Fifty Shades of Sleeping Beauty

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Fifty Shades of Sleeping Beauty Page 7

by Lotte Harding

  Curiosity, however, may not have killed too many cats in Nysa, but it was to be the undoing of a young princess. Feeling foolish that she had considered turning back at this point, Talia looked over her shoulders quickly. There was no-one else around. She would just have a quick peek behind the door and then make her way back downstairs for dinner. In any case, it was probably locked which was why nobody had visited for such a long time.

  Her secret pleasure that the door was not unlocked was only surpassed by her complete astonishment to discover that not only had this room in fact been visited recently, but it was still occupied.

  A quick glance revealed a plushly-furnished room, with a large bed in its centre around which was arrayed various tables with very odd-looking implements, while a welcoming fire blazed away in one corner. Had she had more of her wits about her, Talia would probably have considered why - if the door she stood at was the only entrance to the room - there were no footsteps in the dust that lay in the stairwell outside.

  Her attention, however, was entirely taken up with the room’s single occupant. Although it was summer (a slightly drizzly summer, but summer for all that), the fire was very warm and that was presumably why the woman lying on the bed was dressed in such a flimsy robe. While the fabric covered her from head to foot, it was such a gauzy material that her white skin was clearly visible and Talia realised that, for the first time she could remember, she was looking at a pair of small breasts and narrow shoulders, while the woman’s hips were turned so that the pale, cleanly-shaven skin above her private parts could be seen.

  The woman appeared to be sleeping, her long hair, raven black apart from a white streak that flowed like ice among her tresses, laid out on the pillow. Embarrassed to have disturbed her (and also disturbed by the more intense throbbing in her belly), Talia began to close the door quietly. At that moment, the woman stirred and opened her eyes - piercing the princess with her gaze.

  “I’ve been waiting for you,” the woman said. Lifting her head, Talia now saw that she was slightly older than she had first thought - though her age was such that, if anything, it made her appear even more beautiful. Her lips were a deep, dark red, like drops of blood, and her eyes glittered with a humour that made the princess feel awkward. As she moved her slender, toned arms, her long fingers played across the robe that barely covered her, sharp nails seeming to slice the fabric so that the snowy-white skin beneath was exposed.

  “Oh!” Talia exclaimed, looking behind herself to see who the woman was referring to. Seeing no-one else, she turned back to the bed with a confused expression on her face. “Waiting for me?” she asked stupidly.

  “Who else would it be?” the woman asked. Her voice was soft and slightly hypnotic, an effect that was enhanced by her dark eyes, and Talia had to shake her head to recover herself.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, trying to make her voice sound as prim and proper as Griselda’s. “I think you must have the wrong person.”

  As she began to move backwards, the woman on the bed stood and moved towards the door with astonishing speed, causing Talia to jump as her wrist was grasped - again with a firmness that seemed to belie the woman’s slender body. The stranger was taller than the princess, with a body that was slight and willowy at a distance but now, Talia could see as she stood so close to her, revealed itself to be taut with well-defined muscles.

  “Oh no, Princess Talia,” the stranger breathed with glee, her eyes sparkling and her smile wide and almost wolf-like, “I certainly do not have the wrong person.”

  With a graceful motion she gestured for Talia to enter. The princess rationalised to herself that it would be rude not to enter, but it would have been more honest to say that she was fascinated to find out who this woman was.

  “My,” she said hesitantly, looking for an innocent topic of conversation. “It’s very warm in here!”

  “Is it?” the woman asked nonchalantly. Crossing to Talia, she reached out and, with a deft movement of those long fingers, undid one and then two buttons at the top of Talia’s dress. The action, so simple, surprised the princess who did not move - just as she made no effort to resist the woman when she stroked the princess’s cheek. Again, while the action was a mundane one, its effect on Talia was to make her blush and avert her own gaze. She felt very peculiar in her belly now.

  “Charming,” said the woman, and for a second there was an odd tone in her voice - almost of regret - which made Talia’s head snap up. At this, the woman laughed to hide her previous mood and took up Talia’s hand, leading her gently towards the bed.

  “As you say, it’s very warm in here,” the woman continued as though nothing had passed between them. “If you’re too hot, you might prefer to remove that heavy dress.”

  Secretly, Talia agreed that in many circumstances that would be the most sensible thing to do, but her upbringing meant that she shook her head. “Oh no,” she replied as firmly as she could. “Nobody in Nysa takes off their clothes in front of other people if they can help it.” At the same time, she thought that the woman’s own apparel looked so very, very inviting.

  The woman sighed at this - and again Talia thought she heard a hint of regret in the sound. “It was not always thus,” she said very quietly. Catching herself, she smiled warmly at Talia and gestured to the bed. “Perhaps you would sit with me for a while. I would love to find out what you’ve been up to.”

  Something told Talia that she should refuse, but at the same time she had been reared to be a very polite girl and so she moved towards the bed - after all, everything in Talia’s education told her that a bed was simply a place to sleep and nothing more. Nonetheless, she couldn’t help but ask: “Who are you? And why haven’t I seen you before?”

  Again the woman sighed. “I am - or, rather, I was - an old friend of your mother’s. Your father and I were quite close too. Once.” Her wistfulness seemed to be tempered by something more bitter, causing Talia to frown. Catching the princess’s expression, the woman laughed once more. “You can call me Bella - and I promise to show you everything I know, but first, I must simply find out all I can about you. I’ve missed watching you grow up. You really have become a beautiful woman. Why, I would almost be jealous of how pretty you are - if I was the type of woman to be jealous.”

  This time Talia missed the undertones of the woman’s speech. Having seated herself by the bed, the princess’s attention had been distracted by some of the objects she saw laid out on a table. If she hadn’t known better, she would have sworn that they were instruments of torture. The manacles and whips were easy enough to ascertain, but the two other objects lying there were very peculiar indeed. Both of them were longer than they were slender, and the smaller one was easily the length of Talia’s hand and a good width across the circumference. The larger one, however, looked as though it would have reached halfway up her forearm and was also considerably thicker, being of a darker colour. Each one had a strange, smooth head with a groove in the middle, while the shaft of each was covered with what looked like moulded veins. When the princess picked up the larger of the two, feeling its weight in her hand, it felt slightly warm and slippery to the touch.

  This made Bella smile, a wicked expression as she arched her eyebrows. “The man that was modelled on,” she almost purred, “gave me a great deal of pleasure once. As did the other one.” As she said this, however, she frowned and muttered - almost too quietly for Talia to hear: “Before he broke my heart.”

  The princess did not heed the words: her attention was still taken up by the odd object she held. The sensation of it in her hand made her feel very peculiar in a way she couldn’t explain. Something about the smoothness of its head made her want to slide her lips along it in the same way she rubbed her fingers along the groove, and had the woman not been present she would have tried that very trick.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  The dark-haired woman came and sat beside her on the bed and gently lifted the toy from her dainty fingers. “Haven’t y
ou ever seen a cock before?”

  It was Talia’s turn to frown, then the light slowly started to dawn in her eyes. “I’ve heard that word before! You mean a pizzle, don’t you. I’ve seen the horses, once or twice, though daddy orders them to be covered most of the time, and once I glimpsed a bull when he was doing something very odd to one of the cows and before Griselda could drag me away but… that was larger than this.”

  Bella laughed at this and raised her eyes. “A bull’s cock - yes, well, I can imagine that would be bigger, but it’s the only thing that is, I’ll warrant. The man this was modelled on was a giant in every sense of the word.”

  “You mean this is a man’s cock?” Talia asked in astonishment. “No! Never! I mean… if they were all this big they’d always be visible and I’m sure I’d have seen one before now!”

  Moving slightly closer so that Talia was aware of the warmth from her body, Bella rested one hand lightly on the princess’s knee while she held the huge object in her other.

  “So innocent,” she breathed. “And tell me, young princess, haven’t you ever noticed how when some of those men look at you there is a visible swelling in her trousers?”

  Talia frowned once more. “Well, yes, sometimes. But they always look embarrassed and I feel so sorry for them. I mean, they always seem to be so poorly.” She turned her large eyes on Bella with such concern that the other woman blushed for a moment and seemed to hesitate. Nonetheless, with a shake of her head, Bella seemed to regain her confidence and began to speak quickly.

  “So innocent,” she repeated. “And so foolish. I’ve been waiting here for you, you know, because now it’s time for me to complete my education.”

  At the mention of the word “education” Talia groaned and rolled her eyes. “You sound like Griselda,” she muttered and began to stand up, but Bella grabbed hold of her hand and, with a gentle pressure pulled her back onto the bed.

  “I suppose you’re going to test me on what I know about all the kings and queens of Nysa,” she grumbled, “or whether I can conjugate my verbs.”

  Bella laughed delightedly at this. “Oh, I did have some conjugation in mind, but it has very little to do with verbs - though I imagine I shall be using my mouth rather a lot before the afternoon is out.”

  Something about the woman’s voice and the look in her eyes piqued Talia’s curiosity. Looking quizzically at Bella, Talia made no effort to resist when the older woman leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips. Seeing that her advances met with nothing more than an astonished sigh from the young princess, Bella returned to the task with gusto, this time opening her own lips and sliding her own tongue, warm and wet, into the girl’s mouth. As she did so, her hand lifted from Talia’s leg and slid around her slender waist.

  “Oh my!” the princess gasped when Bella finally released her. “I’ve never been kissed like that before!”

  “And did you like it?” Bella asked, a smile on her lips.

  Thinking for a moment, Talia considered the question seriously before nodding her head vigorously. Before Bella could speak, the princess leaned forward and kissed the older woman again, sliding her own tongue into Bella’s mouth. She giggled as she felt the heavy weight of the toy drop into her lap and Bella embraced her firmly, both of the women falling back onto the bed as they kissed and fondled each other.

  “So you see,” Bella breathed at last, “the kind of education I have in mind is going to be a lot more fun.”

  “I’ll say!” Talia exclaimed in excitement. “I can’t think for the life of me why Griselda’s never included this in my studies before.” She grimaced at the thought. “Hmm… actually, I don’t think it would have been anywhere near as pleasurable as with you.” Then another idea occurred to her. “Is it just women who kiss like this? Or do men do it as well?”

  Bella laughed at this. “Once upon a time Nysa was a kingdom given over to kissing - and much more besides.”

  “More?” the princess asked. “You mean there’s more than kissing?”

  “Oh, much more,” Bella growled. She hovered above the princess and, as she held herself up on graceful arms Talia could see down the top of her gown, to where the nipples on her firm, tight breasts were stiff as berries. To her surprise, Talia realised that her own cherry buds were equally hard. “My,” the princess breathed. “It’s suddenly very warm in here!”

  Raising one eyebrow, Bella reached out with one hand and softly pulled at the lace that held the front of Talia’s bodice together. Once more the princess didn’t resist and, moments later, Bella had pulled aside the fabric to reveal her tender breasts, larger and softer than the older woman’s and rosy hued.

  As Bella lowered her head to kiss and nibble at her sweet young tits, Talia gasped once more and instinctively reached out to the other woman’s hair, gripping it tightly in her fingers.

  “Do you like that?” Bella asked softly. Talia nodded, unable to speak. She was astonished at the sensations she was feeling in her body, especially between her legs, the space there suddenly feeling very damp in a way she hadn’t experienced before. Suddenly feeling that this was very wrong - else why would her mother not have warned her about it - Talia began to push away at the other woman.

  “What’s wrong?” Bella was frowning now. “I thought you were enjoying it.”

  “I was. I mean, I am, but… oh dear. I seem to be getting all sticky down there - I better go and clean myself up.”

  That made Bella laugh - this time a more vicious sound that nonetheless made Talia’s body thrill. Forcefully, she placed one hand on Talia’s shoulder and roughly pushed the young woman back down on the bed. “You’re not going anywhere - your cunt’s going to have to get a lot dirtier before you have a chance to clean it up.”

  “My cunt?” Talia had no idea what the other woman was talking about for a moment, but she was a fast learner and lifted her head to look down at her skirts which Bella was in the process of lifting. “You mean between my legs?”

  Bella’s grin was wolfish as she pushed the skirts higher, revealing the princess’s undergarments. “That’s exactly what I mean. After all, getting dirty was exactly what it was made for.”

  “Oh!” Talia replied softly. “And I thought it was just made for making my water.”

  Bella made no reply at first, but instead dragged down Talia’s underwear so that the princess could feel the cooler air against her loins. Then, reaching across for the huge dildo, she waved it in front of Talia’s face: “This is what that was made for.”

  Talia looked at her in astonishment. “No!” she began to say, struggling to lift herself from the bed. “I couldn’t possibly fit that in me!” A sense of panic - as well as strange desires - began to rise up in her. Bella, however, moved more swiftly and quickly pinned the young woman back down on the bed.

  “Oh, we’ll find a way to make this fit,” she snarled, her lips curled cruelly and her eyes glittering with amusement. “And I promise you that you’ll enjoy it.”

  “No,” Talia began to protest feebly. “I should be going. I mustn’t. Griselda will wonder where I’ve gone.” Her pleas, however, sounded hollow even to her own ears and she didn’t struggle too violently as, dropping the dildo, Bella reached across her to the manacles that lay on the table.

  “What are you doing?” Talia asked. Still Bella did not speak, however, but with strong and supple hands quickly bound the princess’s wrists. “You mustn’t!” she said, but a voice inside her head cried out: “Yes! You must! Teach me! Show me!” Her nipples were harder than they had ever been before, and her… what had Bella called it? Her cunt - yes, that was it - her cunt was opening like a wet flower, dripping wet with anticipation.

  Seeing this, Bella smirked. “Your body disagrees,” she said. “You are so like your mother.”

  Refusing to explain what she meant, she clasped the manacles to the bed and, while Talia protested stripped away the princess’s clothes so that her soft, young body was exposed in all its glory. Triumphant, Bella
knelt above the girl, looking down at her while her hand slithered between Talia’s thighs.

  When fingers encountered the sweet, soaking cunt, Bella pressed forward, first one and then a second digit, sliding them into that pretty slit and causing Talia’s eyes to open in shock. “My, how tight you are, my young princess!” Bella hissed with glee, enjoying the sight of the princess blushing as she closed her eyes, her lips opened in a round O. Before Talia could say anything, she pressed her own mouth onto those open lips and sucked the air from Talia’s lungs.

  The sensations in Talia’s belly were astonishing - so pleasurable and so strange that even had she not been kissed so passionately she wouldn’t have been able to breathe. “That’s it, you little slut,” Bella breathed in her ears. “That’s what you’ve been waiting for all your life, isn’t it.”

  “Yes!” was all Talia could whisper in reply.

  Looking down at her in wry amusement, Bella lifted herself up for a moment. “I still can’t believe you made it this far and remained a virgin. Never mind. That only makes this even more pleasurable.” She frowned slightly for a moment, and Talia lifted her head as far as she was able, frustrated that the other woman had stopped. When she saw Bella reach across for the smaller, lighter dildo, her frustration became a feeling of hunger.

  “Still, you’re too tight for my big, black baby, and that’s no mistake. We’ll have to make the assault with this one first.”

  So saying, Bella lifted the toy to her mouth, sucking it and making it wet, all the time watching Talia with a sly look of lust. When she judged her efforts sufficient, she placed the tip of the dildo against the willing opening of Talia’s cunt.

  “Oh, by the gods!” Talia groaned. “Oh my! Oh! What a feeling!”

  Bella said nothing, but continued to move her hand back and forth, sliding the cock in and out as she reached forward and teased and pinched the princess’s nipples. Talia’s pussy was flooding now, and her legs were trembling in spasms as she tried to kick out, her arms restrained above her heads by the cruel and heavy manacles. For her part, she wanted to drag the older woman down, kiss her passionately and explore her body in the same way that her own innocence was being violated.


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