Highland Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

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Highland Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Page 87

by Unknown

  “Aspyn. Relax. You’re safe.”

  She spun around to face him. “Relax? You’ve dragged me almost halfway around the world. I’ve been attacked, no once, but twice. In two different countries! Someone shot at me. How can I relax?”

  Her breath was coming fast and she couldn’t tell anymore if she was angry or scared or something else.

  Callum cross the room, stopping in front of her. “I’m here. Ye’re safe with me. Ye know that.”

  He reached out abruptly, pulling her against his chest. She resisted for a second, but only a second. Her heart was racing, but from all the conflicting emotions racing through her something deep and primal was clawing its way to the top of the pile.

  Suddenly and undeniably she wanted him. Badly. He may have thought he was comforting her, calming her nerves, giving her a pat on the back. But he’d started a fire raging inside of her, a fire she had no desire to quell. It was a fire she only wanted to feed, to be consumed by.

  “I need a distraction.”

  He cocked an eyebrow as he looked down at her, a half grin on his lips. “From being afraid?” His arms tightened around her and she reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “From everything.” The only sound in the room seemed to be the too-loud beating of her heart.

  “I think I can provide a suitable distraction for ye.” His voice was low and it only served to fan the flames. He bent his head and then hesitated, dark eyes watching her. She breathed a sound of frustration. Arrogant bastard.

  Then his lips were on hers, warm, hard, and every other thought in her was burned away, leaving only her desire for him, for his body. For what she wanted from him.

  The bone-deep fear she’d been living with for over twenty-four hours dissolved, replaced with a need greater than she’d ever known. She pressed against him, reaching for him, and he gave her what she wanted.

  His tongue slipped between her lips and she moaned a little. The moaned deepened as his tongue played in her mouth and she responded, flicking her tongue along his.

  Callum’s hands moved down her back, fingers teasing along the waistband of her jeans. The roughness of his touch should have bothered her, frightened her, but it was so elemental, so right, that she craved more.

  His hands slid up beneath her t-shirt, palms splayed across her back. There was nothing she could do but press herself against his body. He was all male, regardless of all this shifter stuff. Hard muscles tensed beneath her hands, against her body as he held her.

  She wiggled in Callum’s grasp and he smiled against her mouth. His hands slid further up her body and she shamelessly raised her arms. He broke the kiss but the smile remained. Wordless he pulled her t-shirt over her head.

  His looked from her face and to her bra-clad breasts. Aspyn thought it was entirely possible for the bra to spontaneously combust from the heat of his gaze. But before that could happen, he reached behind her, his strong fingers undoing the clasp. The bra fell to the floor and she took a deep breath.

  It had been a long, long time since Aspyn had been here, like this with a guy. For a split second Charlie rose up on her mind, controlling, cruel. But he’d been familiar, even if he’d been cruel. Callum was a stranger, someone she barely knew. Someone with deeper secrets than she had.

  But she trusted Callum. With her life. And now, here, she trusted him implicitly.

  She forced all those thoughts out of her mind. Callum’s hands were sliding back up her torso, with more force than before. He cupped her breasts, thumbs skating across her nipples. A shiver raced across her skin, the nipples pulling up hard. The sensation was exquisite, bordering on painful, but the pain was sublime. If he wanted to do this, she wasn’t going to complain.

  “Oh…hell…” She watched as he pinched her nipples, rubbing them between his fingers.

  “Too rough?”

  She closed her eyes, her breath coming out in shaky sigh. “No, not at all.”

  When she opened her eyes again he was looking at her, a definitely wolfish grin on his lips. She half-expected to see fangs. And she realized she really wouldn’t care if she did.

  At the thought of fangs, something primal erupted inside Aspyn. Her heart took a wild leap and she blinked up at Callum. Wordlessly he lifted his arms and she slid the shirt up his torso. She needed to stand on her tiptoes to pull the shirt over his head, and as she did, her breasts brushed against his chest. Callum drew a sharp breath.

  She reached forward, undoing the snap on his jeans. Tugging the zipper down, she let her fingers slide through the opening, brushing across his abdomen. His skin was warm, a hard set of muscles lurking underneath.

  The jeans hit the floor. She wanted to look down, briefly reconsidered, and then thought to hell with it. She let her eyes drop. And then they widened.

  She wasn’t prepared for her reaction to the sight of him. Things went fluid and hot inside her. He was long and hard and clearly ready for her. And she realized that she was ready for him.

  She pulled her eyes back up to his chest, managing finally to meet his eyes. His grin was still in place as he looked down at her.

  “Distracting enough for you?”

  “Perfect.” Her voice was a husky whisper.

  His fingers found the snap and zipper on her jeans, had them undone in seconds. They hit the floor a moment later and she was left standing in her panties.

  The rest happened in a heartbeat. He scooped her up and she was in his arms, hands pressed against his chest. She looked up at him as he set her down on the bed.

  “You don’t waste any time.”

  “Do you want me to, Aspyn?” He stopped and she let out an involuntary little noise of dismay. Callum winked. “I don’t think you do. I sure as hell don’t want to wait.”

  His hands were back on her body, fingers tugging at the edge of her panties. She lifted her hips and he slid the panties over her legs. He tossed them over his shoulder and they disappeared somewhere behind him.

  His eyes traveled over her with obvious desire. It made her breath come up short and her bit her lip. No man had ever looked at her with such hunger and it unleashed something inside her she’d never knew she possessed.

  His dark eyes finally climbed back to her face. In one fluid movement he climbed on the bed, coming up between her legs. With no hesitation she parted them for him, hips rising up as he came down on her.

  “I’m prepared to make you forget everything that’s happened.”

  She laughed. “You’re that good?”

  Before she could answer his mouth came down, lips crushing hers. If she’d wanted to give him a smart-ass answer, his kiss swallows her words.

  The kiss deepened, his tongue pushing against her lips. She opened to him eagerly, meeting him just as hungrily as he was, lifting her head to meet him.

  She wanted him, more than she’d ever wanted any man before, and she wasn’t holding back. She was beyond words, but there was nothing to keep her from making her desires known with her body. She arched against Callum, pressing her breasts into his chest.

  The sheets tangled around her legs as she shifted beneath Callum. Frustrated, she kicked at them and then felt Callum smile against her lips. He pulled away, eyes glinting in the soft light from the hall.

  “You’re a hellion, Aspyn. I like that. I’ve never wanted a tame woman. You’re anything but tame.”

  He reached down, pulling the sheets away from between them. As soon as she was free of them, she slid her legs over Callum’s, wrapping them firmly around his waist. The feel of his hard body beneath her thighs was intoxicating. The movement of his hips against her was blatantly erotic, a not-so-subtle hint to what he was planning. And definitely what she wanted.

  Aspyn shivered in anticipation as Callum shifted over her, pressing himself against her. A flash of lightening from the window etched his high cheekbones in eerie light, his eyes reflecting almost silver. The shiver settled deeper, her whole body quivering, on the edge, waiting, aching for what was goi
ng to happen next. She was a wanton, open invitation and he was right there, accepting it, and her.

  As he slid into her she cried out, everything coming together in a rush of sensation. Her body took off, arching and thrusting against Callum, meeting him stroke for stroke as he thrust into her. It was a wild ride, every part of her body engaged with Callum, matching his pace, following his movements. And then pushing him for more.

  She was on a high like she’d never experienced before. Her body was filled with so many sensations she couldn’t separate them. It was too much, and not enough.

  Images started filling her mind, things she’d never imagined, wild and dark things, primal images of bodies intertwined. Nothing held still long enough for her to grasp, but all of it excited her.

  She was watching them from above, watching Callum as he took her, the muscles of his back moving, hips flexing. In her mind she was everywhere, experiencing everything.

  Callum’s hands were everywhere too, touching her breasts, pulling at her nipples, caressing her hips. She was a mass of sensation and arousal, her body climbing toward release.

  It all came to a crashing climax, suddenly, overwhelmingly, her body almost levitating as her feet pushed against the bed. She thrashed beneath Callum, head twisting from side to side, fingers tearing at the sheets, clawing at Callum’s back. The images in her mind exploded, shattering, fur and fangs mixing with images of Callum and her, limbs entwined, sweat-slicked bodies heaving.

  Callum’s moans were louder, rougher, and she realized he was climaxing along with her, his body joining hers as they hurtled toward this animalistic peak they’d pushed each other to. He jerked against her over and over, practically shouting with each hard thrust.

  And then it was over, just as quickly as the storm outside. The crashing and thrashing subsided and they lay side by side. Aspyn tried to catch her breath, every nerve in her body alive, still tingling.

  “Was that enough of a distraction?”

  She turned to look at Callum, breathing hard, shaking her head. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”

  “I try.”

  She caught a glimpse of that cocky grin as he pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her. They lay in blissful silence, the room lit by soft yellow light as the sun struggled to come out. She closed her eyes. Just for a minute…I’ll just close my eyes for a minute.

  * * *


  “Um…yeah.” She was sleeping, wanted to stay asleep. It was warm here, and her body was deliciously relaxed.

  “Aspyn…wake up.”

  She rolled over and opened her eyes. The room was dark, much darker than it should have been.

  “How long have I been asleep?”

  “The sun is almost set. Ye were exhausted. I just let you sleep.”

  Abruptly she sat up, wide awake. “You didn’t go off to meet Malcolm while I was sleeping, did you?”

  Callum sat down on the bed beside her. “No. I value my life, and yours. I didn’t go anywhere but downstairs, to talk to Fergus. And see about getting ye a decent meal.”

  “Oh, God, I’m starving.” Aspyn sat up, pulling the sheet around her. “Let me take a shower, get dressed, and we can go eat.”

  Callum shook his head. “You stay here. Shower if you like. I’ll bring dinner up. The kitchen’s closed right now, but Fergus will make us something.”

  “I can’t know what he’ll send up, but I can guarantee it’ll be good.” He started to stand, but she put her hand on his knee.

  “I’ll take whatever he makes. Thank you, Callum. Really.”

  He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “My pleasure. I’ll be right back.” Rising, he moved to the door. “Lock the door after me. I’ll use my key.”

  She climbed out of bed, flipping the lock on the door. The silk panties and bra were on the floor and she scooped them up with a smile. The t-shirt and jeans were under the bed. She retrieved them and went into the bathroom.

  Leaning against closed bathroom door, she let out a breath. And then to her complete surprise, she burst into tears. Her whole world was turned on its head. She was in Scotland, she’d slept with a stranger who’d been pronounced dead while she was taking care of him. And he was someone who changed into a wolf at will.

  She looked around, sniffling. The bathroom was small, but very clean, and rather quaint. It was small and quaint, with a huge claw foot tub, the whole thing enclosed by a rose-sprigged shower curtain. Pulling it back she was happy to see it had a shower. With a sigh she turned on the water, then started pulling off her clothes.

  When the water was hot she stepped beneath the spray, pulling the curtain around her, letting the water hit her face. It was the most wonderful thing she’d ever felt. There was a bar of soap on the shower ledge and she unwrapped it, held it to her nose and sniffed. It smelled like roses. Real roses. Not like the artificial lemon-scented airport soap.

  It was the first really nice thing she’d come across in days. Working up a rich lather, she washed her hair, letting the bubbles run down over her body. It was heaven, the hot water, the fragrant soap, the chance to take a shower without a time clock ticking.

  After a long time she stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her body, grabbing another for her hair. Sitting on the edge of the tub she rubbed her hair, cursing the fact that she didn’t have a comb.

  When her hair was almost dry she dropped the towels on the floor and pulled on the silk bra and panties. She was tugging her t-shirt over her head when she heard noises in the bedroom. Finally, Callum was back. Her stomach rumbled.

  She pushed the door ajar with her toe. “I hope you brought enough food because I’m starving.” There was no answer.

  “Callum?” She grabbed her jeans and stepped into the bedroom.

  It wasn’t Callum who was standing in the bedroom.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  The man was standing by the bed. He looked up at her, a brief frown crossing his face. He was older, gray-haired, a scar running down one cheek. His piercing blue eyes held her gaze for a split second, and then he smiled, all sharp-looking white teeth. In that instant—and in that smile—she knew the answer. It was Malcolm Cameron.

  * * *

  “Get the hell out.” She spoke the words before she even realized what she was saying. And before she remembered she was standing in just her t-shirt and panties, jeans in her hands.

  “Ye’re the girl McCourt’s dragged from America. They told me there was a girl.” Malcolm took a step toward her. Aspyn took a step back, bumping into the bathroom door.

  His eyes traveled over her, lingering on the red silk panties, sliding over her bare legs. “I didn’t realize ye’d be so pretty. My intent had been to kill ye. But now…” His voice was low and seductive, oddly out of context with his words. She felt just as dirty as if she’d never taken a shower.

  It seemed like all the air had been sucked out of the room. There was nowhere for her to go, and it was all too clear whatever Malcolm had in mind for her wasn’t anything she wanted any part of.

  “Callum’s coming right back. It’ll be two against one…”

  Malcolm threw his head back, his rough laugh filling the room. It wasn’t a pleasant sound.

  “Ye’re far more than just a pretty girl. I like that. Ye’re a fighter.”

  His hand closed around her arm, pulling her roughly against him. He was shorter than Callum, but thicker, heavier. Aspyn knew she couldn’t outmuscle him, and she didn’t have a baseball bat handy.

  But he was a man, in human form. She brought her leg up, hitting him in the balls with her knee. He grunted, bent double, and his grip loosened just enough for her to twist away. She scrambled toward the door just as Callum came through. Her elbow hit the plates he held in his hand, food and crockery crashing to the floor. He reached for her but she pointed over her shoulder.

  “Callum…” She was breathing hard and it was the only word she could get out. But he was already looking p
ast her. His face went hard, eyes cold.

  “Get out, Aspyn.” Callum pushed her toward the door. “Run.”

  “Like hell…”

  But Callum was already striding across the room, fists clenched. Malcolm straightened and came charging at Callum. The two men met in the middle of the room, both swinging hard, fists contacting with flesh.

  Callum had the upper hand for a few swings but Malcolm took the punches like a boxer, coming back from each volley of hits with punches of his own. Aspyn watched in horror as Callum stumbled, trying to catch himself against the bed.

  In a split second Callum was on his back, Malcolm pinning him to the floor, hands around his throat. Aspyn looked wildly around the room for a weapon, bending down to sweep up one of the thick crockery plates from the floor.

  Malcolm was banging Callum’s head on the floor. With her arms raised, Aspyn leapt across the space separating her from the men on the floor. She brought the plate down on the back of Malcolm’s head. The impact shattered the plate.

  The blow was enough to knock Malcolm off balance and he let go of Callum’s throat. Callum twisted out from beneath Malcolm, rising to his feet. Malcolm staggered a few steps away, holding his head. A thin trickle of blood ran down his forehead.

  “Ye’ve got a strong woman there, Callum, fighting your battles for ye. Not surprised. It’s how your father acted, how he led the pack. He was a weak man, a weak Alpha.”

  Aspyn watched Callum’s face change as Malcolm spoke. Callum’s expression went completely blank, his eyes cold. It was a frightening transformation.

  “But he was Alpha, by right and by law. And ye had no right to kill him, regardless how ye felt about his leadership.” His voice was edged with steel. “And I’m the rightful heir now that ye did kill him.”

  Callum pulled the talisman from around his neck. “This is proof of my right.”

  “Proof. I don’t care about your proof.” Malcolm spat on the floor. “Trinkets don’t make leaders.”

  “No, but this proves to the Clan that I’m a McCourt and that I’m the rightful leader of the Clan.”


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