Hot Mountain Daddy: A Mountain Man Romance

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Hot Mountain Daddy: A Mountain Man Romance Page 5

by Claire Angel

  “You looked beautiful and still do.”

  We decided on what to order and I called it in, thanking the man at the other end before I gazed at her.

  “Let me make it up to you.”

  “How?” She asked as she reached for her water.

  “Do you go back to work next week?” I asked her as Brianne raised a brow at me.

  “I have it off as well. Why?” Her voice was brimming with curiosity.

  “Come back to my cabin with me,” I said as her eyes widened in shock. “This wasn’t enough time with you, Bri. I want to get to know you more.” I licked my lips, still tasting her around my mouth. “There’s just one thing. I am going to visit my mother as well… and my daughter.”

  “You have a daughter,” She murmured softly as I stroked her hair back gently. “I saw the way you looked at Jessica. You let your guard down every time you watched her. I’ve been trying to figure out why.”

  “Lindsay is four. Younger than Jessica but I think about her that much more when I’m around other kids.” I admitted as she smiled at me. “Watching you with her was great. You really made her a part of your vacation.”

  “She reminds me of myself when I was little. Does that sound weird? I just loved her interest in everything around her. I’m going to keep in touch.” I stiffened and she looked inquisitively at me. “What?”

  “You’re going to keep in touch with both of them?” I questioned as she rolled her eyes.

  “She is young and we need to go through social media, so Jacob will be involved. That’s all there is to that. He’s a friend.” Brianne smiled. “I was a goner from the moment I met you.” Her face paled as she seemed to realize something. “Wait… do you want me to go visit your daughter with you?’”

  “I am not an impulsive man by nature, Bri. I have been careful in my choices but they have kicked me in the ass later, such as my ex-wife. I saw you and that all changed. I’d like you to come along with me, but we won’t tell Lindsay just what is going on with us. I don’t even know what that is, myself, but I would like to figure it out.”

  “I agree with that,” Brianne assured me as we both stared at each other. I wanted to claim her all over again and leaned in to kiss her again.

  She pressed her mouth back to mine and laughed softly as I pulled her closer to me.

  Chapter 9


  I was starting to slide into his lap when we both heard the knock at the door. I’d been kissing Mark for what seemed like hours and as much as my body was adjusting to his size, I wanted more of him. I blushed and pulled away, glancing towards the bathroom door.

  “Go hide out for a minute. I’ll get the door.” Mark told me in a low growl as I raised my brows at him. “I don’t want anyone else to see you like this.”

  “You’re lucky I’m modest,” I grumbled as I headed to the bathroom, closing the door.

  I heard Mark say he’d be there in a minute, assuming that he was getting at least partially dressed. The door was opened, and I heard voices before Mark came to open the door.

  “We’re alone,” He told me as I looked at him in just the slacks for a long moment.

  “I hope that was the guy bringing the food. You look…” I shook my head and Mark shook his head at me.

  “It was a guy though I think he might have enjoyed the view.” Mark didn’t look happy about that and I reached for the robe that was hanging on the hook. “Stay naked for me, Bri.” His voice was firm, and I looked into his eyes, intense with need. “I like seeing you.”

  We ate on the bed, hunched over plates as we talked and laughed. Mark was so alpha and intense as he gazed at me, but he showed compassion in the way that he spoke about his family.

  He obviously adored his daughter and missed her but was certain that his mom was doing well with her. He played a big role in the tour company and didn’t feel like he had a lot to offer Lindsay. He wasn’t completely content with the situation, but he was doing the best that he could.

  Mark also admitted that he liked living on his own. He enjoyed the solitude and didn’t have a lot of friends that he spent time with.

  There was Trey, whom he helped with the company and told me I would meet the following day. They were close friends and he trusted Trey like a brother. He loved his mom as well and would do anything for her.

  When we were finished eating, Mark placed the tray outside of the door. He locked it and came back over to me, pulling me against his chest.

  “You are the biggest man I’ve ever seen, Mark. I mean, Colton resembles you, but you are huge.”

  “Who is Colton?” Mark growled as I laughed.

  “He is Hallie’s husband and soon to be the father of her baby. He only has eyes for her and always has,” I assured him as I kissed his chest near the small button nipple. “Are you always this possessive?”

  “I am when I want someone to be mine.” He lifted my face to kiss me, silencing my reply.

  I kissed him back and let him push me back to the pillows, covering me with his body. I was so aroused by the way that he looked at me and claimed me that I felt helpless around him. I felt like I’d give him everything, beginning with my body as he asked me to get on my knees for him.

  I did. I didn’t even question it. My body ached as he slid inside but I pushed back regardless of the pressure.

  His hands gripped my hips tightly as he drove himself in and out, thrusting deeply. I could feel him everywhere and I gazed back to watch him taking me. His eyes locked with mine as he held me tightly, more than likely leaving bruises for tomorrow. I moaned when he removed one hand and smacked my ass lightly, making me jerk back into him.

  “Fuck me, Mark,” I begged as he took me faster.

  He kept spanking me and I came hard, resisting the urge to scream his name. He thrust a few more times inside of me before he grunted my name, slowly pulling out of me before I dropped to my stomach. I felt him move beside me, cupping my pussy as he stroked the slick skin around it.

  “I like being inside of you, Brianne. I like knowing that I’m filling you.”

  I shuddered as he spoke, overwhelmed by the masculinity oozing from this man. I’d never encountered it and I wondered if this was how Hallie felt when she first got with Colton.

  He pushed a finger inside of me and I moaned as he moved slowly.

  I rolled back against him and closed my eyes wearily, sighing. “Do you sleep, Mark?”

  “I will tonight but I might wake you up at some point.” Mark pulled me against him and I laughed as I rested my head against the pillow.

  “Do you really want me to go with you?” I whispered as he kissed my hair.

  “I do.” His voice was gruff, and I covered his arm with my hand.

  I drifted off to sleep thinking about the phone call telling Hallie about this, the fact that I had a plane ticket to go home and wondering what was going to happen with Mark. We lived miles away from one another and both worked a lot. He had a daughter that needed him.

  I woke up at some point in the morning, blinking in the dim light I could see through the crack in the curtain. We could check out today and I assumed we’d leave together after he took everyone to the airport. I knew they would wonder why I was staying behind but I couldn’t worry about that.

  We got up in the morning and had breakfast together since we weren’t set to leave for the airport until eleven. A couple of the others drifted into the dining room and glanced our way, making me wonder if we looked different. Was it obvious that he fucked me senseless last night? I figured it had to be.

  Jessica ran over to say hi and I waved at Jacob. They took the table behind us as Jacob looked closely at me and Mark. Jessica pouted, and I smiled at her dad to ask if she could sit with me.

  “Go ahead, honey,” Jacob told Jessica as she brought her plate to sit beside me.

  I watched as Mark talked to her and felt him watching me as she spoke closely with me.

  “Can you come to visit me in California, Brian
ne?” Jessica asked me as I smiled at her.

  “We’ll send messages and emails and plan something. I’d love to see California.” I told her as she hugged me.

  I closed my eyes, knowing that I was going to miss this girl. We lived so far apart, but I knew we’d manage to still talk. Maybe she could visit me in the near future. I smiled as I realized how much I was walking away from this trip with. It was so much more than a few pictures and a mountain or a lake. I made friends and had a new romance going, regardless if it lasted or not.

  We went back to the rooms to get our things together. I looked around as I packed, reliving the memories in this beautiful room.

  Mark was in his own room getting his stuff together and I headed down to the lobby as we all checked out. Mark led us to the SUV and loaded up the luggage as he glanced at me. I took my seat beside him and we headed out of the little town as I glanced back with a small smile.

  I listened to everyone discuss the trip as I closed my eyes, still tired from the night before. We didn’t sleep the night through and I learned how much my man needed me. I smiled and wondered what we’d do while we were apart. I wondered if we’d try to make it work after next week because I’d never want another man in this moment.

  I laughed at some of the stories and felt a little misty eyed at others. I noted that Mark was kind about making stops as long as we stuck to the schedule and smiled more.

  We arrived at the airport and everyone gathered their bags. I leaned against the vehicle to watch and Jessica walked up to me. “Aren’t you going home, Brianne?”

  “I am going to visit a friend on this side of Montana before I go home. I am driving from here,” I told her as Jacob looked at me.

  He knew that we were all supposed to fly out the same day and I blushed as I looked down at the curb. I sensed that some of the others picked up on what was happening as we hugged goodbye and wished each other well.

  When they were inside, Mark looked at me. “Ready to go get my car?”

  “I am,” I agreed, hopping in beside him again. The car felt so empty now as I glanced back before looking at him. “How far is it from here?”

  “It’s three hours. We can stay at my cabin tonight and go to see Mom tomorrow,” He offered as I blinked.

  “That sounds great,” I replied as I settled into the seat for the drive. We talked about Montana and our favorite parts about it, stopping for lunch halfway at a small diner that he went to every time he made this drive. “How often do you do these tours?” I asked as he glanced at me.

  “Not often. I was filling in for someone on this one. I was supposed to let him take over when he felt better but I opted to stay.” My eyes widened at the reveal. “I wanted to stay with you.”

  “Wow.” I breathed.

  “I do this as a favor to Trey when he needs someone. I know the area, the roads, and how to keep the group safe. I did tours a lot more before I split with Nina. After that, I stayed in the office more. I wasn’t feeling it.” He shrugged.

  “Why did she leave?” I asked as Mark stared forward.

  “She found someone else. I caught them together and she told me everything. I wasn’t as concerned for myself as much as I was Lindsay, but she was small. I didn’t want an inconsistent parent in her life, so I let her do what she wanted.” He sighed. “The hard part was working out my schedule with Lindsay. I had built the cabin the summer before for vacations and decided to live there and work to save some money for us. Mom was the one that offered to take care of her for me and they have a great time. They get along great. I hated myself for making that choice, but it was the way it worked out. I see them every chance I get.”

  “You built the cabin?” I asked as he nodded.

  “I had some help from a few buddies. I lived in the closest town with Nina but gave that up after the split. It was just a rental,” He explained as I nodded.

  I felt bad for him but the image of him building a fucking house with his shirt off made me shiver. I was in so much trouble.

  I watched as he pulled into a parking lot and noted the modest building that held the tour company. Mark pointed out his Land Rover and we loaded our bags into it before he led me through the glass doors. I could tell immediately that he wasn’t usually with a woman. People stared at us, both men and women alike. I blushed as I looked down. When we walked into an office, the laugh that came out of the man behind the desk made me jump.

  Mark told him to fuck off before introducing me. This was his friend Trey, and I took in his curious brown eyes and messy dark blonde hair. He was attractive but didn’t hold a candle to Mark. They were different men. Once the ribbing ended, Trey asked how we met.

  Mark grudgingly told him about the tour and Trey raised his brow at us. “That is against the rules, you know.” Trey reminded Mark as I blushed.

  “That’s why I never do it. Brianne is different,” Mark acknowledged as I looked at him. I looked at Trey and he smiled at me.

  “What are your plans?” Trey asked us as Mark leaned back.

  “I am going to show her the cabin tonight and take her out to Mom’s tomorrow,” Mark replied as Trey stared at him. “Not like that. I am not going to tell Lin anything crazy.”

  “Good.” The look the men exchanged told me how involved Trey was in Mark’s life.

  I imagined him as the uncle figure in Lindsay’s life. We chatted a little longer and then left. I saw some of the dark looks I received from the women in the office.

  “Can I ask you something?” I asked hesitantly as we walked to his car.

  “Anything,” He replied as I looked at him.

  “Have you… dated at work? Some of those women seemed upset,” I observed as he unlocked my door and stared at me.

  “I did briefly. It never got serious or anything and it was a mistake. I was just feeling bitter after the split,” Mark told me before he leaned in to kiss me. “I don’t take any of this lightly. I don’t date and I don’t sleep with women casually. It’s never suited me.”

  “I should feel special then?” I joked as he stared at me.

  “Yes,” He responded with his hand on my lower back.

  I slid inside of the old car and watched as he walked around to get in. Mark started the engine and pulled back out to the main road. We turned and headed towards the thick trees, away from the town and I felt the excitement inside as we approached his house. I had an idea of what it might look like and just stared as he drove down the long driveway.

  It was a comfortable size and was set far back from the street. It offered a lot of windows and I couldn’t believe he built it. It looked better than some of the luxury homes I’d seen.

  Chapter 10


  I looked at my house as we sat in the driveway. I had never brought a woman here before apart from Mom. I knew that it didn’t make sense to get a hotel with her again and a part of me wanted her in my life this intimately.

  “Do you like it?” I asked as Brianne looked at me with a warm smile.

  “It’s beautiful,” She told me as she opened her door. “I can’t believe you built it.”

  “We knew the guidelines and a lot of folks buy property and build here. It was a long process and a pain in the ass during the summer but well worth it.”

  We got out and I led her up the steps to the wraparound porch, unlocking the heavy wooden door.

  Brianne walked into the sunken living room and gazed around. I watched closely as she wandered over to the mantel to gaze at pictures and take in the authentic log cabin look that I was set on having.

  “I like it,” she said as she turned to smile at me. “It’s a perfect size for you and Lindsay.” Brianne gazed into the kitchen where I had enough room to cook and an excellent view. “How many rooms are there?”

  “I have a master bedroom and two smaller bedrooms. One is set up for Lindsay when I get to bring her here and the other one is an office with a smaller bed. Mom stays there sometimes.”

  She walked down the
hallway and I followed her as she peered into the rooms and the hallway bathroom. When she turned back towards me, I slipped my hands over her waist and pinned her there before claiming her lips in a hungry kiss.

  Brianne moaned as I pressed against her, reminding her of how much I wanted her. Brianne wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling herself to me as she returned the kiss. I grabbed her ass and lifted her up to bring her into the master bedroom, dropping her onto the mattress as she pulled me over her.

  I went easily, spreading her legs with my knees as I crashed down over her. I just had her this morning, but my cock was aching for her and I pressed it against her leggings, against her core.

  “Mark. Fuck.” She muttered, lifting her hips to meet me as she dropped her head back.

  I moved my mouth over the soft skin of her neck as she wrapped her legs around me as best she could. I licked down the slim column and then sucked her skin into my mouth as she sighed happily. This woman was getting to me and I thrust against her as I thickened under my jeans.

  “I want you so much,” She whispered into my ear.

  “Can you feel how much I want to fuck you? Can you feel this?” I demanded as I pressed against the seam of her pants.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes.” She cried out as I started to rub myself over her. I stared down into her face as I moved, seeing her face contort with pleasure.

  “That’s it…just a little more and you will be…” I didn’t get the chance to finish my sentence.

  “Cumming,” She murmured as I reached down to stroke her through the cotton in between our bodies.

  Brianne was beautiful when she came for me. Her pale skin flushed, and her mouth parted slightly as she clung to me. I moved away from her and took the pants off, gazing at the slick folds as I tossed them to the floor.

  Brianne lifted her shirt over her head and threw it to the left, watching as I stripped out of my own clothes. She wasn’t wearing a bra today and her nipples pressed against the fitted camisole that she wore under the flannel. I threw my clothes to the floor on top of her shirt and told her to spread her legs for me, leaning over to suck her skin through the thin cotton.


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