In Bed with her Best Friend

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In Bed with her Best Friend Page 4

by Eden Proctor

  He’d thought that would be enough. Still did, he told himself. But he’d told himself he would keep under control, do her this favor while maintaining his distance.

  But where was that distance now? His heart was racing, his cock hard enough to pound nails.

  He hadn’t even touched her, and this was his reaction.

  The sight of her so eager, unabashedly touching herself, was one he would never forget. One that still burned behind his eyes now. And to think of the way she had responded to him, gone from shy to excited when he’d whispered his commands and told her how to touch herself was mind-blowing.

  He’d wanted to fuck her badly, still did at this very moment, but he’d held back. Showing her that she could give herself her own pleasure was a gift he knew she deserved.

  But he wasn’t selfless. Seeing her small fingers as she tugged at her tight nipples, watching her hand move back and forth, seeing her pretty pussy, pink and wet from her own touches had been good for him too.

  Better than good.

  Before he could think, he was loosening his pants and reaching for his hard cock. He was solid, his head slick, skin tight and near purple and all from watching Lexi.

  He stroked his palm down his length and then back up, tightening his grip as he imagined Lexi still here, her soft body his to touch, her tight, wet pussy his to fuck.

  His cock jerked in his hand and he squeezed tighter, imagined his fist was Lexi’s fist or Lexi’s cunt around him. He jerked his hips up, and after two thrusts, shot his cum out and into his hand.

  He lay back against the couch, his heart pounding, his breath coming out in harsh exhales.

  “I’m doing this for Lexi,” he said out loud.

  And yourself, his mind whispered back.

  Chapter 7

  “Yeah. This was super boring,” Lexi said the next week.

  “You’re just mad they eliminated your favorite person,” Eric said.

  Lexi frowned and looked at him incredulously. “He was a great guy. She kept that jerky guy just ’cause he was hot. Dumb,” Lexi said.

  Eric smirked. “Depends on what you’re looking for,” he said.

  “She’s on a show looking for true love. So why get rid of the sweet guy? That makes no sense,” Lexi said.

  Eric shrugged. “Or maybe she realizes there is no such thing as sweet, so she cut right to the chase.”

  Lexi shook her head and then tossed a pillow at him. “I will not be weighed by your cynicism, Eric,” she said.

  “My cynicism. Or yours?”

  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Well…we have our little arrangement. It’s pretty simple don’t you think?” he asked.

  Lexi stiffened and then sat upright. “I thought we had an understanding of what my reasons are,” she said.

  Her heart began to thud and she watched him, wondering why he was bringing this up. They’d talked a lot, almost every day since she had gone to his house, but there had been no discussion of what had happened.

  And nothing else had happened either.

  In truth, and as crazy as it was, Lexi was frustrated. Eric had unleashed something, and as much as she tried to recreate the feeling without him, it hadn’t worked. And now she was on edge, anxious for more, but the way he looked at her now made her wonder if that was ever going to happen.

  “You’re so defensive,” he said.

  “Well, you’re attacking me,” she said.

  He chuckled, brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She shivered at the electricity his touch caused, but ignored that and glared at him.

  “What’s the attack?” he said.

  “You just said I was silly for believing in love,” she said.

  “I think you are, but there is no attacking in that. Or at least there isn’t intended to be.”

  “So why mention it?” she asked, sticking one of her legs under her and squaring her body to face him.

  He was dressed down today, jeans and a T-shirt, and he looked completely at ease. But Lexi knew him well enough to see the sharpness behind his eyes, see the calculation and contemplation there.

  “Consider it another part of your lesson,” he said.

  “Lay it out, Eric,” Lexi said.

  “You have your goals, but you’re certainly not naive enough to think that it’s just going to fall into place?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “There are a lot of terrible people out there, Lexi. They will try to take advantage of you,” he said.

  Lexi glared. “So you think I’m stupid? Desperate? Not pretty enough to get someone who will treat me right?” she said.

  She hadn’t meant to add the last, but it came out anyway.

  In fact, the thought was one she had more than she cared to admit. Still, when she saw stuff like the show, where the sweet one, the good guy got cast aside, she couldn’t help but think of herself. Because she was good, sweet, or at least she thought so. But what if that wasn’t enough? She’d always put faith in her personality to win love, but Eric was trying to end that notion it seemed.

  He shook his head.

  “You’re pretty enough,” he said.

  “Gee thanks,” she replied as she threw a sofa pillow at him.

  He chuckled and then ducked, the pillow sailing harmlessly over his shoulder to land on the floor. “You know what I mean. But that’s not what I’m talking about.”

  He turned serious, and Lexi looked at him closer.

  “What then?” she asked.

  “You want to settle down, and that’s all well and good. But you do know that most people might not be looking for the same thing. They’re out for whatever they can get. So you have to keep your guard up, make sure that no one takes advantage of you.”

  He paused, then continued. “And just because you want it doesn’t mean you have to go for the first person that looks. You’re better than that, Lex. You deserve what you want, and you deserve someone who’s going to love you enough to give it to you,” he said.

  Eric was silent after that, and she was too. She focused on studying him. There was meaning in those words that she couldn’t quite understand, but then she had a realization, one she hoped wasn’t true.

  “Does that me we can’t…?”

  Eric chuckled again. “I’ve created a monster.”

  “Actually, you haven’t,” Lexi said, not realizing until too late how snippy she sounded, her sexual frustration coming through.

  “Haven’t I?” he replied, smiling brightly now.

  “Eric,” she said, lowering her head in warning.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not backing out. But I want you to remember that, Lexi. You deserve the world. You deserve everything you want. So hold out until you get it.”

  “Thank you,” Lexi said.

  She wasn’t sure what else to say, though her heart was warmed by his words and by the fact that he cared so much.

  She and Eric were close, but they kept things light. He didn’t very often show this serious side of himself. So now that he was, Lexi wasn’t entirely sure what to do with it.

  One thing she was sure of was that she appreciated him. He really was a good friend.

  She reached across the couch and put a hand on his knee.

  “Thanks,” she said, adding a little squeeze, his jeans soft against her palm, but the hard muscle of his strong leg.

  He looked down at her hand where it rested on his leg and then back into her eyes.

  “You coming onto me, Lex?” he said.

  His voice had gone deep, serious, and Lexi felt a full-bodied blush break out on her skin.

  “Why do you say that?” she asked. She smiled at him, feeling almost coy.

  Eric looked her up and down slowly. “I think you can figure it out,” he said.

  “Are you swayed by my unwitting attempt at seduction?” she asked.

  “Are you trying to seduce me?” Eric replied.

  She laughed quickly, mostly out of nerve
s, but the sudden intensity of the moment came back.

  “What if I wanted to? What would I do?” she asked, her voice taking on a depth she hadn’t heard before.

  “What do you feel like you should do?” Eric asked.

  His body was still casual, but she could see a glint in his eyes.

  Her breath was tight in her lungs, but she managed to force the air out and then let instinct take over. She slowly trailed her fingers up his thigh, moving closer to the prominent ridge between them, not sure what was coming over her, but suddenly grabbed by the need to touch them.

  She grazed her fingers along his denim-covered cock but then stopped and looked up at him.

  His expression had tightened a little, but he still watched her and waited, calm but not exactly passive.

  She brushed her fingers against him again, the roughness of the denim, the heat of the hardness underneath tickling her fingers.

  She stroked him again, and then again, and felt when he began to respond.

  At the first push of his cock against her fingers, she stopped, looked at him again. Her heart was thudding hard, mind torn between moving forward and running away.

  “What do I do now?” she asked, not realizing until she’d spoken that her voice was a whisper.

  “Whatever you want to do,” Eric responded.

  His hands were at his sides now, fingers clenched into a fist. Lexi didn’t know what to think. He was hard; she couldn’t miss that fact. But he also seemed to be struggling for control. And because of her.

  That fact humbled her. Made her pussy clench tight. And filled her with a sense of power that she’d never felt before. It was that power that allowed her to continue.

  She moved her hand up and gripped his hardness in her palm. He breathed out hard, and she squeezed him slightly tighter. Even through his clothes, she could feel the heat against her palm and the sensation began to tingle up her arm, through her body, settling between her thighs.

  Her pussy clenched again, her body throbbing with the emptiness that was so intense she could hardly stay still.

  She shifted, began to squirm against the couch, her pussy pulsing in time with her heartbeat. But as much as desire filled her, the need to touch him, see him, was even stronger.

  She reached up and then pulled the thick leather of his belt from his belt loops and then popped open the button of his jeans.

  She reached for the zipper carefully and then slid it down and over his protruding cock. Then she pulled her hands away, looked at him, his jeans open, the faintest peek of his bare skin visible through the opening in his underwear.

  “Lift up,” Lexi said on a low whisper.

  Without speaking, he did and she reached for him, pulled his underwear and jeans down so that his dick was now bare. She didn’t immediately look at his cock, though. Instead she kept her focus on his tight stomach, the muscles dusted with a light brushing of darker hair.

  Then she slowly looked down, through the thick hair nestled at his root, to the place where his cock jutted from his body.

  She couldn’t stop herself now and tried to take all of him in at once. The thick, heavily veined shaft, perfectly shaped mushroom head, the soft sack that lay underneath. Lexi swallowed past the lump in her throat, and then, moving carefully, she reached for him.

  She touched his shaft where it sprang from his body and then circled her finger around the circumference of his shaft. Her breath hitched as she imagined this strong, powerful tool claiming her body. Pictured how her body would take him. How close to him she would be.

  He said nothing, but his cock jerked at her touch.

  It was then she realized she had been circling him slowly, going round and round his root. When she noticed, she stopped and changed her motion.

  She moved her finger along one of the thick veins that lined his shaft. She followed that vein from his root to his tip and then followed another, letting her fingers explore his silky-soft skin.

  Then she dropped lower, traced her fingers along his sack before she reached for it and held him in her palm, testing his weight, exploring the new sensation of him in her hand.

  Eric sighed, and Lexi’s eyes popped up to meet his.

  His fists were clenched tight, his lids had lowered, and she could see the tic in his jaw. But it wasn’t a tic of anger. Instead what she saw was something that weeks ago had seemed improbable.

  It was desire.

  She was touching Eric, and he was enjoying it.

  She was again filled with a new boldness, and she looked down again.

  Her eyes got stuck on the tip of his cock and the pearl of wetness that had gathered there.

  She moved forward, leaning her body closer until she was so close that she could feel the warmth of his body, smell his clean and masculine scent.

  Not sure what she was doing, but not able to think of anything else she would rather be doing, she snaked her tongue out of her mouth and caught that drop of liquid on her tongue.

  Then she reached for the one that followed it.

  The salty, musky taste was one she’d never experienced before, but all she could think was this was Eric, his essence.

  And he was delicious.

  She snaked her tongue out again and slicked it along his slit to gather all of the precum that flowed from him. Then she spread it, lapping at his crown, circling the mushroom head until the tip of his cock was glistening.

  Eric made another sound, this one a mix between a sigh and a moan. Lexi licked him again and then touched his sack again. Eric reached for the hand she had anchored on his thigh.

  Lexi allowed him to move her, fascinated as he wrapped her fingers around his long length and then laid his hand atop hers.

  She looked up at him, saw that he was watching where their hands were connected.

  Then she looked down again and let him guide her slowly and then faster up and down his cock.

  He was leaking furiously now, and with each stroke, they gathered more of that wetness and spread it along his shaft.

  Lexi soon got the hang of it and Eric dropped her hand. She kept going, though, holding him as his dick jerked in her hand, his hardness growing harder.

  Then, seized by something she didn’t understand, she moved forward, closed her lips around his tip.

  “Lex, I’m going to…” Eric called out.

  Lexi didn’t speak. She didn’t have the power to, not with as much of Eric as she could take in her mouth. But she stroked her tongue along the underside of his shaft, the taste and sensation of him in her mouth something that she didn’t think she’d ever get enough of.

  He jerked against her tongue, and hardened even further.

  “Lexi, I’m…”

  She squeezed him, and a moment later he laced his fingers in her hair.

  He got even harder and then, on an exhale, filled her mouth with his cum.

  She took all she could, swallowed, and then swallowed again, but she didn’t let him go.

  In fact, she held him until he began to soften and then gently pulled her fingers away.

  Lexi’s body was twisted, half on and half off the couch, but she didn’t care. Her sex was fluttering around air, but she was so turned on she thought she might come even without him even touching her.

  Eric quickly pulled his pants up and then pulled her up, his strong arms locked around her body. He was close enough that Lexi could imagine him kissing her. And for a moment she thought that he would.

  He stared at her lips, but then leaned forward to press a kiss against her forehead.

  Lexi breathed past the disappointment but then focused on what had just happened.

  “That was incredible,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, it was,” Eric said.

  She smiled, and he did too, though she saw some troubled clouds behind his eyes.

  “Did I do something wrong?” she asked, frowning, wondering what had happened.

  “You were incredible, Lex. But that was not my plan,” he said.r />
  As he spoke, he tucked a rebel strand of hair behind her ear again and then let his arm rest on her shoulder.

  “What was your plan then?” she said.

  “It’s not important,” he said. Then he smiled, kissed her on the forehead again. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

  Lexi was again disappointed, but she said nothing.

  “Okay,” she said.

  * * *

  Eric was questioning whether he’d be able to do this.

  He left his car at Lexi’s. He decided he’d walk tonight and come back for his car tomorrow. He needed the walk. Probably a bad idea because he needed to be spending less time with Lexi, not more.

  And it wasn’t that they had been spending much more time together than usual. They hadn’t, but that didn’t change the fact that since she’d so badly stripped and touched herself at his house she had been a constant in his thoughts.

  And different than before. He treasured the time they spent together and found himself wondering what it would be like if she were there with him all the time.

  Which was fucked.

  Because he didn’t think things like that, and he sure as fuck didn’t want something like that. He hadn’t even slept with her, and he was losing it.

  He needed to tread carefully, but was that even possible with Lexi?

  One look from her and his plan had gone completely out of the window, and she had taken him over, her enthusiastic but clumsy touch sexier than anything he had experienced before.

  He was supposed to be teaching her to fuck. But as Eric walked, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was the one getting the lesson.

  Chapter 8

  The Palace tonight?

  Lexi hesitated only a moment before hitting send.

  Eric’s response popped up almost immediately.

  Maybe. Have stuff to do at work.

  Lexi tossed the phone aside, disgusted, but tried quickly to regain control of herself.

  It had been a week since she’d seen Eric last, and they’d still been talking, but he’d been distant, and she hadn’t seen him in person. Not going to the Palace was yet another sign of that distance, and for a moment, Lexi started to regret this whole thing.


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