Dangerous: Made & Broken (A British Bad Boy Romance)

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Dangerous: Made & Broken (A British Bad Boy Romance) Page 11

by Nora Ash

  “Gerald’s a family friend—he’s not out to trick me.” I crossed my arms and leaned against the fridge. “And what are you anyway, since you think you know his sinister motives—a damn telepath?”

  “I’m a trained psychologist,” she huffed, clearly getting irritated herself. “And I’m very good at reading body language. I’ve been watching them both throughout dinner, and the way Leo is twitching and smirking, it’s obvious something isn’t right about this deal. But suit yourself—if you have forty million and a shipment of automatic weapons to bet on your own ego, then what do I care? I just thought you’d like to know.”

  With another huff, she marched over to the fridge and opened the door so I had to step away. She fished out a tray with a chocolaty looking cake and shoved it into my arms. “Here, take this in. The sooner they’re done eating, the sooner they’re out the door, and I’m getting to the end of my rope playing a Stepford wife to your Al Capone.”

  * * *

  “Son of a bitch!”

  The development site was as dark as would be expected at four AM on a November morning, but even from my vantage point inside my car on the road next to the muddy field, it was obvious that this wasn’t the multi-million dollar leisure park I’d signed off on.

  We’d finished the deal before Gerald and Leo left earlier that evening, but I hadn’t been able to shake Mira’s warning, crazy as it had seemed. It had niggled at me until I’d finally gotten in my car, picked up Louis, and driven all the way to Manchester to look at the damn site with my own eyes.

  “Looks like there was some initial plans to turn the area into a hot spot a couple of years ago, but the council shot it down,” Louis said from the passenger seat. He was looking at his iPhone, reading up on what I should have looked into before ever inviting Gerald over. What I would have looked into, had he not had ties with the family.

  “What are you going to do about it? If Dad finds out you got fucked over like this, he’s not going to be pleased.”

  “No, and that’s exactly what that bloody bastard is counting on,” I growled as I clutched the steering wheel to ease some of my frustration. “He knows I’d never tell Dad, so he thinks he’s got nothing to fear from the Steels, even after pulling a stunt like this.”

  “Our only advantage is that he’s got no way of knowing you already figured out the deal was a scam,” Louis said, a thoughtful frown pulling his ginger eyebrows down. He and Liam were the only ones of my brothers that had inherited our mother’s red hair. “So if we act quickly, before he gets time to hide that contract you signed away, we might just be able to convince him to reconsider.”

  “Right. And I have just the shipment of encouragement needed to make him do that, sitting pretty in a container down by the harbor,” I said, flexing my hands against the steering wheel. “Get Liam to call the crew in. We have a little house call to make once we get back to London.”

  * * * *

  Chapter 16


  I didn’t see Blaine the day after the dinner party. From my room, I heard the front door shut just before midnight and assumed he’d gone out to do whatever it was he did when he was out.

  But on Tuesday, just before noon, while I was resting on the bathroom floor after the morning’s final round of dry heaving, thanks to the persistent stomach bug I’d seemingly picked up, a heavy knock on my door announced his return.

  I jolted, managing to knock my head against the sink as I scrambled to get up from the floor. He hadn’t knocked on my door since he’d brought me the truce-pizza our first night here, and a spurt of curiosity made its way through my general self-pity. Hopefully, he didn’t want me to put on another dinner party—one day of playing the perfect hostess and housewife to a crime lord was more than enough for me, thank you very much.

  When I made it into my bedroom, Blaine was already standing by my bed, leafing through my copy of Sylvia Day’s newest book I’d abandoned on my pillow before rushing to the bathroom.

  “Put that down.” I felt my cheeks flush at the thought of him coming across the sex scene I’d earmarked for later return.

  To my mild astonishment, he obeyed without comment, throwing the book casually on my bedspread before he turned to look at me. As he did, his dark eyebrows pulled into a frown. “You sick?”

  I took that to mean that I looked about as haggard as I felt. “Just a stomach bug.”

  “Ah. Does that mean you’re too ill to go out for a few hours?”

  I gaped at him as his words sank in. He wanted to take me outside. As sick as I felt, there was no way I’d pass up an opportunity to get out of the house. Besides, if the last few days were any indicator, I’d be feeling better within an hour or two anyway.

  “Nuh-uh, I’m not letting you back out of our deal. Just give me a moment to get dressed. I take it you’re happy with how dinner went, then?”

  “Yeah.” He folded his arms across his chest and leaned up against my wardrobe. “You did good.”

  So no mention of what I’d said about this Gerald trying to dupe him in some way, then. Ah well, that’d have to be his own problem—as long as I would get a bit more freedom going forward, I was happy.

  “I’m glad. Now, where are we going? Is it a jeans or a dress thing?”

  The touch of what could have been a genuine smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Jeans and trainers. We’re not going anywhere fancy I’m afraid, love.”

  * * *

  Blaine drove us out of London, where trees and farms slowly took over the cityscape. I rolled down the window of the Jaguar’s passenger side and breathed the fresh air in deeply. It was a rare, sunny November day, and despite still feeling a bit queasy, I couldn’t hold back a beaming smile. How long had it been since I spent any amount of time in the countryside? Even before being forced to marry Blaine, and thus getting stuck in that house, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been outside of the city.

  “You look like a golden retriever.” Blaine’s amused voice made me pull my head back in, but even though I gave him a glare for good measure, I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. I was sure he was pretty spot on, and I didn’t care.

  “I haven’t been out of London in eons,” I sighed as I flopped back in my seat. “This is amazing. I wish we could do this every day.”

  “Hmm,” he hummed noncommittally. I took that to mean I shouldn’t get too used to impromptu picnics and sighed with resignation. Perhaps, when I did manage to escape, I should find myself a village in the countryside somewhere and settle down for a while.

  After we’d turned off the motorway and had driven along windy farm roads for a good twenty minutes, Blaine finally pulled up a long driveway that led to what looked like an equestrian farm. Horses nipped at the frozen ground behind wooden fences on both sides of the driveway.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked. Even though I couldn’t fathom what business Blaine had to see to on a farm, I couldn’t contain my excitement. I’d loved horses with a fiery passion since I was a little girl, but hadn’t had much chance to be around them since I left Ireland. Hopefully, I’d be able to at least pet one before we left again.

  “You’ll see.” Blaine looked extraordinarily smug, and I frowned as he got out of the car and headed toward the tweed-dressed, middle-aged woman approaching us from one of the stables. Whatever he had planned, I couldn’t so much as hazard a guess as to what it might be.

  My curiosity piqued, and I hurried to undo my seatbelt and get out of the car. When I got to Blaine and the woman, he put his arm around my shoulder as if it was the most natural thing in the world. I froze at the unexpected touch, but if he noticed, he ignored it.

  “Mrs. Wallace, this is my wife, Mira.”

  Mrs. Wallace nodded at me, with a smile on her weathered face. “Pleased to meet you. You sure are one lucky girl, to have such a doting husband.”

  I blinked, too stunned to form any words in response. Doting husband? Just what the heck was Blaine playing at? I narrowed my
eyes and gave him a hard stare as Mrs. Wallace turned back to the driveway. Blaine just gave me a smirk and pointed in the direction Mrs. Wallace had turned.

  “Oh look, perfect timing. Here they are now.”

  I looked down the driveway and saw a horse transport slowly make its way up. A nervous knot formed in my stomach as I saw the large vehicle approach. He hadn’t. Surely, he hadn’t. There was no way Blaine would do something like that for me. No way at all.

  When the vehicle stopped in the middle of the yard, its passenger gave a loud whinny from within. A couple of horses from the field answered it.

  I did my best to shake the chills of excitement that ran down my back. “Blaine, what is this?” I said, my voice low to keep Mrs. Wallace and the driver, who had just jumped out and walked around to the back, from hearing me.

  Blaine released his grip on my shoulders and shoved both hands into his jean pockets. His gaze was fixed on the horse transport in front of us, so I couldn’t decipher his expression, but his voice was calm and devoid of emotion when he said, “You warned me about Gerald. Turns out you were right.”

  The driver flipped the ramp at the back end of the transport down, revealing the horse inside. It was a gorgeous, white gelding.

  “It’s a Lipizzan. I’m told it’s got a fancy pedigree, but if it’s not the type you want, we can take it back and get another one,” Blaine said, as casually as if he’d gotten me a necklace.

  I stared open-mouthed at the horse while Mrs. Wallace untied it and led it out of the box, stopping in front of us.

  “What do you think, Mrs. Steel? He’s a handsome one, isn’t he?”

  “Y-Yeah,” I croaked. “Gorgeous.”

  “I’ll let you two get acquainted. The grooms have his box ready when you’re done looking him over. Just lead him to stable six, and we’ll get him settled in.” She handed me the rope and walked back toward the stables, and I was left staring dumbfounded at my very own horse.

  “Is he… really for me?” I managed, without taking my eyes off the horse.

  “Yeah, he’s yours,” Blaine confirmed. “Mrs. Wallace will be in charge of his daily care, but we should be able to get someone to drive you out here once a week or so.”

  The anxious knot grew until it made my chest tight with emotion I couldn’t begin to name. Blaine Steel, the man I’d hated from first sight, the man who had made it perfectly clear he hated being forced to marry me as much as I did… had fulfilled one of my lifelong dreams. To say I was shaken to my core would have been an understatement.

  “How did you know?” I whispered, not trusting my voice for anything louder. “How on earth did you know I’ve always wanted a horse of my own?”

  “You said you wanted one as a kid. I assumed you likely still did, since you brought it up.”

  With a start, I realized he was referring to the time he’d saved me from that group of thugs and walked me to the train station. That he had actually remembered a detail like that, and put it to use to… to what, reward me for being useful? I finally managed to tear my gaze from the horse to look over my shoulder at Blaine. He looked as calm and arrogant as ever as he stood with both hands down his front jeans pockets and the black leather coat zipped all the way up. But past the façade, there was more than just the bad boy mafia son. I wasn’t sure if I only just noticed it now, or—more likely—he finally let down one or two of the shields he usually kept up. Either way, I suddenly, and with a warm flood of confusing emotion I didn’t dare decipher, knew that the real Blaine was in there underneath all the swagger and smugness. And he might just be a man I’d like to get to know.

  * * * *

  Chapter 17


  I hadn’t really thought about what would happen after I gave Mira that horse.

  Originally, I’d gotten it because she had saved me an arse load of money—along with my reputation. Okay, so I saved my reputation as someone not to be messed with when I burst into Gerald’s home with six other, heavily armed men and demanded he draw the contract back, but without her, I wouldn’t have known it was needed until it’d been much too late. And to top it off, I’d gotten to see Gerald nearly wet his pants as he pleaded with me to spare his miserable life.

  I had, of course—if I’d killed him, my dad would undoubtedly have found out how close I was to getting fucked out of forty million pounds, and that was not a road I particularly wanted to travel down. I might have outgrown the belt, but he had other, much more unpleasant means of punishing his employees. Lose the family that kind of money and I’d sure as hell not be worth more than a second-rung employee to him, blood be damned.

  So I’d given Mira a horse, because I remembered how she’d looked when she talked about how desperately she’d wanted one as a kid. She might have meant it as a snarky commentary on what she thought I did wrong with my life, but the wistful expression in her eyes had betrayed her true desires. And I’d paid a pretty penny for it too, not so much because I cared about equine pedigrees myself, but because I wanted her to know I valued what she’d done for me.

  Sure, I had some measure of ulterior motives behind that decision—mainly that she was going to sit in on all my business deals from now on, whether she wanted to or not—but also just because if I gave someone a gift, I wanted it to be good. It didn’t happen that often, after all.

  What I hadn’t expected was the change in Mira after we came home from the stables. It was so subtle that it took me a few days to catch on to something being different, but when she knocked on my door the next afternoon to ask if I wanted anything specific for dinner, I knew something was most definitely up.

  “You’re making us dinner?” I asked, my eyes narrowed in suspicion at the curvy woman in my doorway.

  “Yes,” she said, wrapping her arms around her midsection in that way she did when she felt defensive. “Or, I’m making me dinner. You don’t have to have anything if you don’t want to. I’m not your mother.”

  The catastrophe that was Lasagna Night and when I’d made her cook for Leo and Gerald aside, we hadn’t eaten together since the pizza that first night, and her asking me what I wanted her to make for me was definitely a first. I bit back my urge to ask her why she was suddenly being nice—and that’s when I realized the small changes that had happened for the past few days, since we came back from the stables. She’d made tea and told me there was still some left in the pot when I came in the other night, she’d initiated a few small conversations when we met in the hallway, and—more noticeably—she’d smiled at me once or twice.

  I blinked as the past few days’ interactions suddenly slid into a new light.

  Was she… trying to be genuinely friendly? Because of the damn horse?

  “So, do you want anything, or are you just going to stare at me until I starve to death?” she snapped, effectively ripping me out of my dawning realization.

  I smothered a snicker. Clearly, my snarky little wife hadn’t lost her bite just yet.

  “Yeah, thanks. Whatever you’re in the mood for would be nice.”

  “Soup, then,” she said, before spinning around on her heel and walking out of my room, presumably to go cook.

  I resisted the urge to follow her down to the kitchen to watch her. The thought of how overwhelmed with memories of my childhood I’d become when coming home Sunday to the smell of dinner cooking and Mira rummaging around with pots and pans was still in fresh recollection. But she was right—she wasn’t my mother, and I didn’t need to delve deeper into whatever fucked up Oedipus complex was happening whenever I saw her in that apron. ‘Cause I’m not going to lie, I’d spent more than one night wanking to the thought of bending her over the kitchen counter and fucking the living daylights out of her while she was wearing nothing but the apron and the messy bun she usually had her auburn hair up in these days.

  My cock stirred at that thought, and I sighed wistfully. If only her sudden onset of friendliness would transform into an equally sudden, acute desire to let me get between
her thighs. How many horses would that take, anyway?

  With another sigh I slid my hand down my pants to alleviate the increasingly uncomfortable pressure in my cock. If nothing else, hopefully I’d get over my borderline obsession with her soon, so I could at least find other women to slake my desires with. I hadn’t spent this much time masturbating since I was thirteen years old, and the novelty was quickly beginning to wear off.

  * * *


  The sound of Mira’s irritated voice came from inside my bedroom.

  After getting off to yet another fantasy of kitchen sex with my bitchy little wife, I’d headed for the shower to clean off and calm down. It had apparently taken longer than I thought, judging from the annoyance in Mira’s voice.

  I briefly wondered how long she’d been calling me for as I grabbed a towel to wrap around my midriff, but such contemplations came to an abrupt halt as a devious idea sprung out.

  Much as she wanted to pretend like it wasn’t the case, I knew for a fact that the little prude got nice and turned on from seeing me naked. And I was really fucking tired of being the only sexually frustrated person in this house.

  With a devilish smirk I dropped the towel on the floor and sauntered into my bedroom.

  “For God’s sake, I’ve been calling y—” Mira turned toward me, hands on her hips and undoubtedly gearing up for a longer tirade. However, the sight of my naked body stopped her cold.

  My smirk hiked up higher when her eyes traveled down my body until they got to my crotch. A furious blush rushed to her cheeks, but she kept staring at my cock as if mesmerized.

  Yep. She wasn’t anywhere near as uninterested as she’d spent the past few weeks pretending like she was.

  “See anything you like?” I shifted my hips a bit and saw her tongue slip out to wet her lower lip as her eyes followed the movement. Nice. Having her look at me like this made my cock swell in no time.


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