Pharaoh's Desire

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Pharaoh's Desire Page 11

by Chanta Rand

Amonmose spread her silky thighs wider and lowered himself onto her ripe body. She felt his member throbbing between the heat of their bodies.

  “Kama, I need you,” he said huskily, grabbing her hips possessively.

  She felt him smoothly thrust himself inside her. She cried out in pain and pleasure and clung to him as his deep strokes rhythmically rocked her body. She resisted, anticipating and fighting the pain, but her resistance melted as his teasing movements coaxed her to open again like a flower receiving its first rays of sunshine.

  Kama felt the stirrings of white-hot pleasure as his thrusts became longer and more rhythmic. This was her first time with a man, yet she instinctively followed Amunmose’s lead. Even unpracticed, she started to catch his movements and soon undulated her hips, matching him thrust for thrust.

  Amunmose’s deep groans filled the air. He grabbed handfuls of her hair as he pushed himself deeper, faster, harder into her. Flames of desire snaked through her as her whole body blazed with an intense heat, shook with a mounting pressure. The pressure peaked, and she erupted, a tidal wave of ecstasy consuming her body with a sweet warmth.

  Immediately after, she felt Amunmose’s final deep thrusts. Then, his body shuddered against hers, finally collapsing exhausted atop her.

  Afterwards, they lay breathless in each other’s arms. Amonmose was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, his heart thundering, but slowing with each breath. He held Kama tightly against his chest and kissed her softly on her cheeks and brow.

  “I am sorry, my love,” he whispered. “I did not realize it was your first time.”

  She looked up at him with surprise. “How did you know?”

  “A man can tell if a woman is experienced,” he said gently.

  She lowered her lashes in shame. “I lied that day of the hunt. I’d hoped by telling you I was not a woman of virtue, I could deter your advances.”

  He hugged her closer and spoke into her braided hair. “You truly have no knowledge of men. Nothing short of you growing a horn in your forehead would have stopped me from wanting you.”

  She smiled. “I admit I still have much to learn. Is it like this each time?”

  He caressed her cheek. “I am told a woman’s first time usually hurts. But the next time will be even better for you.”

  She shook her head. “Not the pain. I wondered…is it always so beautiful when a man and a woman join? Will I always experience such…enjoyment?”

  Amonmose propped himself up on one elbow and gazed at her. “When a man is sure of himself and experienced in lovemaking, there is no limit to the pleasure he can give a woman.”

  Kama lowered her eyes again. “And what of a woman? How can she pleasure a man?”

  Amonmose raised her chin with a finger, forcing her to look at him. “I am consumed by you, Kama. You occupy my thoughts morning, noon, and night. You need only look at me and I am instantly pleasured.”

  She moved closer and pulled him into a tender kiss. “I, too, have thought of nothing but you. This feels like a dream.”

  “We are kindred spirits, because I have had dreams about you as well.” He grinned lasciviously and settled his hand on her hip. “About doing wickedly delicious things to you.”

  Kama smiled playfully. “Show me. I want to know everything about lovemaking.”

  Amonmose rocked back, laughing, and quickly moved in for a kiss, lest Kama take offense. “There are many more positions that will give you pleasure, my love.” He stroked her cheek. “I am afraid you are not ready to master those techniques yet, but once you are more experienced, we will try them all.” He smiled at her. “Be patient, my beauty, and I will teach you.”

  Her black eyes sparkled like diamonds. “I promise you will not find a more willing pupil.”

  The next few weeks passed like a whirlwind for Kama. She and Amonmose stayed in his chambers all day, locked in each other’s passionate embrace. At night, they took long walks in the garden and replenished their bodies with wine and food. Amonmose read poetry to Kama and taught her how to swim. Kama told him stories about her childhood and played the lute for him.

  Amonmose was a thoughtful and gentle lover. He made love to her with a tenderness that betrayed his true strength. Each time their bodies joined, Kama experienced an unexplained rapture that only he seemed able to bestow. He learned every intimate detail of her body. Since their first encounter, he’d kissed every inch of her skin, even the backs of her knees, the crooks of her elbows, and the bends of her wrists. The anticipation of what he would do to her each day sent shivers up her spine.

  Once, when one of Amonmose’s servants came to change the bed linens, Kama hid behind the long drapes, hoping the old woman would not notice her, or worse, look at her with knowing eyes. Amonmose chuckled as he slid behind the drapes after her. “Kama, there is no need to worry what an old servant will think. The only opinions you need be concerned with are our own.”

  Amonmose was Pharaoh, his opinion law. And if he would show no shame, then neither would she. Kama lost herself in Amonmose’s world, and in time, she forgot about Kerma and the family that had been torn from her. Her life was at the palace, and she was content to be the perfect companion for the Pharaoh.

  Chapter Ten

  Amonmose patted his dog on the head and rubbed it behind its pointed ears. He had three others, but none so fine as this pure bred, Ibizan hound, with narrow flanks, a short curled tail, and a coat white as the moon. As he walked, the animal easily kept pace with him, its elegant gait matching the Pharaoh’s majestic stride. Something about its bearing reminded him of Kama.

  He smiled, thinking over their recent weeks together. She was everything he thought a woman should be. Sensuous. Kind. Beautiful. Smart. None of the females he’d been with in the past could compare with her. In fact, no one in his palace could compare with her. She was honest and genuine. She was fierce and independent. She was uncompromising.

  When he asked for her opinion, she gave it freely, not caring if she risked his displeasure. When she wanted something, she simply asked, without the application of feminine wiles and manipulation. It was, all of it, refreshing.

  For a fortnight, he’d secluded himself in her company. But, duty called, and Nadesh kindly advised that the Pharaoh hold court today.

  Reluctantly, Amonmose had left Kama this morning while she slept. She was lying on her stomach, with the tempting rise of her backside peeping from beneath the bed linens. He dressed quietly, not wanting to disrupt her deep slumber, his manhood nevertheless demanded to be sated by her body once more. He stared at her, resting and at peace, and decided to let her be. Before leaving, he kissed the delicate slopes of her shoulders and gave instructions to Shu that no one was to wake her.

  When Amonmose walked into the audience chamber to hold his long neglected meeting, he was met by an abundance of guests. He’d hoped to quickly handle business and then return to Kama, but it was clear the day would be long. Several foreign ambassadors were there offering tributes, and the slow dance of diplomacy began. These ambassadors were trying to build relationships, secure military loyalties, and have access to greater trade resources. As Pharaoh for over twenty years, he’d seen every type of gift imaginable, from the sublime to the ridiculous.

  Once, a foreign prince presented him with a talking bird. He was greatly amused by its ability to mimic any voice, but Nadesh considered the creature a danger to the security of the kingdom. The bird was hardly an enemy of the state, but since it was capable of repeating everything that was said, it was summarily disposed of as Nadesh requested. Today’s offerings were tame by comparison. But still, as a precaution, Baal stood by his side, prepared for any surprises.

  Hours later, the commoners and dignitaries filed out, and Amonmose was alone with his advisors. Meketen and Hai launched into detailed reports on each of their areas of responsibility, while Nadesh brooded quietly. Amonmose watched him scowl at the floor throughout the long meeting.

  “Nadesh,” Amonmose said, more loudly than n

  His grand vizier jerked his gaze up.

  “I would be interested in buying some horses from Zahra. Could you see to it?”

  Nadesh’s dark eyes sparkled with interest. “I’ll arrange for her to visit you immediately.”

  “No, no.” Amonmose raised a hand. “You can take care of the details. The last time I saw Zahra, she wanted to offer me more than just horses.”

  Hai and Meketen laughed, but Nadesh pursed his lips into a reluctant smile. “As you wish.” The tightness of his features betrayed an inner turmoil, one that Amonmose could ascribe only to Zahra’s ill-fated visit. There was no mention of the night Zahra appeared in his chambers, but Amunmose felt certain Nadesh was aware of it.

  When Amonmose arrived back at his chambers, he found them empty. He could still smell Kama’s essence lingering in the air. It was a soft, feminine scent he couldn’t explain only recognized and loved. Amonmose removed his head-cloth and placed it on his dressing table, setting aside with it the rest of a pharaoh’s formalities.

  Walking into the bedchamber, he noticed the bed linens were still rumpled and smiled to himself. Kama slept as wildly as she lived, tossing and turning in the night. Many times she started on one side of the bed and ended up on the other by morning. He slept like a mummy in a coffin. Was there ever so mismatched a pair? As he approached the bed, Amonmose saw a note set on one of the pillows.

  Meet me in a secret place—where life begins anew and grows without the rain. Find me if you can. I promise the fruits of your labor will not be in vain.

  He grinned widely. Of course, she was in the garden. He quickly folded the parchment and left his chambers in search of her, Baal dogging his heels every step of the way.

  When Amonmose reached the corridor that led to the garden, he found Kama’s bodyguard at the entrance watching vigilantly.

  Shu bowed. “Greetings, Pharaoh. Lady Kama insisted upon being alone, but I kept watch here to make sure no one else entered.”

  “Excellent. I rest easily when I know you are with her.”

  Shu bowed again as Baal came to stand by his side. “We will await your return, Sire.”

  “There is no need,” Amonmose said. “Both of you are dismissed for the night.”

  Baal protested. “But Sire—”

  “Goodnight, Baal,” Amonmose said as he disappeared into the dark tunnel that led to garden. He had not meant to be so abrupt, but neither did he wish to explain himself. Kama would be mortified if she knew both guards were waiting for them. She was so private. She would not want anyone to suspect what they were doing.

  Amonmose stepped into the garden and was submerged in fragrance. The smell of the delicate blooms filled his nostrils, and he grew heated thinking of the last time he was here with Kama.

  At his feet, he noticed a trail of blue lotus flowers that glowed eerily in the incandescent light of the moon. He followed the path Kama had deliberately left for him, moving deep into the dense garden. He was surrounded by darkness except for the soft glow of the moon lighting the flowers on his path.

  Abruptly, the trail ended, and he found himself in front of a clear pool of water. His breath caught. There was Kama, bathing. When she stood up, rivulets of water streamed down her curvaceous form. The moonlight danced sweetly upon her body, its soft beams illuminating her shoulders and her breasts.

  She held out her arms to him. “You found me.” She smiled coyly.

  Amonmose walked fully clothed into the shallow pool, heedless of the cool water soaking his tunic. He pulled her naked body against his. “You left a trail for me,” he said. “It was too easy. I wanted to hunt for you, like a warrior stalking his prey.”

  “I am sorry to disappoint you,” she whispered.

  “You could never disappoint me.” He nuzzled her neck and took long, deep breaths.

  Kama shivered. No matter how many times she gave herself to Amonmose, she never grew tired of his soft caresses and his demanding kisses. She was infatuated by his power, amazed by his tenderness, and rendered helpless by his sexuality.

  She ran her hands up and down the hard planes of his body. He had a short tunic on today, and she could feel the muscles of his well-toned legs pressing against her. She remembered the first time she saw him naked, the flash of fear that she would not be able to accommodate him. But he’d helped her conquer her fears, and each time they joined, the experience was more joyous than the last.

  “Tell me your desire, Kama. Your wish is my command.”

  She nudged him back and smiled mischievously. “I wish this tunic to disappear.”

  Without hesitation, Amonmose pulled off the offending garment and cast it over his shoulder. He stood naked before her and she stared, mesmerized. “Your body is perfect,” she told him. “You are everything a man should be.”

  He slid his hands to her cheeks, cupping her face, and kissed her. His kiss was strong and smoldering. She savored the taste of him. His daylong absence had seemed like an eternity. She missed his voice, his touch, and definitely his kisses. Kama returned the assault on her mouth with ardor, briefly pulling away to kiss the corners of his lips and the strong line of his jaw. She moved down, placing delicate kisses along the column of his strong throat. She let her mouth roam to his smooth, chiseled chest and innocently licked his flat nipples. He groaned with pleasure, and she secretly smiled. Each day she found something new that excited him.

  Amonmose softly grabbed her braided locks and tilted her head back, forcing her to look at him. “Where did you learn that?” he playfully demanded.

  His voice was thick with desire, and Kama shuddered. “That is my secret.” She laid her hands flat on his chest and gazed into his eyes with the fire of challenge. “Would you know my next desire?”

  His lips twitched. “Always.”

  “Make love to me.”

  Amonmose made a sound deep in his throat and slid his arms around her. He lifted her effortlessly and wrapped her legs around his waist. Kama clung with powerful thighs, and Amonmose carried her to the water’s edge, where he gently laid her on the thick carpet of grass. With a hand, he spread her legs apart and eased himself on top of her, his manhood already hard with longing.

  He captured her lips in a searing kiss, and Kama felt the familiar smoldering heat begin to spiral inside her. He could make her body bend to his will with just one stroke of his skillful tongue. As he nibbled at her lips, he moved in a slow sensual thrust. Kama gasped with delight and eagerly welcomed him inside. Instantly, she felt herself succumbing to his deep, erotic strokes.

  Kama purred soft sounds of pleasure in his ear, and Amonmose shifted. He rolled , gently pulling her along with him, until their positions changed. She sat astride him and smiled down like agoddess waiting to being worshipped.

  Kama began riding him with slow, undulating movements. Her pace was unhurried as her velvety walls stroked his hard member. Amonmose groaned with pleasure. As she arched her back and moved against him, he gently gripped her hips, his fingers digging softly into her delicate flesh.

  Trapped between her soft thighs, Amonmose surrendered to her fully. Her wanton eagerness excited him, eager, and all too soon, he found himself responding to the molten heat building inside of him. His passion was like a run-away horse, breaking free and galloping at full speed. He wanted this to be slow, so he could savor the feel of Kama’s voluptuous body for just a few minutes more.

  But she was relentless, pounding, grinding. She cried out, gripping his shoulder as they grew closer, shared the same heat. Amonmose thrust, urgently, reaching. Kama arched. They came together, shuddering and sighing. Kama pressed her hands against his chest as she breathed.

  For the next few moments, they floated languidly, hanging on to the fading vestiges of ecstasy. Their breathing gradually returned to normal as their passions ebbed.

  Amonmose breathed hoarsely in Kama’s ear. “You are mine now and forever…”

  In response, Kama wrapped her arms around him and held him tight.
Surrounded by the fragrant aromas of the garden and bathed in the faint glow of the moonlight, their bodies lay entwined on the soft grass. Sated, they lay listening to each other’s heartbeats until they both drifted off into a contented slumber.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kama awoke to the musical sound of birds announcing the birth of a new day. She stretched languidly, tangling herself in the cool bed linens. If she were a bird, she would soar across the sky all day and look down on the world with all its majestic sights. Then at night, she would return to the garden and rest amongst the beautiful, fragrant blooms.

  She wrinkled her nose.

  If she were a bird, she would never get to lie for hours in this soft bed. She would never feel tender caresses from Amonmose. She would never know the heated passion of their lovemaking. She smiled as she vaguely remembered him carrying her from the garden last night and placing her in his massive bed. He cradled her in his arms and snuggled her tightly, with his strong chest pressed against her back. She heard him whisper sweetly against the back of her neck. It all seemed like a dream. She was not sure what he said, but his lips felt warm and delicious against her skin, and she murmured a few sleepy words back to him.

  Kama replayed the moment over and over again in her mind, trying to recall his exact words. She pressed her eyes shut and focused on the sound of his voice. Slowly, like a dense fog lifting, she started to remember. Something about taking a journey. A journey? Why? To where?

  Her eyes flew open, and she sat up, her hand reaching toward where Amonmose should be, but was not. Kama quickly scanned the room; it seemed so empty without him. Perhaps the journey was one he was taking alone. She sighed. She supposed she would have to get used to it.

  Kama tossed the linens aside and got out of bed. She would not sit around moping all day. As she pulled on her dressing gown, she heard a knock at the door. When she opened it, she found Shu standing outside.


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