Baby Batter: A Baby For The Billionaire Single Dad Romance

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Baby Batter: A Baby For The Billionaire Single Dad Romance Page 112

by Alexis Angel

  I look down at her, my gaze meeting hers, and that’s when she starts pushing her lips down the length of my shaft. She goes all the way down, taking my cock to the back of her throat, and then climbs back up. Repeating that motion endlessly, she starts picking up the pace with each passing second.

  When she starts going as fast as she can, she’s not even using her hands. No, her hands are on my ass, her fingers digging into my ass cheeks as she sucks my cock as if it were the most delicious thing in the world. I can tell that she’s pushing through the pain, her jaw and neck probably complaining from the effort.

  When she takes a break, pulling back and allowing my cock to jump out of her mouth, she curls her fingers around my shaft and starts stroking him harshly. She does it as fast as she was sucking on me, each coming and going motion of her hand making me lose all semblance of control.

  I tangle my fingers in her hair and yank on it, almost too harshly, but she doesn’t even seem to care. She just moans as I do it, and I can tell that she isn’t doing it for show—no, she’s moaning because she’s enjoying the moment, her whole body enjoying the way my cock desires her.

  Taking her tongue back to my mouth, she uses its tip to circle my head, and then sucks on me for a while. I’m not a loud guy during sex, but now I can’t stop myself from groaning, the sound of my voice almost sounding like a moan.

  Yanking on her again, I force her to stop moving her head and, allowing instinct to drive me, I start thrusting. Fucking her little mouth fast, I guide it and out of her at a furious pace and, judging by the look in her face, she’s loving every second of it.

  Realizing that I’m close to the edge, I try to pull my cock out of her mouth, but she just follows after me and rolls her lips down my shaft. She does it all the way down, her lips once more brushing against the skin on the root of my cock. Then, losing all control (much as it happened to me) she starts sucking while she bobs her head back and forth, doing it so eagerly you’d think she only has a few minutes to live.

  “Fuck, Ash,” I groan again, throwing my head back and closing my eyes. I feel so close to coming and, yet, I don’t want it to happen before I ravage that sweet pussy of hers once more. Somehow, I find the inner strength to resist and, taking one step back, I manage to pull my cock out of her mouth. Stumbling back, my legs meet the edge of her bed and I fall back, sitting down on the mattress while I take deep breaths, trying to catch my breath.

  Moving fast, just like a leopard closing in on her prey, she comes after me and jumps on top of my body. Without even giving me a moment to catch my breath, she places both her feet on either side of my thighs and squats over my cock; grabbing it with one hand, she keeps it pointing straight up and then lowers herself, sliding all of my inches deep inside her pussy.

  “Oh, God… I never—I never knew sex could be this good,” she moans, closing her eyes and jumping up and down over my hardness. She does it over and over again, the way with which she’s doing it tells me that she enjoyed her first time as much as I enjoyed taking her virginity.

  And, fuck me, for a virgin girl she knows exactly how to handle a man’s cock. In fact, she’s better than all other women I’ve ever been with. None of them would be able to compete with the sheer force of nature that Ashley is. Her body is all made of fury, and her mind is like something that can’t be bent; these two things combine into something so perfect it almost hurts to think about. Wondering what that something is? Easy: it’s mind-blowing sex.

  Riding me hard, she drives herself to the edge and then jumps off it without looking back, her inner walls closing in around my cock. She moans and then screams, her voice quivering as she comes and stops moving all together, her knees replacing her feet by the side of my thighs.

  Still with my cock inside her pussy, I take the chance to roll to the side; still on the throes of pleasure, she doesn’t even resist. She simply follows the movement of my body and lies down against the mattress. Now on top of her, her legs laced around my waist, I place one hand on her face and look straight into her eyes as I start to thrust.

  I do it slow and gently, wanting to enjoy the moment, needing it to last forever. One thing I can tell you: I wouldn’t mind being frozen into this moment for all of eternity. Some moments are like that; they aren’t to be rushed, and you know they’re going to leave a mark on you for the rest of your life.

  And this is one of these moments.

  Thrusting while I look into her beautiful eyes, I brush my lips against hers and surrender to the sweet embrace of desire. More than just lust, there’s a deep connection that we’ve forgot, something so strong that I don’t know if we can break it, even if we try to.

  “It’s so good… being here with you,” she whispers, an expression of happiness taking over her face. Stroking her cheek with my hand, I smile as her words reach me.

  “It is… it’s perfect,” I reply, once again leaning in to kiss her.

  We keep on fucking at a gentle rhythm for God knows long, time losing all meaning around us. There’s no rush, there’s no pressure to get things done; we’re simply enjoying the present moment, embracing it for all it’s worth.

  And that’s all it takes.

  My slow deep thrusts inside Ashley’s tight pussy are enough to make my whole body tense up, and it doesn’t take long for my cock to start throbbing against her inner walls. Holding my breath, I make an effort not to cum, needing her to come first.

  Lucky for me, we’re so in sync that, the moment my cock starts to pulse, Ashley is taken by an orgasm. Dragging her fingernails across my back, hard enough to draw blood, she then buries them deep on the flesh over my shoulders and moans against my ear, her body twitching as if she’s having a seizure.

  The sound of her voice against my ear is enough. My cock pulses even harder and, no longer holding my breath, I simply submit to my body’s needs. I feel my seed burning its way up my shaft, and then I start gushing my whole load inside Ashley’s pussy. Not moving as I come, I let her moan against my ear as she lives through her orgasm, both our souls dancing together even though our bodies are frozen in place.

  Only when my cock finally stops spurting all of my cum, do I allow myself to slide it out from her pussy. Rolling to the side, I simply collapse by her side, looking up at the ceiling as I try to catch my breath. I smile to myself as I realize that there’s probably a hidden camera somewhere in the ceiling, and that what we just did has been recorded as well. I must remember to ask her for a copy. What? It’s kind of exhilarating to see Ashley and I on the screen, so what? Don’t judge, lest you be judged. Or something like that.

  Allowing my left hand to slide down over the bedsheets, I go looking for her hand. Finding it, I lace my fingers on hers.

  “Thank you,” I find myself saying, my voice just a whisper.

  “For what?” she asks me, turning around on the bed so that she can look at me. I turn around as well, and look into her eyes for a long moment, gathering her thoughts.

  “For being you,” I reply, not knowing what else to say. As a reply, she simply smiles and squeezes my hand in hers.

  I don’t even know why I said that. I’m not the kind of guy to go around saying romantic stuff, and I have no idea why I’m starting now. Sure, Ashley is definitely a special girl … but does that justify the way my heart skips a beat every time she enters the room? Or the way my cock becomes as hard as rock every time I glance at her body?

  All I know is that, ever since I met Ashley, I’ve been dreaming of her every night.

  If that’s a good thing or a bad one, I have no idea.

  Washington Beat


  From the desk of Margie Preston – the political reporter with the heart of gold

  Could the future First Lady of America be a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States?

  That’s the line of reasoning and thinking being put out by Speaker of the House Bob Walker’s office today. Their argument?

“The way that Ms. Draper as the fiancée to the President of the United States is affecting him, it’s clear that she is affecting his judgment and ability to make decisions,” a spokesman for the office commented when contacted.

  “Just the other day, the President of the United States rushed out from his presidential limousine and onto a Washington DC street to enter into an altercation with a mugger. This mugger was carrying a knife. Can you imagine the Constitutional crisis that would have occurred if the President were to have gotten stabbed? Would a simple assault and possible rape have turned into an assassination of the President of the United States?” The spokesman went on to say.

  Let me just pause for a moment there to tell you that in my personal life I do not like Bob Walker. His office is going on the record to say that some kinds of crimes like rape are less of an issue than other kinds such as the President of the United States getting stabbed. It’s as if one form of crime is acceptable, but for the nature of his argument, the other kind of crime is not if it involves stabbing the President. I get the President is important, but so is the life of every single female in the United States.

  But once you get past all the icky contemptuous sneering that's been coming out of the Bob Walker camp, you see that there is a kernel of truth is what’s being said.

  How many times prior to announcing Ms. Draper as his fiancée has the President jumped out of a speeding car to start fighting with a knife-wielding mugger?

  That’s right. Zero.

  To be fair, one incident by itself doesn’t make the case that the President is going from single bachelor with a dedicated focus on clearing the cave and making America tremendous again, but it falls into a pattern. All of a sudden we’re seeing this President out on Date Night. He’s sticking up for his girlfriend. He’s doing everything that a normal fiancé would.

  Except there is nothing normal about this situation. There is nothing normal about dating and getting married to the most important man in the free world. The man who with the touch of his fingers on a button, could bring blackness and death upon the world.

  And no, not that button! The nuclear button! Get your mind out of the gutter. We’re talking about Austin Bain and his rapidly evolving First Lady to be.

  He’s the President of the United States. So unless they are doing the whole thing as a show for our benefit where they pretend to be in love, the President really is changing to suit the moods of his lady.

  All I have to say is let's hope that it’s a good change. After all, two people cleaning the cave is way better than one!


  I look out the window, watching the blanket of clouds below us. The steady hum of the engines makes my mind drift off and, if it weren’t for Austin being here with me, I’d fall asleep like a baby in a matter of minutes.

  “What are you thinking of?” he asks me, looking up from the handwritten sheets of paper sitting on his desk.

  “Nothing and everything,” I reply, yawning lazily as I stretch. We’re sitting inside the President’s office inside Air Force One, and I’ve been keeping him company while he goes over his speech.

  “Now that’s a politician's reply,” he chuckles, his eyes once more dancing over his speech. “You’d do well if you went into politics, Ash.”

  “I’m doing well already, in case you haven’t noticed,” I laugh, wiggling my hand up in the air and showing him the diamond ring on my finger. “I might not be a politician, but I guess I’m doing a good enough job on the backstage. And, you know, backstage is where the real magic happens.”

  “I won’t argue with that,” he whispers without taking his eyes off his speech, his lips slowly moving as he tries to rehearse his words silently.

  “I want to do more than just work in the backstage, though. I’ve planned some visits to local schools.”

  “Oh?” he says, finally raising his head to look at me. “You don’t have to do that, Ash.”

  “I know, it’s not like that,” I tell him with a smile. “I want to do it. I’m in a position where I can do some good, and I want to use it. I guess your passion for changing the world has rubbed off on me,” I laugh, my eyes never leaving his.

  “I think I rubbed more on you than just my passion for changing the world,” he shoots right back without wasting a breath, his eyes narrowing deviously.

  “Definitely more than just that.” I fold my legs, patting the front of my dress, and lean back against my seat by the window. “My mother used to be a teacher, you know? It isn’t easy for teachers, specially when it’s so hard for schools to get proper funding.”

  “I guess you did your homework, didn’t you?”

  “I did,” I reply. I’m not just a pretty face, and it feels good to have Austin acknowledge it. When I knew we’d be flying to Arizona, I decided to wield whatever influence I might have to try and do some good. I figured that visiting a few local schools could be a good thing to raise awareness. All it took was one call to Tracy, and she loved the idea. “We blow so much money on so many other things, I just think we could use some of that money on raising our youth.”

  “See? That’s why I said you’d do well as a politician. In the good sense,” he adds after he seems me frowning. “I’m glad to see you’re more than just what meets the eye… Most women in your position would be happy to just take the money and do as little as possible.

  “That isn’t me.”

  “I know… and that’s why I’m glad Tracy chose you,” he says, getting up from his seat and walking around his desk. He comes over to me and takes the seat in front of mine. I look at him with a gentle smile, completely unable to wipe it off my face. It just feels good to be appreciated; most men just look at me as some kind of sex object, and I couldn’t be happier that Austin sees more than that in me. Women like to be seen as beautiful, yeah, but sometimes they want more than just that. They want to be seen as equals.

  “And you? Ready for the Town Hall?”

  “Guess so. I have a perfect speech, and this is where I fucking shine…” He gazes out the window and falls into a deep silence, and I can tell that he’s thinking about Walker. More than a thorn in his side, Walker is a time bomb about to go off. And that without warning.

  “Is it safe to push his buttons?” I ask him, not sure if this Town Hall is the best course of action for Austin. He’s trying to wage war with Walker, and flying over to Arizona means that Austin is willing to meet him in the battlefield and fight for the voters face-to-face.

  “Fuck Walker,” he breaths out, but I notice the lines on his forehead deepening. “That guy is a bastard. America is lucky he isn’t in the White House now. The government would be overrun by all kinds of bullshit.” Turning to me, he then offers me a pale smile. “You voted for him, didn’t you? I know he might look like someone who cares about this country, but that couldn’t be any further from the truth.”

  “I didn’t vote for him, Austin, I voted for you,” I confess, returning his smile. “I told you I hadn’t just to piss you off.” With that, I go up to my feet and close the distance between us; sitting on his lap, I throw one arm around his neck. “Back then, I wasn’t sure if you were the right man to be sitting in the White House, but now… now I believe you, and I’m glad I voted for you.”

  “I bet you’re glad, yeah,” he chuckles, brushing the back of his hand against my cheek. “If I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be here right now.”

  “And that would be a shame,” I whisper, turning on his lap so that I’m facing him.

  “A damn shame,” he repeats, his voice growing heavy while his eyes roam down to my lips. Reaching for me with his mouth, he brushes his lips against mine and then grins. “Now, tell me, Ash… How would you like to join the Mile High Club?”

  “Do I get a membership card?” I tease him, placing my hand on his already hard cock and giving it a soft squeeze.

  “No, but you get something else,” he chuckles, his cock pulsing hard against my fingers.

  “I’ll take
it,” I whisper, leaning into him and closing my eyes. Our lips meet and I realize that, more than just lust, I’m starting to fall for him.


  Looking into Austin’s eyes, I let the inevitable happen and our mouths meet. My eyelids droop as it happens and, next thing I know, his tongue is inside my mouth. I turn around on his lap and, opening my legs, I straddle him as I throw both my arms over his shoulders.

  “Mr. President,” I whisper, bucking my hips at him and pressing my crotch against his.

  “Very polite,” he chuckles, taking his hands to my ass and giving it a soft squeeze. Tugging on my dress, he pulls the fabric slightly up, and then brushes the palm of his hands against the naked skin on my ass cheeks, his fingers running over the fabric of my thong.

  “I might be polite … but my body isn’t,” I tell him with a wicked grin and, as I say it, I find myself sliding down from his lap and kneeling on the floor. He opens his legs wide so that I can fit my body there, and then he leans back against his seat, an amused smile on his lips.

  “I always loved girls with a body who didn’t know how to be polite,” he whispers at me, and I don’t even need to think of a reply. It just appears on my lips and flies out on his own.

  “Thing is, Austin, I’m not a girl. I’m a woman,” I say, placing my hands on his knees and running them up to his crotch. There, I press down on his cock, already hard and pushing back against his pants. Allowing my fingers to roam upward, I unbuckle his belt and open his fly, the palm of my hand now pressing down against his hard cock over his boxer briefs.

  Looking up at him, I return him the grin of anticipation dancing on his lips. Without breaking eye contact, I start leaning forward and, just because my mouth touches the fabric of his boxer briefs, I tilt my head slightly and rest my lips over his shaft. His cock pulses against my parted lips, becoming even harder as it pushes back against his boxer briefs.


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