Pakhan's Rose

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Pakhan's Rose Page 5

by V. F. Mason

  She straightened her unwrinkled dress and then swallowed, before answering, “Whatever he does, it’s for the best.”

  “What?” I exclaimed, as she nodded.

  “They always do the right thing.” The way she said it, with such conviction in her voice, proved she believed the crap coming out of her mouth.

  Hysterical laughter spilled from my lips, as I pulled my hair tightly and exhaled loudly. “Don’t you see what they are doing? Please let me go or call for help. That’s all I’m asking.” A beat passed, and something flashed in her eyes, coming alive in those pools of death and hell, but she still shook her head at me once again. God, was that what they did to women here? Stripped them of any sense of dignity, convinced them they were nothing, that they deserved to be raped and abused? Who could be such monsters?

  Why didn't she fight for her life?

  Or at some point, did she give up trying? Did the same future await me as well?

  She paused at the door, where she couldn't be seen as she pointed at the ceiling in the right corner, and I noticed a small, black device. The thing was almost invisible, unless you had those at home and knew exactly what they were. My dad was freaking obsessed with safety—not that it did me any good at the moment.


  Had those fuckers watched everything I did?

  Then she placed an object on the floor, pressed her index finger to her lips in a silencing gesture, and closed the door quietly behind her. Following her, I kneeled on the floor as my hands touched a kitchen knife with sharp edges.

  A weapon.

  She left me a weapon.

  Gratefulness washed over me, thinking that after all they did to her, and I suspected she was in this hell way longer than I even wanted to think about, the girl hadn’t lost her spirit.

  Understanding that my emotions couldn't be seen by those villains, I hid the knife in the pocket of my robe, which was deep enough to conceal the whole thing. Then I rose up, paced back and forth, and then smashed the tray to the floor, scattering all the food around.

  “Let me go!” I shouted, breathing heavily as my mind hectically came up with several plans for escape.

  I had to be prepared for the next time Erik came.

  Because no matter what it took, I wouldn't give up without killing him first. His vile hands would not touch me again.

  I might not have any hope of coming out of it alive. Who knew how many more men were outside? But inside my pocket was a weapon that could kill a rapist, or me if I wanted to. Dying seemed better than one day becoming a walking corpse like the girl who brought me food.


  “How long have you been in New York?” Orlando asked, with an easygoing smile on his face, as I tried my damnedest to act interested in this conversation.

  “Born and raised here.” Orlando’s brow raised in surprise, and then he leaned forward. The smell of his cologne washed over me, and for some odd reason, I wanted to shift back.

  I really shouldn’t. Finally, I had the opportunity to date.

  Damian killed off all the enemies who hunted them. Those enemies were also the men who did me wrong all those years ago. Turned out, it was Erik’s father, so those who wronged me were punished as well. I had no reason to hide anymore.

  I could grab my life back in my own hands and enjoy it to the fullest. Wasn't everything perfect?

  Or it would have been, if the amber eyes of the pakhan didn't haunt me.

  Damn it!

  “So would you like to go somewhere? We can leave Frankie and Chase alone.”

  When a guy ‘sort of’ asked you out, it probably wasn't good to wince. But I couldn't help it. Orlando had a lean body, amazing, silky blond hair, and the greenest eyes I’d ever seen. He had the whole Scandinavian look going on, and really, girls wouldn't consider it a hardship to go anywhere with him.

  No one but me, apparently.

  Before I could answer though, Frankie gasped. My eyes travelled to her as she sat closer to Chase. Whatever he said earlier to her must have shocked her enough to sit there with her mouth wide open, an expression of utter disbelief on her face.

  “He did what?” her voice rose to a high pitch, a good indication she was losing her shit quickly.

  “Frankie—” Chase started, but she raised her hand and stood up, grabbing her bag. “I’m going to kill him. Seriously, kill him!” With those words, she stormed out of the restaurant and left me alone with the guys.

  I had strong suspicion who the he was.

  Giving the guys an apologetic smile, I put some money on the table to cover hers and my bill, and they didn't even blink.

  Not that I was against feminism or anything, or didn't believe a woman should pay for herself, but when she was on a so-called double date? Hell, freaking yes, men had to pay. So this attitude put me off the guys immediately. “See you later.” They either were too stunned to answer or simply didn't care, as they just nodded.

  Quickly running out of the restaurant, I studied the sidewalk on the left and then on the right. Noticing a vision in red, I quickly followed her. If she were going to her twin brother, Connor, it wouldn't take long, as he lived ten minutes away from here.

  “Frankie!” I called, but she either didn't hear me or preferred to have nothing detain her from her mission.

  Shaking my head in amusement, I took out my headphones and placed them inside my ears. Living without the beat of music was almost impossible for me. For so long, it was the only source of comfort I had, and I got used to it.

  I got anxiety attacks without it, I kid you not.

  The time allowed me to notice several men passing by Frankie gave her admirable glances, and rightly so. She was a thing of beauty. Her long, wavy blonde hair, way down her back, went amazingly with her emerald-green eyes and pale, freckled skin. A tight red Hervé Léger dress hugged her perfect body. She had long legs, a narrow waist, and firm, bigger than average-sized breasts.

  Connor introduced me to his sister a few months ago, and we kept in contact. For the last month, she helped me to re-enroll in Columbia University and vowed to get me laid, as she claimed sex was one of the best things in this world. She should know, considering the girl was a ‘love them and leave them’ type. Although I had a strong suspicion someone broke her heart in the past, but I didn't pry. We all had our demons, after all.

  Finally, we reached Connor’s house, and without bothering to ring the bell, she used her key and stormed inside as I quickened my step to catch up to her.

  I arrived just in time to hear a snippet of their conversation from where they stood in the living room a few feet away from the hallway.

  "I'm kind of in the middle of something here, so could you come another time?" Connor asked, annoyed.

  "No, I can't. It's important," Frankie replied, clearly not liking the suggestion. Slamming the door, I decided not to give away the fact that I overheard them. Breathing heavily, I burst into the room.

  "Frankie, what the hell? You left me alone with them!"

  She rolled her eyes. "Please, I had to settle something with almighty Connor here. Plus, Orlando really likes you, and I think you two could hook up." My cheeks heated as I noticed the audience we had in the room.

  Damian, Sapphire, and… oh, my freaking God, Dominic? Why were they all here? Was the meeting today?

  Once the danger was all over, I’d decided to move back in with my dad for the time being. Damian let me, albeit unwillingly. But seriously, I didn't want to go back to North Carolina, where he lived with his girls. My dream of living in New York was starting to come true, and I wouldn't let anyone take it away from me this time.

  "I don't want to hook up with anyone!" I exclaimed, and Frankie frowned in confusion.

  "Since when? As long as I can remember, you’ve wanted to get rid of your holy"—she made air quotes for the word—"virginity thing, and all of a sudden you’re picky?" Taking a deep breath, I cursed all the times I cried into a tequila bottle with her about the fact I never ha
d any willing experiences with men and how it sucked.

  "Yes, I am, okay?" I hoped she’d just drop the conversation altogether. The last thing I needed was for my insecurities to be brought up in a room full of people.

  "Listen, if this is about that guy you have a crush on, the one who burned his hands, then I suggest moving on," Frankie advised, as I blinked a few times.

  Oh, no.

  The air in the room shifted to something dangerous and possessive, and I didn't need to guess why.

  I had a strong suspicion my so-called plans just now went to shit.


  “Listen, if this is about the guy you have a crush on, the one who burned his hands, then I suggest moving on.”

  Rosa lied to me the other day in the hospital. She wasn't in love with my brother. Not caring about the audience we had, I said harshly, "You lied to me?" The cross on my neck burned my skin ever since she gave it back to me, because the only place it belonged was on her, and after tonight, she'd finally learn it.

  She touched her hand to her chest, breathing heavily as her eyes widened in shock, and she groaned in mortification. "Why are you here?" She gave the room a long look. The blush, visible on her skin, spread to her neck and cheeks, creating a rather cute picture. "I didn't lie to you," she answered defensively, not meeting my eyes.

  "I claimed you, and you started to talk bullshit about my brother and your crush on him!" Sapphire gasped while Damian quickly went to her side, as quickly as his cast allowed him at least, and wrapped his arm around her while frowning. They both watched Rosa closely, clearly wondering how they missed the signs of her being in love with him before.

  "Are you out of your mind?" she asked in disbelief. "I never said I had a crush on him!" Her eyes focused on Damian. "And for the record, I don't, okay? That's the whole point." She gestured in frustration with her hands. "You guys have the same face. I have nothing but platonic feelings for you, but when I see him, I just—" She stopped talking and exhaled a heavy sigh. "I can't control that I want to sleep with him." She glared at me. "Happy now? I said it aloud, and I'm freaking proud."

  "This is better than the soaps I watched in the dorms," Frankie commented excitedly, and for a moment, my attention shifted from my woman to Connor's sister, as I tried to recognize in the gorgeous woman, the little girl who slept in my arms while I promised to save her.

  "Beth?" What was all this Frankie shit anyway? At hearing her name, she froze, and the smile slowly died. The amusement in her eyes faded, replaced with confusion and uneasiness.

  "Nobody calls me that anymore," she whispered. Then realization must have hit her, as she let go of the bag in her hand and raced to me in record time, ending up with her arms wrapped around my neck, squeezing the life out of me. Her strong perfume didn't bother me, and I returned the hug, incredibly happy that her life turned out all right.

  "Dominic," she said, and buried her face in the crook of my neck, something no woman had done before. Although, considering Beth a woman was laughable, she was like a kid sister I always had in the back of my mind. Her life had been saved, so she didn't have to go through the hideous things Damian and I did. "I thought I'd never see you again."

  "Me too." My eyes searched for Rosa, and I narrowed them as Connor raised her chin and caressed her cheek with his thumb. I didn't miss the pained expression cross her face. "Honey, I'm thrilled to see you, but I have something to take care of. Get my number from Connor and we'll meet." She nodded, and I pushed her aside, and in two short strides ended up next to Rosa. My hand removed Connor's, and I stooped down and hoisted her over my shoulder while she squealed in surprise and then outrage as her small hands hit my back. Like her gentle touch could hurt me? What a laughable concept.

  "Let go of me, you Neanderthal! Why don't you just take Frankie?" she asked viciously. Was that jealousy I heard? Ignoring her words, I spun around, my stare meeting Damian's. His expression didn't give away what he thought, but I could see both amusement and anger underneath it all.

  "She's mine now. No longer your concern." And how fucking nice it felt to finally say it. "I dealt with Don too."

  This whole meeting was supposed to break the ice and to come up with a plan to hurt those fuckers, but not enough for them to die. They still needed to face retribution in prison. However, all this conflict was between my brother and me. And it had to be discussed between us only; otherwise, it'd turn into a circus like this meeting had.

  "Let's meet in Houston in three days. At Mom and Dad's grave." He nodded, confirming my suspicion it was he all along who'd created such a beautiful area around there. With that, I left the room with Rosa's constant threats of harming my balls if I didn't put her down. Once we were outside, I slapped her ass hard, which finally silenced her for a moment, and I pushed her inside the car and slid in after her.

  "You don't have the right to decide!"

  Ignoring her outburst once again, I addressed my driver. "Home, Vlad." My finger pressed the button, and in a second, the black glass wall separated us from his inquisitive eyes.

  "And if you think—" I grabbed her by the neck, leaned forward, and for the first time in my life, I kissed a woman properly. This kiss resembled nothing like the tame peck we had in the park. The act seemed too intimate to share it with any other woman before; not to mention, I'd never wanted to. She gasped in surprise, which allowed me to push my tongue inside and seek hers, and she gave it tentatively. The sounds and movements were sloppy, our teeth clashed, and we awkwardly angled our heads. Clearly, my Rosa had no fucking idea how to do it right either. That knowledge filled me with so much satisfaction and primal need I could have come right there. It wouldn't have mattered to me if she had a thousand men before me, but fuck if I wouldn't love to be her one and only lover.

  "I don't think we're doing it right," she murmured against my lips, and her words, for the first time in forever, brought lightness to my soul.

  "It's all right. We have the rest of our lives to learn, krasavica."


  Ignoring his words, because really the guy was insane if he thought we’d spend the rest of our lives together, my fingers laced through his hair as I pressed my mouth harder to his. I moaned as our tongues entwined. No wonder people loved kissing and sex. Books didn't really give justice to the act. Or maybe some things were just better to experience yourself, before you could truly appreciate them.

  His hands rested on my round hips, and with one swift motion, he picked me up and sat me on his lap. For the first time ever, I willingly felt a man’s erection pressing into my core. “Oh.” My breath hitched as his lips trailed down my neck, leaving small bites of ownership that sent tingling sensations down my spine.

  This was crazy. What the hell were we doing? “Dominic,” I whispered, but he captured my mouth once again, devouring it as though he were a starving man in the desert.

  When my body, of its own accord, started to slowly push against his cock, it was his turn to groan into my mouth.

  “Rosa—” But whatever he wanted to say died on his lips as the car came to an abrupt stop, and if it wasn't for Dominic’s hands holding me, I would have slid off his lap and hurt myself. His eyes narrowed, and he snapped in a furious voice, “Vlad!” But no answer came from the driver. Instead, the door on our side opened, and a gun was pointed in our faces.

  “Out, Pakhan.” To not recognize this voice was impossible. We grew up together and were always supposed to marry.

  Or so was the plan between our fathers when we were kids. “Lorenzo?” My voice was full of disbelief and, yes, happiness, because growing up, he was one of the good kids who always had kind words for me. His ripped body and broad shoulders, along with green and black hair reminded me nothing of the geeky kid he used to be. With a surprised gasp, I got up quickly, but Dominic’s hand stilled my movements. “Let go of me.” He narrowed his eyes at my order, while Lorenzo repeated, “Get out.” Dominic growled, but we got out. I noticed we were in a secluded area of Manhattan.
Some sort of brick wall concealed us, so no one would know what was going on. Several cars were parked behind Lorenzo, and my dad got out from a black Jeep. My jaw almost hit the concrete.

  Wasn't he supposed to be in Los Angeles, attending the wedding of his close friend? One of the reasons we scheduled that double date with Frankie.

  I shrank under the disappointed look he sent my way before his eyes travelled to Dominic. I found it impossible to read what he felt or thought. “Get out of my city if you want to stay alive, Dominic. You didn't have my permission to enter it,” he said in a calm voice. “You’re lucky I’m letting you leave after your show of disrespect.”

  Dominic didn't even budge; not one muscle moved on his face. I took a step toward my dad, when Dominic wrapped his hand around my waist and pressed me against his chest. Immediately, the heat from his body enveloped my bones, which were cold from fear. All I wanted in that moment was to close my eyes, lean back on his chest, and allow him to deal with this situation.

  “Not without her. She’s mine.” The way he said those words, casually but possessively at the same time, put my body on electrified alert, which only he could soothe.

  I didn't think my reactions were normal, but maybe my sexually repressed body demanded attention. Frankie once showed me research that said repressing your urges or dealing with them on your own does serious damage to your health, and she shared all this information while gifting me a vibrator on my last birthday.

  Not that I ever used it, and I considered her a little weird, but now I wondered if maybe there was truth in her words after all.

  “She’s not yours,” my dad snarled. “My daughter will stay with me.”

  This was ridiculous! I was a grown-ass woman with my own plans for the future. Why was my dad making such a big fuss about a little harmless fun with Dominic?

  “Rose will go to Russia with me,” came Dominic’s confident reply, and—


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