Duella Book 3: The Witch and the Vampire Series

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Duella Book 3: The Witch and the Vampire Series Page 5

by Fawn Lowery

  “Let’s go back to your place.”

  “We just got here, you horny son-of-a-bitch.”

  Duella turned his head away. The couple was discussing sex. He turned his attention on another couple and tuned his keen hearing toward their conversation.

  “Sex was good last night.”

  “Yes. It was. Buy me another drink and maybe I’ll let you fuck me again tonight.”

  Duella shook his head and smiled slightly. Apparently, sex was the favored topic among young people of the day. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his new jeans and stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of the bar.

  He heard the siren, screaming through the night, its high-pitched wail growing louder as it approached the intersection. He looked in the direction it came, thinking perhaps the housekeeping staff had discovered Fred Glasco’s body. The ambulance passed through the crossroads and continued toward the outskirts of the city. He smiled. This time tomorrow night he would be residing in the mansion across town. Perhaps he’d sit at Fred’s desk and go over his assets.

  He refused to allow the feeling that he had done anything wrong to rise up inside him. He had been a vampire long enough to know that he could take what he wanted—if he went about it with a bit of finesse. He puffed out his chest. He had handled the Glasco deal with as much finesse as he could muster. He would soon be a wealthy man and a vampire that resided in one of the oldest cities in the United States.

  “Hand over the amulet.”

  He turned and spied Drucella within arm’s reach. Glancing to either side, he observed the mass of people that he stood amid on the sidewalk.

  Drucella smiled at him, a cunning grin that dimpled her cheeks and narrowed her eyes—pure evil shown from the clear blue depths as she let him know she had caught him at an awkward moment. He couldn’t possibly destroy her with others looking on.

  “Perhaps you’d care to join me for a little stroll in the park.” He knew she would refuse him, but caught surrounded by so many patrons from the bar, he had little choice but to be polite. Gall rose up inside him at the prospect of continuing the charade for much longer. He moved to step from the gathering that formed around him when he left the nightclub, and lead Drucella into the shadows, a half smile on his lips.

  “I would not. Give me the amulet.”

  He shook his head. The amulet hung against his chest, safely inside his new modern-day shirt, out of sight of prying eyes.

  “I’ll destroy you, Duella Sutherland.”

  “I’m not afraid of your threats, Drucella. You’re wasting your time.”

  “Perhaps your new whore should pay for your lack of obedience.”

  Duella frowned. “Obedience? To you?”

  “You wear the amulet belonging to one of my coven, therefore you are obedient to me.”

  “Your coven is no longer. The witches are dead. We’ve discussed this already, Drucella. Be on your way. We have no business.”

  She smiled. “I know what you did tonight.”

  He glanced around, wondering if the others overheard. It would be his undoing should Drucella reveal anything pertaining to Fred Glasco and his sudden demise. He waved a hand, placing everyone nearby in a trance while he grabbed hold of Drucella’s arm and lifted into the air.

  The witch screeched and kicked her feet, trying to free herself.

  Duella held her arm in a vice-like grip and soared upward into the darkness. “I’ll be damned if I let you destroy my plan, Drucella!” He flew to the edge of the city, spied a graveyard and lowered their bodies beside a stone mausoleum. Drucella wrenched free once he set her feet on the ground.

  She backed away from him and sneered angrily. “You are a fool, Duella. You cannot live here, among the living. You are a creature of the night. You belong with the dead.”

  He pulled in a long breath. Upon Drucella’s demise, he would be free to do whatever he desired. He lunged at her, the thought of ending her existence that very moment filling his head. He had allowed her to dictate to him far too long. He caught her around the throat, hauled her against his chest, with all intentions of ripping her neck open and drinking every drop of her blood.

  Drucella screeched and vanished into thin air the second his fingers clasped around her neck.

  He berated himself for letting her get away again. Why hadn’t he tried a different tactic to annihilate the witch? He combed one hand through his hair, then massaged the back of his neck as he searched the area for signs of Drucella. As before, she had vanished without leaving any trace behind.

  Dammit! I’ve just prolonged the agony of not knowing when she will pop up again. He leaned against the stone grave marker and considered Drucella’s quest. Since he had no intention of handing over the amulet to her, he was faced with coming up with another plan to deter her efforts. He thought about the incident at the library earlier that evening. Miriam had been frightened, and he had pushed the matter aside in lieu of finding the business information he had come to collect. Then once Miriam had calmed a bit, she chose to leave altogether. He hadn’t questioned her wanting to leave, assuming that she was still scared by what had happened.

  What happened to make Miriam so scared? He loathed the idea of involving Miriam in his dealings with Drucella. The witch was aware of their acquaintance and had issued a threat against Miriam already. He would be wise to warn Miriam to be on the lookout for Drucella if he did nothing else. He considered his options. He only had two. He could either tell Miriam about Drucella and hope she took his warning seriously, or he could leave New Orleans and hope Drucella followed him, perhaps ending the danger to Miriam forever.

  “Damn!” He returned his thinking to the incident at the library. Miriam had sensed something strange in one section of the room. Had she ventured to that area while he went about appeasing his curiosity for his visit? If so, did she find something—or was something waiting for her and luring her to her fate?

  He suspected that Drucella was something more than merely a witch—but he had no idea what that might be. He thought of the amulet. Its power came from the dark one. He was certain of that. But he didn’t dispute the fact that it was available to him for use. In fact, he relished the idea. He was a stranger in a new era and needed the guidance. He debated whether to return to the library and investigate the bookcase Miriam had called his attention to—or continue his search for Miriam so he could question her about the frightening episode.

  He gazed overhead. The night would soon be over. Daylight hovered on the horizon. The choice had been made for him. He would have to seek safety for now.

  Chapter Eight

  Miriam was absent from her house when Duella arrived. He searched the main floor, lifted the lid of the coffin, only to find it empty, then felt a shard of regret at not finding her when the suns first rays rose above the treetops. He fled to the chamber beneath the floorboards of the old house, his eyes pained by the brightness of day.

  * * * *

  Duella awakened, a breath catching in his throat. Miriam lay against his side, her head pillowed on his shoulder. He released a sigh and thought about the night previous. He was glad Miriam was safe, regardless of his futile search before daylight that forced him to go underground.

  “I looked for you last night, but you were nowhere to be found.” His tone was filled with concern as he stroked her cheek with one finger. She was pale from lack of blood. He knew he shouldn’t detain her too long, should allow her to get up and go in search of food. He pushed a dark curl from her temple and followed his finger with his lips, kissing her lightly. He felt soothed by her presence. For a moment, he questioned the feeling. Perhaps he was just lonely and the presence of a woman—a vampire woman—served to remind him that he was a man. He felt the stirrings of his cock. He pulled Miriam closer and skimmed his hand across her breasts. “I want you.”

  “It is early in the night, Duella. First, I must find nourishment.”

  He groaned and lowered his hand to her crotch. He cupped her pussy. “I�
��m hard, Miriam. Place your hand on my cock. It’s hard because you arouse me, my sweet.” He kissed her temple and inched her long dress up, baring her crotch. He delved his fingers inside her, moaning against her ear when he felt her response.

  “Take me then, Duella. Take me quick—before I die from lack of nourishment.”

  He laughed at her comment. Then he parted her legs with his knee and released his hard cock through the opening in his pants. He entered her cavern quickly, bringing a sharp grunt from her mouth.

  “You are very eager this new night.” She clutched his buttocks in either hand and arched her back to fully open her body up for his lunging thrusts. “And you are very big.”

  “We fit together nicely, Miriam.” He thrust into her body, holding her tightly about the waist and shoulders, pinning her body against their bed of soil. The thought that she could be his woman bloomed in his mind. He shoved the notion aside. The danger was too great. Drucella had to be dealt with forthwith.

  She moaned and increased her bucking, wrapping her legs around his thrusting hips and digging her nails into his back. “You give me much pleasure, Duella.” She came then, releasing a guttural moan as the sensations of orgasm filled her body.

  Duella increased his thrusts, bringing himself to the apex of climax. He closed his eyes while the orgasm shot through his insides. He pinned Miriam to the dirt, milking his cock until it was limp and all the sensations of climax had waned from his body. Only then, did he heave a big sigh and roll to his side, clutching her tightly against his chest.

  “You are very possessive, my lover.” She laughed softly.

  He hadn’t realized he might be giving her such an impression with his actions. He loosened his grip, but he didn’t release her altogether. “Tell me what happened to frighten you so badly at the library last night.”

  She shuddered, her body shaking violently.

  Duella felt her fright and tightened his arm around her waist, hugging her close. “You’re safe. I assure you. I’ll protect you.” I sound so certain. Can I really protect her from the likes of Drucella? The witch is ruthless and not to be underestimated.

  Miriam turned in his arms. A smile graced her lips. She stroked his cheek with one palm. “You are very kind, Duella. I am glad you found me.” She kissed him softly, her lips moving tenderly against his. “And your offer of protection is very appreciated. But we both know that as vampires, we are very vulnerable during the daylight hours.” She drew in a long breath.

  Duella felt her concern. “What is it? Tell me what troubles you.”

  She stared at him.

  He tried to convey his reassurance with the caress of his hands along her body.

  “Please, Duella. I must go and feed. I feel fatigued.”

  He released her so she could leave their bed of soil. He lay on his back and watched her stand, then cross to the staircase leading up from the cellar. A feeling of loss encompassed his insides. For a second, he questioned the sensation, then hurried to catch up with Miriam. He shouldn’t let her go out alone—not with Drucella lurking about ready to do them harm. He caught Miriam at the door of the old house and took her elbow, pulling her to a halt. “We will feed together tonight, Miriam.”

  She smiled and nodded her head.

  They rose into the dark sky, silently, quickly. Duella held her hand and together they moved toward the old section of the city. The sounds of loud music came to their ears as they spied the lights of several bars below. A parade of people moved about the narrow streets, talking and laughing.

  Victims are plentiful. Duella urged Miriam into the shadows of an alleyway and pressed her into a small niche between two buildings. “Wait here.”

  He left her after hearing her promise she would wait for him and ventured into the street, merging with the foot traffic. After watching her disrobe for the two men she drank from last night, he intended to bring her a victim so he wouldn’t have to think of her showing her body to anyone else. He grimaced as he felt a flicker of caring waft through his insides. He would be wiser not to become involved with the she vampire—but circumstances seemed to dictate otherwise.

  He clamped a hand atop a broad shoulder of a man and turned his feet in reverse, guiding him through the moving crowd and into the alley where Miriam waited. Unable to react because of the trance Duella placed him in, the man walked right up to Miriam and bent his head to one side, as though inviting her to drink his blood.

  Miriam hissed and lunged at the man, sinking her fangs into his vein and clinging to his back with her long talons. Duella stood nearby and listened to her suck the man’s blood, greedily, noisily. His own thirst was immense, but he contained his blood lust, keeping a close eye on Miriam so that she didn’t drain the victim’s body in her exuberance.

  Finally, growing concerned that she might kill the victim, Duella laid a hand on her shoulder and urged her to stop drinking. He sensed the man was showing signs of losing consciousness.

  Miriam thrust the man from her grasp, pushing him across the alley. He stumbled and fell to his knees, then scrambled up and ran toward the lighted street. Miriam watched him leave, her eyes glowing red, blood dribbling down her chin. She swiped a forearm across her mouth and turned a grateful gaze on Duella. “Thank you. My thirst was great.” She straightened her dress, pushed her long hair over her shoulder and relaxed her body. Her eyes ceased to glow red and she withdrew her fangs, her body now nourished with fresh blood. “I’m ready to go with you to the library now.”

  Duella nodded his head. He swallowed down the urge to feed his own body in lieu of finding out what had taken place with Miriam at the library last night. He took her hand and they rose into the air.

  The library was dark, they entered beneath the windowsill and materialized once they were safely inside.

  “I was drawn to one of the books in the case, Duella. The sensation was very strong. The book was very old and heavy. Its cover was worn and its pages were tattered. I took it to the closest table and was looking through it when the woman appeared.” She shivered and crossed her arms over her chest, rubbing her upper arms with her palms. “She didn’t say anything, she just jumped on me and started to choke me.”

  Duella pulled her into his arms and held her tightly.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled against his chest. “Your presence is comforting, Duella.”

  After Miriam had calmed a bit, Duella urged her in the direction of the bookcase at the side of the room. “Show me the book, Miriam.” He followed her across the room, a bevy of sensations coming to his senses as they drew near the tall, ornate bookcase standing against the wall. A sense of foreboding gripped his insides as he drew near. He halted his feet, watching Miriam as she pulled the heavy book from the shelf.

  His temples throbbed. His chest felt tight. He combed one hand through his hair, at a loss as to what he was feeling. He followed Miriam across the room to a long wooden table flanked with several chairs.

  She laid the book on the table and backed away from it. “It scares me, Duella. I don’t want to touch it anymore.”

  He fought the sensations assailing his senses, touching Miriam on the arm as he pushed her behind his body, protectively. He walked over to the table where the book lay and opened its cover. The spine cracked as the heavy leather back landed against the table. A puff of dust rose.

  Duella fanned a hand, dispersing the nose irritating fog. He gazed at the first page, his eyes blurring. He leaned one hand on the table beside the book and turned the page. His eyes began to burn as more dust wafted up from the old book. He felt the need to sit and dragged a chair over.

  “Are you all right?”

  He ignored Miriam’s question. His reaction to the old book was puzzling. He fought the continuing sensations as they increased to torment him. His eyes blurred, distorting the pages of the book as he continued to lift the old pages and fold them over onto the next one. Dust billowed up, forming a cloud that increased in size with every page turn
ed. He coughed, his throat choking.

  His strength was waning—he felt the weakening in his muscles. He pushed onward, turning more pages of the book. He rubbed a hand across his eyes. The pages were distorted, and despite his continued efforts, he found it increasingly difficult to see the printing on the old pages.

  “You are weak. You need to feed.”

  He barely heard Miriam’s words. He was puzzled beyond belief at the reaction he was having just being near the old book. Pressing on, he blinked his eyes and drew closer to the pages he turned, resisting the urge to fling the old relic against the closest wall. What’s happening to me?

  “Take my blood, Duella.”

  He drew back slightly as Miriam thrust a wrist beneath his face.

  “Drink and be nourished.”

  He licked his parched lips. His blood lust rose in tormenting peaks as he considered the offer from the she vampire.

  “Drink. Please.”

  He raised a hand and grasped her wrist, then opened his mouth and allowed his fangs to emerge. He lowered his mouth to her vein and sank his fangs in. Her hot blood filled his mouth. He closed his eyes and savored the renewing force as it coursed through his body.

  Mindful that he was drinking from Miriam and not some victim he didn’t know, he soon pulled his fangs out and raised his head. He lathed the pricks on her wrist, closing the wound before releasing her arm.


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