Eternal Island (Book 1 in the Eternal Series)

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Eternal Island (Book 1 in the Eternal Series) Page 18

by Haigwood, K. S.

  And then her question to him, in a moment as blissful as this, was ‘how come you’re warm?’ Go figure.

  Abe hurried to unscramble his thoughts enough to formulate an answer that wouldn’t make her think she’s hugging an idiot.

  “Um… A vampire’s blood is alive. It is a living thing, and that’s what makes us immortal. The blood never dies. Vampire blood lives off the blood of mammals and moves on its own through our veins. Sunlight, fire, decapitation or a lack of blood are the only things that can destroy vampire blood. The blood also makes us incredibly strong and fast. If Max had really wanted to swim to the States, he could have pulled it off in a couple of hours. Hell, I could have done it in a hurricane in that time or less. If we get hurt, we can heal in a matter of minutes.” Abe had just noticed that she hadn’t moved at all. “Are you okay, Ariana? Did that near miss shake you up? I’m sorry I didn’t think to tell you…”

  “No, no, no. I’m fine. I was just listening to you; you have a nice voice. Nothing’s wrong, except for my heart going crazy.”

  Ariana chewed on her lip wondering how she was going to explain this one. It had slipped out and now there was nothing she could do about it. She had just told him a little while earlier that in order for her to trust him he had to tell her the truth, and all the while she’d been lying to herself.

  “Here, come over here and sit down. Why is your heart going crazy? Did you use too much magic? Is it because you almost fell?” Abe sat down with her and pulled her close. “What is it, Ariana? Talk to me. You’re starting to scare me.”

  “I’m scared, too,” Ariana said. It was the fall that shook her up, but not the one he was referring to. She had fallen, all right… in love with him.

  “Why are you scared? Tell me so I can make it better, please.” Abe rubbed her back with his hand.

  Ariana sighed. It was time she stopped lying – to him and, most of all, to herself. Time to face up to the inevitable. “I’ll tell you. But I’m not sure if it changes anything.”

  Abe was confused. “Okay.”

  “I have deliberately been trying not to fall in love with you, mostly because of Michael. I mean, not because of him, but because of what happened to him. I lost him, Abe. Everything was fine one minute, and the next, he was pulled out of my life, and I lost it. Michael was my life. I’ve only just realized that my life will go on, with or without him. But if it ever happened to me again, I don’t think I could live though it. Not again. I wouldn’t want my life to go on and, if I was immortal, there is no way I could spend eternity without you. If something happened to you… There would be two men that I loved, that I would never see again. Don’t you see? I’m not strong enough to go through that kind of pain again.”

  Abe cupped her small chin in his big hand and turned her face to his. She couldn’t see him well because the flashlight had fallen out of her hand and rolled into the water, but he could see her and the tears pooling in her eyes. Oh, please don’t cry, he thought.

  “I’m immortal, Ariana. I don’t break that easily. I promise I’m not going anywhere. Take all the time you need to make your decision, but you need to know that I’m never giving up on us. So, when you’re ready to jump, I’ll be here to catch you when you fall.”

  Damn, he wanted to kiss her so bad but he’d made a promise…

  “Do it,” Ariana whispered.

  Abe was stunned for a few seconds, before he realized what she meant. She wanted him to kiss her. He held her face in his hands and, gently and unhurriedly, touched his lips to hers. The jolt that went through their bodies as their lips touched was like a bolt of lightning, melting them together. Abe deepened the kiss and knew he was completely and truly lost to her forever.

  I love you, Ariana. Fall and I’ll catch you, he thought. She reached her hands around his neck and pulled herself onto his lap to kiss him back.

  They were both breathless when she finally pulled away and laid her head on his shoulder. And then Abe heard five words he would never forget as long as he walked the Earth.

  “I love you too, Abe.”


  Abe held her close. He knew they needed to get up and leave before this one kiss escalated into something much, much better in his book. That was something that wasn’t going to happen in a dark cave where she couldn’t see the love he had for her in his eyes. He didn’t want her to regret anything about it, either, and as long as Michael was still here there was a good chance she would hold back or have guilty feelings.

  Abe wanted everything they did together from now on to be perfect. And he could wait for her. He would wait for her forever, if he had to. That kiss was the second best thing he had ever felt, because Ariana had gone and topped it right away with those five magic words.

  He had to be physically glowing; he felt as if he were. There was no way he would be able to hide the smile that was stretched across his face, from Michael or anyone else. And the guy was smart enough to figure out that he’d just scored first base with his girl. Abe felt bad for breaking his promise, but Michael hadn’t exactly been made to watch, had he? The opportunity had presented itself and Abe took it. What could he have done? Refuse Ariana’s request for a kiss? He would have been mad to refuse, and he felt mad happy and crazy with lust now. Of the two kinds of madness, he decided the one he’d ended up with was preferable by far. He grinned.

  “Come on. We lost the flashlight; it’s at the bottom of that pool, down there. You won’t be able to see what I was going to show you without it, so we’ll have to come back some other time.” He helped Ariana off his lap and held onto her hand as he got up. A small chuckle escaped his lips.

  “What’s so funny?” Ariana asked.

  “I’m surprised you have to ask. Well, it’s not really funny, it’s just I feel lucky again. You can’t see and I get to carry you out of here.” Abe swept her off her feet and walked out of the cave. He set her down outside the entrance. The moonlight was bright enough that she could see the bottom of the pond. It was so clear.

  Ariana heard a big splash and Abe’s head popped up, out of the water. She began to laugh; it was music to his ears.

  “Come on in, the water’s perfect.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  “Yes, I am, about you. You can swim, right?”

  “Yeah, I can swim, but I’m fully clothed.”

  Abe quickly discarded the first thought that came to mind before she picked up on it.

  “So am I,” he called back. “No one is going to chastise us for going swimming fully clothed. Come on, live a little.”

  Abe swam to the rock cliff and climbed to the top of the waterfall. It must have been thirty feet up, if not more. He performed the most beautiful swan dive Ariana had ever seen.

  He came up laughing again. “You should try…” Where was she? He looked around on the bank and she was gone. His eyes darted everywhere and he started to panic, then he heard “cow-a-bunga!”

  He turned toward the cliff just as Ariana launched herself into a cannonball.

  She came up gasping. “Holy shit, you said it wasn’t cold!”

  “No, no, no. Don’t put words that aren’t true in my mouth. I didn’t say it wasn’t cold, I said it was perfect, and it is. It’s perfect if you have someone else’s body heat next to you.”

  Abe grabbed her hand underneath the water and felt that familiar tingling as he pulled her to his body. His face got suddenly serious as he brought his lips to hers. She wrapped her legs around his middle and met his lips. Abe was careful to keep her from slipping lower; she was sure to bolt if she felt his arousal. It was a good thing he was wearing blue jeans; the tough material was his ally, for once.

  He couldn’t believe she was finally, willingly, in his arms. He didn’t know how he was going to go back to his room alone, after he left her in her room with her husband’s ghost as company.

  Maybe he would just sleep out in the hall, beside her door, or maybe he could convince her to let him sleep on her couch. One th
ing he knew for certain: he didn’t want to be away from her for even one minute, even if Michael couldn’t possibly touch her.

  “Abe,” Ariana said, breathless. “Can we please leave Michael out of this? I am here with you right now and I wouldn’t have told you that I loved you if I wasn’t one hundred percent sure. I don’t usually change my mind. That’s why it takes me so long to make a decision.”

  “I’m just so scared, Ariana. There are so many things weighing against me. I’ve never in my life had anything as wonderful as you happen to me, so please don’t blame me for being a little on edge. I’m so afraid something will take you away from me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Abe.” Ariana kissed him this time, deep and with enough passion to leave him in no doubt just how much she was his.

  Abe ended the kiss after a few moments and hugged her tight. “I’m sorry, Ariana, but I can’t help but wonder how we’re going to break this great news of ours to Michael. I have a feeling he won’t appreciate me moving in on his girl before he’s gone. And we haven’t even figured out if we’re going to be able to send him where his soul needs to rest, yet.

  “Let me deal with Michael. I think I can say I know how his mind works a little better than you do. He told me he wants me to be with you, although his reasons aren’t the same as mine.”

  “He wants you to tell him that you will be with me, once he’s gone. Not that you’re with me now. You’re gonna hurt him, Ariana, and I know that if I had to watch you look at someone else the way you’re looking at me now, it would destroy my world. You need to break it to him gently. As much as it hurts me to say it, this will be the last time I hold you in my arms until Michael goes away. One of us has to be rational.”

  Abe smiled and then kissed her so intensely he briefly considered breaking his own vow to stay away from second base. Ariana had her hands in his wet hair and was just as much into it as he was.

  Abe withdrew from the passionate kiss first. “Come on, we have to get back before they send a search party out for us.”

  They swam for the bank and got out. Ariana’s clothes were clinging to her in all the right places as far as Abe was concerned, and he had to turn around so the moon shone on his back; he didn’t need Ariana to see how pleased he was to see her.

  Ariana snickered. “I wish I had a towel, but I guess we’ll be busted either way.”

  Abe grinned. “Why don’t you just make the wind blow hard enough to dry us off?”

  Abe was putting his boots back on when he heard Ariana shout “Wind!”. There were four whirlwinds, two circling each of them, drying their clothes and hair. When they were completely dry, Ariana told the wind to stop. Abe’s hair was sticking up all over the place and hers was so tousled, she couldn’t run her fingers through it.

  “Oops. We may have more to explain now than we did being wet. We look like we’ve been doing a lot more than swimming.”

  Abe finished tying his second boot lace and glanced up at her. “We don’t have to explain anything to anyone, Ariana. I am the High Vampire, and I hope one day you will be my Queen. If you want to tell everyone what we did tonight, you go ahead and tell it all. I would love to shout it from the top of the world myself, but I’m happy to follow your lead.”

  Abe held her hand and brought her fingers to his lips. He interlaced their fingers and led Ariana, hand in hand, back to her room.


  Lance felt bad about walking out on Janie the way he had and he totally meant to make it up to her when he got off work. He’d planned to pick up flowers and take her out to a nice dinner and beg for her forgiveness until she smothered him in kisses and told him everything was fine. Unfortunately, he was headed home eight hours late because his boss decided today was the day that his boys needed to work a double. The flower shops were closed, and so were all the good restaurants. All that was open now was a twenty four hour IHOP and a Taco Bell.

  He would have to settle for telling her of his plans and hope that taking her out tomorrow night would be just as good. He might even pick up a bottle of wine. He didn’t like the stuff, but maybe it would score him some brownie points. He could choke down a glass or two if it meant she wasn’t mad at him anymore.

  Why did he always have to be a horse’s ass and say the wrong thing to her?

  He was still mentally kicking himself as he pulled in the driveway. His bedroom lamp was the only light on. He unlocked the door quietly, hung his cap on the hook and walked to his bedroom.

  Lance let out the breath he’d been holding since stepping in the house. She was in his bed, at least. He was glad he didn’t mess up bad enough for her to go back to Ariana and Michael’s empty house. He went to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

  He threw on a pair of boxers and pajama bottoms and made his way to bed. As he crawled carefully between the sheets, he touched a note beside his pillow.


  I’m so sorry I’ve been so wrapped up in finding Ariana. I just feel lost without her. I realize I would be even further gone if I didn’t have you. And, as of right now, I’m giving the search up. I made you coffee for when you get up in the morning. I’ll see you then, hopefully.

  Love Always,


  Lance felt really bad now, but wasn’t this what he wanted? For her to give up the search? He was dog tired; maybe his emotions would make more sense in the morning. He folded the note and laid it on the night table beside the bed, then set his alarm and turned the light out, hoping for a good night’s sleep.

  § § §

  Once in front of Ariana’s door, Abe broke away from her touch.

  “Have dinner with me tomorrow night.”

  Ariana smiled. “You don’t eat.”

  “No, but you do and we can go dancing afterwards at Code Red, if you’re up to it. I can shake it, baby.” Abe did his best version of the Robot and Ariana laughed. “No, really, I can dance as good as the next guy,” Abe hastened to save face. “I’ve had centuries of practice. Maybe I can sweep you off your feet. What do you say?”

  “If no major catastrophes happen between now and then, it’s a date. Now, I have to go break Michael’s heart. I’d come visit you in your dreams later, but the mood I’m likely to be in I fear I might turn your dream into a nightmare.”

  Abe touched her cheek briefly, forgetting how to be rational. “No dream of mine could be a nightmare with you in it. Unless you were walking away from me. I understand, about you being upset, though. Do what you need to do and I’ll be here for you if you need me.” Abe mouthed the words ‘I love you’, and she did the same before he turned and walked down the hall to the elevator.

  Ariana took a deep breath and let it out before opening her door. Becky looked up at the noise and quickly went to Ariana’s side.

  “I think he wants to talk to you and I think he wants you two to be alone, so come knock on Jonah’s door when you’ve finished breaking his heart. He saw you and Abe in the waterfall pond.” Becky left, shutting the door as she went.

  Ariana could have sworn the room got ten degrees colder. She turned around and saw Michael sitting on her bed with his head down.

  “I’m sorry, Michael. I still love you, but… You said you wanted me to be with him, remember?”

  “It just hurts, Ariana. I actually meant for you to tell me that you would consider giving him a chance after I left. I didn’t expect to have to watch you and him with his hands all over you and his tongue down your throat.”

  “I know you’re hurting. We both tried so hard to resist this attraction, but you were right. We are meant to have a future together, me and Abe, so I hope you’ll find it in your heart to accept that. I will always love you, Michael, and I will always remember the times we spent together. Please don’t hate me,” Ariana pleaded with tears in her eyes.

  Michael looked up at her then. “Hate you? I could never hate you, baby. I am happy that you were able to find love again. I just wasn’t prepared for how badly it would hurt to wat
ch you with another man. I’m gonna go now. My time here is up. Since Julia isn’t here anymore, her spell isn’t holding me like it was. Heaven has been calling ever since she left. I knew this before you stormed out the door with that big ass vampire, but you were angry and didn’t give me a chance to tell you. I would have left when I saw the two of you together, Lord knows I was mad enough to, but I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself for leaving without saying good bye. And I didn’t want our last conversation to be the one we had. I love you, Ariana.”

  “I… Love… You… too.” Ariana was near hyperventilation as Michael touched her lips with his.

  “Give me a smile. I don’t want the last picture of you I see to be you crying. You have such a beautiful smile.”

  “I’m sorry, Michael, but I can’t help it. I’ll never see you again. What am I supposed to do without you?”

  “I’ll be with you; I’ll always be in your heart, Ariana. Take me with you wherever you go. Good bye, Ariana.”

  “No, Michael! Don’t leave me, please!” Ariana begged.

  “I can’t stay, baby, you know that. Don’t make me feel bad about it. Tell me good bye… then go to him, Ariana. I love you. Good bye, baby.”

  “Nooo, I can’t –”

  “Yes, you can. Don’t make me leave without you telling me good bye, you’ll hate yourself for it.”

  “Good bye, Michael. I love you so much. Ohhh, this is killing me.”

  Michael was hurting, too, but he had to put on a strong face for her. She was falling apart, and he hoped someone got here quick after he disappeared, or she would lose it completely.

  Ariana watched through a film of tears as her husband disintegrated into nothing before her eyes. She let out a scream the deaf could have heard, and Becky and Jonah ran into the room.

  “What is it, honey, are you okay?” Becky said, sitting on the floor beside her.

  Abe burst through the door, as well. “What’s wrong, Ariana? I heard you scream all the way from my room.”


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