Violet's Protectors [Beyond the Veil 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Violet's Protectors [Beyond the Veil 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Honor James

  The tactile sensations of Viper nuzzling and teasing her skin and the stretching and teasing that Ladon was doing to her backside had her gasping for air. “Gods. That feels so good.” They hadn’t even touched her clit and already she was about to go off like the proverbial rocket. She saw stars behind her eyelids, she was gasping for air but forced her orgasm under control. “Hurry,” she demanded instead. “Not going to hurt me, not when I was made for you both. God, please hurry.”

  “You’re too tight, Vi. I don’t want to hurt you,” Ladon growled.

  “She’s on edge, Ladon. We can’t risk having her go over. Take it slow, but we need to do this now.”

  “Shit,” he muttered. “I really wish we had some lube.”

  “Check the bedside table, knowing Drake there’s likely some in there,” Viper said.

  Violet’s eyes were closed as she clenched her fingers against Viper’s shoulders. She leaned in and bit his shoulder, she couldn’t seem to help herself. She was desperate and she damn well needed and wanted both of them to be right there with her. She wanted to shake that indomitable control that Viper had on himself, she wanted to see the Draygon that was hers. Dammit.

  “Behave,” he said, his voice taking on a sharp edge.

  “Got some,” Ladon announced triumphantly. “Vi, hold on, sweetheart. This is likely to be damned cold. But I need to work some up your gorgeous little ass before we start. Try not to clench too hard if you can.”

  “Working on trying, but then Viper tells me to behave.” She looked up at said mate and grinned. “Do it, Ladon,” she said, but her eyes never left Viper’s, she was utterly mesmerized by him. “Hurry, don’t care how fucking cold it is, because soon we will be burning hot.”

  “All right, here we go,” he warned. Right on cue the cold lubrication hit her heat so that a chill raced over her skin.

  “You need to behave,” Viper said. “Taking a bite out of your Draygon mate is practically a call for an ass whooping. Not too hard, but enough that it gets rosy and very sensitive to every, single touch.”

  “Fuck me,” she cried out and tried not to tense, but it was damn hard. “God, that. There.” She moaned then. “God, yes.” She was panting again, the cold lube was no longer cold but hot, as were Ladon’s fingers. “I will let you spank me any time that you want, just please bring us all together. Now,” she demanded of her lovers.

  “Give me a second,” Ladon muttered. She could feel him moving around behind her, the bed bouncing slightly and dipping. Something crashed onto a hard surface a moment before Ladon’s hands landed on her ass. “I need you to relax as much as you can, Violet. Every time you breathe out you need to relax as much as you can since I will be pushing in at the same time.”

  Violet understood the basics of what was going to happen, so she nodded. “I will do whatever I have to in order to have us all together.” She turned her glowing eyes back to Viper, her need and desperation was clear on her face. “Please.” She needed both of them, and sadly she knew she wouldn’t last long.

  Viper tightened his hold on her neck as Ladon began to press his cock into her anus. “Focus right on me, and breathe, Violet. Don’t look away for even a moment. If you need to, scratch, squeeze, bite, just do not clench on him.”

  Violet could feel the sweat as it dripped from her temples, the restraint taking a toll on her. “Okay,” she whispered finally, her lower lip quivering and her whole body shaking. “Just, please.” She couldn’t think, not with the fullness of Ladon’s cock in her anus, the feeling of his hands on her body. It was all starting to pull her closer and closer into her desperation. When Ladon moved his large fingers over her highly sensitized nipples, she whimpered and shot a glance to Viper. “Please.” Seemed to be the word of the night with her. She was falling apart and only Viper and Ladon’s hold on her body was keeping her in place. She was holding on by sheer willpower alone, but even that was wavering, and she couldn’t give up without this complete joining.

  “I’m in.” Ladon’s voice was tight, more Draygon than man.

  At that, Viper moved closer, his cock sliding over her mound as he pressed it to her pussy. “Look right at me, Violet. Take a few deep breaths as we just focus on the moment. No moving, from any of us. Slow your breathing right down,” he said softly. Moving her one hand, he pressed it to his chest where she could feel the steady, slow beat of his heart. “Focus on the rhythm, let your body calm down to the same point.” His eyes were searching hers. She could see the first hint of the Draygon deep within with the added light that was starting to glow around the iris. He still had a tight hold on the beast, though, likely in his efforts to calm her for their joining to be completed as it should be.

  Vi watched the emotions and the Draygon chase through Viper and bit her lip, holding back the shiver and moan that threatened to release from her. She licked her lips and finally nodded. “Ready.” She whispered the one word to him, because that was all she could force out right then. Everything felt too much, she felt the touches of her lovers, felt the bedding under them, felt everything around them and it was almost too much to bear. Almost.

  Leaning in, he kissed her gently. At the same moment he began to slide his cock into her pussy. As he filled her, she stretched to accommodate, but with Ladon already seated in her ass, the fit was even tighter. “Breathe,” he whispered against her mouth. When she looked into his eyes, the Draygon was front and center in the gold glow of his eyes, the lines of his face becoming harsher as the beast pushed to the forefront.

  Violet reached a shaky hand up to caress Viper’s forehead. “More,” she whispered to him and moved back against Ladon while tugging Viper deeper into her weeping pussy, with her leg wrapped around his waist. Need and desperation lived and breathed inside of her. She was ready to scream, needed to climax, and so, too, did her Draygons, if the looks on their faces were any clues at all.

  He let out a deep and throaty growl as he pressed into her until she was full. Viper’s hand clenched on her hip, a shudder rippling through him. When he let a breath out she could see his teeth had grown into a smaller version of the Draygon’s fangs. His breath was hot on her skin, as was Ladon’s on her back.

  Ladon moved a hand to her left breast as Viper settled on over her right. In unison, they began to move. One pushing in as the other slid out.

  It was utterly perfect. Every move that they made, every single touch that they gave her. It was perfect and had her gasping for air. “Viper, Ladon.” She cried their names out in desperation as she felt her body tighten on their cocks. “Yes, right there.” She was moving now with them. She had their rhythm and was able to help them slide in and out of her body, her nails drawing blood from Viper where she clung to him. “Need.” She gasped the one word. “To. Come!” She was screaming now, she was so close, and her tension and ability to hold back her orgasm were fraying like a thread. “Please. Close.”

  They thrust faster, harder, Viper’s grip on her neck keeping her from having too much slide on the bedding. She felt their heat pouring off of them as they turned her upper body slightly between them. Each lowered a head to her breast, their breath practically scorching her flesh. Then, just as her body was ready to explode, they each sank those long incisors into her skin and their breath scorched her flesh in the markings of the Draygon.

  Violet screamed when she felt her mates break the skin of her flesh. She shuddered and knew that everything in her was changed. She felt as if every single molecule of her being was obliterated and reassembled around these men. She sobbed, tears rolling down her cheeks from the intensity of their shared pleasure. When she came back to herself she felt them, inside of her soul just as she knew she was inside of theirs. She smiled, relaxed and let out a breath. “I know it’s likely far, far too soon,” she whispered as they all came down from that amazing climax. “But I love you two lugs.” She just hoped that they were ready for all she was and all she offered them. She was a cure for their people’s fertility, now she just waited for on
e of them to figure out what that meant, that it wouldn’t hold true for them. Infertility, that was.

  Both men groaned softly. They were limp against her, their bodies wrapped around hers as they lay there, sucking in air. Viper moved his head a little, his cheek landing on her shoulder as he brushed a soft kiss to her throat.

  Violet couldn’t move. All she could do was smile. Her leg loosened from around Viper’s thigh, and she simply lay between the two men she loved. Violet’s eyes closed, and she let out a breath. Her magic was zinging inside of her, continued now that their orgasm had subsided, but it hadn’t wanted to do that, she had to fight with herself to pull back the magic that slipped from her in that amazing wash of pleasure. “Sleep,” she whispered and closed her eyes, drifting off into a light sleep.

  Chapter Six

  When she woke the next day, she woke alone. The bed was empty. There was stuff on chairs and the dresser that was definitely her mates’. The room was silent and still dark, though light was creeping around a drape that someone had pulled at some point. Next to her, one on each side, were two flowers. Each was different, yet each was unique and beautiful. Each also spoke of who had placed it there on the pillows, awaiting her to awaken.

  A loud squeal from somewhere in the house reached her. Then silence before some male laughter and a loud female who sounded like she might be berating the males. Likely Cook, if she had a guess.

  Violet shifted slightly and moved. She winced. Pain moved through her body, but when she looked to the flowers on the pillows beside her, she smiled. Reaching out, she touched her fingers to first one and then the other. They were perfect. Both flowers so different, but so right.

  Just like her men.

  She shifted and moved, another wince of pain. Gods, she hadn’t thought she would hurt so much this day, but she did. She felt every bruise on her body, the bites where her Draygons had claimed her, and her pussy and anus felt every inch that had stretched her to capacity and beyond.

  Violet couldn’t be happier.

  On unsteady legs she walked slowly to the bathing chamber, stopping to start a bath before doing her morning business.

  After washing her hands, she leaned against the counter and touched the marks left behind by her mates the night previously. As she stroked them, she could swear she felt each one of them against her, felt the heat of their bodies close, but she was alone so that wasn’t true.

  Tentatively she reached out as she stepped in the tub, her mind seeking her mates, and when she felt the reassuring brush of them against her soul, she relaxed into the tub and leaned back. Now it was just a matter of time before they joined her, and she knew it.

  It took a while but soon she felt a presence fill the room, larger than life, and all male. “How are you feeling this morning?” Ladon asked close to her. He was settling down on the rug outside the tub. “Sore?” he asked with an apologetic look.

  “I feel amazing.” She reached out and touched a wet finger to his cheek, smiling as she did so. “A little sore.” She paused and looked at the marks on his body, too. “How about you? Are you okay today?” She hadn’t marked him nearly as much as she was sure she marked Viper, likely why the man was hiding from her.

  “Absolutely,” he said with a grin. Leaning in, he kissed the end of her nose. “Viper will be up in a moment. He was playing with Rain much to Cook’s upset. You likely heard.” He chuckled as he settled an arm on the edge of the tub. “He had Rain shrieking and laughing down there. Cook wasn’t very happy with him. I think you may have some competition for his attention, given how fascinated the little one is with him.”

  “Hardly,” Viper commented from the doorway. “She’s interested in the newcomers to her territory. I’m sure she’ll get over it soon enough.”

  Violet had to grin at that comment. She shrugged and looked up to Viper. “So I was just asking Ladon how was he, how about you?” She noticed that he was wearing a shirt. Great. She had hurt him. “And Rain is a sweetheart, at least what little I saw of her made me believe that, so I’m sure she’s got everyone in these lands under her little pinky, so why would you be any different?”

  “I’m fine,” Viper said. He moved closer, leaning over her to press a kiss to her lips. “How are you doing is the better question. Though I think I have a good idea, given what I felt from you when you woke through our mate link.”

  Ladon shot her a look that said he’d caught it as well, but was letting her get away with her answer from earlier.

  “I hurt, ached all over, but I liked it. If you felt the pain, you also felt the pleasure, so don’t give me any crap, thank you very much,” she muttered. “So here I am in a nice hot bath waiting on my mates to return to me.” Mates, she could scarcely believe it. She had mates. Two amazing and incredible men that would be hers for all time. She was beyond happy.

  “We’d join you, but I think you need to eat at some point today. Besides which, Cook threatened our lives if you didn’t come down within a set time frame. She wants to see you and ensure that you’re fed properly. I think she may have made mention about you not possibly eating right while on Earth since she hadn’t been there to look after you,” Ladon said, rolling his eyes.

  Violet grinned and sank deeper into the water. “She knows me well,” she whispered and blew against the water. “How long did she give us?” She asked and turned her eyes up to gaze at her mates, her heart constricting, knowing that they were forevermore hers. She would never give them up, never walk away from them, and she prayed that they would be able to stay with her as well. That they wanted to.

  Viper crouched down behind her, sliding an arm around her shoulders to give her a hug. “You have about ten minutes before she comes storming in. She’s armed and crazy enough to be very dangerous. So don’t waste too much time,” he warned.

  “Deal. Will one of you please grab me some clothes, then? I want to take every single minute possible in this bath before I have to get out.” She turned to rub her cheek to Viper’s, nuzzling him much like a kitten would. “I could become accustomed to this, just not waking alone, please,” she tacked on. “I truly hated that part.”

  “We wanted you to get some extra sleep,” Ladon said as he got to his feet. “You looked too peaceful to wake up. Though we had planned on being back before you woke, but there was this little face that distracted us by being so damn cute.” Grinning at her, he went out into the bedroom.

  When he was gone, Viper nipped at her jaw. “You didn’t hurt me,” he said softly.

  “Are you sure?” She asked against his cheek. She didn’t let him go, she just clung to him as he assured her with his actions. “Because I know what I saw last night, and I know how Ladon looked this morning. I didn’t mean to, but it all felt so right, so good, that I couldn’t stop myself.”

  “Hush,” he breathed out. “I’m fine. You were in the moment, and it was beautiful, just as you are. A few scratches are nothing but a showing for others to know without words how well pleased our mate is. From the markings I have, I would guess you were very pleased last night. I’m only wearing this shirt because Volos is a little shit, and Drake won’t let me kill him.”

  That had her laughing. “Yeah? I haven’t had much time to get to know Volos, so what did he do to you? Perhaps I should kill him? You don’t think that Azure and Drake would miss him much, do you?” He was a part of their mating triad, of course they would. She would be devastated if anything happened to either of her mates and knew it.

  “He was being a pain, his usual self,” he muttered.

  “He was bugging Drake in pointing out that Viper had all these awesome scratches and bite marks while Azure had barely put a dent in Drake during their mating. I think Drake wanted to kill Volos more than Viper did,” Ladon called out. He reappeared a few minutes later with some clothes in hand that he set on the vanity.

  “Ah, gotcha.” Violet looked up at Viper and grinned. “Well on one hand, I’m super sorry I hurt you and on the other I’m very turned on by
the fact that you liked it. I know, I know, I’m a nut.” She said with a sigh. “But I’m a nut that would do anything for the two of you.”

  “You’re not a nut,” Viper said softly. “You didn’t hurt me, Vi. Get that right out of your head already. You marked me up as a woman who thoroughly enjoyed herself should. You marked me as your mate as we marked you. I will admit that I was a little surprised by the number of marks, but I proudly counted them off in the mirror this morning.”

  Violet moved closer to Viper and watched him watching her. “Yeah? And how many were there?” Okay, she seriously wasn’t sure she wanted to know how many there were. “And I did. I enjoyed having my mates claiming me. I know most people want to wait and give it time to get to know each other, but I didn’t want that. I knew the second I met you that I would need you both in my life more than I would need my next meal or breath of air.”

  “We’ve all been waiting a long time to find one another,” Ladon said. He sat on the edge of the tub near her feet and smiled. “If you recall, there were not a hell of a lot of complaints being mentioned last night, by any of the parties involved. We wanted it just as much as you did, Vi.”

  Viper grunted at that, squeezing her gently. “He’s right. If we’d had anything to say we would have said it. As to the markings…” He trailed off with a chuckle. “You’ll have to count them for yourself if you want to know.”

  “Later. For now.” She held her hands out and wiggled her fingers. “How about you pull me out of the tub and get me a towel so that I can get ready before Cook comes thundering in here, trying to figure out just what the hell it is that we are doing. And knowing me, if I stay here too much longer, I’m so going to pull you both in the tub with me so that we can all have time to relax.”

  “Let’s save that until after she’s coddled you and berated us for a while.” Ladon stood and pulled her to her feet. Viper, having let her go, collected a towel and held it out as she stepped from the tub.


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