“You’re probably right.” Cam reflected on everything he had learned since the Bobcat first blew. “It’s just like the Cistercians and Templars and Masons and Kabbalists have been trying to tell us all along.” The message was both cryptic and clear, hidden and in plain view. He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. “They knew the truth. They knew the queen sits alone, high on her throne.”
[Page numbers correspond to double-spaced version of manuscript only.]
Page 63—reference to British excavation of Solomon’s Temple in the 1860s yielding Templar artifacts:
Page 67—reference to Copper Scroll (of Dead Sea Scrolls) contents:
Page 71—reference to Masonic activity as successors to Templars as early as 1390:
The Virgin and the Pentacle, Alan Butler (O Books, 2003), at page 33.
Page 71—reference to Templar involvement in 1391 Peasant’s Revolt in England:
Born in Blood, John J. Robinson (M. Evans, 1989).
Page 81—reference to Rex Deus bloodline:
Page 105—reference to a general overview of the Prince Henry expedition:
Page 106—reference to Mi’kmaq natives playing shinny prior to Colonial settlement:
Page 129—reference to Newport Tower architectural features and astronomical alignments:
Page 129—reference to conclusion Newport Tower is not Colonial structure:
Page 130—reference to Narragansett legend that Newport Tower was built by “fire-haired men with green eyes who sailed up river in a ship like a gull with a broken wing”:
Page 132—reference to Westford town history publication rebutting legend that Fisher boys carved Westford Knight carving:
Gazetteer of the State of Massachusetts, Elias Mason (B.B. Russell, 1874), at page 542
Page 147—reference to Frank Glynn statement that Westford Knight “Encampment Site” had been plowed over:
See “Westford Knight Collection” materials, J.V. Fletcher Library, Westford, Massachusetts, USA
Page 148—reference to links between Robert Louis Stevenson and the Sinclair family:
New England’s Ancient Mysteries, Robert Ellis Cahill (Old Salt Box, 1993), at page 53;
Page 150—reference to outlawed Templars becoming pirates:
Page 159—reference to dating of Spirit Pond Rune Stones to 1401-1402:
“The Spirit Pond Rune Stones,” Scott F. Wolter (unpublished paper), March 4, 2007
Page 159—reference to the Noman’s Land Rune Stone’s original location high on a bluff:
Page 164—reference to Popham Colony’s founding in 1607:
Page 165—reference to America’s Stonehenge site being built by either Phoenicians or ancient Europeans:
Page 169—reference to pre-earthquake river system in Lake Memphremagog area:
NEARA Journal, Volume 40, Number 2, Winter, 2006, “The Knights Templar in Nouvelle-France,” Gerard LeDuc, Ph.D, at pages 28-29.
Page 174—reference to Tyngsboro mansions tunnel system being used as part of Underground Railway:
Page 181—reference to “bloodline” families identified as Plantard and St. Clair in The Da Vinci Code:
The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown (Doubleday, 2003), at page 260
Page 182-83—reference to Niven Sinclair quote regarding Sinclair family marriages:
Page 184-85—reference to Bernard de Clairvaux referring to Mary Magdalene as the ‘Bride of Christ’:
The Magdalene Legacy: The Jesus and Mary Bloodline Conspiracy, Lawrence Gardner (Weiser 2007), at page 160.
Page 216—reference to original Templars being part of Rex Deus bloodline:
Templars in America, Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins (Weiser Books, 2004), at pages14-15.
Page 227-228—reference to ancient maps being oriented with east at the top:
Page 228—reference to floorboards of longhouse near Spirit Pond Rune Stone site being carbon-dated to 1405:
“The Spirit Pond Rune Stones,” Scott F. Wolter (unpublished paper), March 4, 2007
Page 277—reference to Holy Spirit and Holy Sophia being one and the same:
Mary Magdalene, Bride in Exile, Margaret Starwood (Bear and Company 2005) at page 116;
Page 279—reference to quote equating church architecture to female genitalia:
Page 282—reference to use of evergreen to celebrate winter solstice:
Mary Magdalene, Bride in Exile, Margaret Starwood (Bear and Company 2005) at page 136
Page 288—reference to yoni being ancient symbol of Sacred Feminine:
Mary Magdalene, Bride in Exile, Margaret Starwood (Bear and Company 2005) at page 135
Page 289—reference to Bernard de Clairvaux’s skull being preserved:
Page 289—reference to Bernard de Clairvaux’s role in the veneration of the Virgin Mary:
The Knights Templar Revealed, Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe (Barnes and Noble, 2006), at page 202
Page 291—reference to Bernard de Clairvaux’s use of Kabbalistic rabbis:
Page 291-92—reference to Statue of Liberty being modeled after Isis and Sacred Feminine:
Page 292—reference to quote describing Templar worship of Virgin Mary:
Page 296—reference to Roslyn Chapel inscription:
Page 297—reference to Nashoba meaning “hill that shakes”:, at page 24.
Page 305—reference to the Golden Ratio:
Page 305—reference to Masonic usage of the Golden Ratio in layout of Washington, DC:
Page 307—reference to ‘X’ as being symbol of underground religious movement that recognized Mary Magdalene as bride of Christ:
Mary Magdalene, Bride in Exile, Margaret Starwood (Bear and Company 2005) at page 130
Page 307-08—reference to Cardinal Ratzinger quote equating Masonry to grave sin:
The Virgin and the Pentacle, Alan Butler (O Books, 2005), at page 142
Page 316—reference to Templar influence in making queen most powerful chess piece:
Page 317—reference to Church changing ship piece on chess board to bishop:
Page 324—reference to quote that Co
lumbus had royal blood of Jerusalem in his veins:
Page 324—reference to book, Christopher Columbus, The Last Templar:
Ruggero Marino (Destiny Books, 2005)
Page 345—reference to the name Salem’s relation to the planet Venus:
Page 357—reference to Judge Sewall’s belief that Native Americans were essential to creation of New Jerusalem in America:
Judge Sewall’s Apology, Richard Francis (Harper Perennial 2006), at page 37
Page 358—reference to Judge Sewall’s observations regarding his wife’s breasts:
Judge Sewall’s Apology, Richard Francis (Harper Perennial 2006), at page 31
Page 362—reference that Bourne Stone may have been gift to Native Americans from Judge Sewall:
Ancient Stone Sites of New England and the Debate Over Early European Exploration, David Goudsward (McFarland & Company, 2006), at page 162
Page 363—reference to Judge Sewall visiting Noman’s Land in 1702:
Page 363—reference to Judge Sewall visiting Stonehenge in 1689:
Judge Sewall’s Apology, Richard Francis (Harper Perennial 2006), at page 60
Page 363— reference to Judge Sewall visiting Jewish cemetery while in England in 1689:
Judge Sewall’s Apology, Richard Francis (Harper Perennial 2006), at page 60
Page 364—reference that Judge Sewall helped arrange for Joseph Frazon’s burial in Newport’s Jewish cemetery:
Page 365—reference to location of today’s Magnetic North:
Page 366— reference to location of Magnetic North in 1400:
Page 366—reference to Magnetic North declinations at various locations in America:
Page 370—reference to Mary Magdalene meaning “Mary of the Tower”:
Page 371—reference to relationship between Pilgrim families and Templars:
The Goddess, the Grail and the Lodge,” Alan Butler (O Books, 2004), at pages 295-97.
Page 372—reference to the name Merrimack being of European origin:
Page 372—reference to the original spelling of the name Merrimack:
Page 374—reference to Verrazzano’s log describing Native American appearance:
http://content.wisconsinhistory.org/cdm4/document.php?CISOROOT=/aj&CISOPTR=115 at page 46.
Page 374—reference to John Williams comments describing appearance of Narragansett babies:
http://www.valhs.org/history/articles/society/text/other_artifacts.htm; Paul H. Chapman, “Norumbega: A Norse Colony In Rhode Island”, The Ancient American 1994
Page 375—reference to similarity in appearance between Mi’kmaq chief and Sinclair clan chief:
Templars in America, Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins (Weiser Books 2004), at pages 116-17
Page 375—reference to Mi’kmaq and Sinclair DNA testing:
Page 375-76—reference to possibility Verrazzano purposely withheld information on Newport Tower from his logs:
NEARA Journal, Volume 39, No. 1 (Summer 2005), “Verrazzano’s 1524 Visit to the Vicinity of Newport, RI,” Terry J. Deveau, at page 30.
Page 376-77—reference to 1622 Pilgrim journal:
Page 378—reference to Masonic Grand Master position being hereditary one passed on to head of Sinclair clan:
Page 382—reference to Touro family purchasing Newport Tower land:
Page 382—reference to nobody except Joseph Frazon being buried in Touro Cemetery for 84 years:
The Old Jewish Cemetery of Newport, Joshua L. Segal (Jewish Cemetery Publishing, LLC, 2004)
Page 384—reference to Touro family and other Newport Jews as leading Masons:
Page 385—reference to many U.S. Founding Fathers being Masons:
The Goddess, the Grail and the Lodge,” Alan Butler (O Books, 2004), at pages 304-308
Page 391—reference to Judge Sewall’s sister being Longfellow’s grandmother:
Page 395—reference to Peleg Wadsworth being leading Mason in Maine:
Page 395—reference to Hiram Abiff’s role as architect of Solomon’s Temple:
The Book of Hiram, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas (Sterling Publishing 2003), at pages 81-82
Page 417—reference to Enoch’s “modest temple”: The Book of Hiram, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas (Sterling Publishing 2003), at pages 349.
Page 448—reference to words in Hebrew ending in letter ‘hey’ being feminine:
Page 448—reference to Yahweh as feminine word:
Page 448—reference to change of spelling from ‘Yahwah’ to ‘Yahweh’:
Page 449—reference to Elohim being feminine word:
Cabal of The Westford Knight: Templars at the Newport Tower (Book #1 in the Templars in America Series) Page 40