Twisted Justice: A combined investigation. DI Lorne Warner and DI Sally Parker (Justice series Book 13)

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Twisted Justice: A combined investigation. DI Lorne Warner and DI Sally Parker (Justice series Book 13) Page 18

by M A Comley

  “You’re right. What time is the meeting set up for, Jack?”

  “Eleven in the morning,” he replied, looking first at Sally and then Lorne in confusion.

  “I think we should be there. Don’t you, Sally?” Lorne smiled.

  Sally nodded. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I also think we should try and obtain the search warrants for all the family’s properties and hit them at the same time. Can you organise the hits down in London, Lorne, with your partner?”

  “Of course, I’ll ring Katy now. Are you going to call Mrs. Stainforth to put her mind at rest and make her aware of what we’re planning?”

  “Let’s get the warrants organised first, then I’d like you, me, and Jack to go over a plan of action for when we get to the house. I haven’t quite sussed that part out just yet.”

  Lorne tapped the side of her nose. “I have an idea. I’ll fill you in once I call London.”

  “I’ll be all ears. Come on, Jack. Let’s hit the phones, get a few backup teams organised.”

  Sally and Jack walked away with a spring in their steps, and Lorne had a good feeling tingling through her veins. She picked up her mobile and rang her partner. “Hey, Katy, I’ve got some good news. It’s going to take a mammoth task to collaborate things, though. Have you got a pen and paper to hand?”

  Her partner tutted and said sarcastically, “Hi, Katy. How are you feeling today? How’s the baby? Still treating your stomach as a punch bag?”

  “Oops, sorry, hon. Yes, all of the above. I’m so caught up with what’s going on, my manners went to pot. How are you?” She tapped the pen impatiently on the desk.

  Her partner laughed. “I was kidding. I know you of old. I don’t have to be a bloody genius to know when you’re excited, Lorne. Hit me with it. What do you need me to do?” After listening to the details of the plan they’d formulated, Katy gasped. “And you’re expecting me to get warrants issued for tomorrow? You’re not asking for much, are you?”

  “Either you or Roberts. Go ask Sean to pull a few strings. We need this to happen tomorrow, Katy. It’s vital we don’t miss this opportunity to pull the rug from under this woman and her family.” Lorne gave her partner a brief rundown of what Knight had been guilty of over the years. “Trust me when I say she’s one cruel, heartless bitch who I’m going to take great pleasure in taking down.”

  Katy whistled. “Leave it with me. I’ll get back to you when I’ve received the confirmation.”

  “Great news. Speak soon. Take care.”

  A few exhausting hours ticked by before the team had everything underway, then all they had to do was chew their fingernails and twiddle their thumbs until the permission came through for them to act upon the following day.

  “All right, so once we get the warrants, how do we approach the house?” Sally asked Lorne as they scrutinised a plan of attack over a cup of coffee with Jack in Sally’s office.

  “My idea is to contact Mrs. Stainforth. Once we’ve worked things out, the last thing we want to do is scare her any more than she is already. If she’s agreeable, I think you and I should get in the house early morning, perhaps around six, while it’s still dark.”

  Sally nodded. “Sounds good. Then what?”

  “We wait until Claire Knight arrives. I’m gambling on her showing up mob handed. Therefore, I think we should have undercover teams awaiting their arrival in the grounds.”

  “Are you intending to use the woman as bait?” Jack asked in a concerned voice.

  “No. I thought we could ask Mrs. Stainforth to welcome the guests then make an excuse to leave the room,” Lorne replied, unsure of that side of things just yet.

  Sally shook her head. “She has staff, doesn’t she, Jack?”

  He nodded.

  “Well, a member of staff could show Knight and her family through to the lounge. Lorne, you and I could be waiting for them in the room. As soon as they enter the house, we’ll ensure the backup teams hit the house within moments of the family’s arrival. Do we anticipate them having weapons?”

  Lorne nodded thoughtfully. “I think we should. Are you Taser-trained, Sally?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Okay, I’ve just completed my basic training. I’ve not had the chance to use my skills as yet, but having a Taser with us will give us peace of mind—that and wearing vests, of course.”

  “You think they’ll go all out on attack?”

  “I’m not sure. It’s better to be on our guard, just in case.”

  “Okay, let me ring Mrs. Stainforth and run through things with her, see if she offers any objections. Then I think we should call it a day, go home, and get some rest.”

  “Sounds good to me. I’ll ring Tony, see how things are at home and bring him up to date on what’s come to light.” Lorne walked out of the office and sat at her temporary desk. “Hello, love. Is everything okay there?”

  Tony let out a sigh, as if he’d been holding his breath for a while, waiting for her to ring. “Thought you’d forgotten us,” he said, laughing.

  “Never. It’s been hectic. I tried to call several times, but you know how it is. Things crop up, needing your immediate attention. Anyway, I’m staying over another night.”

  “I figured that much. Is the case proving to be tougher than you first thought?”

  “It never started out as being easy. We’ve pulled in one of the daughters and arrested her on a murder charge.”

  “Ryan’s murder?”

  “No. Katy called and said they had found DNA evidence placing the youngest daughter at the scene where that bank manager was killed. You remember the case that was reported last week? Until then, we didn’t have any clues linking that crime to the family. Fortunately, we had DNA on file because of the girl’s drug habit.”

  “Lucky you, not so lucky for her. So I’m guessing she’s singing, breaking the family’s trust in order to save her own skin. Am I right?”

  “Kind of. She’s told us a few interesting things, but the son has agreed to tell us a lot more in exchange for witness protection. Some of the stories he’s told have sent shivers down my spine, hon. This is one cruel, with a capital C, bitch. Apparently, she treated the one and only boy in the family like shit, while she’s set out to mould all four daughters into miniatures of herself.”

  “What about Ryan? Do you know who killed him?”

  “Olga told us that two of her sisters killed him. We’ll need to find evidence to back that up, though. Something else has grabbed our attention that we’ll be acting upon in the morning.”

  “Go on. Don’t keep me in suspense.”

  “We’ve organised search warrants for all the properties owned by the family in the hope that we’ll find some kind of paper trail that will cause their demise. In the meantime, Sally and I are conducting a covert operation. We’re going to trap the family as they attempt to coerce a millionairess into doing Lord knows what.”

  “That sounds like you’re going in there to catch them in the act. Are you sure you want to go down that route, Lorne?”

  “We haven’t got any other option, love. We’re seeing this as the only one open to us at this point. Our priority is to get this family tucked up behind bars before they kill anyone else. To my reckoning, Knight has four men’s deaths on her hands, including two of her husbands from years ago. I have no idea how many more people have lost their lives in the interim period. For all we know, we could be looking at dozens. From what I can tell, when she focuses on something, she usually ends up getting it, no questions asked.”

  “Crap. Be careful. Devious people like that tend to have the ability to weigh up their options quickly and deal with any crisis that arises with astute accuracy. Be aware of that, and you’ll be the one who emerges victorious.”

  Lorne laughed. “Are you teaching me how to suck eggs, Tony?”

  “Not at all. All right, I’ll shut up. I should have known better than to dish out advice to the formidable Lorne Warner.”

  “How’s Ch

  “She’s fine. Happy and upstairs getting ready for another date with Brandon.”

  “Wow, they seem to be keen on seeing a lot of each other.”

  “You worry too much. They’re young and in love. Stop being jealous.”

  “You’re nuts. I’m being a concerned mother; that’s all,” she said, cupping her hand around the phone so the rest of the team couldn’t hear what she was saying.

  “She’s twenty-one, love. I’m sure she could teach you a thing or two about the birds and the bees, if you asked her.”

  “You reckon? Crap, I’m not up for that. I’ll have a girly chat all the same when I get back. Right, I better go. We’re still trying to formulate the plans so everything runs smoothly, from our end anyway. I’ll let you know how it all pans out tomorrow.”

  “Good luck. I’ll give Charlie your love. Miss you.”

  “I miss you too, sweetie.” Lorne ended the call, sat back in her chair, and mulled over the conversation she would have with her daughter the minute she stepped back in the house. God help me!


  The dreary weather the following morning matched Lorne’s sombre mood. She and Sally picked out casual clothes to wear for the dangerous mission ahead of them. As a precaution, under their thick jumpers, they wore stab vests. Lorne’s stomach was tied up in knots, leading her to refuse Sally’s mother’s kind offer of preparing a good breakfast for them. She would have struggled to keep the food down anyway. After a quick cup of coffee, Sally drove to Mrs. Stainforth’s house. The woman had pre-arranged with one of her neighbours for Sally to park her car next door instead of leaving it in Stainforth’s drive.

  Keeping to the hedge-line of the garden, Lorne and Sally snuck around the back of the house, where Mrs. Stainforth’s maid, Tilly, let them in. Mrs. Stainforth wafted down the stairs a few hours after their arrival. She chose not to speak with them until she’d had at least two cups of coffee, which infuriated Lorne.

  Sally ran through the plans they had come up with to ensure that Mrs. Stainforth knew exactly what was expected of her. Then they waited, watching and listening to the ticking ornate grandfather clock in the living room until its hands reached 10:50 a.m.

  Lorne clapped, drawing everyone’s attention. “Okay, we need to get into position now. Tilly, you get ready to open the door.”

  The wafer-thin maid seemed petrified, and her clenched hands shook in front of her.

  “You’ll be safe. We’re here, I promise. I want you to open the door with a big smile, all right? Can you show me that?”

  Tilly smiled and constantly blinked as her mouth widened.

  “That’s it, perfect. No fear showing there.” Lorne spoke to Mrs. Stainforth next. “You should go upstairs, lock yourself in your bedroom until we give you the all clear to come down. Please, don’t be tempted to leave your room, no matter what you hear. Am I making myself clear?”

  The woman nodded and inhaled a large breath.

  “Don’t worry. We have men surrounding the house. They’re under strict instructions to storm the place as soon as Claire Knight, and whoever she has accompanying her, enters the property.”

  “It’s all in hand, trust us,” Sally added, giving the two petrified ladies the thumbs-up.

  “I’ll be glad when this is all over and I get my life back again,” Mrs. Stainforth mumbled as she left the room.

  Lorne placed a hand on Tilly’s forearm. “Please, don’t worry. Keep smiling, and nothing will happen to you, I swear.”

  “Yes, miss. I go to the door now and wait?”

  “Just do what you would be doing normally, Tilly, until the bell rings.”

  The housekeeper scurried out of the room and turned towards the kitchen. Lorne inhaled and exhaled a few deep breaths. “Are you ready for this, Sally?”

  Her friend’s eyes widened, and she could see the uncertainty lying within.

  Nevertheless, Sally nodded. “I’m ready. I’d be more anxious if I was alone, but having you by my side is very reassuring. Let’s hope we can pull this off.”

  Lorne winked at Sally. Deep down, Lorne was feeling nervous, too. Working with Sally so far had been a breeze and had been enjoyable, but their working relationship hadn’t really been put to the test. In Lorne’s experience, women suspects could be far more dangerous than their male counterparts. Women could be vicious in their intent during an arrest, and from what they’d already learned about the family, Claire Knight’s intent and impatience had been visible from the beginning of the investigation. Lorne cocked an ear in the air and raised a finger, signifying she’d heard the noise of a car door. “Right, here we go. Don’t think about it; follow my lead. Most important of all, Sally, keep your distance and remain vigilant at all times, no matter what. Got that?”

  Sally puffed out her cheeks and chewed on her lip. “I’ve got it.” She clenched her fist and butted it against Lorne’s in a sign of solidarity.

  “We can do this. You stand by the mantelpiece and face the fire, and I’ll sit in the nearby chair. Make sure they don’t twig who we are until the front door is closed and they’re all inside the house. That’s all the indication the response team need to set their part of the plan in motion.”

  When the doorbell rang, Tilly’s flip-flops slapped against the marbled tiles in the hallway. Lorne closed her eyes. Pete, I know I haven’t talked to you lately, but if you’re around, please watch over us. Guide me if necessary. She heard Tilly welcome Claire Knight and invite her into the lounge where Sally and Lorne were waiting.

  “Miss, the lady and her family are here,” Tilly addressed Lorne before she let out a squeal.

  Lorne jumped out of her seat as Sally turned to face the family, all four of them. “Let her go. She’s only doing her job.”

  Teagan raised the housekeeper’s wrist and gave her a Chinese burn then pulled the woman against her, pressing her forearm against the woman’s throat, restricting her airway. “If she wants to be part of this setup, then she has to learn to suffer the consequences of her actions.”

  “That’s your forte, isn’t it, Teagan? Causing innocent people physical pain? Is that what you enjoyed most when you killed Ryan?” Lorne goaded Teagan into admitting her role in her brother-in-law’s death in front of Lucy. Never let the criminals have the upper hand, her father had instilled in her before she commenced her first day at the police training college.

  Lucy’s eyes bulged as she watched Teagan’s face colour-up in guilt. Teagan’s gaze narrowed and remained on Lorne. “She’s trying to get a reaction out of us. Ignore her, Lucy.”

  Lorne smiled. “Is that so? I know you were one of the women seen boarding his boat the day of his death. What I haven’t figured out yet is who your accomplice was.”

  Teagan’s gaze momentarily darted in Helen’s direction, and that told Lorne everything she needed to know. “Ah, I see. Helen, did Teagan kill Ryan? Or did you have the honour of carrying out the heinous crime?”

  Helen blustered. Her terrified gaze volleyed between the other three members of her family. However, she remained silent, as if her tongue had swollen up in her mouth.

  Lucy looked stunned. Claire, on the other hand, did not.

  Lorne decided to go on the attack again and cause yet more anarchy. “That’s not news to you though, is it, Claire?”

  “Stop talking shit, Inspector.”

  “Am I really? Lucy, does your mother seem surprised by the news of Helen’s involvement?”

  Lucy shook her head, clearly mortified. “Now’s the time to rid your soul of any underlying guilt you might be feeling, ladies. Feel free to fill in the gaps for your sister as to why you robbed her of her husband.”

  Teagan issued Helen a warning glance.

  Lorne pounced again. “Helen, what if I put a lesser charge on the table for your involvement? How does that sound?”

  Helen’s head snapped round to face Lorne, and she blurted out, “I had nothing to do with it, I swear. It was all Teagan’s fa
ult. She killed him. I didn’t know that it was her intention to kill him and set the boat alight. That was all news to me.”

  “Shut up! You fucking idiot!” Teagan’s grip lessened on Tilly’s throat. The woman tried to attempt an escape, but Teagan yanked her back and slapped her round the face. “Stay still, or I’ll kill you next.”

  “No, you won’t, Teagan. Your family have killed all the people you’re going to kill. Given your penchant for disposing of husbands, I’m sure killing a mere housekeeper clearly wouldn’t give you the same thrill.”

  Claire’s eyes turned into narrowed slits. “Every one of them deserved to die. To challenge my instructions proved to be a very foolish act in the end... for all of them.”

  “So, Teagan killed Ryan under your instructions. Is that what you’re saying, Claire?” Lorne pressed.

  “No comment,” Claire spat at Lorne.

  “It’s a little late to be bandying that around, Claire. Lucy, were you aware that your sisters were carrying out your mother’s instructions?”

  “No, totally unaware. Although everything is slotting into place now.” Lucy stepped a few feet towards Lorne and turned to face her family. “Why? Why would you kill the one person in this world who gave me the security and love that I have craved for all these years?”

  “Shut up, Lucy. She’s fishing. We’ll discuss this later. Let’s just do what we’ve come here to do and get out of here.”

  Lorne reached around the back of her trousers and withdrew the Taser gun from her waistband. “I think we’ve foiled that plan, too, Claire. We have you covered. Teagan, let the woman go, or I’ll hit your mother with thirty thousand volts.”

  The hesitation and the devilment that filled Teagan’s eyes surprised Lorne.

  It was her mother who pulled her up on her behaviour. “Teagan? Are you going to allow her to speak to you like that?”

  “For once in your life, Mother, shut the fuck up and leave things to me.” Suddenly, before Lorne could point the Taser in Teagan’s direction, she pulled a knife from the back of her trousers and held it close to Tilly’s throat. Lorne shook her head when she saw a trickle of blood seep from a nick in her flesh onto Tilly’s white blouse. “Drop your weapon, Inspector, or I will kill her.”


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