The Test of Love

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by Irene Brand

  “I’m going to appoint a new trainer for you, Joseph.”

  “If you don’t continue as my trainer, Connie, I’ll leave. I can’t blame you for not wanting to work with me, but I don’t want anyone else.”

  “But you’re not ready to leave yet,” she protested. “I don’t want you to lose all you’ve gained.”

  Joseph laid his hand on her shoulder. “When I sat on that bench this morning after my jog, exhausted, and you were holding my hand, I realized how bleak my life has been for the past year, and I compared it to the serenity and peace I have with you. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I can’t let you go out of my life completely, and that’s what will happen if I leave here.”

  Connie swallowed a sob, and moved closer to him….

  Books by Irene Brand

  Love Inspired

  Child of Her Heart #19

  Heiress #37

  To Love and Honor #49

  A Groom To Come Home To #70

  Tender Love #95

  The Test of Love #114


  This prolific and popular author of both contemporary and historical inspirational fiction is a native of West Virginia, where she has lived all her life. She began writing professionally in 1977, after she completed her master’s degree in history at Marshall University. Irene taught in secondary public schools for twenty-three years, but retired in 1989 to devote herself full-time to her writing.

  In 1984, after she had enjoyed a long career of publishing articles and devotional materials, her first novel was published by Thomas Nelson. Since that time, Irene has published twenty-one contemporary and historical novels and three nonfiction titles with publishers such as Zondervan, Fleming Revell and Barbour Books.

  Her extensive travels with her husband, Rod, to forty-nine of the United States and thirty-two foreign countries, have inspired much of her writing. Through her writing, Irene believes she has been helpful to others and is grateful to the many readers who have written to say that her truly inspiring stories and compelling portrayals of characters of strong faith have made a positive impression on their lives. You can write to her at P.O. Box 2770, Southside, WV 25187.

  The Test of Love

  Irene Brand

  Do you not know that your body is a temple of the

  Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received

  from God? You are not your own; you were bought

  at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

  —I Corinthians 6:19-20


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  Letter to Reader

  Chapter One

  A snatch of song marked Connie Harmon’s progress as she jogged slowly along the driveway and into the New Life Center’s administration building. A tall, slender brunette, she bubbled with vigor and vitality. Most of her life, Connie’s gaiety had been spontaneous, but events of the past few months had dampened her spirits, and at times she’d had to force her cheerfulness. The chorus she sang today, “In my heart there rings a melody,” didn’t always reflect her true emotional state.

  Before going down the hallway to her office, Connie paused in front of the foyer’s wide expanse of windows to gaze at a scene that never failed to soothe and inspire her. Brilliant snowbanks clung to the peaks of the Rocky Mountains several miles to the southwest, while on the lawn, a robin stiffened its legs and tugged purposefully on a worm in the row of yellow tulips, which were frosted by early-morning dew.

  Continuing toward the reception room, Connie sang the refrain of “When It’s Springtime in the Rockies,” in her pleasing, soprano voice, attempting to keep her spirits high. She was scheduled to discuss monthly bills and accounts with her secretary, Kim Watson, and since her financial condition was usually discouraging, she wanted to get the task behind her.

  Connie owned the New Life Center near Idaho Springs, in one of Colorado’s oldest historic districts. And though she operated on a hand-to-mouth budget, her financial condition was better than it had been when she’d opened the Center three years ago. Her college degree in physical therapy and psychology hadn’t equipped her to be an administrator—she’d had to learn that on her own, and it had been rough.

  The phone rang as Connie walked in the door. She waved to Kim and moved toward the adjacent office, but the receptionist stopped Connie with an imperious shake of her head as she picked up the phone. Connie’s large blue eyes glimmered with amusement at Kim’s gesture, and her sensitive, well-formed mouth broke into a grin that spread over her finely chiseled features. Who was boss here anyway? But she and Kim had been best friends for years, and Connie was used to Kim ordering her around. So perched on the edge of the desk, she waited until Kim answered a query from a local boy about their gymnastic equipment.

  Kim replaced the phone, her brown eyes flashing a message Connie couldn’t decipher until she scanned the note Kim scribbled on a scrap of paper. “A visitor is waiting in your office.”

  Connie lifted her eyebrows, and Kim wrote, “Joseph Caldwell.”

  “The Joseph Caldwell?” Connie mouthed silently.

  Kim nodded, and Connie said quietly, “Why?”

  The receptionist shook her head and wrote again. “He said that it was very important that he see you today, and he wouldn’t take, no, for an answer.”

  What could Joseph Caldwell want so urgently from NLC? A well-known Colorado rancher, Caldwell often appeared on television as a spokesman for legislation to promote the rural interests of the state. Occasionally, he’d been a featured rider in rodeos at the state fair, and although she’d never seen him in person, whenever Connie saw him on television, she’d had the urge to learn more about him. Regardless of why he’d come today, Connie looked forward to meeting him.

  When she entered her office, the man sitting in the visitor’s chair rose with effort and leaned on his cane. He was dressed in a tailored denim suit, a blue-plaid shirt and cowboy boots. A wide-brimmed white hat lay on a chair beside him.

  Her visitor was a man of medium height, only a couple of inches taller than Connie, but he had broad shoulders and handled himself with dignity. His hair was light-brown, and steely gray eyes glistened above his high cheekbones. A wide, determined mouth and a straight nose indicated his strength of character.

  “I’m Joseph Caldwell,” he said slowly, almost with a drawl.

  Joseph Caldwell in the flesh was even more appealing than he appeared on TV, and with downcast eyes, Connie’s fingers fumbled with the papers on her desk, fearful that her visitor would detect her sudden interest. She’d heard it said that following a broken relationship, a person was apt to rebound quickly into another’s arms, and at the moment, Joseph’s arms seemed more than inviting.

  Careful, she admonished herself as she again focused on her visitor’s remarks.

  “Your facility was recommended to me by my Denver surgeon. My left leg and hip were crushed in an automobile wreck six months ago.” He fixed her with a keen, unwavering glance. “Perhaps you’ve heard about the accident?”

  Connie thought for a moment. “Yes. I do remember the accident was reported on the evening television news.”

  “My wife was killed in the accident, and there was quite a lot of publicity.”

  What kind of publicity would cause his voice to tremble slightly when he mentioned it? she thought. Local accidents didn’t usually cause a ripple in the news media
unless the wreck was sensational, so what was unusual about the accident he mentioned?

  “I’m sorry to hear about your loss.”

  “It’s a miracle that I wasn’t killed too, and considering the physical suffering of the past few months, there have been times when I wished I had died, but I’m still alive and disabled. The surgeons have done all they can and suggested that I enroll in a rehabilitation program.”

  “What do you know about our work here at NLC?” Connie asked, wondering if Joseph was the type to readily accept the strict regimen required at the Center.

  “Not a thing,” he said, and added with a broad smile, “I’d never heard of the place until yesterday. But what difference does it make? My surgeon said that you could recommend a physical program to strengthen my thigh and leg. What else do I need to know?”

  “Quite a lot. You see, Mr. Caldwell, NLC’s focus differs from most physical fitness centers. Our goal is to heal the mind and spirit as well as the body.”

  He laughed shortly. “There’s nothing wrong with my mind and spirit. I have an injured limb. That’s all I want from you.”

  Connie swiveled in her chair toward the cabinet behind her. She took out several pamphlets and handed them to Joseph, and when he refused to take them, she laid the booklets on the desk in front of him.

  “I suggest you read those, Mr. Caldwell. You need to know the basic purpose of NLC before we can continue. I’ll be in the office working with my secretary, and I’ll talk with you again in a half hour.”

  Joseph’s gray eyes hardened, and he glared at her. He hadn’t picked up the brochures before she left the office and closed the door behind her. Kim turned questioning eyes in her direction, but Connie shrugged her shoulders and said, “Let’s check through the bills we need to pay this month.”

  They’d been working about three minutes when her office door opened abruptly. A sardonic grin spreading across his face, Joseph ripped the pamphlets she’d given him and dropped the pieces into the wastepaper container.

  “No, thanks, Miss Harmon. I won’t accept your services. I had enough Bible training when I was a child to do me a lifetime. I’ll come here for physical training, but nothing else.”

  “You apparently didn’t read enough to find out our application procedure, Mr. Caldwell. We have a limited clientele, and our staff decides who enrolls here. The patient doesn’t have the last word.”

  Favoring his left leg, and leaning heavily on the cane, Joseph turned toward the door. “Then I’m sorry I bothered you, Miss Harmon.”

  Well, that takes care of rebounding into his arms! she thought.

  Either from anger or fatigue, Joseph’s body trembled as he walked down the hallway, and his leg buckled when he reached the foyer. If there hadn’t been a couch handy, he’d have collapsed on the floor. Stifling a groan, he rubbed his thigh, which felt as if it was on fire. What was he going to do? Had he been too hasty in rejecting NLC’s services? Joseph considered himself a man of integrity and truth, but he hadn’t been completely honest with Connie Harmon. His life had been out of sync long before Virginia’s death, and his injury and the unsettling incidents following the accident had shattered his peace of mind. Over the past six months, he didn’t know which had been the most painful—his physical wounds or his mental anguish. Where had he gone wrong with Virginia? What had happened to the marriage that had started out so promising?

  When the throbbing in his leg lessened to a dull ache, Joseph stood and started toward the door, but he sat down again. He remembered what Dr. Melrose had said the day before. “Joseph, I can’t do anything more for you, but it is possible for you to be healed. You’re fretting about the circumstances of Virginia’s death, and that keeps you from concentrating on your recovery. Since you were driving, no doubt you feel guilty, and you’ll have to move beyond that before you’re physically well. I know a place that can help you.”

  He’d spent many hours thinking about Dr. Melrose’s recommendation, and he’d come to NLC this morning with a sense of anticipation. He was normally an even-tempered person, so why had he been so antagonistic toward Connie Harmon? Suddenly the answer was obvious. He’d experienced a physical attraction to her the minute she’d walked into the office, and he resented her because she’d sparked an emotional yearning he’d stifled for years. He had remained faithful to Virginia in spite of their problems, and after her death, he’d vowed to refrain from future involvement with women. Developing a romantic interest in Connie Harmon would be the worst thing that could happen to him now. Surely Dr. Melrose could recommend another facility that wasn’t operated by a young, attractive woman who had shattered his determination to avoid the opposite sex with one lovely smile.

  Joseph struggled to his feet again and started toward the door. He stopped and looked down the hallway. Was NLC his last hope for healing—and for living a normal life? If he left, would he always be physically handicapped? Did a new life await him if he stayed? He stood at the crossroads. Which way should he go?

  As they listened to his faltering footsteps, Kim and Connie exchanged glances. This wasn’t the first irate prospect they’d lost, but Connie knew that Joseph desperately needed their services. Unless he recovered his mobility, his ability to operate his ranch would be limited.

  “Too bad!” Kim said, her brown eyes wretched. “He’s a man who needs some help.”

  “But he’s apparently too proud to accept it. We can’t help those who won’t cooperate.” Drawing a deep breath, Connie said, “I’m not in the mood for bills, but we might as well ruin the whole morning. Do we have the money to pay our debts?”

  “Cheer up,” Kim said, as she handed Connie a list of current expenditures and receipts. “We’ll be a few dollars in the black this month.”

  Connie couldn’t keep her mind on their work, and she finally leaned back in the chair. “I’d heard that Mr. Caldwell was injured in an auto accident that also resulted in the death of his wife. Do you know anything else about it?”

  “Actually, I heard more about it than I wanted to,” Kim said with a laugh. “When Virginia Caldwell was killed, Rose gave me a blow-by-blow description of everything that happened.”

  Surprised, Connie asked, “Rose Nash? Our cook?”

  Kim nodded.

  “Why would she be interested?”

  “She worked for Virginia Caldwell’s family, the Perrys, for several years, when Virginia and her brother, George, were children. She was hired as the cook, but I’ve gathered she did some baby-sitting, too. The Perrys were rich socialites and they were away from home quite a lot. She also knew Joseph after he and Virginia were married.”

  “I try not to listen to gossip,” Connie said, “but since I’ve heard this much, I might as well learn what else you know. I’m curious about him, and also interested in why his surgeon suggested NLC when there are so many excellent health centers in Denver. Does Joseph need more than physical therapy?”

  “Virginia’s death was caused by a blow to the head, but the authorities questioned whether she died from being struck during the accident, or from a fall she’d had earlier.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “According to Rose, Joseph found his wife unconscious and bleeding from a head wound, and he was taking her to the hospital when the accident occurred. There probably wouldn’t have been an investigation, except for the note Virginia had sent to her brother the day before her death. I don’t remember the exact words, but it was something like, ‘He’s got all of my money. I have nothing else to give him except my life. I’m afraid.’ George Perry jumped to the conclusion that she meant Joseph and he went to the police.”

  “I can’t imagine how I missed all of that,” Connie said.

  “It could have been that time when we were shorthanded. You were working long hours and didn’t have the time to read the newspapers.”

  “Have those suspicions been authenticated?”

  “Rose hasn’t mentioned it for several months, so I don’t know anything m
ore than that.”

  They started checking the accounts again, and they’d almost finished when a knock sounded on the door.

  “Come in,” Kim invited.

  Joseph Caldwell stood diffidently in the open door. “I was a bit hasty in my departure, Miss Harmon. Perhaps we should have that talk.”

  Connie’s pulse quickened. She would have been disappointed to have had no further contact with this man. “By all means. Come in the office. Don’t interrupt me for phone calls, Kim.”

  She moved toward her office and Joseph followed. Watching the graceful sway of her shoulders, Joseph knew his decision to return had been influenced more by his desire to associate with NLC’s proprietor than by the services the Center could provide. He could find another rehab facility, but where else would he find a woman whose presence gave him a reason, not only to recover physically, but perhaps even to live again? Momentarily, he was seized with the desire to hold Connie close and never let her go—a thought that amazed him so much that he stumbled and almost fell.

  Connie turned immediately and grabbed his arm, a touch that electrified both of them, and for a moment, they stared incredulously into each other’s eyes.

  Connie released his arm, and striving to ignore the intimate moment they’d just experienced, Joseph carefully lowered his body into the chair and stretched out his leg.

  “I apologize for my rudeness earlier,” he said. “I’m not usually so short-tempered, but except for a few childhood illnesses I’ve never been sick, and for the past six months, I’ve been in and out of the hospital without gaining much help for my problem. That’s caused me to become irritable.”

  “I understand,” she said.

  “I’m only thirty-four years old, and it hurts my pride, as well as my hip, to move around like an old man. Dr. Melrose recommended you, saying you were my best chance for complete recovery.”


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