Oak, Sophie - Siren Enslaved [Texas Sirens 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Oak, Sophie - Siren Enslaved [Texas Sirens 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 15

by Sophie Oak

  Finn felt Dani move, but his whole concentration was spent on the throbbing dick filling his mouth. Finn softened his jaw and worked up and down on Julian’s cock. His tongue rolled across the soft skin while his hand worked the base. He breathed only through his nose, finally managing to get that enormous organ to the back of his throat. When it pressed back and Finn was sure he couldn’t take any more, he swallowed.

  Julian groaned, and his cum began to flow. Woodsy, salty. The taste filled Finn’s mouth, and he sucked, not wanting to miss a drop of that cream. Julian’s hips pumped. His balls hit Finn’s chin as he finally ceded every ounce of cum he had.

  Finn sat back on his heels, looking up. Julian kissed Dani one last time before stepping back. He slumped into the only chair in the room, a small recliner. He looked relaxed, and there was a happy light in his eyes. “That was exquisite, Finn. You may take your prize.”

  Finn was on Dani in a heartbeat. He stood and tossed her to the bed. She hit it with a little groan. Her legs splayed open, and Finn could see the dainty pink plug wedged high in her asshole. He shoved her legs even further apart. A savage need to get inside her rode roughshod over him, shoving the tenderness out of him.

  She fucking belonged to him. Why the hell had he waited?

  “Yes, Finn, take her. She can handle it. Take her rough. Take her hard. She’ll like it.”

  Julian’s voice was the devil on his shoulder. If there was an angel to balance him out, Finn didn’t hear him. He simply heard Julian’s dark chocolate voice reaffirming what he already knew. Dani was his. Oh, they might yet belong to someone. To Julian. But she belonged to Finn. Always.

  “Finn, a condom, please. Danielle isn’t on birth control. We’ll remedy that after everyone has had a physical.”

  Condom. Finn’s brain wasn’t quite working. She was so close all he could think about was getting inside her. He didn’t want to wear a condom, but Dani was reaching for one. She passed it to Finn, and then her fist wrapped around his dick. Her little hand stroked him.

  “Fuck.” Finn tore open the condom and rolled it on. He looked down at her. Dani was spread for his pleasure, her legs apart, her beautiful face wide open with desire. He’d waited for this moment since long before he’d known what sex was. It wasn’t just sex. It was love and connection and finally being right with himself because he was a part of her.

  “I love you, Dani,” he managed to whisper. His throat felt too big.

  Her hand came up, touching his cheek. Her lips trembled slightly as she replied. “I love you, too, Finn. Forever.”

  He took his dick in hand and pushed his way home.

  Dani’s eyes were wide as Finn slid into her tight pussy. Her mouth was open in a surprised O. “Oh, that feels so good, Finn.”

  It did. It felt good and right to be deep inside Dani. His friend. His champion. His love. Finn flexed inside that hot, tight cunt and prayed he lasted long enough to get her off. The plug Julian had shoved up her anus took up so much space that her pussy was cramped and snug. Finn thrust in and pulled back, the plug a hard drag on his dick.

  Dani’s legs came up and around his waist. She shoved her hips up, fucking him as surely as he fucked her. Finn began to pound inside. The heat, the pressure, everything about Dani sent him headlong into pleasure. He dragged his pelvis, grinding down on her clit. Her face flushed, and her blue eyes became dark orbs as she rushed to her own orgasm. When her cunt began to clench around his dick, Finn gave in and let his cum flow.

  He fell forward, not bothering to withhold his weight. Dani’s arms were around him, and he could smell the soap she’d used. He kissed whatever skin he could find and wrapped his arms around her.

  “That was beautiful, pets.” Julian’s weight made the bed dip as he settled in beside them. Finn sighed as he felt the Master stroke his back. When he looked up, Julian’s lips were pressed against Dani’s. Finn kissed her breasts. He knew he should be jealous, but it was just another kink now. Besides, it was Julian. None of this would have happened without Julian. Somehow Julian completed them. Finn sighed and reveled in their connection.

  * * * *

  Dani felt like a completely different person as she walked down the steps and back into The Barn’s main room. Of course, she looked like a different person, too. After another raucous bout of sex that had Dani screaming her orgasm into Julian’s chest, he’d ordered her and Finn to shower. Finn had held her and washed every inch of her before drying her off and running a brush through her hair. She’d felt like a princess. Julian had laid out a pair of jeans and a perfectly respectable T-shirt. Apparently Abby kept some clothes here. She’d been informed that her little denim skirt had managed to walk away all on its own and would likely never be seen again. She’d frowned at him, but dressed in the clothes that actually covered her ass anyway.

  Now she had one hand tucked into Julian’s and the other in Finn’s as they made their way down. She knew she should feel self-conscious. Everyone was going to know what she’d been doing, but she couldn’t quite work up the will to care. Danielle Bay had two amazing men on her arms, and anyone who had a problem with that could suck it.

  Loud country music pounded through the bar. It seemed to Dani that every eye did turn directly toward her when they made it to the dance floor. A little quiver of excitement started in her chest, warring with a perfectly reasonable embarrassment. She’d done two guys in a room over a bar. It was a little slutty. Okay, it was a lot slutty, but there were all kinds of feelings involved, so that made it okay in Dani’s mind. There were feelings like deep affection when Julian licked at her clit and the overwhelming love she had for Finn when his cock hit that amazing place deep inside her pussy.

  “What on earth is that look for, little one?” Julian looked down at her, his lips pulled up in obvious amusement.

  Finn leaned over so he could be heard over the loud music. “I think Dani is enjoying her role as town harlot.”

  Julian frowned. “Harlot? Why would she be a harlot?”

  Dani and Finn laughed together. For the first time, they completely understood something Julian didn’t.

  “This is a small town, Sir,” Finn explained. “All anyone is going to talk about tomorrow is the fact that Dani Bay snuck up the stairs at The Barn with two guys. Trust me, she is going to be called all kinds of names. Mostly to her back, though.”

  Dani shrugged. It was to be expected. At least no one would be feeling sorry for her.

  Julian’s face went very dark, and his fingers tightened around hers. “They had better not say anything where I can hear it.” He relaxed and nodded down at her. “I’m going to speak with Jackson, dear. You and Finn stay together. We’ll be leaving shortly. We’ll retrieve Finn’s things and go back out to the ranch.”

  He turned and walked off, supremely confident that his orders would be met.

  He turned back suddenly. “And stay out of trouble.”

  Dani grinned. He didn’t look so confident that she would follow that edict. He walked away. Dani watched his gorgeous ass as it disappeared into the crowd. When she turned, she noticed that Finn was watching, too.

  “I’m sorry.” Finn pulled back slightly, his hand coming out of hers. That look was back in his eyes.

  “Are you going to be an asshole?” Dani asked.


  “I thought we worked through this, but it looks like you’re going to be an asshole.” She wasn’t putting up with it. Maybe she would have before, but being with them had changed her.

  Being with Julian and Finn together seemed to have altered something fundamental in Dani. It had been beautiful. She’d never felt as deeply as she did when they were kissing her, loving her. There had been that terrible moment when she was sure Julian was leaving, but he’d stayed. He had to care about her. He cared, and Finn cared. She wasn’t going to let anyone take that away from her or make her feel ashamed. That was hers.

  Finn stared almost blankly and then shook his head. “I’m sorry, Dani. I spen
t so long trying to hide this from you.”

  “Hide what? That I knew you were gay? I was well aware of that. Why did you get upset because I caught you drooling over Julian’s ass?”

  His eyes slid down. “Damn it, Dani. This is why I stayed away. I knew it should be just us, but I wasn’t sure I could do it. I’m just not sure I can stay away from men.”

  Julian was shaking his head at Jack, who seemed to be teasing him something fierce. Dani stared at him for a moment. She noticed she wasn’t the only one. All around her, other women had their eyes on the hot new guy. They could look, but Julian was hers. He might not know it, but she planned on keeping him. And Finn. As soon as they ironed out a few things.

  “And it never occurred to you to say, hey, Dani, here’s the problem. Let’s see if we can solve it? No, you decide to keep your mouth shut and almost let me marry someone I didn’t love because you didn’t want to admit you’re bi.”

  “Damn it, I didn’t want to lose you. I love you, Danielle. You’re the only thing in my life that’s permanent. I would rather keep you in my life than lose you because I can’t be normal. It should be two people. A marriage should be two people.”

  “Says who? The old biddies at church? Screw them. Why does everything have to be one way? What we did up there didn’t hurt anyone. It isn’t anyone’s business but ours. I love you, Finn, but I think I’m falling for Julian, too. Can you handle that?”

  “I can certainly try, baby. I was willing to love you from afar. I prefer loving you up close.” He seemed tentative, but his hand went around her waist. “God, Dani, I loved fucking you.”

  She leaned into him. “I loved it, too.”

  His hand trailed down her ass right there in the middle of the bar. “How’s the…you know? I know it seems rough, but Julian’s right. It really will, you know, prepare you and stuff.”

  Dani felt a slow smile slide across her face. Finn’s voice had gone all husky and deep, as though he was thinking about what that plug in her ass was preparing her for. By the end of the week, Julian and Finn intended to take her together. Julian would fuck her ass while Finn took her pussy. It made her shiver.

  “I’m looking forward to it, too,” Dani whispered.

  He kissed her cheek, and that momentary lapse of his seemed to be gone. Which was a good thing because Dani saw someone they needed to talk to. Now that she’d been fucked and loved into a more magnanimous state, she was ready to deal with the guy nursing a beer at the bar. “Come on, Finn, we have to talk to Jimbo.”

  Finn stopped, all arousal gone now. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Dani. Julian told us to stay out of trouble.”

  Dani shrugged. “I don’t intend to start trouble, Finn. I’m just going to talk to him.”

  “Oh, yeah, I bet that’s what you said the last time, right before you started tossing hardware at his brain.”

  “Oh, no, I always intended to chuck something at his head the last time. Now, I am calmer and more mature.”

  Finn snorted. “You’ve matured in the last hour?”

  “Well, my ass is still sore. I’m going to try to avoid another spanking tonight. I’ve also seen some of the stuff they keep in the guesthouse out at the ranch. I would prefer to avoid that as well, for now.” When she wasn’t so sore, they could play around on the benches and other stuff. But for now, she had to get to the bottom of something. “Come on, we’re just going to talk to him.”

  Finn groaned, but followed her. So much for him topping her. That was the only part of the evening that had rankled slightly. Oh, she didn’t mind it in bed, but she would be damned if Finn told her what to do out of it. Julian was another story. The clothes she had on proved that. It wasn’t that she would just blindly follow him, but deep down Julian needed that control. It was essential to him, so she was willing to give it up. Finn had no such need.

  “Dani, he’s going to kill us.”

  Dani decided to be deliberately obtuse as she pushed her way through the crowd. “Nah, Jimbo isn’t the killing kind. He’s too lazy for that.”

  “I wasn’t talking about Jimbo.”

  But now that Dani really thought about it, it was true. Jimbo might be selfish and a little oafish, but he wasn’t really vindictive. She could see him putting her stuff out on the lawn, but could she really see him dousing it in gasoline and torching it?

  “Hello, Jimbo.” Dani held her ground as Finn sort of bumped into her.

  Jimbo looked up and started. His hands came up. “Now, Dani, see here, I ain’t gonna take another beating from you.”

  She held her hands out to prove she was perfectly unarmed. “I came to apologize.”

  Jimbo sat back, a wary look on his face. “You sure? Cause my head still hurts from the last time you came to apologize.”

  “Sorry. I was really upset.”

  “I got that. You’ve been a little upset for a couple of days.”

  He hadn’t been a horrible boyfriend, she realized. He just hadn’t been close to what she needed, and maybe the same could be said for her. “I know. I am really, genuinely sorry about the wedding. I couldn’t go through with it.”

  “I know, Dani. You don’t love me. You always loved Finn. I’m just glad he got his dick out of some guy’s ass long enough to see what was standing in front of him.”

  “Hey, I’m right here.” Finn stepped forward.

  Dani laughed. “Yes, you are, sweetie.” She wrapped her arm around his waist.

  Jimbo tipped his hat back and looked at them for a moment. His eyes held Finn’s. “You get her out of this town. I don’t give a shit where you put your dick as long you keep it in your pants around me.”

  “Like I would.”

  Jimbo grinned. “Oh, I know all you gay boys want a piece of this. How can anyone resist my manly presence?” He got serious again. “But, you gotta get her out of here. They’re gonna make her life hell. You two just hitch your wagon to that rich boy and ride right on out of town.”

  “You really didn’t burn my stuff, did you?”

  He shook his head and took another swig of his beer. “Hell, no, Dani. I ain’t about to hurt anyone like that. I know I can be a jerk, but I wouldn’t do nothing like that. If I were you, I would look a little closer to home, if you know what I mean.”

  Oh, she knew what he meant. The betrayal hit her squarely in the chest.

  “Val?” Dani asked, but she knew the answer.

  “Val wouldn’t.” Finn didn’t sound at all sure.

  She would, Dani knew all of a sudden. Her little sister had been nasty before, but the last couple of months she’d been sweet. Val had been the one to prod her into marrying Jimbo. She’d pushed for a date and helped with all the arrangements. Dani thought she and her sister had been making some progress. Now she could see Val had just wanted her gone. And now that she thought about it, maybe Val hadn’t been so sweet during her engagement. More than once, Val had hovered around Jimbo. A dozen tiny incidents added up to one huge betrayal. Maybe he had been a horrible boyfriend.

  “How many times did you sleep with my sister?” Dani asked.

  Even in the dim light of the bar, Dani could see the way Jimbo blanched. She felt the way Finn tensed behind her. His hand went to the nape of her neck, a soothing reminder that whatever Jimbo said, Finn was with her.

  “A whole bunch of times, Dani. I’m sorry. I just couldn’t seem to give you what you needed, and she was real good at making me feel like a man.”

  She found she wasn’t all that upset with Jimbo. The whole relationship had been a mistake on both their parts.

  “Julian turned her down,” Finn whispered in her ear.

  He had, she remembered. And Julian would never go behind her back. Despite his kinks and outward coolness, there was a warm honesty to Julian. If he decided he wanted to sleep with someone else, he would more than likely sit down and lay out the ground rules. He wouldn’t lie about it.

  “Where is my sister?” It was time to talk to her baby sis.

>   Jimbo pointed to the door. “She left with some skinny guy a while back. I ain’t seen him before. I wouldn’t expect her back until morning, if you know what I mean.”

  She did. Then her talk with Val would have to wait.


  Wow, that voice got to her. She turned in tandem with Finn to see that Julian had come for them. “Are you ready to go?”

  Julian looked between the two of them and Jimbo, as though assessing the situation. “Have you said what you need to say?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Then let’s call it a night.” He held out his hand, and Dani waved a little good-bye to Jimbo before taking it.

  “I’m very proud of you, little one. You managed a conversation with your ex-fiancé without any violence.” He led the three of them through the crowded bar and out into the night.

  “Yes, I’m saving my violence for my sister,” Dani admitted as they walked through the parking lot.

  Now Finn took the lead, his hands on his keys. He led them to his SUV. Julian had come with Jack, Sam, and Abby. Finn would have to drive them. “It’s about time someone took her out, Dani. She’s been terrorizing the world since she hit high school. She was Medusa in a cheerleader skirt.”

  “Yes, I do believe that the younger Miss Bay is more than likely due a bit of retribution. I’ll consider it.” Julian opened the back door and gestured for Dani to get inside.

  Dani had no intention of allowing Julian to decide whether or not she had it out with her sister, but now probably wasn’t the best time to fight about it. Her ass was still tender as she sat down. Finn opened his door and slid in, but Julian left the passenger door closed. He got in beside Danielle. He immediately pulled her into his lap.

  “Is my poor little one’s backside still sore?” He whispered the words directly into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  His hand slid over her knee. “That’s what happens when you disobey the big, bad Dom, Danielle. He does all sorts of nasty things to you. He might tie you down and force himself on you. You wouldn’t want that, would you? You wouldn’t want the big, bad Dom to take a whip to all that soft flesh before he fucks you senseless, would you?”


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