careful. Others were watching closer than we would ever expect them to.

  “Eww, I’m not sleeping with my teacher. That’s gross and against the rules. To give you the facts, Brittany, he’s tutoring me in math because I suck at it,” I spoke up, keeping my voice strong, yet not too defensive.

  “I need to suck something on him. I even showed up at his office hours one day. He was too busy ignoring me to notice I’d been letting my buttons come undone. Humph, maybe he’s gay,” she thought aloud.

  “Possibly,” I noted as if I might have known something she didn’t.

  “Fuck me, the one class I’m doing the worst in, my Professor would likely be gay,” she complained.

  “If we’re all decided on the essay, I have somewhere to be,” I said quickly while stuffing my things into my bag, hearing my cellphone chime in my pocket.

  “Yeah, whatever. I need to figure out a way to pass this class without reading this boring book,” Crystal said as she stood, the others following her actions.

  I started toward the library exit, peering down at my phone.


  I’m waiting outside. See you soon.

  Sighing, I exited into the cold evening, the others of my group right behind me. I spotted Ramsey’s car right away, but Crystal’s comments had made me incredibly uneasy. Instead of getting in his car, I walked right by, noticing the questioning look on his face as I passed him by without acknowledgment.

  Me to Ramsey:

  Pick me up around the block, near the chapel.

  Walking toward the chapel that sat only a block or so away. My heart pounded, I hadn’t expected that anyone noticed us out at all, it made me uneasy. Ramsey was an amazing teacher and for him to lose his job would be a disaster.

  Arriving at the chapel, it was only seconds later that I heard the familiar sounds of a car I knew to be Ramsey’s. He gave me a wave as I got inside. I only gave a small wave as he pulled away from the curb and started toward his house.

  The ride was silent. I felt Ramsey stealing glances at me the entire time, out of confusion. Pulling into the driveway of his house he cut the motor and turned to me, his hand brushed curls from my face and settled on my cheek.

  “Sweet One, what’s wrong?” he asked, concern filling his words.

  “In the library, Crystal, she made a comment about seeing us at Burger King and how we must be sleeping with each other based on how you looked at me,” I recited to him, leaning into his touch that I’d craved all day. “I understand why you want to be careful. That really freaked me out. I can’t imagine you getting into any trouble. Whatever we need to do to keep suspicion off of us, I’m down.”

  “Yes, we need to cool off in public. Maybe I’ll pick you up at the chapel, or you can ride your bike here sometimes when the weather isn’t bad. Though only if you are feeling well. I don’t want you riding if it is too much for you.” He’d gotten quite worked up in only moments.

  “Ramsey, calm down. I can ride my bike sometimes, that’s fine. Please don’t treat me like a China Doll. I know how to take care of myself, I’ve had diabetes since I was six. I’ve been through the motions. I know you care, but you’re acting like my mom.”

  “I just don’t want you overexerting yourself. I don’t want to lose you because you became ill. I care about you, and you are a China Doll. You Sweet One, are my China Doll.”

  I grinned as he rubbed the pad of his thumb just over my lips.

  “I have groceries in the back. I’m cooking you up something special, and I’ve got a larder to last us all weekend. There will be no leaving the house until Monday morning. I want all of you in every way possible, my Sweet One,” he professed, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

  I was more than ready to be locked away with him, and to please my professor.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I was over having to deal with this shit on a daily basis. I wanted my life. Our life, to be able to begin and not have to worry about what anyone said. The fact that Crystal was giving Dora a hard time was a little disconcerting. But, Dora would have to figure out how to deal with it and make it through this project. She was a smart girl, and I knew that she could do it.

  I would have to have a chat with her group about what they were saying. Getting out of the car, I walked around and opened Dora’s door. I escorted her inside, and let Sue out.

  “Dora, what did they say to you that has you so upset? Tell me.” I gave her a stern look, letting her know that she was to tell me.

  “They just remind so much of the kids back in the States. The way they were talking to me about you and me. Practically calling me a slut.” I watched as her eyes started to cloud over. “How I was only passing your class because I had to be fucking you. It was also all their talk about how bad Crystal wants to fuck you to pass the class. How come you never told me that she visited your office and tried to put on a striptease for you?”

  I laughed. “Did she now? I didn’t even noti
ce. She’s honestly not my type. Too blonde, fussy, bossy … too … snobby. I don’t like girls like that. I like girls like you, Dora.” I brushed my hand along her cheek, bringing her chin up to face me. I took her lips in mine.

  “Come now; it won’t be that bad, Sweet One. I promise.” Taking her hand, I called Sue in and led her down into the playroom. “You know our rules. Tonight will be a little different. I want to use the cross with you. Strip to your panties by the time you get back. I told you that the cross was for punishment, but it can also be used for pleasure. I would like to show you how.” I watched as her eyes glazed with lust, confusion, and trust.

  “If it helps, Sir, I let them lead themselves to the conclusion that you’re gay.” I let out a soft chortle. Well, that would ease the Dean’s mind if it made it back to him.

  “I’ll be back down in a couple of minutes. Be ready when I get back down here, or you will be punished. Do you understand me, Dora?”

  “Yes, Professor.” She began to undress as I turned to go back upstairs. I had to get the groceries out of the car and put away before the meat went bad. I was planning on making lasagna for dinner tomorrow, it was an all-day project, and I was going to have her help me.

  Sue followed me as I went out to the car to get the bags, circling me with his tail wagging as he smelt the treats I had bought him. Going back in the house I pulled off my sweater; I had finally decided to get contacts so I could play properly with Dora, without my glasses getting in the way.

  I put the contacts in, letting my eyes adjust and shed the extra water from them. Blinking several times, I looked around the room to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. Seeing the suspenders on the back of my chair, I smirked. I had the perfect use for these. I may not be big on rope, but suspenders were another story.

  I walked back down into the playroom to find Dora waiting by the Saint Andrew’s Cross, ready for me. She was amazing at following directions, and it made me smile. I looked her over and grinned even more. She was wearing black lacy panties that tied at the hips. Perfect for what I wanted to do.


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