Suddenly a Bride

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Suddenly a Bride Page 7

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  “This is the only thing Randy ever wore that is suitable for a job interview,” she said as she pulled the dark blue slacks and matching suit jacked out of the trunk. She retrieved the white dress shirt and dark blue tie. Further down, beneath some photo albums and other mementoes of their life together, she found the dress shoes. “I hope these fit. We’ll get you your own clothes when we go shopping. For now, you need something nice to wear, and Randy’s job didn’t require nice outfits.”

  “It didn’t? What did he do?”

  She handed him the clothes. “He worked at a radio station. He was in charge of the music in the evenings.”

  He ran his hands over the neatly folded clothes. “What kind of music?”

  “Anything but country. He hated country. Don’t ask me why. I don’t mind it myself.”

  He nodded as he went to the bed and unfolded the clothes. “What does music on your world sound like?”

  “I can show you.” She went over to the radio by her side of the bed and turned it on. “This is country.” She adjusted the dial. “This is rap.” Then she adjusted it again. “This is alternative rock. And this…is heavy metal.” She laughed. “I haven’t heard much heavy metal since the ‘80s.” She found a classical station and smiled. “Do you want to dance?”


  “Yeah. You put your arms around me and we glide gracefully across the floor.”

  He smiled. “I’ll do anything that involves touching you.”

  She grinned. “Then come on over here.”

  He put the clothes down and joined her. “What do I do?”

  “Put one hand on my hip.” She placed his hand on her hip and took his other hand. “Then you hold my hand. And then…” She stepped forward so that the tips of her breasts teased his chest. “You move.”

  He squeezed her hand and kissed her.

  She returned his kiss, savoring the way he tasted as his tongue brushed hers. When the kiss ended, she took a deep breath. “That was nice.”

  “Nice?” he asked, looking disappointed.

  Her lips turned into a wicked grin and she pressed her body firmly against his. “Very nice.”

  He tried to kiss her again, but she stopped him. “I want to teach you to dance. I love to dance, and when we attend my sister’s wedding in a couple of months, I want you to dance with me.”

  “If dancing means I get to touch you, then I’ll be happy to do it.”

  “It does.” She stepped away from him so she could move gracefully to the side. “Follow my lead.”

  He nodded and seemed to focus on everything her feet did. She was ready to protest that he shouldn’t stare at her feet, but it seemed to help him so she held her tongue. A slight smile crossed his face when she asked him to spin her around. He obeyed, and when she laughed at the thrill of it, he kissed her cheek and turned his attention back to her feet. It didn’t take him too long before he was able to return his gaze to hers.

  “This is easy,” he said.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Of course, I do. I’m with you.”

  The way he said it warmed her heart, for she realized that he was falling in love with her. Maybe he was falling much faster than he would have if he’d grown up with women on his planet. She knew part of his innocence prompted him to fall hard for the first woman he grew attached to, but she didn’t care. It was nice to have a man looking at her as if she was the most important person on Earth. And, truth be told, she found that she was falling in love with him too. It was too soon for love, or at least that’s what she tried to tell herself, and yet, she was falling in love.

  She stopped dancing long enough to turn the radio to another station with a slow song on it and returned to his arms. This time she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his shoulder.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered, “I like this dance best.”

  She smiled and nodded her agreement.


  Chris adjusted the belt of his pants as Caitlyn pulled the minivan into the parking lot where he had his job interview at Eglin Air Force Base. Randy’s clothes were too loose on him. Caitlyn said that Randy worked out a lot, but Chris didn’t understand why that should make a difference. He decided not to worry about it. Tomorrow, she promised to take him shopping, and he could get clothes that fit then.

  “Are you nervous?” she asked as she stopped the car.

  “No. Should I be?” He inspected her face for any clues that might give him insight into how a person on Earth felt when it came to job interviews. He didn’t want to stand out as if he didn’t belong there.

  She smiled. “I guess not. You already know everything there is to know about engineering.”

  “That’s true.” That was why he figured he’d get the job.

  He sighed. The belt was still too loose. He got out of the car, and the pants slipped a bit.

  She hopped out of the car and joined him. “Randy’s clothes really are not for you, are they?”

  “I’m glad you’re finding some humor in this,” he teased as he shut the door.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll get you new clothes tomorrow.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  She took him by the arm and grinned at him. “After we get you clothes, I want to take you to the beach. Did you have beaches on your world?”

  He walked with her and said, “No.”

  “Well, this time of year is great for walking along the shore. It’s romantic.”

  He noted her shy smile and slipped his arm around her waist while pulling up his belt with his free hand. Her shy smile was obviously based on emotion. He wondered if this was what emotional meant. If so, he liked it. “I want to do what’s romantic.”

  “I know this whole thing is crazy. I mean, what with you popping up out of the blue and all, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  He stopped so he could study her expression, noting her twinkling eyes and flushed face. He detected no sexual desire in her statement, and the realization caused his heart to soften. Perhaps he was getting emotional because of their link. He didn’t adequately understand the new feelings she was bringing out in him. It was easy to understand what the physical desire for her meant. That was biologically programmed into him. But this other experience was something completely different, and he wasn’t sure how to react to it.

  So he did the only thing he knew for sure she’d enjoy and kissed her. He didn’t linger too long at her lips. They were in a full parking lot, and he recalled how impatient people were when they drove through the parking lot at the diner.

  “I like being here,” he whispered as he led her toward the building. “It’s much better than my world.”

  “Even if we are stuck in the stone age?” she teased.

  “Stone age?”

  “Never mind. Let’s go find out where we need to go for that interview.” She opened the front door. “I believe it’s on the second floor.”


  They went to an elevator and she pressed the up arrow. “Did you have elevators where you’re from?”

  “We didn’t call them elevators, but they were the same thing.”

  As she got ready to ask him something, someone called out a greeting. The voice was familiar, so he turned around. Not hiding his surprise, he asked, “They sent you to Crestview too?”

  Marn shook his head. “No. They sent me to Fort Walton Beach. My name is Mark Tanner now.”

  “Mine is Chris West.” He motioned to her. “This is my life mate, Caitlyn.” Then he looked at her and said, “When I came here, another from my world also came. This is him, but he didn’t come for a life mate. Not yet anyway.”

  “Right. I need to make sure I want to stay on Earth,” Mark explained.

  Chris didn’t realize how nice it would be to know another from his world in this new place. “Are you applying for the engineering position?”

  “Yeah. It was the only thing I could find that wouldn’t bor
e me.”

  Beside him, he noted Caitlyn’s exasperation. He smiled at her. “He doesn’t have a life mate yet, so what else does he have?”

  “I take it that you two are happy,” Mark noted as the elevator doors opened.

  “Very much so,” Chris replied, not hiding his enthusiasm. They entered the elevator, and he continued, “You need to get a life mate. Earth women are pleasant.”

  Mark shrugged. “I’ll see how things go while I’m here.” He turned to Caitlyn. “I’m not as brave as Chris. I have to know what I’m getting myself into before I jump into something. Being a life mate is serious. Once the bond is established, the only way out is for one of you to die.”

  “Ideally, that is how marriage works on Earth,” she replied.

  “There is no ideally with our kind. It’s permanent no matter what happens,” Mark said. “That’s why I’m not rushing into it.”

  Chris smiled at her. “I don’t regret it. Star Systems Unlimited chose the right woman. I’m sure they’d choose the right one for you if you let them.”

  Mark laughed and shook his head. “You are very brave.”

  “Maybe.” Who was Chris to argue with the observation? Mark was most likely right.

  The doors opened so they stepped into the hallway.

  “The room is this way,” Caitlyn said, motioning to the sign with room numbers painted on it. “How many positions are they offering?”

  “I don’t know.” Chris glanced at Mark. “Did you catch the number that they’re hiring?”

  “I think it’s one,” Mark replied.

  “Then as they say on Earth,” Caitlyn began, “‘Let the best man win.’ No offense, Mark. But I’m rooting for my husband.”

  He returned her smile. “I wouldn’t expect it any other way.”

  When they entered the room, she sat in a chair while he and Mark signed in for the interview.

  “She’s a beauty,” Mark said in a low voice so no one would overhear.

  “Yes. I’m very happy with the selection they made at Star Systems Unlimited.”

  “I gathered as much. You not only said it, but you got this stupid grin on your face.” He nudged him in the side and chuckled. “I don’t blame you. Women are lovelier than I thought they’d be. The pictures we grew up looking at didn’t do them justice.”

  He nodded. “They’re much better in real life.”

  “How is the sex?”

  Chris expected that to be the question Mark wanted to ask sooner but held back until they’d gotten the pleasantries out of the way. His lips curled into a wicked grin. “Much better than the simulations on our world.”



  “You almost tempt me to throw caution to the wind and get a life mate today. Almost. I’m still not that adventurous.”

  “You’re still taking your inhibitor, aren’t you?”

  “Of course. I don’t want to find just anyone to bond with. I’m going to use my head when I make the decision.”

  “You know, I would have chosen Caitlyn even if I did it your way. She’s a lot of fun. She’s full of life. I think we lost a lot of joy on our world,” Chris thoughtfully stated.

  “Without women there to brighten things up, I can see why.”

  The secretary walked up to the front desk and read their names. “Mr. Tanner, Mr. West, I’ll call you back in a moment.”

  Chris nodded, sat next to Caitlyn, and held her hand. “We’ll be called back in a minute.”

  Mark sat on his other side but chose to leave an empty chair between them. “Yep. Good luck, Chris. I happen to be pretty good with numbers.”

  “We’ll see,” Chris replied, not disturbed in the least by the good-natured warning.

  A minute later, Mark was called back. He returned ten minutes later and told Chris, “It wasn’t bad. Some of the things were too easy, but a couple of things actually seemed challenging. I was pleasantly surprised.”

  Caitlyn sighed and rolled her eyes.

  Chris squeezed her hand. “That’s a good thing.”

  “Yeah, I know, but it’s still not very flattering.”

  He laughed and kissed her cheek. The man called out his name, so he squeezed her hand again and went into the office to be interviewed. As Mark said, the questions were simple enough with only a couple that made him stop and think for a moment.

  Finally, the man sat back in his chair and shook his head. “I don’t believe it. I’ve never had two applicants who were so qualified for this position before.” He pushed back his chair and stood up.

  Chris followed suit and shook the man’s extended hand.

  “You got the job,” he said with a smile.

  Chris smiled in return. “Thank you, sir.” He couldn’t wait to tell Caitlyn.

  The man showed him out of his office and called out to Mark. “I didn’t realize you were still here.”

  Mark and Caitlyn eased out of their chairs.

  “It’s just as well that you did,” the man continued before Mark could respond. “I’ve decided to hire both of you.”

  Caitlyn shot Chris an excited grin, and he couldn’t deny the pleasure he experienced at making her happy.

  “You two can start on Monday,” the man said. “In the meantime, go downstairs and fill out some paperwork in room 110.”

  After they said good-bye to the man and went to the elevator to go down to the first floor, Caitlyn hugged Chris and smiled at Mark. “This is terrific! It’s great that you two will get to work together!”

  “I can’t deny the irony,” Mark admitted. “We never met on Pandoran.”

  “Life can throw a lot of surprises your way,” she replied.

  Chris gave her waist a slight squeeze, letting her know that the surprises he’d been receiving were good ones. He liked knowing that in this unfamiliar world, he’d get to work with Mark. And now he and Caitlyn could talk about getting that house she mentioned always wanting.

  Chapter Nine

  Caitlyn was so excited that her new husband got such a well-paying job that she had to pull Sandy aside to a vacant booth as soon as she got to work.

  “You’ll never believe what just happened,” Caitlyn said, hardly able to control her enthusiasm.

  Sandy gave her a good look and shrugged. “You won the lottery and will blow this godforsaken joint?”

  “Hey! I heard that,” Jack called out from behind the counter where he was grabbing a cup of coffee. “You’re lucky no one’s here or I’d dock your pay for such sacrilege.”

  Caitlyn chuckled. “Oh come on, Jack. You know we love you.”

  “Yeah,” Sandy added. “At least you use actual food in your ingredients.”

  “I’ll take that as an apology,” he replied before he headed back to the kitchen.

  “So, what’s the big news?” Sandy asked.

  “Chris just got a great job! He’s going to be an engineer at Eglin Air Force base!”


  Noting her friend’s doubt, she groaned. “I was there when he had the interview.”

  “Oh, then this is for real.”

  “Yes.” She shook her head. “You need to stop being so cynical. Some guys can be good ones.”

  “Maybe. I mean, given how many there are, I have to believe it. And it’s good that he has a job in the area. He’s putting down roots. Maybe he’s legit after all. So when is your family going to meet him?”

  With a sigh, she said, “When my mom insists on it.”


  “Yeah. You know how my mom gets. I’d like to have some time to enjoy my marriage without her sticking her nose into it.”

  “I don’t know if hiding it from her is going to help matters.”

  “Probably not, but I’d like to have some peace and quiet for as long as possible. I’ll tell her when I’m ready.”

  “Fair enough. And when she gives you grief, feel free to call me.”

  Smiling at her friend, Caitlyn nodded and stoo
d up. She clocked in and got ready for her shift.


  The next day, Caitlyn drove Chris to the mall where they could buy him some clothes. She wondered what his fashion sense might be. On their way down the hall, she motioned to a clothing store up ahead.

  “You’ll need some work clothes before you get the fun stuff,” she said.

  Giving her hand a slight squeeze, he asked, “Fun stuff?”

  “The clothes you can relax around the house in.” She studied his dark hair which was slightly past his shoulders. “I think you’ll be better off with a haircut. We’ll do that after we get your wardrobe.”


  “Shorter is better with your new job.”

  “Oh. Well, on my world, there’s no point in trying to look our best. We don’t have any women to impress.”

  “You look cute.” When she caught his hesitant expression, she added, “Really, you do. If you had a job at a radio station or something, you’d be just fine. But you’re an engineer now, and engineers should look more professional.” She couldn’t recall seeing a man who worked in an office having shaggy hair.

  “You know this world better than I do, so I’ll do whatever you say.”

  She laughed. “Don’t give me too much power. I might get a swell head.”

  “Your head will swell up?”

  “Not literally. It’s an expression. It means that I’ll…” She sighed, not exactly sure how to explain it. With a shrug, she said, “I’ll think I can do more than I’m capable of.” They reached the store. “We’ll want to start with suits. You’ll want something neutral or dark. Do you prefer tans, grays, browns, blues or blacks?”

  “Well…” He glanced around the store. “I guess black and gray.”

  She nodded. “That fits your personality.”

  His eyebrows furrowed. “It does?”

  “Yeah. You seem so straight and narrow.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “No. You do have a sense of humor.” Thank goodness too because she couldn’t imagine being married to someone who couldn’t enjoy life at all. “Come on. There are some black and gray suits.”


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