Troubled Waters (The Lake Trilogy, Book 2)

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Troubled Waters (The Lake Trilogy, Book 2) Page 14

by Grant, AnnaLisa

  “How serious do you think he is?” Luke asks.

  “Very. He’s intent on embracing his Meyer genes.” I say. “Hold on. Why are none of you surprised by this? I was totally freaked out!” Everyone is way too calm for this news.

  “Do you remember when you said that Marcus told you he begged to differ?” Luke asks. I nod. “That’s a Gregory Meyerism. It’s a trademark phrase he uses in the boardroom when opposing counsel indicates they think they’re going to win. He doesn’t use that phrase out in the open. Greg would have had to say it directly to him, and probably on more than one occasion.”

  “So you knew?”

  “We were confused as to why Marcus would say it because there was no obvious link to the Meyers, but it makes sense now,” Luke says. “We’d been digging to find any kind of a connection, but Marcus and his mother’s medical records are sealed. No doubt a move on Greg’s part. We didn’t have any way to view his birth certificate to track the theory, but Marcus just put it all out there for us. This may seem scary, but with the information he’s given us, we’re not walking blind anymore. You did well, Layla.”

  “Why doesn’t Marcus just go public with it? Wouldn’t Mr. Meyer take some philanthropic action just to save face?” I wonder aloud.

  “It sounds like a good move, but it’s not. While he’ll pose for the cameras in front of the courthouse, he’ll have a destructive plan in his back pocket. You have no idea how many young, unaware attorneys have had accidents. They challenged him, made him look foolish, and they paid for it. Marcus knows that if he goes public with this, Greg will be humiliated as a man who didn’t really care for a child he had full knowledge of. All that will do is pour gasoline on an already blazing fire,” Furtick says directly.

  “So what do we do?” I ask feeling hopeless.

  “Well, he doesn’t have the resources Greg has, so I’m not so worried about what he’ll do necessarily. Although, he was bold in breaking into the house, so there’s a concern over how erratic his behavior may be.” Luke is in thought. He’s weighing everything and working to come up with a reasonable solution.

  “He said I have three days,” I warn.

  “Who said you have three days?” Will’s voice echoes through the kitchen. I thought Furtick was going to head you off at the pass? Furtick reads my mind and looks at me apologetically. “I got a little tired of waiting for a phone call, text, anything…so I decided to come over for an update. Is anyone going to tell me what’s going on?”

  “Oh, Will, I’m so happy to see you!” I throw myself into his arms. This move is both needed and strategic. I need to feel Will’s arms around me, loving and protecting me, and I need to divert his attention, even if for just a minute from the craziness of what has transpired today.

  “I’m happy to see you, too, baby. I’ve barely heard from you since Furtick tore you away from me last night. What’s been going on? And don’t tell me nothing because I stood in meetings like this with Luke six months ago.”

  What do I say? I’ve just gotten all the information out to Luke. Telling Will that Marcus is his brother is going to be a shock that I have no idea how he’ll take. Even if Will Meyer were legally alive, I can’t see him being happy about this brotherhood. Perhaps when he was younger, but certainly not now. The harder part to explain without Will going over the edge will be Marcus’ creepy insistence that he and I will be together. I’m afraid that if I tell Will of Marcus’ obsession with me that he’ll do something desperate that will blow everything out of the water. If Marcus discovers everything will he tell Meyer? If he does, our only option will be to run…forever. My head is spinning and now I’m overwhelmed with thoughts of all the “what ifs?” of what Mr. Meyer will do if he ever catches us.

  “Marcus has indicated he’ll be back to see Layla in three days, and it appears that he expects her to respond to his romantic interests,” Claire has a remarkable way with words.

  “His romantic interests?” Will asks, his anger immediately present in his tone.

  “Yes. It seems he’s had a thing for Layla for some time now. And, with your passing he’s under the impression that he can somehow pick up in Layla’s life where you left off,” Luke answers.

  “I thought he was just doing that back home to get at me. So why don’t you just tell him that you’re not interested?” Will’s tone is irritated, not understanding the dilemma.

  “Well, I did, but…” I begin. I’m feeling brave since both Claire and Luke got the explaining started. “He’s being pretty aggressive in his pursuit. You already know he drop out of college and moved down here. And that he told me he transferred to FSU, but Furtick found out that’s he’s not even an official student there.” I understand Will’s questioning. If only I could tell him it’s much more complicated than it appears. I can’t just turn him down because he’s not going to go away. And if he doesn’t go away, we can’t live our lives here, together, in peace.

  “What do you mean aggressive? Has he hurt you? If he’s laid a finger on you, I swear I’m going to kill him.” I can see the rage building in his eyes. This is what I was afraid of, and we haven’t even told him everything!

  “No. You’re not,” Furtick says, his firm tone settling Will. “Luke…just tell him. We can’t move forward if we’re trying to resolve the situation and keep certain facts from him. He’s going to have to know.”

  “Know what? Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” Will looks to me for an answer that I’m not sure how to give, so I give Luke a just noticeable nod of approval. I’m glad Furtick has directed Luke to tell Will. I’m not always so great about explaining things. And because it’s about Will, I know my emotions will get the best of me.

  “I think you should sit down, Will,” Luke suggests.

  “I think I’ll stand.” It’s clear Will is frustrated by the situation. He’s out of the loop and that must feel strange to him. He and Luke and Claire have been a team since the inception of the plan to fake his and Eliana’s disappearance, but now he’s walking blind.

  “Will, please,” I say taking his hand. “I need to you to calm down so you can really hear what Luke is going to tell you. Please.” Will takes a deep breath and nods his head. Luke cleanses his breath after Will is seated at the kitchen table.

  “Marcus has made a claim that, at this point, we don’t have reason to believe is untrue.” As Luke begins I’m so grateful that Eliana isn’t here. I’m just now considering how the news that Will has a brother may affect her, assuming she doesn’t already know. “You’re aware that your father was married before your mother.”

  “Yeah, three times,” Will says. The look on his face tells me that he has no idea what his father’s ex-wives have to do with what’s going on with Marcus right now.

  “Yes, that’s right. Well, Marcus is claiming that his mother was your father’s third wife, and that Gregory is his father.” Luke’s delivery is steady and his words are deliberate and to the point.

  “What?” Will stands and we all take a collective step backward, not sure of what his next move will be. “And you believe him?” he asks no one in particular.

  “As I said, there’s no reason not to believe him. We were already looking into it after he first came to see Layla. We were stopped cold, though, when we discovered that both his and his mother’s medical records had been sealed,” Luke explains.

  “Why would you even be looking into that in the first place?”

  “When Layla told him that she was not interested in getting romantically involved with him, he told her that he begged to differ,” Luke answers, watching Will closely.

  “Oh,” Will is stunned. He recognizes his father’s trademark statement and knows that what we’re telling him is true. And after a moment of this sinking in, the dominoes begin to fall. “He’s…my brother. I had a brother and my father kept that from me. Does my mother know about this?”

  “I don’t know,” Claire says in her own trademark calming tone.

nbsp; “How long have you known about this?” he asks me directly.

  “I just found out today. I met Marcus in the quad this afternoon and….”

  “You did what? He could have…where were you?” His fury is pointed at Furtick now, proving that Will is out of his mind with anger. No one in their right mind would intentionally take on Furtick.

  “I was less than twenty yards away…fully prepared to kill him if he did anything to hurt Layla.” Furtick’s answer soothes Will, but only because they share the same sentiment about the longevity of Marcus’ existence on the Earth should he put one hair on my head out of place. “Luke was there as well – unseen, but there.”

  “So what does this have to do with Layla? Why drag her into it?”

  “Layla, I think you’re best to explain that,” Luke instructs. I don’t want Will to hear these words come from my mouth. I want someone else to tell him, but Luke has left me no choice.

  “Well…your dad has been supporting Marcus financially all this time. But after you…you know…he went to your dad thinking he could pick up where you left off. Your dad refused, told Marcus that he could never be his son, and sent him packing.” I take a moment to collect my thoughts because what I have to tell Will next is not going to be easy. “When I met with him this afternoon he told me that he was embracing your father’s approach to life. You know, take what you want at any cost. He said that if he couldn’t have the wealth you had as a Meyer son, that he’d have me, because I was yours. And then he told me I had three days.”

  “Three days to what?” Will reiterates the question on everyone’s mind.

  “I don’t know. I only know that he expects me to take my ring off,” I answer quietly. I’m trying not to cry as I recall the creepy intensity of my conversation with Marcus.

  We all stand in silence as we watch Will process the last thing he expected to be told. He’s already angry with Marcus for his overly convincing portrayal of my boyfriend in front of their father last fall. Their father. And now to hear that he’s come claiming some right to me because Mr. Meyer rejected him…like I’m the only piece of the Meyer fortune that he can lay stake to…it’s a lot for Will to take in. It seems like an eternity before Will speaks again, but I’m put at ease when I hear his smooth and confident tone.

  “Ok. So what’s the plan? Layla’s not taking that ring off until I replace it, so we have three days to figure out how to get rid of him.” Will’s voice is strong and he’s moving into a decisive frame of mind, which brings me peace of mind in this chaotic time.

  “I was too freaked out earlier, but…why don’t I just ask him what happens in three days? We can’t play games with him. He’s dangerous and we need to know exactly what we’re dealing with,” I suggest.

  “What do you mean he’s dangerous?” Will says, his coolness being replaced by rising heat. It was a poor choice of words on my part.

  “Mr. Reynolds gained entry into the house last night while everyone was out. He left Layla a disturbing message on her bathroom mirror,” Furtick answers matter-of-factly.

  “On her…ok…I’m trying really hard right now not find Marcus and kill him. If there’s any other information like that, it’s probably best that you keep it from me until this whole thing is over.” Will closes his eyes, seeming to count to ten to extinguish the fuse that keeps getting lit.

  “I agree with Layla,” Claire says getting back to a plan of action. “I think it’s best that she’s direct with him. He’s already shown us how bold he can be. If we play games with him that’s just going make him angry, and who knows what he’ll do then.”

  “Yes. We can’t underestimate him,” Luke says.

  “Don’t do anything quite yet,” Furtick instructs. “He’s given us three days. Give me twenty-four hours to see what I can find out and we’ll map out a plan from there.”

  I turn to Will when I feel his disappointed stare. I take his hand and lead him out to the dock. He’s silent as we walk, brushing away the branches and Spanish moss. He wouldn’t express his displeasure in me in front of everyone, but I have a feeling a reprimand for not telling him what was going on ahead of time is on its way.

  We sit, silently, for several minutes while we both collect our thoughts. I’m not sure if I should say something first. I’m not sure what to say, really. It’s chilly by the water on this December afternoon and all I want is to sit close to Will, being warmed by his arms blanketed around me, but he’s in no mood to warm or soothe me right now.

  “Why would you do that? Why wouldn’t you tell me? Don’t you think I can protect you?” Now that he’s speaking, I see what’s really going on. Will isn’t mad. He’s hurt. Now I’m sad because I am the one who hurt him.

  “Of course I think you can protect me, but aren’t I allowed to protect you? This isn’t any kind of typical anything. There’s no manual for how to deal with someone like Marcus when we’re in the situation we’re in. You can’t speed in and beat the crap out of him like you did before. You can’t do anything at all because Will Meyer doesn’t exist anymore. If he finds out about you…” I take his left hand and run my thumb across his ring. “I didn’t tell you because I knew what you’d want to do. I didn’t tell you so I could protect all that you have done to make a life for us here.”

  “I just feel like I’m failing you.” Will’s tone is sad. He looks lost, which is disheartening since Will is usually my compass.

  “Will, you could never fail me. All you’ve done from the first second I met you is exceed every expectation I could have ever had about what being loved truly means. You’re my hero, but sometimes even the hero needs to be looked after.”

  “I have so many plans for us, Layla. I want to give you everything. I feel like I’m in this holding pattern of being so ready to offer you the world, but there’s always something that makes it impossible to take the final step. Now I’m so pissed at Marcus for ruining everything, and there’s nothing I can do about it.” Will puts his head in his free hand. I want to comfort him. I want to bring some light to this dark time.

  “What kind of plans?” I ask, hoping a new focus will be that light in the darkness. There are no answers right now, so the best I can do is create a bubble around us; a bubble where the only thing that exists is our life together.

  Will looks up at me his eyes softening, and the crease in his brow smoothing.

  “What kind of plans do you have for us?” I smile as I think of my own thoughts and ideas for my future with Will.

  Will smiles and I see a wave of peace wash over him. It’s working. He’s joined me in this glorious bubble. “Well, I’m going to exchange this for something more official,” he says, lifting my left hand to show my promise ring.

  “But I love this ring,” I smile.

  “You can keep it, silly. You’ll just have to move it to the other hand.” He smiles his brilliant smile and all the craziness just melts away.

  “Ok. What else?” My heart swells listening to Will talk about our future together.

  “Huge and ridiculously amazing church wedding,” he continues.

  The smile on my face is so big my cheeks are beginning to hurt. I don’t care because I want to smile like this forever; smile at all the wonderful things that are ahead for Will and me.

  “Followed by an even more amazing honeymoon with my bride. Someplace…tropical?”

  “You know me so well! And what happens after the honeymoon?”

  “After the honeymoon? Hmm…whenever I think about this I get caught thinking about how wonderful it’s going to be to have you all to myself on a tropical island. I don’t get much farther than that.” I blush because I get stuck thinking the same thing. “But…after the honeymoon…I spend the rest of my life making sure you know the honeymoon will never really end. We’ll build a life together, have a beautiful family courtesy of your stunning beauty, and through the best and worst of life, we’ll be there for each other, knowing that no matter what happens, we’ll make it. We’ll never be apa
rt. I’ll be yours, and you’ll be mine – forever and always.”

  “Oh, Will.” I throw my arms around his neck and my body into his arms. “I love you so much. We’re going to have the best life together.”

  “Yes, we are.”

  Chapter 16

  It’s been a rough day. Furtick banned Will from the house last night, so we’re stuck texting and calling. He says Will and I can’t risk being seen together. I understand. Until everything with Marcus is over I’m back to my life before I knew Will was alive.

  I can hardly concentrate on my classes and finals are next week. Now that Marcus is back Furtick can’t be seen, so he’s resumed his place as my shadow. So I’m not completely alone, I’m hanging out with Dana more. As we get coffee and move to my favorite study table in the coffee shop, Finn asks where John is.

  “Oh, we’re on a break. You know, just trying to concentrate on finals,” I say satisfying his curiosity.

  “Ahem…who is John?” Dana asks.

  “John is…he’s my boyfriend,” I tell her. It sounds so strange to say all of those words together in the same sentence.

  “When were you going to tell me?” she asks in her sweet southern voice.

  “Well, it’s still pretty new, so…”

  “What does the other guy think?”

  “What other guy?” I ask. Is she referring to Furtick? He did walk me to class and wait for me a few days last week.

  “You know, kinda tall, dark brown hair…he was following you around like a puppy dog a couple of months ago.” Marcus. She bats her eyes and tilts her head in a way that makes me think it’s a romantic gesture.

  “Oh, no, there’s nothing with that guy. Have you seen him around lately?” I ask slowly.

  “No, but if you don’t want him, I’ll take him! He’s cute!”

  “No!” Finn and I shout in unison. He knows the creep factor with Marcus, and even though he doesn’t know Dana, he’d never let Marcus anywhere near her.


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