Troubled Waters (The Lake Trilogy, Book 2)

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Troubled Waters (The Lake Trilogy, Book 2) Page 20

by Grant, AnnaLisa

  “Thank you for being so transparent. You didn’t have to tell me anything, and I want you to know how much I appreciate it. I know how incredible Will is and how lucky I am to have found him, and I will love and protect him, too. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him. And you need to know, really know, that Will is the great man he is today because of you. Left in the hands of his father, Will would have turned out very differently. You should be very proud. You’ve endured a lot in your life, Eliana, which is why I’m so glad that you’ve found Wes. I don’t know where you think it might go, but I know that right now, you couldn’t be in better hands.”

  Eliana stands and I join her in a warm embrace. She’s opened herself up and let me in in a way I never expected. She has had years of closing herself off, not being allowed to tell anyone about the real nature of her husband, so I appreciate her sharing. I know it took a tremendous amount of bravery to share with me as she has and I’m honored that she found me worthy of carrying her story.

  “What the hell? Why are you barely dressed…in one of Wes’ shirts?” Will’s shocked and disapproving face at his mother’s appearance makes me laugh.

  “Oh, uh…” Eliana isn’t sure how to respond.

  “They had their own prom night,” I tell him. It takes a moment for him to understand what I’m saying and recall our beautiful, non-sex filled night, but when it sinks in he seems a bit skeptical. They are, after all, two grown adults.

  “Ok…I guess,” he finally says.

  “I’m going to put some clothes on.” Eliana scurries from the kitchen and disappears around the corner back to Wes’ room.

  “Good morning, fiancée,” Will says, wrapping his arms around me.

  “Good morning to you, fiancé,” I say, followed by a sweet kiss on his sweet lips.

  Will is about to go in for a deeper kiss when it seems the masses have awakened and enter the kitchen. Happy New Year greetings are exchanged all around as Will and I break and gather coffee cups for everyone.

  “So, Wes…how was your night?” I ask teasingly.

  “It was…” he begins, but looks to Will before continuing. I have to give Will a nudge so he stops with the obligatory stink eye. “It was great,” Wes smiles.

  “What did you do?” I ask.

  “Yeah, Wes, what did you do?” Will asks with only half-teasing chastisement.

  “Ok, ok…I’m only going to subject myself to your Spanish Inquisition once. So let’s get it over with.” Wes takes a sip of his black coffee and leans back in his chair. “The answer to your first question: I took Eliana to dinner at Stir, and then we went downtown to walk around and watch fireworks. Next.”

  “Are you going to go out again?” Claire asks, joining in. She is a hopeless romantic so I know she’s totally into this.

  “Yes. Next,” he smirks.

  “Did you kiss her?” I ask, making my voice sound sugary sweet.

  “A lady never tells,” Eliana says as she enters the kitchen with a full set of clothing on.

  “Yes,” Wes says smiling.

  “Wesley!” Eliana protests.

  “What? You said a lady never tells. No one said I couldn’t!” Wes’ smile spreads across his face as he stands and gives Eliana a sweet embrace and an honorable kiss on the cheek.

  “But, in all seriousness,” Wes begins. “We want to know that you’re ok with this, Will. It’s important to us.” Wes puts his arm around Eliana’s waist as they both look hopefully at Will.

  “Are you happy, Mom?”

  “Yes. I am very happy,” she says looking into Wes’ eyes.

  “Well…it might take me a little while to get really used to it, but…if you’re happy, then I’m happy.” Will smiles genuinely, giving his blessing to wherever Wes and Eliana’s relationship takes them.

  Chapter 22

  The months come and go and for the first time since before my parents died, I feel normal. I’m a normal college student with two parents, a fiancé, an uncle, and a whenever-to-be mother-in-law. Life is utterly ordinary…just the way I like it.

  My and Will’s class schedule didn’t sync up the way we had hoped it would this semester. I’ve got a full day on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Will’s working with a packed schedule on Monday and Wednesday. While we’re both on campus every day, we literally have 30 minutes in the middle of the day to see each other. It’s not ideal, but Will makes up for the time by practically living at my house.

  It’s been so busy that we haven’t even had a real date since…well…we’ve actually never had a real date. When we were in Davidson, all the time we spent together was in secret so while I was always excited to spend time with Will, it just always felt off. On our first date, Will brought me back to Luke and Claire’s for a picnic on the dock. It was beautiful and I wouldn’t change a second of it, but we were always hiding in the shadows. And up until Christmas, Wes followed us everywhere. It would just be nice to have Will ask me out on a date, come pick me up at my house, and have me home at a reasonable hour.

  We haven’t set a date for the wedding either. Will wants to get our wedding date on the calendar but I’ve just wanted to enjoy being engaged. Now that all the drama in our lives is over, it’s nice just existing. But, I know Will is getting impatient, so I’ll have to woman-up and set a date for the happiest day of my life.

  I’ve wanted to plan something special for Will since his birthday, too. He turned 19 in December and the occasion got totally overshadowed by the situation with Marcus. In fact, it was days after that Eliana insisted on a special birthday dinner. I suppose 19 isn’t a big deal but I think his next birthday is monumental, so I’ve got to catch him by surprise. I’ve got about 20 minutes to kill before I get my 30 minutes with Will so I’m making lists and jotting down party ideas in the campus coffee house. A hoard of people rush through the door and startle everyone already seated and casually enjoying a cup of joe. When I look outside I see that the sky has opened up causing the stampede. I notice one of the last empty seats is next to me when a guy I don’t know starts making a beeline in my direction. He looks at the seat and then looks at me as if to say “Please, for the love of God, save me that seat!” I smile at him and put my hand on the seat of the chair so I can ward off any other takers.

  “You are a life saver!” he says as he sits. “This is nuts!”

  “No problem,” I say. “Yeah…the coffee house suddenly becomes cool to everyone when getting soaked is on the line.”

  “Tell me about it! I’m Eli, by the way.” He offers his hand after wiping on the dry part of his cargo shorts. “Eli Briggs: journalism major.” Eli isn’t tall like Will, but still taller than me, like everyone else. He’s got shaggy brown hair and brown eyes. He’s cute and I immediately think that Dana would like him.

  “Layla Weston: undeclared but leaning heavily toward psychology. It’s nice to meet you, Eli.”

  “So, Layla Weston, probable psych major…where are you from?” Eli asks. It’s such a simple question. Six months ago I would have been so closed off that the idea of having this conversation with Eli would have been non-existent. Truth be told, I wouldn’t have made eye contact with him long enough to secure this seat for him, but now…now that I’m living my utterly normal dream life? I’ve got this.

  “I’m from a little town in North Carolina,” I say. I decided long ago that this would be my solid answer to this question. “What about you?”

  “New York, but we moved around a lot,” he replies.

  “Military brat?”

  “Brat, yes…military, no,” he laughs. “My dad’s job took him all over the place. I was happy to finally get into college so I could stay put for a while, but I’m on my way out. Just one semester left, so the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.” Four people are trying to squeeze around a two-person table next to Eli and he gets shoved right into me. To make the room we have more comfortable, Eli puts his arm around my chair. “Do you mind?” he asks.

  “No worries,�
� I say. “That’s awesome about being so close. This is my first year, but with all the AP classes I took my senior year of high school, and the credits I earned last semester, I’m technically a sophomore now.” I tuck a loose lock of hair behind my left ear and Eli gets a look at my engagement ring.

  “Whoa! Well done to the guy who put that on your finger!”

  “Oh, yeah. I just got engaged at Christmas.” I’m a little embarrassed. I don’t know why. I couldn’t be prouder to marry Will. I’m just not a fan of all the attention. This has sparked quite a few conversations about the kind of wedding Will and I will have. I’m all for small and simple, but Will wants to make a huge spectacle of his love for me. While that’s sweet, it’s totally unnecessary.

  “Boyfriend from back home or college romance?” Eli asks.

  “Aren’t you inquisitive! Guess you’re well suited for that journalism major, huh?”

  “It’s in my blood! I can’t help it,” he smiles.

  I see Will enter the coffee shop so I make a buzzing sound. “Oh, I’m sorry, your time is up! My fiancé just walked in the door and he’s going to need that seat. I guess you’ll have to quiz me some other time,” I chuckle.

  “That is actually a great idea. I’m on the student newspaper and would love to interview you for a student spotlight. What d’ya say?” Eli looks at me eagerly. “You should say yes because I’m not going to take no for an answer. You’d be great! Ok…I had someone set for the next student spotlight but they got busted for having pot in their dorm so they got expelled. Not exactly the kind of student we’re wanting to highlight.”

  “Well…I guess,” I say reluctantly. “Here, give me your phone. I’ll put my number in it and then text myself. Ok…now I’ve got your number, too. Just let me know when you want to get together. You know you’re going to owe me, right?”

  Will gets his drink from Finn and makes his way over to where I’m sitting with Eli. His face is hard and I can almost see the daggers shooting out at Eli. Will is so protective of me. I’m going to have to diffuse this immediately.

  “Hey babe. This is my new friend Eli. Eli, this is my fiancé, John,” I say giving Will the look that says “Behave!” I’ve become quite adept at referring to Will as John around other people. It took some practice, and sometimes I have to think for a second, but, for the most part, I’ve got it down now.

  “Hey John. It’s nice to meet you,” Eli says, extending his hand to shake.

  “Eli,” Will reciprocates. “Thanks for keeping my girl company and my seat warm,” he says. Eli takes Will’s cue and gets up, making the way for Will to take his rightful seat next to me.

  “Absolutely. I’ll call you in the next few days, Layla. Thanks for helping me out. I appreciate it!”

  “Definitely! It was great to meet you, Eli! We’ll see you soon!” I say as Eli walks away. I pour on the sugar wanting to make up for Will’s icy stare.

  “You have something you want to tell me?” he asks seriously.

  “No.” I take a sip of my coffee, ignoring his macho jealousy.

  “Layla. I walk in here and you’re sitting here with another guy and his arm is around you. Do you even know who he is? Where he’s from? What if he…”

  “First of all, his arm was around the chair, not me. He was only sitting like that because those idiots over there were pushing him into me. And just so you know, he asked if I minded. Secondly, how can you think for even a nanosecond that I would be unfaithful to you?” I put my hand on Will’s cheek.

  “It’s not you I’m worried about,” he says. “I don’t like that our schedules are so off. I can’t protect you like this.” Will is frustrated. He wasn’t able to protect me like he wanted when Marcus was a threat to us, so he’s working at making up for lost time.

  “W-…John,” I say correcting myself. I’m speaking in a hushed tone, and the coffee shop is so loud and busy, but I still need to watch myself. “Let’s go outside. I’ve got an umbrella, and you need to start making your way to class.”

  We step outside into the rain and I pop the huge golf umbrella open. Will takes my free hand and we begin walking the path across the quad to his building. I love walking in the rain with Will. It’s like a scene from a movie – the kind where couples stay together forever. Maybe that’s why it feels so good.

  “I’ve really been enjoying these last few months. They’ve been…normal. I need normal, Will,” I tell him.

  “I know…” he begins.

  “No. Don’t say anything. Just listen. Ok?” Will nods and I continue. “I know that you love me and are just looking out for me like you always have. And I love that about you…about us. But we’ve spent our entire relationship playing both offense and defense. Can’t we just move forward in our life together like…like two people who haven’t gone through hell and high water to be together?”

  “Layla, that’s part of our story,” he says in defense.

  “That’s part of Layla and Will’s story. What’s my and John’s story?”


  “Will…I need life to be normal. Think about it. My parents died and I spent the next five years being punished for their death. Then I moved in with Luke and Claire and spent the next year on a roller coaster of loving you and dodging the consequences of that. I lost you, and just when I got you back I faced everything with Marcus. Good grief! I’m a Lifetime movie, Will! I just need to live a normal life as a college student, daughter, fiancée, and friend, and that includes you maintaining a normal level of jealousy because you can’t stand for me to be around another guy and not because you think I need protecting.”

  “You’re right,” he says with a sigh. “I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you.” I give his hand a squeeze and his cheek a kiss.

  “Ok…so this is me being a normal, jealous fiancé. Who is this Eli guy?” Will smirks.

  “He’s on the student paper. He came in with the swarm of people when the downpour started. He needed a seat and I had one open next to me. That’s all,” I tell him.

  “So why is he going to call you?”

  “Oh, he needs a fill-in for the student spotlight. He had someone but apparently they got busted for having pot in their room, so they’re not exactly eligible for the feature. I told him he could interview me.”

  “Well, I guess that’s ok. Just still be careful what you tell him. Remember not to use John or Elisabeth’s last names. We may be out of the woods, but we still want to be cautious.”

  “Got it. I know the drill. Wes throws different scenarios at me once a month to make sure I’m on guard,” I reassure him.

  “This is me,” Will says as we reach the building for his economics class. “I’ll be over after class. I’ve got a ridiculous amount of homework, though. It’s not due until Monday, but I’d like to get it done between tonight and tomorrow. That’ll give us Friday and Saturday night to do something fun.”

  “Really?” I say excitedly.

  “Yeah…I know it’s been crazy busy. I really want to start making us a priority now that things are…normal. John Holland would really like to date his fiancée. So, Miss Weston, if you’re not busy this weekend, would you do me the honor of letting me take you out on an official date?” Will smiles that brilliant smile of his and I melt just like I did the first time I saw it on the Green in Davidson when we met.

  “Why, Mr. Holland, I would be delighted,” I smile sweetly and bat my lashes a few times. He’s read my mind and feels the same way I do about the lack of quality time we’ve had. I’m giddy with excitement and can’t wait until our date, or dates.

  We kiss each other goodbye and I leave Will on campus to head home and tackle my own mound of homework. I’ve waited too long to have a normal life to let anything stand in the way of my weekend with Will.

  Chapter 23

  I’ve just gotten out of the shower when I realize that I’ve only got 20 minutes before Will is supposed to pick me up for our date. I begin to rush but then decide to take
my time. There’s a normalcy to the boy having to wait on the girl, so I casually get dressed in the light cotton red skirt and soft white shirt I picked out last night. I dry most of my hair and pull it back into a high ponytail, letting my new bangs swoop across my forehead and some locks hang loose to frame my face.

  I stare at myself in the mirror for a long time. The last time I considered my appearance this much was the day of Gramps’ funeral. I was embarking on a new chapter in my life – one of freedom and found redemption. I remember wondering if I looked as different as I was beginning to feel. There was no sign of change then, but that’s not the case now. I stand taller, my face is happier, and my eyes are brighter. All I can think is that I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I know I’ve ended up exactly where I need to be.

  I check the clock and realize that even with all my casualness about getting ready, I still have five minutes to spare. I hear the doorbell chime and think it’s odd at first. No one ever rings our doorbell, but for the past couple of months Claire and Eliana have been chummy with our neighbors. Claire said it was time to stop acting like recluses and make friends.

  When I open the door I don’t find a middle-aged northern transplant standing on our front step, but instead, the love of my life, bouquet of flowers in hand, smiling like a fool in love. He looks more handsome than I’ve seen him since prom. He’s got on dark jeans, a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up just past his elbows, and the hottest black vest I’ve ever seen. I take a deep breath and relish in the fact that the man standing in front of me is all mine.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” he says smiling.

  “Hello,” I say mirroring him.

  “These,” he holds out the bouquet for me to take, “are for you. I saw them and they made me think of you.”

  “They’re lovely. Thank you, Will.” I step aside, inviting him in. Will gives me a sweet kiss on the cheek as he crosses the threshold.

  “Layla, who’s at the door?” Claire asks entering the room from the kitchen.


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