The Night Off

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The Night Off Page 7

by Meghan O'Brien

  Emily exhaled deeply, her tense muscles finally starting to relax. “Honestly, I have tried cuddling a couple times. It wasn’t like this. I couldn’t relax with her—this girl I dated briefly in college. I remember wondering when it would end so I could leave. The sex was pretty good, but as soon as it was done, so was I.”

  Nat chuckled into her hair. “She wasn’t the right one for you.”

  “Maybe I was the one who wasn’t right.”

  Giving Emily’s hip a gentle pinch, Nat murmured, “Stop.” Emily shifted a little, but Nat tugged her closer and held her tight. From the way Emily practically melted against her, it was clear that she still enjoyed her dominance. Good. “Cuddling is very intimate. I can’t enjoy it with someone I don’t trust. You probably can’t, either. You couldn’t relax because you didn’t trust her. That means she wasn’t the right one for you.”

  Emily was quiet for a few moments, then pulled away, eyebrow cocked. “Oh my God. Are you one of those sappy, romantic types?”

  “Deep down, yes. For the right woman.” Skirting the issue of her very real attraction, Nat steered the conversation back to Emily. “There’s nothing wrong with you. One day you’ll meet someone you trust. Someone you want to cuddle.” Unable to help noticing how naturally Emily fit into her arms, she trailed off. She wanted to lift Emily’s spirits, not freak her out with unprofessional stirrings.

  “This does feel really nice,” Emily whispered, snuggling closer.

  Nat closed her eyes. “So what do you have on your plate?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You said you don’t date because you have too many other things on your plate. What kinds of things?” As much as she hated to admit it, Nat was hungry for details. So far Emily hadn’t presented herself as ideal girlfriend material, but Nat still needed to know everything. She couldn’t help it.

  “My job, for one,” Emily said. “I’m an accountant at a large corporate firm.”

  “That would be the place where I kidnapped you tonight.”

  Emily swallowed audibly. “Yes.”

  “So you’re a workaholic.”

  “Sometimes.” Emily hesitated. “Raising my sister is what mostly keeps me busy.”

  That was interesting. Nat opened her eyes. “How old is your sister?”

  “Eighteen. I’ve had custody of her since she was twelve.”

  Recalling Emily’s biographical information, Nat did the math. “You’re twenty-five now, so you’ve been raising her since you were, what, eighteen or nineteen?”

  “Almost nineteen.”

  Nat whistled. “Forced to grow up fast.” She knew what that was like.

  “Our parents died shortly before I turned eighteen. It took a while before I could demonstrate that I was able to take care of Colleen. She was in foster care for over a year while I fought to get her back.” Emily’s voice wavered. “Unfortunately.”

  “I’m sorry.” Wanting to offer her very real empathy for the tragedy of a lost childhood, Nat ignored the twinge in her gut that warned her not to get too personal. It was a little late for that, anyway. “I had to grow up fast, too. My mother left my father when I was just a couple months old. Apparently I ruined their lives and their relationship…or at least that’s what my father always told me. My mother died when I was two years old—beaten to death by her new boyfriend.” Emily’s soft lips brushed over her shoulder, sending a shiver through Nat’s body. “My father raised me after that. He never forgave me for her leaving him—or let me forget that I was a burden he wouldn’t have chosen to bear alone. I moved out of his house at sixteen.”

  Emily sighed, pressing her hand to the center of Nat’s chest. “Sounds like neither of us won the parent lottery. Mine were addicts for almost my entire life. Mom did clean up for a bit when she was pregnant with my sister, but after Colleen was born it got so much worse.” She snorted quietly. “I remember being eight years old, making sure the baby got fed while they were passed out on the floor. I may have only gotten custody of Colleen six years ago, but I’ve been taking care of her for our entire lives.”

  Nat could hear the love in Emily’s voice when she spoke about her sister, along with her pain. It tugged at her heart, as did the thought of the childhood Emily’s parents had stolen from her. “You’re right, that is a lot to have on your plate. No doubt.”

  “Yes.” Emily ran her fingernail between Nat’s breasts. “Don’t get me wrong, I love having my sister. I’m not sure I’ll know what to do with myself when she goes away to college in a few months.”

  “Maybe take up cuddling?”

  She could feel Emily smile against her shoulder. “Maybe.”

  By now Nat wasn’t surprised by the pang of longing she felt at the thought of being the one to introduce Emily to the pleasures of real intimacy. Emboldened by how comfortably they fit together, she whispered, “If I tell you something, will you believe me?”

  Emily’s mouth twitched. “I’ll try.”

  “That was the best sex I’ve ever had, too.”

  Chapter Six

  Emily went still, listening to the thump of Nat’s heartbeat beneath her ear. She wasn’t certain how to respond to Nat’s words, because even though she’d promised to try to believe her, and even though Nat sounded wholly sincere, Emily simply couldn’t fathom that what she’d just said was true. Nat had obviously fucked a lot of people. Even if most of the sex had been bad or unpleasant, surely one or two experiences had surpassed what they’d just shared. Granted, Emily had found the sex transcendent, but she’d assumed it was partially due to her inexperience.

  “Do you believe me?” Nat murmured.

  Emily weighed what to say. She didn’t want to call Nat a liar, especially because she was sure Nat just wanted to make her feel good. “I wish I could, honestly, but…it is a bit hard to believe.”

  “Why? Didn’t you think it was mind-blowing?”

  “Well, yes.” Taking a deep breath, Emily raised up so Nat could see her face. “But surely you’ve had plenty of great sex. And I’m…not very experienced. So I sort of assumed—”

  “What? That I was faking it?”

  Emily’s face burned with embarrassment. Was Nat teasing her? “Well, you’re obviously good at your job. I’m sure every woman you fuck walks away convinced that she was the best you’ve ever had. Because that’s what you do, right? Make lonely women—women like me—forget how sad their lives are, for just one night. Isn’t that right?”

  Nat frowned. “I’m being honest with you. And just so you know, I don’t make it a habit to lie to my clients. There are plenty of other ways to make a woman feel good.”

  Emily sighed. She hadn’t wanted to offend Nat, and now it seemed she had. “I apologize. My skepticism has much more to do with me than with you, I promise.”

  “I get it.” Nat softened, rubbing her thumb over Emily’s lower lip. “For the record, I don’t tell every woman I fuck that we’ve just had the best sex of my life. Most of the time I don’t even tell them my real name. But I told you.”

  Perplexed, Emily went back to the moment when she’d asked. Nat had offered her name without hesitation, only minutes after they’d met. Long before Emily could have done anything to inspire that level of trust. “Why? What makes me so special?”

  Nat grasped her upper arms, tugging her closer to kiss the tip of her nose. “I don’t know.” Moving a hand up to touch Emily’s throat, Nat held her in place so that they stayed face to face. “Something.”

  Blushing, Emily tore her gaze from Nat’s. She stared at the ink on Nat’s arm, admiring the bold lines etched over well-defined muscle. Despite her lingering shyness, her libido stirred. Too unsettled to initiate another go, she rested her head on Nat’s chest and exhaled heavily. During sex, not being in control had been a heady aphrodisiac. Now it made her sick to her stomach. Confused by her emotions—and by Nat’s—Emily closed her eyes and fought the instinct to leap out of bed and run away.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you.
” Nat tensed beneath her, allowing her hands to fall to her sides. “I didn’t tell you that to make you uncomfortable. I just wanted you to know that you aren’t the only one who felt that way…about the sex. But it was unprofessional to say anything. It won’t happen again.”

  She should just accept Nat’s apology, thank her for the lovely evening, and leave. It was better than staying here in this awkward moment, flayed open and exposed. But the self-recrimination in Nat’s voice stopped her. She thought Emily was upset by her attraction, when in reality it frightened and excited her equally.

  Emily opened her eyes. “You enjoyed my fantasy?”

  Nat relaxed slightly. “You might as well have written it with me in mind. It was perfect.”

  Shivering, Emily drew a circle around Nat’s navel with her fingertip. “I’m glad you had a good time. Makes me feel slightly better about the whole paying-for-sex thing.”

  “Makes me feel worse,” Nat said lightly. “In fact, I would be happy to refund you my cut of your fee. It hardly seems right to accept it, considering.”

  Emily raised her head and met Nat’s cautious gaze. “I can’t let you do that. But thank you.” Despite her initial skepticism, she was beginning to believe that tonight had been mutually satisfying. Unsure what that meant, she remained guarded even as a tiny bubble of excitement rose in her belly. “And I believe you.”

  “Good.” Nat brushed a lock of hair away from Emily’s face. “You really are beautiful.”

  Emily knew better than to question Nat’s sincerity this time. “Thank you.” Again her gaze flitted to Nat’s tattoo, then to her handsome face. “I have to admit, I never imagined Janis had my dream butch in her employ. But here you are, in the flesh.” It was embarrassing to admit the depth of her attraction to Nat, but what the hell. Unless Nat was an excellent liar, she seemed to reciprocate her interest. “You happen to be exactly my type.”

  “Lucky me.” Nat’s eyes darkened. “You know, we have at least an hour and a half left on the clock.”

  Emily’s heart rate picked up at the seduction in Nat’s deep voice. “Oh, yeah?”

  “And I happen to know that this penthouse won’t be used again until tomorrow evening, anyway. So, technically, we have all night.”

  Despite the strength of her orgasm and the overwhelming emotion it had conjured, Emily was suddenly more than ready for round two. As expensive as this appointment was, it would be foolish not to take advantage of every second of their time together. “What are you suggesting?”

  Nat reached between their bodies and stroked Emily’s nipple, then cupped her breast. “I’m suggesting you come up here and sit on my face. To start.”

  That knocked the wind out of Emily. She couldn’t imagine anything more delightfully hedonistic. “I’ve never done that before, either.”

  “Even better.” Nat winked. “Think it’s something you might like?”

  “Silly question.” Emily moved to climb up Nat’s body, but stopped short. She had one thing she needed Nat to know before they’d moved beyond words. “Nat?”

  “Yes, my sweet girl?”

  “I like cuddling with you. A lot.”

  Nat’s eyes sparkled. “See? Told you there was nothing wrong with you.” She lifted her head and captured Emily’s mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. Breaking away with a gasp, Nat gripped Emily’s hips and growled. “Now get up here and let me taste you again.”

  Forgetting her worries, Emily said, “Yes, mistress.”

  Chapter Seven

  Nat opened her eyes and blinked at the sun-striped ceiling, disoriented for only an instant before she remembered where she was. The penthouse. She turned her head, breath quickening at the sight of blond hair fanned over the pillow beside her. She was in the penthouse, with Emily Parker.

  Still asleep, Emily somehow looked even more gorgeous than she had the night before. Nat knew the hours they’d spent pleasuring each other had everything to do with her changed perception. Emily was no longer merely an attractive client. She was her lover. They’d fucked long past the end of Emily’s appointment, stopping only when the need for sleep outweighed their desire to keep going. And now, after a few hours’ rest, Nat burned to make love to her again.

  But she didn’t reach for Emily. Even as her fingers tingled with the urge to stroke over smooth, creamy skin, she kept still, taking stock of her feelings.

  She wanted to see Emily again after this morning. She had no interest in denying that to herself; after more than ten years of selling her body and mostly avoiding relationships, she was ready to try something new. That’s why she’d spent the past five years perfecting her culinary skills in the hope of one day becoming a chef. She couldn’t see herself living this life much longer, now that she wasn’t a kid without options. A girlfriend had never seemed like a possibility before, but the thought of getting to know Emily better had her imagining all sorts of things she’d never dared dream for herself.

  Emily stirred. Then she slowly opened her eyes, immediately dissolving into a sheepish smile. “Good morning.”

  “Morning.” Nat gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek. “How did you sleep?”

  “Like a woman fully satisfied.” Emily ran a hand through her tousled hair, then adjusted the comforter over her chest as though trying to preserve her modesty. “You?”

  “The same.” Nat grinned. “Sore?”

  Emily shifted, crinkling her nose even as amused discomfort flashed across her face. “Oh, yes.”

  “I’m not surprised.” Last night Emily had admitted that she hadn’t been touched in years. Their marathon session of energetic fucking would have taken its toll on anyone, let alone a born-again virgin. Hell, Nat was grateful she didn’t have another appointment this weekend. She needed time to recover, both physically and emotionally. “Worth it?”

  “You have no idea.”

  “I have some idea, I think.” Nat raised her arms above her head and stretched. “That was a lot of fun.”

  “To say the least.” Emily’s gaze tracked the movement of Nat’s arms, then flitted lower as the comforter slipped off Nat’s breasts. She swallowed. “Thank you for allowing me to spend the night. I know I didn’t exactly pay for that.”

  “It was for selfish reasons.” Nat caressed Emily’s cheek. “I wasn’t ready to let you go.”

  Emily searched Nat’s face, relaxing as palpable confidence swept over her. “And now?”

  “Still not ready.” Cupping Emily’s face, Nat pressed their foreheads together, then kissed her lips softly. “Emily, let me make you come.”

  Emily drew in a shuddering breath. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Thrilled to have permission, Nat threw back the comforter and admired the shape of Emily’s body illuminated in the warm glow of morning. She kept getting more gorgeous each time Nat saw her. But that made perfect sense. With familiarity comes true appreciation.

  “I promise to be gentle,” Nat murmured, running her hand between Emily’s full breasts on a slow journey down to her center. She licked her lips when Emily parted her thighs, allowing her fingers to glide over her hot, slick labia. “I know you’re sore.”

  Emily gasped at the brush of Nat’s thumb over her swollen clit. “I’ll live.”

  “Anything for an orgasm, right?”

  The question elicited the same pretty blush Nat had so enjoyed teasing out during their scene last night. Most of their lovemaking after their initial post-coital talk had been very exciting but fairly vanilla. Knowing how much Emily had enjoyed edgier play before, Nat decided to test the waters in the light of day.

  Bending, she took Emily’s nipple between her teeth and applied firm pressure. Emily whimpered, arched her back, and soaked Nat’s hand with a fresh flood of wetness. Nat lifted her head and snickered. “Answer me. You’ll suffer a little discomfort—maybe even a little pain—if it means you’ll have an orgasm. Is that right, you dirty thing?”

  Emily’s hips pumped into Nat’s hand, but Nat moved with her,
keeping her contact light. She didn’t want Emily to come until she was damn well ready to let her. When Emily continued to roll her hips instead of answer her question, Nat delivered a feather-soft slap to her sensitive pussy. She knew the impact would be intense despite the gentleness of the contact, but she was certain Emily could handle it.

  “That’s right, mistress!” Emily blurted, stilling her body with visible effort. “I just want to come, please.”

  Going on instinct, Nat pulled her hand from between Emily’s legs so she could grab her wrists and guide them over her head. She pressed them down softly, relying on Emily’s willingness to role-play rather than real force to keep her in place. She kissed the corner of Emily’s mouth, then shifted lower to drag her tongue up the length of her throat.

  “You like being forced to come, don’t you? It’s even better if you have no say in it. No control over it.” Keeping one hand on Emily’s wrist, she moved the other down her stomach, then lower. She let her fingers play in Emily’s wetness, teasing her labia and flicking lightly at her clit. “Tell me how much you love being at my mercy.”

  Emily’s entire body quivered beneath her touch. “I love being at your mercy, mistress.”

  “And do you trust me?” Nat locked eyes with Emily, aware of how weighty the question was. With her upbringing, trust didn’t come easily for Nat. She assumed the same was true of Emily. And yet she’d felt Emily’s trust last night, over and over again.

  Emily didn’t flinch. “I trust you.”

  Nat captured her clit between her fingers, holding it carefully but firmly. Emily’s reaction was instantaneous. Her back stiffened and her thighs quaked. She snapped her eyes tightly shut, nostrils flaring.


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