Tied up in Customs (The Department of Homeworld Security Book 4)

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Tied up in Customs (The Department of Homeworld Security Book 4) Page 4

by Cassandra Chandler

  Eric was taking slow breaths, still not moving. She could feel a deep throb from his dick resonating within her.

  Finally, she admitted her ignorance. “I don’t know what to do.”

  He opened his eyes as he let out a snort. “Be less beautiful? Less soft and strong at once. Less confident and sexy and…oddly vulnerable.”

  “I can’t change those things—”

  “I was kidding. I wouldn’t change anything about you.”


  “No. Not even your bizarre personality.”

  “There must be something you would improve upon.”

  While they were working on Sorca’s hybridized DNA, the genetic engineers in the Coalition had tried repeatedly to improve upon her abilities and form, often with…unfortunate results.

  Several times, they had implanted her memories and persona in those forms. Sometimes, she would survive long enough to be sent to a recording center and update her mental imprint. She suppressed a shiver, pushing the thoughts away.

  She didn’t want this memory to be tainted by the past. Eric started speaking again, drawing her attention back to the moment.

  “I want to say I’d make your pussy have less firm of a grip, but that would be a lie. I’ve never felt anything so good.”

  Slowly, he pulled his hips back. The movement was distressing at first, until the friction struck her nerves, making her gasp. She grabbed at his back, instinctively trying to keep him close. At the last moment, she remembered to only take hold of his shirt.

  He sank back into her with a rocking motion. She gasped at the waves of stimulation pulsing through her body, the odd heaviness in her limbs and fullness in her chest.

  “Stars…” she said.


  “This can not end.”

  He kissed her neck and held his lips close to her ear. “We can always do it again.”

  “Can we?”

  “As many times as you want.”

  “I wish to do this many times.”

  “I better pick up more condoms, then.”


  “You don’t have to keep pretending to be an alien. This activity is absolutely entertaining enough for me.”

  “I never said I was pretending.”

  He laughed and shook his head.

  Again, he lifted his hips, pulling his dick from her. And again, he slid back into her pussy, as deep as was possible. She felt him filling her, pushing against the muscles of her core as they gripped him.

  He repeated the motion a few times, increasing his speed. The pulses moving along her nerves intensified, pleasure beating against her senses. He lifted himself on one elbow while he reached with his other hand to grip her thigh and pull her leg up along his side.

  “Wrap your leg around me,” he said.

  “I can’t.”

  “Sure you can. You don’t have to be that flexible.”

  “It isn’t that. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  He laughed, pausing in his movements. He took a few deep breaths, perhaps trying to calm his body.

  Sorca didn’t want to calm her body. She wanted to experience what was just on the other side of the waves of energy rippling through her from where they were joined.

  “You don’t have to worry about hurting me,” he said.

  “I always have to worry about hurting those near me,” she said. “Especially during this.”

  His brow furrowed as he thought on her words. He had yet to see her strength.

  “I’m not like you,” she said.

  “Because you’re an alien?”

  She nodded. The plasma waves were ebbing, and for a brief moment, she wondered if she did want them back. Perhaps it would be better to just walk away now, before she completed their coupling—sex—knowing she would never experience anything like it again.

  He tightened his grip on her thigh, holding it tight against his side, then pressed his chest against hers, crushing his hips to hers. The nerve cluster reawakened with a cascade of plasma bursts throughout her body.

  No, she should definitely complete this encounter.

  Eric grabbed the back of her neck, bringing them as close together as was safely possible, then he rolled over, pulling her along with him while they were joined. He let out a grunt as she instinctively adjusted her weight, straddling him.

  Her muscles were denser than a standard Earthling or Sadirian. It increased her effectiveness in battle, but made her heavier than someone her size would normally be. She wouldn’t crush him, but didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.

  She raised herself on her elbows as he released her thigh, bringing his hands to her hips. He was smiling at her.

  “I don’t understand why you performed that maneuver,” she said.

  “You seemed worried about my safety. Worry isn’t very good when it comes to enjoying yourself. I figured if you take over, you’ll feel better.”

  “How do I—”

  She leaned back and the motion pushed him even deeper into her core. Her spread legs opened her slit so that the nerve cluster he had so expertly stimulated earlier was pressed against his pelvis. More bursts of plasma. Heat pulsed along her skin with each touch and gyration.

  “Cygnus X…”

  “I’m guessing that means you like it?” Eric smirked up at her.

  “Yes,” she groaned.

  “And this?” He pressed his thumb into her slit, rubbing the nerve cluster. Her body thrummed like a phase rifle powering up to full.

  “Eric…” Her eyes drifted shut, all her senses pulling inward, to where they were joined.

  “Move on me, Sorca. It’s okay. I promise.”

  She kept her hands at her sides, gazing down along her body to where she could see him buried deep inside, and smiled.

  “Earthling, you have no idea what you’re in for.”

  Chapter Five

  Eric had maybe five seconds to ponder that “I-know-something-you-don’t-know” smile of hers. Five seconds of holding his breath before she took his advice and started to move.

  She rose up on her thighs, the movement making her unbelievably strong pussy pull along his dick in a stroke that nearly ended him. Then she cautiously lowered herself back down, her body pressing against his shaft, all softness and strength and heat.

  If he hadn’t been wearing a condom, he wouldn’t have lasted ten seconds with her. As humiliating as that experience might be, he was more tempted to try it with her than with anyone else he’d ever had sex with.

  Her dark hair fell across her chest as she became more confident in her strokes. He brought his hands to her breasts, lifting them and kneading them. When he gently pinched her nipples between his fingers, she gasped and increased her pace.

  How could anything feel so good? Gooseflesh spread over his arms as the energy building in him crested.

  She threw her head back and let out a primal scream, her pussy pulsing, coaxing him to his own climax. It hit him like a sonic boom, vibrating in every molecule of his body. She kept pulling on him, pumping him, her body not giving him any escape from the pleasure cascading along every nerve ending.

  It was hard to breathe. His vision dimmed around the edges as his orgasm went on and on.

  Finally, she slowed, then stopped, barely panting.

  “Are you all right?” she said.

  “I’m not sure.”

  Physically he felt…amazing. Almost like their bodies had fused where they connected. The afterimage of the pleasure they had shared was so intense he didn’t even mind the thought. Which did bother him.

  He couldn’t afford to get that wrapped up in anyone. He had a job to do, people to protect.

  Sorca lifted her hips. Normally, he would have slid from his partner at that point, but with her, it was just a continuation of what had come before. He felt every millimeter as their bodies…disengaged, for lack of a better word.

  Damn, he’d really been sucked into the whole alien thing.
  She rose and took a few steps away, stretching her arms to the sky again. He sat up, gauging how weak his legs would feel when he stood. Her pussy was right at eye level. Even after that amazing sex—or maybe because of it—all he could think about for that moment was grabbing her by her ass and pulling her to his mouth.

  “You have an angry look to you, Eric. Was our sex not satisfactory?”

  He was angry, but with himself. He’d never let himself get so carried away with something like this before. He wasn’t even sure what “this” was.

  “Satisfactory isn’t the word I would choose.”

  She actually looked a bit concerned, her face bearing no trace of her sultry smile and the slightest crease appearing between her eyebrows.

  “Did I err?”

  “What? No, you didn’t do anything wrong. You did everything right, in fact.”

  Very, very right.

  “Then why do you look upset?”

  “Because that was spectacular. And you have ruined me for Earth women forever.”

  Slowly, she smiled. Eric felt it like a blow to the chest. The edge of mischief was missing. Instead of looking amused, she looked happy. Fulfilled. And he had helped her to achieve that—in the most pleasurable of ways.

  He was in trouble.

  “I want to learn more,” she said. “When can we have sex again?”

  Deep trouble.

  “Sorca, I—”

  She held her hand to him, as if to help him up. He figured he’d humor her, and took it.

  The next thing he knew, he was on his feet. He might have even been off his feet for a moment, just like when she’d leapt out of the way of that bus earlier. How strong was she? She didn’t seem to notice his confusion, and kept right on with the conversation.

  “You enjoyed it, correct?” she said.

  “Well, yes.”

  “Then why should we not couple—I mean have sex—again?”

  Couple? More odd phrasing. And she said it so naturally.

  Eric had been trained to notice when people were lying. He’d assumed that she was so into her part that she wasn’t giving any tells. But now, he could see what it was like when she was experiencing a genuine emotion. He’d seen it in that smile.

  She hadn’t broken character at all. So that meant…what? That she really was an alien?

  He laughed at himself internally as he tried to think of anything but sinking into her heat again.

  “For one thing, I only had the one condom,” he said.

  “Condom. You mentioned this before.”

  He pulled out his handkerchief, then peeled the condom off of his dick. He briefly flicked his wrist in a, “this” gesture. There weren’t any trashcans around, so he wrapped it up and put it in one of his front pockets.

  “What is its function?” Sorca’s excitement hadn’t diminished. And she still hadn’t broken character.

  The more emotion she showed, the more holes he should be seeing in her game. But instead, she seemed more sincere. A weird feeling of misgiving started to grow in him as he fastened his jeans.

  “Can we quit with the games?” he said. “I mean, after…“coupling”, I’d kind of like to know the real you.”

  A bit of mischief sparked in her smile again. “I will answer your questions if you answer mine.”

  “Fine. Within reason. But first, you have to get dressed.”

  “All right.”

  She gathered up her clothes and dressed with surprising speed and almost military efficiency. Eric shook off the thought, his misgiving growing.

  When she was dressed, she turned to him and said, “What is a condom for?”

  “Oh, for crying out…” He shook his head. “It prevents pregnancy and the spread of disease.”

  “Aha! Then we don’t need them for sex. I am free from any Earth-borne pathogens, and will be purged of anything I’m exposed to from our encounters after my first sleep cycle in a regen bed when I return to my ship.” She grinned at him, fists on her hips in a victorious stance.

  “Sorca, come on.” He let out a sigh.

  If Brendan had expected them to become a couple, he’d picked a very strange woman for this bizarre blind date—and that was what it felt like to Eric at this point. Sure, on the one hand, things were going great physically, but emotionally and mentally, how was he supposed to connect…

  “Wait, what about pregnancy?” he said. “Why doesn’t that worry you?”

  “The genetic engineers sterilized me during my design. There are specific laws which govern the DNA they used in my creation. They can’t risk it being spread, stolen, or manipulated outside of their labs. My body even has a self-destruct and will disintegrate me should either my heartbeat or brainwaves end.”

  Cold chills rocketed down his spine at the thought. He actually shivered, until he reminded himself that this was all just a game.

  Eric had a natural instinct to protect people. And even though this was all a messed up fantasy scenario, he still felt something in him reaching toward her, wanting to protect her.

  “I don’t know what’s more disturbing,” he said. “That your fantasy involves such a fucked up system or that you’re pretending you don’t have a problem with it.”

  He really was in it too deep. But not so deep that he was okay making light of such a serious topic. Apparently, she took it pretty seriously too, because when her smile faded, it was replaced by a menacing glare.

  “I am a soldier for the Coalition of Planets,” Sorca said. “Chief of Security for the fleet’s flagship, the Arbiter, under command of General Serath, who has enforced peace in this galaxy more effectively than any officer in Coalition history.”

  “I get it. So you serve the very monsters who created you.”

  “I was created to serve.”

  The world she was describing was horrible. He shook his head, as if that could clear it of the civilization she’d described.

  “I don’t understand why this distresses you,” she said. “Everyone in the Coalition has all they need. Every citizen has purpose.”

  “Purpose is not the same as meaning. Why am I even playing along with this?” He took a few steps away before turning back to her. “Truth, Sorca. I wanted truth when I asked my questions, not more games.”

  “I have only spoken truth to you, Eric Peterson. And to say otherwise insults my honor.”

  “That’s enough. I’m out. Tell Brendan I’ll contact him tomorrow about—”

  As he walked past her, she grabbed his arm, freezing his chain of thought. Freezing it because she was holding him in place—with one hand.

  Cautiously, he pulled against her grip, just to test out how bad of a mess he’d gotten himself into. She didn’t budge. Instead, her grip tightened enough to send arcs of pain up his arm.

  “Brendan has requested your presence on the Arbiter.” Her voice was low and her lips curled up in a near snarl. “I am under orders from General Serath to bring you to the ship. Know that I speak the truth when I say, I will bring you to the ship. I do not fail in my missions.”

  His stomach felt leaden. Was she insane? And if she was, had she done something to Brendan?

  Eric knew several ways to break her hold on him—ways that would counteract her strength. But it might be better to play along. Maybe he could get her to take him to Brendan, since that’s what she seemed to be so focused on.

  Her expression softened as she seemed to shake herself. She looked at her hand on his arm and loosened her grip so that it wasn’t quite as painful. When she spoke, her voice was gentler as well.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you. The amount of reprogramming I’ve had is having unforeseen effects on my capacity for emotional control.”

  “Reprogramming? So, what, are you an android now?”

  “Of course not. Androids are much too expensive to create and maintain.”

  “So, the Coalition just creates people to serve it. Disposable people.”

  Her only response
was a tightening of her lips.

  “I’m torn right now, Sorca. Because I really don’t want you to be crazy. But if you’re telling the truth…”

  That thought was so much more frightening.

  She stepped close to him, running the fingers of her free hand along his cheek. “I will protect you, Eric. As much as I’m able. But I have to follow orders.”

  “And if you’re ordered to kill me?”

  “It won’t come to that. At worst, you’ll receive a mindwipe and forget all that’s passed between us. But I’ll remember. Even through death.”

  Yeah. She was crazy.

  Before he had a chance to say more, she ducked down and hefted him in a fireman’s carry, draping him across her shoulders. He was so surprised by her speed and strength that he didn’t even have a chance to react.

  How the hell was she carrying him? Effortlessly. She headed back to the trail, without a single hitch in her stride.

  “Sorca, put me down.”

  “I’m sorry it has to be this way. I think it will be safest for you if I carry you to my ship. Once you see it, you’ll know I’m telling the truth. And there’s so much more you need to know.”

  “Such as?” He looked around for anything he could use to help himself get free. She had that grip of steel on one of his arms, but he could strike at her with the other.

  “Earth is being invaded by hostile aliens,” she said.

  “Like ones that abduct you after the most amazing sex of your life?”

  He couldn’t believe he’d already had sex with her. But he hadn’t known that she was… Crazy? An alien? Neither option was appealing.

  “I’m pleased you enjoyed yourself so much. It was also my most pleasurable experience. Even better than bacon.”

  He snorted despite his situation.

  Aliens. Right.

  He saw a flash of gray fur in the brush next to them and his heart picked up in response. Craning his neck for a better look, he saw that it was just a deer. A weirdly pale, not-bothered-by-humans deer, but still just a deer.

  He was definitely letting this all get to him. How the hell was she still carrying him, though?

  “I’m not your enemy,” she said. “The Arbiter is here to assist. General Serath fell in love with an Earthling during his shore leave here. Earth is now special to him and he will do everything in his power to protect it.”


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