The Coral Kingdom tdt-2

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The Coral Kingdom tdt-2 Page 20

by Douglas Niles

  Alicia didn't need to be reminded. She was so overawed by these surroundings that she wondered if she'd have the composure to answer a question, much less to do any interrogating of her own.

  Then abruptly they passed around a corner that Alicia hadn't even seen before them, coming to a stop before another pair of grandiose doors. Like the palace entrance, these seemed to be made of purest gold and swung inward with the same whisper of sound.

  The princess had to restrain an audible gasp as they stepped into the throne room of Queen Amlaruil of Evermeet. There was no mistaking the monarch, for her throne of diamond-and-ruby-encrusted platinum hovered a full thirty feet above the floor, in the center of a chamber brighter and far more dazzling than anything the humans had ever seen.

  It makes even the Argen-Tellirynd of Chrysalis seem like a farmer's shed by comparison! The thought, shocking in its truth, further awed the Princess of Callidyrr.

  The great floor of the chamber was empty, but unlike the corridor and courtyard of the palace, this surface was visible as interlocking tiles of black, white, and red. The room itself was unbelievably vast. To Alicia's eyes, it seemed far larger than the keep itself, of which this was but a part. Gradually she realized that a very subtle mirrored effect of the crystal panels in the walls seemed to expand the space to almost limitless dimensions without mirroring the images of the occupants of the room.

  Galleries lined the walls facing the queen's throne, each occupied by a small party of elven nobles or warriors, all of whom watched the visitors with keen interest and obvious suspicion. Beyond the queen there were fewer galleries, each of these occupied by a single, elegantly dressed elf, most of them elderly females. They're the Council of Matrons, Alicia remembered from Brigit's description.

  The four women approached the center of the room, the walk taking a very long time, during which the throne of the elven queen slowly descended until it was perhaps ten feet over the floor of the chamber.

  Trillhalla, quickly followed by Brigit, knelt and bowed deeply to the monarch. Alicia bowed formally, though she did not kneel. The High Queen of the Ffolk regarded this elfwoman as an equal, nodding her head politely in response to a similar gesture on the part of Queen Amlaruil.

  The regal monarch was the most beautiful creature Alicia had ever seen. Even displayed as she was amidst a dozen fortunes' worth of gems and precious metal, she shone as a jewel that paled all the others to insignificance. Her eyes were very large, in the teardrop shape of the elves, a deep, warm green in color. Her face was slender, but her high cheekbones and firm chin gave her a look of authority that lay like steel beneath the velvet of her beauty. Hair of coppery red fell to her bare shoulders but was then swept into a clasp at the side of her head, where the strands gathered into the image of a soft-petaled rose.

  The queen's eyes flicked past the humans after making a brief but thorough appraisal, coming to rest on the captain of the Synnorian horsewomen. Brigit had risen to her feet beside Trillhalla.

  "Sister knight, you are known to us as an elf of courage and supposedly good judgement." The queen's tone was cold, her words clipped. "Tell me immediately why you bring these humans to Evermeet!"

  "The tale is a long one, Your Majesty, and extraordinary, as you must know by our presence here. It begins with the closing of the Fey-Alamtine. That circumstance, as you doubtless realize, had as great an impact upon Synnoria as upon Evermeet."

  Brigit spoke bluntly, and the elven monarch nodded as if she saw the point of the knight's last remark.

  "Yes-the destruction of the gate is a most grievous affair."

  "It was followed by an attack against Synnoria by a beast from the earliest nightmares of our people. We suffered the onslaught of Ityak-Ortheel, the Elf-Eater!"

  The princess was satisfied by the sound of gasps and murmured comments suddenly echoing around the huge chamber. The report of the Elf-Eater's attack was obviously news to Evermeet, and anything that shook them out of their complacency was, to Alicia's mind, a benefit.

  Brigit went on to describe the horror of the attack. Though she spoke without passion, in a clearly factual tone, there was none present who remained unaffected by the visual images: the trout farm's destruction, the Elf-Eater's march to Chrysalis across the watery causeway, the doomed charges by the sister knights, and the ultimate blasphemy, the destruction of the Argen-Tellirynd.

  "Only the humans, with their sorcery-and their courage-could match the monster and, in the end, drive it away," continued the sister knight, warming to her topic. She described the intervention of the Ffolk as the decisive factor that it was. Finally, though it slightly altered the chronology of her recounting, she told them of Lord Pawldo's heroic sacrifice.

  Next she recounted the reason the humans had come to Synnoria and that she had sailed with them to Evermeet. "Without the means to carry the fight beneath the seas, they must forever yield to the enemies who hold their king. But we elves once had ships, I know, that could sail under the water. All the humans ask-our friends, these humans! — all they ask, Excellency, is for the tool that will allow them to fight their battle."

  Brigit sighed softly. A long time had passed, though no noise had disturbed her speech.

  "Your Majesty, there is another compelling reason for us to aid these humans. The Moonshae Isles, of which Synnoria is a part, are beset by a menace that, I am certain, is tied in to the same force that has closed the gate and released Ityak-Ortheel from its nether hell. If we provide them with a vessel that they can take beneath the sea and strike at the heart of these evils, I believe that we shall find in that undoing the key to restoring our own valley to normalcy!

  "They came to us in need, and yet their help has saved Synnoria so that the Fey-Alamtine can be restored! The very least we can do is answer their need with the power that we have at our disposal."

  "You make a very compelling case," said Queen Amlaruil, nodding in apparently pleased response to Brigit. "It is as I expected-even anticipated."

  Alicia couldn't keep her astonishment silent, forgetting for the moment Trillhalla's instructions about questions. "You expected us to come?" she asked.

  "The Summer Palace is not always here at Dalloch-Krystas. I brought it here this year for the first time in more than twenty-five summers to place it near the Siiluth, the Beaching Bay," replied the queen, as if that explained everything. If she had minded Alicia's question, she gave no indication, but the princess saw many of the courtiers on the balconies behind the queen glowering at her with unfriendly expressions.

  "It is my command that the sea elves shall install a Helm of Zulae to the figurehead of your ship. This is the artifact you seek. It will take your ship beneath the surface of the sea. I entrust you, Brigit Cu'Lyrran, to ensure that it is returned to Synnoria at the conclusion of your quest." She paused, her expression wistful. "I wish you luck in your efforts to rescue King Tristan. He deserves a better fate."

  For a moment, the three visitors gaped, stunned that they had succeeded. Trillhalla, meanwhile, gestured them to the door. The interview was obviously over.

  "Thank you, Your Majesty," said Robyn, with a deep bow to the throne before she turned to follow the sea elf.

  "The ship repairs!" Alicia whispered to Trillhalla. "We need to ask her about those!"

  "No-not yet!" replied the sea elf, hoarsely. "You must settle for this."

  But Alicia had already turned and, taking several steps toward the throne, addressed the regal elfwoman.

  "Your Majesty, your generosity has given us a chance of success. I beg you, please, to increase those chances. Grant us the means to see our ship repaired. The hull was heavily damaged as we passed the cyclones and escaped your Warder."

  "I'm not surprised," replied the queen, with a trace of a sniff to her tone. "No other human craft has ever survived those perils before now!"

  "Can you not, in your generosity, grant us a sheltered harbor and some tools-a forge, and saws, and tar?"

  "I see that you humans listen t
o instructions as well as I have always been taught to expect," noted Queen Amlaruil. This time there was no ignoring the sarcasm in her tone, but Alicia held her ground. After a moment, the monarch continued. "You may bring your crew ashore, but they must remain within two hundred feet of your ship. You can ask for supplies and we shall bring them to you. Under no circumstances are you to forage into the country of Evermeet, else I shall not be responsible for the consequences."

  "Your conditions are most generous, Your Majesty," said Robyn, approaching Alicia with a tight smile. The human queen took her daughter's arm. Trillhalla stared at the princess with surprise, then shook her head in genuine admiration as they passed from the throne room.

  "This way," she said with a smile. "Let's see if we can't get your people ashore by dark."

  "The prisoner has been sedated," reported Sythissal as the giant squid slowly drifted through the spires and domes of Kyrasti. With the watch established over the boundaries of Evermeet, Coss-Axell-Sinioth had decided to return to the comfort of his own palace, there to await the word of Krell-Bane's army.

  "Had he regained his senses?"

  "No, Excellency. He remained as dull and clumsy as ever."

  "Splendid," gurgled the avatar. "Though if it becomes necessary to take his other hand, we shall have to allow the potion of forgetfulness to wear off, that he may fully grasp the horror of his fate."



  The Helm of Zulae

  Working the Princess of Moonshae free from her coral trap proved remarkably easy with the aid of a rising water level and a large contingent of sea elves. High tide occurred at sunset, and by the time the sun touched the horizon, the aquatic folk had lashed a dozen long, supple lines to the stricken longship's transom.

  Hundreds of sea elves hauled on the ropes, and gradually the longship slipped gently off the reef, though seawater gushed into the hull from several holes that again dropped below the waterline.

  Guided by Trillhalla, the men of Gnarhelm rowed the bruised and waterlogged ship through a wide channel in the coral barrier, a channel so cleverly aligned, Brandon realized, that no sailor in the world would find it.

  This was the final layer of Evermeet's defenses, the captain reflected with chagrin-the barrier that had finally stopped them. It had all worked out as well as they could have hoped, of course, but there was something grating to the prince about having his vessel towed from the reef by people who had him at their mercy.

  They approached the shore of looming forest, recognizing splendid maples and towering firs among other, more exotic trees. Even the familiar types grew taller than the humans had ever seen, with straight trunks and lush foliage. At first, it seemed as though the Princess steered toward a surf-swept beach, but as they neared the coastline, a channel appeared, slanting sharply to the left, all but invisible from the reef or beyond.

  In the growing darkness, they entered the passage. Rugged cliffs of limestone rose as high as the masthead to the left and right, and elves with torches lined the top of the heights, illuminating the watery path as full night soon encloaked them. The crew rowed the weary longship along this channel, watching the firelight reflect from the water in a hypnotically beautiful display. The bright flames illuminated multicolored schools of fish meandering through water as clear as air.

  Finally, with the last traces of sunset lost below the horizon, they passed beyond the torches and emerged into a cliff-walled basin. Splashing sounds indicated a waterfall somewhere nearby, invisible in the darkness, though the humans could see the encircling horizon of their deep grotto etched against the starlight above. Once they anchored, it didn't take more than a few minutes before the entire ship's complement found comfortable sleeping places-aboard ship, for most of the northmen; on land for Brigit and all of the Ffolk. Alicia found herself a soft and mossy niche between several rocks, comfortable and spacious enough for her to stretch and move around. Her mother and Tavish found similar alcoves nearby, and they collapsed with a sense of exhaustion mingled with accomplishment.

  Alicia awakened to daylight, pleased to find that several thick ferns screened heir bed with as much privacy as she could desire. Rising quickly, she pushed through the verdant growth to emerge onto smooth sand, a stretch of beach just coming under the light of dawn.

  Sunrise revealed the true splendor of the voyagers' new surroundings, beauty that took Alicia's breath away as she beheld a small valley, lined all around with limestone cliffs-cliffs that enclosed a tiny enclave of paradise. Her eyes went irresistibly to the three waterfalls trilling into the rock-walled shelter, one sparkling like diamonds in the sun, the other two still cool in the morning shadow. Twin groves of great trees grew on the floor of the grotto, one on each side of the natural harbor where the crystalline water collected.

  Much of the pool was surrounded by the same beach she now stood upon. She saw the gap in the rock walls of the grotto where the narrow channel drifted toward the sea and the Princess of Moonshae had made her surreal torchlit passage.

  Alicia couldn't imagine a more perfect haven than this secluded grotto. Seeing Brandon, already engaged in discussion with gray-haired Knaff, Alicia walked toward them. The listing Princess of Moonshae sat beyond, in a shallow bay of the main pool, as if she welcomed the chance to rest. A small channel diverted the waterflow from the area around the ship. With a closer look, Alicia saw that it had been dammed off by a cleverly designed gate.

  "They must be draining it underground. Within a day that hull will be high and dry," observed Brandon, unable to hide his admiration.

  "And they can open this lock here," added Knaff, pointing to a stout wooden gate that held back the waters of the pool. "When she's ready to float again, that'll add the water nice and gently."

  Brand looked toward the channel to the sea, but instead saw Alicia coming. " 'Morning," he offered with a grin. "These elves did all that was promised as far as the drydock. Look at this thing!"

  The princess could see that the water level under the longship had already dropped several inches below that of the pool. "Can you fix the hull?" she asked. Even to her landlubber's eye, the cracks and splinters in the formerly smooth planking gaped like grievous wounds.

  "If they bring us the tools!" grumbled Knaff, again looking toward the seaward channel.

  Alicia smiled at his impatience. "It's just dawn, you know. I'm sure they'll be here. I'm going to have a look around. Isn't it beautiful?"

  She gestured to the waterfalls and groves, but the two sailors had already turned back to the ship, arguing over the repairs. Irritated in spite of herself, Alicia wandered away from the northmen, exploring.

  She realized immediately that there was no easy way out of here except by water, a fact that suited both humans and elves, she felt certain. The high rock walls, carved by years of erosion into images of craggy faces and glowering visages, surrounded them, but allowed plenty of room for the crew to camp comfortably. Lush blossoms grew along the rocky face, and in places, pillows of moss had grown into perfectly formed chairs, couches, and beds. She had stumbled into a typically comfortable niche on the previous night.

  Narrow trails twisted through the two groves, and though neither stand contained a huge number of trees, a person could take five steps down one of these paths and find herself surrounded by foliage as thick as the heart of any jungle.

  A small portion of the space had been cleared for practical purposes. Northmen already erected tents, and Knaff supervised the construction of a small smithy and carpentry shed.

  Alicia saw a silvery form break the surface of the water, and in another moment, Trillhalla reached the shallows. The sea elf splashed toward shore, lolling in the water as she greeted the human princess.

  "I bring word-the Queen of Evermeet has ordered that supplies of seasoned lumber, tar, coal, and iron be provided. They are to be sent this morning. . soon."

  "That's great," the princess replied with a twinge of guilt. She realized that she didn't
want to think about the repairs. She told herself that her father would understand, but the feeling unsettled her. She gestured to the splendor around them. "This place is so beautiful-so perfect. You're very generous to share it with us."

  "It was Palentor's suggestion," she said.

  "Really?" Alicia was astounded to think that the truculent elven warrior had displayed such kindness.

  Trillhalla laughed, sensing her thoughts. "Actually, I'm sure he thought it would keep you confined and allow his scouts to keep an eye on you. But I'm glad if you find the surroundings pleasant."

  The princess looked upward at the circle of rocky precipice that surrounded them a hundred feet above. Somehow even the thought of armed and watchful elves up there didn't detract from her pastoral sense of peace.

  Brigit emerged from the forest behind them, and Trillhalla urged the pair to join her for a swim. The three females splashed through the water for some time, diving after schools of fish, exploring the coral formations under the pool. Finally they rested, Brigit and Alicia emerging from the water to flop onto the sand, already growing warm in the sun.

  "I hope that you will all be comfortable here," said the silver-haired sea elf wistfully, relaxing in the water near the grotto's sandy beach.

  Alicia and Brigit laughed. "I can't imagine anyplace more comfortable," replied the princess. Again she remembered her father, and a storm of guilt assailed her. She tried to force it aside, reminding herself that there was nothing they could do until the longship had been made seaworthy.

  "Even Synnoria pales by comparison," Brigit added seriously.

  For a time, in the warmth of the sun, they found it possible to forget about their quest, about the dangers that lay ahead. They had worked so hard to get this far that a few hours of leisure seemed no more than a just reward.


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