Suddenly a Bride

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Suddenly a Bride Page 3

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  He made a move to stand when a woman came up to him carrying a notepad and pencil. Her auburn hair fell in soft waves to her shoulders. Her cheeks, a pretty shade of pink, were flushed from running around and taking orders. She had clear blue eyes and a charming smile. There was something about her that drew him to her, as if they shared the beginning of a connection.

  Then he blinked and realized she resembled the woman in the picture, except she looked even better in person. “Are you Caitlyn Davis?”

  “That’s what the name tag tells me,” she joked.

  He frowned. Was that how people were named on this world? They were given name tags at birth?

  Seeming to notice his confusion, she stopped chuckling and cleared her throat. “Yes, I’m Caitlyn. Am I supposed to know you?”

  “No. We’ve never met. My name is Chris West.” If his body was ready for it, he’d emit the sex hormone right then and there, but he couldn’t and that was frustrating.

  “Do you know someone who knows me?”

  “No.” Her expression seemed worried, so he added, “My sense of humor isn’t very good. It was supposed to be a joke.” Yes, it was a lie, but he sensed her unease and wished to alleviate that.

  It worked. Her body relaxed and she smiled again. “What will you have to eat?”

  He figured he probably should eat something, though he wasn’t sure how good the food would be on this planet. “What do you recommend?”

  “Well, the roast beef with gravy and mashed potatoes hasn’t killed anyone yet.”

  At first he thought she was serious, but her laugh clued him into the fact that she was making another joke. He laughed along, pretending he understood exactly why food not killing him would be funny. “I’ll have that,” he said.

  “And to drink?”

  “Uh...” He wasn’t sure what he’d like, so he replied, “What do you suggest?”

  She shrugged. “I’m a glutton for punishment, so I drink soda.”

  “What’s wrong with soda?”

  “Too much sugar, unless you drink diet. Of course, there’s still that corn syrup to worry about. If you want to play it safe, coffee works.”

  “Coffee?” He recalled hearing that. It was a common thing on Earth. “I’ll have that.”

  She nodded and jotted down his order. “I’ll get that coffee in a minute.”

  He felt a flicker of panic as she headed for the counter, but then relaxed when she didn’t leave the diner. He tapped his fingers on the table and glanced out the window. How long would it take for his body to be ready to ejaculate again? Sighing, he leaned back in his seat and tried to be patient. As long as he stayed here and could watch her, he wouldn’t lose her.

  She put a group of eight drinks on a tray and made her rounds giving them out, and as she set the coffee cup in front of him, she said, “It’s hot.”

  For a minute he thought she meant that she was hot, but then he remembered that she wouldn’t be until he released the hormone. Her eyes were on the coffee cup as she said it, so the meaning was quick to deduct.

  The course of the meal went without much conversation exchanged. He knew it wasn’t the right time to talk to her because she and the other waitress made their rounds to the customers and did what they could to make them happy. He didn’t mind the delay in their bonding since it occurred to him that he was getting a chance to see how she interacted with others, and he figured this would help him know just what kind of woman the agency set him up with. She smiled and laughed a lot. That relieved him. So far “emotional” didn’t seem like a bad thing.

  Little by little, the people shuffled out of the diner, content and full. He bid his time until he could talk to her by filling up on more brownie sundaes than he cared to admit. By the time he received his last one, he stared at it and thought he was going to throw up so he shoved it aside. When Caitlyn glanced his way as she wiped down the table in front of him, he quickly brought it back and dipped his spoon into it. As soon as she went to the counter, he set the spoon down and groaned. If he thought of food any more, his mild stomach ache would get worse.

  After what was probably ten minutes but seemed longer, Caitlyn came up to him and placed a piece of paper in front of him. “You look like you’re ready to burst.”


  “You ate a lot. Considering you’re not overweight, I’d like to know where you put it all.”

  “In my stomach.”

  She chuckled. “Anyway, that’s your bill. Don’t be a stranger. You were actually one of the nicest customers I’ve ever served.”

  “Do you usually get mean ones?” he asked, trying to think of a way to get her to stay. Now that the place was practically empty, she had time to talk, and he didn’t want to be thrown out.

  “No. Most people are nice, but some are more so than others.”

  Before she could turn and leave, he said, “I’d like to talk to you, if you don’t mind?”

  She paused for a moment, in the process of slipping the notepad into the pocket of her apron. “Well...” She sighed and let the notepad fall into her pocket. “I guess it won’t hurt.” Sitting across from him, she brushed the hair out of her eyes and asked, “So, what’s on your mind?”

  He searched for something to talk about. Could he just come out and say, Hi, I came from Star Systems Unlimited and they gave me you as a wife! Somehow, he didn’t think that would be a good beginning. He glanced at the sundae. “Would you like something to eat?”

  “Sorry. I don’t eat ice cream soup, even if it is loaded with chocolate brownie bits.”

  “You could have the roast beef with gravy and mashed potatoes. It didn’t kill me. I’m sure you’ll survive it too.”

  A grin crossed her face and her eyes twinkled. “You catch on fast.” She glanced over her shoulder at the other waitress who was taking four teenagers’ orders, and then she turned her attention back to him. “I guess I could get something light.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. Good. Now, all he had to do was stall her for however long it took his body to kick into gear.

  “I’ll be back.”

  She stood and walked over to the counter to pick out a slice of cake from the shelf next to the soda fountain. The other waitress went over to her, and Caitlyn motioned to him. Feeling self-conscious, he turned his gaze to the window. The sun was still out but it was lower in the sky. It wouldn’t be long before it was dark.

  When she returned with the cake, a soda, and a fork, he focused on her. He suddenly became aware of the shape of her breasts under her dress. Shouldn’t he have noticed them sooner? He wondered if she looked anything like those drawings he’d seen of naked women on his home world. With clothes on, she resembled the female of his species. Surely, she’d be similar in every aspect?

  Unlike last time, the tingling of his body was a welcome sensation. It was time. He could finally initiate the bonding ceremony.

  “Do you live in Crestview?” She took a forkful of cake and ate it.

  “Yes. I just got here.” Literally.

  “Really? Where did you come from?”

  “Pandoran,” he whispered. He focused on her and willed the release of the sex hormone, knowing that as he did, there would be no going back for either of them. That is, if the hormone affected her like it had affected females on his world.

  Her eyebrows furrowed. “Where?”


  She paused as she cut into the cake again and shook her head. “I’ve never heard of that town. What state did you move from?”

  He studied her for a moment to make sure the hormone was taking effect. He felt the link going out from his body to hers but so far, it didn’t seem to connect.

  After she took a drink of soda, she asked, “Is it in Florida?”

  “No.” He wiped his hands on his pants. He was beginning to feel warmer than usual. Didn’t she notice the change in body temperature?

  “Are you going to tell me what state you’re from or are you going to
make me list each one?”

  He shrugged. If he knew the agency would send him to the United States, he would have memorized each state. Besides, he wasn’t interested in this particular conversation right now. They could discuss where he came from after they sealed the bond.

  He tapped his fingers on the table and glanced out the window. He estimated that they had about twenty to thirty minutes before he had to either have sex with her or ejaculate in his clothes again—and there was no way he was doing the latter. Once was more than enough.

  “You’re not much of a talker, are you?” she finally asked before she ate another piece of cake.

  “I’m not sure what to say,” he admitted.

  He didn’t want to lose her attention now that he had it. He realized he needed to keep up a conversation, but it was hard when his mind was beginning to pick up subtle things about her, like the way she smelled—a light flowery scent. His fingers itched to touch the soft strands of her wavy hair, to touch her fair skin, to kiss her rosy lips. His heart rate picked up.

  “Well, you could start with your name. You said your name is Chris... What was the last name?”

  He had to think for a moment before he recalled it. “West.” He might as well get used to his Earth name now that he had one. Clearing his throat, he said, “My name is Chris West.”

  “Got a job?” She drank more of her soda.

  Was the ceremony not going to take place? Maybe Earth women were compatible with him, but maybe the sex hormone had no effect on them. He hid his disappointment. He didn’t know how else he was going to bond with her if they didn’t go through with the ceremony.

  And then he noticed she picked up a clean napkin and dabbed her forehead. His relief was overwhelming. It was starting to work on her.

  She looked at him and shook her head. “You don’t have to be shy,” she assured him with a kind smile. “I promise I don’t bite.”

  He returned her smile. “What did you ask again?”

  “If you have a job?”

  “Not yet. Back where I used to live, I worked with numbers.”

  “So you’re a whiz at math, huh? That was my worst subject.” She picked up her cup and drained the rest of the soda. Then she pressed the glass to her forehead. “Is it me or is it hot in here?” She put the glass down and turned around in her seat. “Sandy, is the air conditioner busted again?”

  “Nope,” the other waitress said as she carried several plates on a tray to the four teenagers.

  He decided to take that as his cue. “You want to get some fresh air?”

  “That might be a good idea.” She stood up and collected their dishes. “I’ll be right back.”

  He wondered, for a split second, if she really would return but then recalled that she was linked to him now, even though the link was a very thin one. She’d have to return to complete the process. Sure enough, she came back with her purse and stuffed an envelope into it.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow!” she called out to her friend who nodded. She glanced his way and scanned him with more interest than he knew she would have had if he hadn’t emitted the hormone. “You coming?”

  “Shouldn’t I pay for the meal?” he asked, standing up.

  “Oh. Right.” She waved him over to the cash register.

  He went up to the counter and handed her the bill and his wallet. “Take whatever you think is fair.”

  She fidgeted from one foot to the other, her body giving off an excited energy and he knew that her body was getting ready for him. She pulled out a couple of bills from his wallet and put it into the register. When she returned his wallet, her fingers brushed his and she looked him in the eye. She licked her upper lip and caressed his hand.

  “I’ll drive you home,” she said in a low voice that was a demand, rather than a request.

  The invite had been established with her statement and now it was time to be alone so they could engage in physical contact. He nodded and followed her out of the diner.

  Chapter Four

  Caitlyn led him to her vehicle, which was a white minivan. She unlocked the passenger door and turned to him. She closed the gap between them and ran her hands up his arms and clasped them around the back of his neck. Her pupils were dilated and her body hot. He pulled her closer and gave a light moan as she wiggled against his strengthening erection. Soon, very soon, he’d get to experience the joy of being inside her. It would be exquisite, he was sure, if just holding her was a foretaste of the act to come.

  She pulled his face down and kissed him, her lips soft and warm, inviting him to linger at her mouth. He ran his hands down her back and to her waist, encouraging her to shift against him again, which she did.

  “We should find a private place,” he murmured when the kiss ended.

  “Yes.” There was no denying the husky quality in her voice. She opened the door. “Get in.”

  He obeyed, hardly noticing the way the seat conformed nicely to him. He was much more interested in renewing their physical contact. The link between them was already growing stronger. She closed his door and went around to her side. Once she got in, she strapped on her seatbelt. He followed her lead, and as soon as he was done, she grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

  “You look good,” she whispered, making no hesitation about staring at his crotch. “Really good.”

  This was the most exciting thing that’d ever happened to him! He couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

  She started the minivan and drove out of the parking lot and turned right onto the main street. Removing her hand from his, she unbuttoned the top button of her dress and stroked the skin below her collarbone. He had the sudden urge to kiss that skin, to taste it, but he couldn’t from where he sat.

  “I’m burning up. Aren’t you burning up?” She didn’t wait for his answer. She turned up the air conditioner. “That’s better.”

  And it did alleviate some of the discomfort. Still, the hormone continued circulating through the air between them and it was just a matter of time before they undressed.

  “I live north of town. It’s more isolated.” She glanced at him with a hungry look.

  He barely noticed the trees that marked their path. He was too busy staring at her, awed by her beauty.

  She turned onto a dirt road and parked on the side of it. Her eyes showing her arousal, she unstrapped the seatbelt and jumped on him.

  “I don’t think there’s enough room,” he said.

  She grunted. “You’re right.” She opened his door, jumped out and opened the backdoor. “Hurry up. I need you now.”

  Extremely turned on, he fiddled with the seatbelt but couldn’t figure out how to release it, so she reached over and did it for him. As soon as he was free to move, he joined her in the backseat.

  She closed the door and pounced on him. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she whispered as she ran her hands under his shirt.

  He shifted under her so that his arousal was firmly against the area between her legs. “Nothing’s wrong,” he assured her. “This is how it’s supposed to be.”

  Ever since he made his decision to get a life mate, he’d read up on the mating practices of his world. It’d been long removed, of course, seeing as there was a lack of women, but he knew he had to understand how the male body worked in relation to a female’s. And as much time as he spent researching the ritual life-bonding ceremony of his kind, nothing prepared him for the intensity of the hormone emitting from his body. It affected him as much as it was affecting her. He’d never been more eager to do anything in his entire life.

  She kissed him and ran her tongue along his lips, starting at the bottom and working her way to the top. He parted his mouth for her and felt her mounting passion reach out through the link he’d started between them. She began to rock her hips, properly initiating the next level. He grunted in frustration. He wanted to free himself from his pants, but she quickly straightened up and unbuttoned her dress.

  Squeezing her hips, he watche
d her in anticipation. She was soft. He brought his fingers up to the skin just above the waistline of her panties. Her flesh was real and warm. His heart raced and he waited for her to pull the dress over her head.

  “It’s so hot,” she murmured and dabbed the layer of sweat covering her chest with the dress.

  He felt the rising heat as well. It was elevating their arousal and it would ensure the eventual orgasm for both of them. But in a minivan with the windows up, it was too much too soon. His plan was to wait until they were at her home so the wider space would dissipate some of the hormonal activity swirling around them. He shifted from under her so that he could lean forward and turn up the air conditioner. Immediately, the tension calmed to a bearable point.

  He noted the relief on her face. Good. He settled back into the seat and slid his hands up her smooth back. Her skin was so very nice. A live woman. One that breathed and encouraged lovemaking. One that tossed her dress onto the floor of the van and removed her bra, baring her breasts.

  His fingers brushed her breasts, her pink nipples hardening for him. She let out a contented sigh and shifted. He could feel her heat through her panties and his pants. She was wet. Her body was ready for his entry, and the way she continued to move against him notified him that she was eager for the flesh on flesh contact that was to come. He was eager too, but he wanted to enjoy her breasts first.

  He cupped her perfect white mounds in his hands. She filled his palms nicely. Giving them a slight squeeze, he was rewarded with a gasp. Leaning forward, he brought his tongue to a nipple to taste her. She grabbed his shoulders and murmured for him to continue. Even with the cold air blasting them, the heat was, once again, becoming more pronounced. But he wanted to explore her breasts, so he took his time and caressed them, letting his mouth and tongue taste the arousing sweat that glistened on her skin. It was her scent and her taste. As his life mate, he’d be connected to her and her to him through the hormones their bodies were giving off.


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