Forbidden Passions

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Forbidden Passions Page 5

by India Masters

  Alex cleared her throat, refusing to meet his eyes. “Clearly, and I don’t expect it will.”

  Libby could see her sister struggling to compose herself and came to the rescue. “Arch, I’d consider it a favor if you’d get that damn bull on his own side of the fence and make the necessary repairs. He came close to losing his life today, and I don’t expect that would have made for an abundance of neighborly feelings—or any other kind, for that matter. Isn’t that right, Alex?”

  “Yes, it is.” She hurried to her horse and mounted. “Come on, Lib. I promised you a picnic on the Little Rocky. Best we get on with it.” With a click of her tongue, she urged her mount into a lope.

  Libby swept the Cade men with an encompassing grin and touched the brim of her old Resistol. “I’ll see you boys bright and early Monday morning.” She looked at Archer and laughed, shaking her head. “Gentlemen, it’s been real enlightening.” She urged the flighty Cinnamon into a gallop and raced to catch up with her sister.

  “So, how long has this thing with Arch been going on?” Libby asked when she finally caught up with Alex. “I thought you said it was over.”

  “It is over!” Alex shouted the words, a world-class scowl on her face.

  Libby leveled a gaze on her, raised an eyebrow. “Honey, what I saw was about as far from over as it gets. Five more minutes and he’d have had you bent over that boulder with your pants to your ankles. That is definitely not over, by any definition I’ve ever heard.”

  Alex heaved a sigh. “He was using me. For sex.”

  Libby nearly choked. “Oh, please, no man uses Alex Wild for sex unless she wants him to. Not and lives to tell about it. Try again, big sister.”

  “He was cheating on me. I saw him at Bubba’s with Mavis Gardner.” Her voice broke when she spoke the other woman’s name.

  Libby’s heart ached for her sister. “Alex, Bodie and Ty said it was perfectly innocent. They were both in there at the same time and just shared a table.”

  Alex sniffed. “Yeah, that’s what Arch said, but Mavis said different, and you know the Cade men.”

  They arrived at Little Rocky Creek and dismounted, loosening the saddle girths for their animals’ comfort.

  “I do know the Cade men,” Libby reasoned. “I know Mavis Gardner is the town slut too. And it’s true Arch has had his share of women, but I’ve never known him to be a liar.”

  Alex sighed. “I know. But it’s too late now. I made my bed—”

  “But wouldn’t you rather lie in it with Arch?”

  Alex untied a blanket from her saddle and spread it on the ground while Libby grabbed her saddlebags.

  “I guess I would, but—”

  “But nothing, Alex. You were wrong, and you need to call him and apologize. From where I was standing, he still wants you, and you’re a fool if you don’t try to make it right before it’s too late. You do realize Archer is seriously hot, right?”

  The sisters doffed their hats and boots and sat down on the thick blanket. Alex had put together quite the spread—thick roast beef sandwiches, home-canned pickles, an assortment of fresh-cut vegetables, and for dessert, fat, chewy macaroons.

  Libby ate a macaroon first, moaning at the sweet treat. “Oh, man, I’d forgotten how good you make these. How, I’ll never know, ’cause you can’t cook for shit.” She licked her fingers. “I swear, if you were ever inclined to give up ranchin’, you could go into the cookie-baking business.”

  “Didn’t anybody ever tell you dessert comes after the meal?”

  “Sure.” Libby snatched another cookie from the plastic bag. “But I’m all grown up now, and I can eat whatever I damn well please.” She popped the entire cookie in her mouth. “Hey, Alex, you like seafood?” Before her sister could answer, Libby opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.

  Alex groaned, then laughed. “Eeww, gross!” But she bit into her sandwich, chewed a couple of times, and did the same thing to her sister.

  They dissolved into laughter, then settled down to eat their lunch. It occurred to Libby, as they silently polished off the food, that not much had changed over the years. She and Alex still ate with the dedication of ranch hands, and the Little Rocky still ran fast and clear.

  Libby cleaned up the picnic mess and eyed the creek. “I see our little pool is still there.”

  Alex nodded and belched. “Sorry. Yep, me and the hands keep it up. I figured there’d come a day you might come home and wanna use it.”

  Libby unbuttoned her work shirt and pulled off her tank top. “Well, you figured right.” She sniffed her pits. “Jeez, I smell like a goat from mucking those stalls.” She undid her jeans and shimmied them down.

  Alex stared at her. “Damn, little sister, you filled out real nice. Check you out. I’d kill for your breasts. Silicone?”

  Libby unhooked her bra and tossed it at her sister. “As if!” She stuck out her tongue. “You’re just jealous because I got Mom’s figure and you take after Aunt Jackie.”

  Alex stood and began undressing. “Speaking of Daddy’s side of the family. You know Uncle Walt has cancer?”

  “Yeah, I called and sent flowers while he was in the hospital. Did the surgery get it all?”

  Alex looked away for a moment, then back at Libby. “No, they didn’t get it all. When I told him you were here, he asked if you’d stop up and see him at the nursing home.”

  Tears welled in Libby’s eyes. “Of course I’ll go see him. I’ll go tomorrow, spend Sunday with him.”

  “Okay.” Alex tossed her jeans and panties on the blanket. “Last one in cleans out the loafing shed.”

  “You bitch!” Libby shoved her sister out of the way and raced to the creek’s edge. She didn’t pause but jumped straight into the little pool of water. And came up sputtering. She could swear she could feel icicles forming on her sparse pubic hairs. “Holy Jesus, Mary, and Joseph—you did that on purpose!”

  Alex was standing on the bank of the creek, doubled over laughing. Oh, there was no way she was getting away with this. Libby’s hand snaked out and grabbed her sister’s wrist. With a sharp tug, Alex tumbled headfirst into the deep pool of clear mountain water. She gasped. “Holy crap!” Then dissolved into laughter.

  The water felt good once their bodies got used to it. They floated, side by side, enjoying the sun beating down on their naked bodies. Finally, Libby nudged Alex.


  “So, what?”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “About what?”

  “Come on, Alex. It’s clear you were wrong about Archer. What are you gonna do to fix it?”

  “Yeah,” a deep voice called from the other side of the heavy underbrush. “What are you gonna do to fix it, Alex?”

  Libby let loose with a little “eeep” and lowered herself into the water. “Holy Moses, Cade, do you always sneak up on skinny-dippin’ women?”

  A rich baritone laugh drifted toward them; then the man himself stepped out from behind the cover of the brush. “I’ll admit it’s been a while.” He leveled his gaze. “Come on out of the water, Alex. I’ve had about all of this nonsense I’m willing to take.”

  Libby saw the stubborn set in on her sister’s face and stifled a sigh. Alex could get a pout on about as good as anyone Libby had ever met.

  Alex folded her arms across her breasts and glared up at the man standing by the creek. “I can’t. I’m spending the afternoon with my sister.”

  Libby blew her a raspberry, then splashed her with water. “I’m quite capable of finding my way home. You say you’re tired of being alone? Here’s your chance to remedy that. Now git.” She splashed more water in Alex’s face to punctuate her demand.

  “I’m naked,” Alex protested.

  Libby raised an eyebrow. “I reckon he’s seen you naked before. Any more excuses?”

  Alex huffed, but she waded to the bank and took the hand Archer extended. She tipped her nose in the air as she passed by him. “You could have fought a little harder for me, Cad

  He swatted her bare butt as she bent down to pick up her panties. “I’m fixin’ to do just that, woman. Now get a move on.” He turned and smiled at Libby. “Who would have thought you’d grow up to be the rational sister?”

  “Boggles the mind, don’t it?” Libby laughed then. “I don’t reckon it’s easy being in love with a Cade man.”

  The solemn look he gave her startled Libby. “Maybe not, but I promise you, we always make it worth your while. But I reckon you’d know that by now, wouldn’t you, Lib?”

  Alex turned a sharp gaze on her, and Libby wanted to sink beneath the water. No way Alex hadn’t heard the rumors about Bodie and Ty. Archer Cade had essentially told Alex that her baby sister was fucking two men, together.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Arch. I am not involved with your brothers.”

  “Yet,” he said, handing Alex her reins. “But you might wanna haul yourself outta that creek and put some clothes on. I expect they’ll be along soon as they finish repairing that fence.”

  * * *

  Libby was standing on the bank, wringing the water out of her hair, when Bodie rode up. With a frustrated huff, she stomped to the picnic blanket and snatched up her clothes.

  Bodie dismounted with a chuckle and began working the buttons of his work shirt.

  “No need to bother with those pesky clothes, darlin’. Ty’ll be along any minute, and I can’t think of a better time to finish what we started the other day.”

  Libby held up her tank top, pressing it against her breasts, making a show of studying her feet. Her head shot up when she heard the pounding of hooves.

  “Right on time,” Bodie said, dropping his shirt on the ground. He took a step forward and toed off his boots before stepping onto the blanket.

  Libby swallowed hard as he reached for his belt buckle. Oh shit, this was going to happen—now. She watched Ty dismount and walk slowly toward her, shucking his clothes. Her nipples, already taut from the chilly water, contracted tighter as the two men reached for her.

  Jesus, they were beautiful. Honed from years of intense physical labor, their bodies were works of art. Heavily muscled arms and shoulders framed the hard planes of their chests. A light dusting of ebony hair surrounded the brown disks of their nipples and formed a narrow line down their torsos to join thick bushes of wiry hair from which their cocks sprung heavy and hard.

  “Say no now, Libby,” Ty crooned. “Say it, baby, or we’re takin’ you.”

  She looked from Ty’s cock to Bodie’s. Could she do this? Could she take them both at once? Drops of precum formed on the heads of their cocks, and she licked her lips, unable to speak. It was all the invitation they needed.

  Bodie moved behind her, holding her in much the same way Ty had the night of the reunion.

  Ty’s green eyes flicked over her body with a rapacious hunger. “Take her down,” he demanded, his voice raw with desire.

  Bodie slowly sat, taking Libby with him.

  Ty stood there for a long moment. “Open her.”

  Libby shuddered as Bodie’s strong arms slid beneath her knees and held her open. Her pussy clenched and began to weep.

  “Very pretty,” Ty murmured. He licked his lips and stretched out on his belly. She gasped when he traced her opening with a finger. “Just the beginning, darlin’.” And he lowered his head to feast.

  His mouth was hot and insistent, moving over every centimeter of her cunt—nibbling, licking, sucking, holding her on the edge but never letting her go over. Her clit swelled and ached, throbbing with the need for release.

  “Please, please.” A little moan escaped her and she tried to press herself against his mouth. Bodie’s grip around her thighs made it impossible for her to thrust herself at him. She was forced to resort to begging. “I need to come. Make me come, Ty.”

  Ty chuckled and settled his lips over her clit, sucking lightly. “Soon, baby.” He sucked some more, then pushed himself to his knees. “Turn over. Get on your knees, spread those legs wide.”

  Libby shuddered in anticipation. Oh yeah. He was going to fuck her from behind. She scrambled to do his bidding and came face-to-face with Bodie’s twitching cock. She met his eyes as she licked her lips. Her tongue snaked out to swirl over the head of his cock, swiping away the precum leaking from him. She was rewarded with a sharp smack to her backside.

  “I said spread those legs wide, Elizabeth.” A tremor ran down her spine, and her pussy creamed. She rested her elbows between Bodie’s parted legs and adjusted her position, opening herself to Ty. The sound of a condom packet ripping open had her licking her lips. “Good girl; now suck him while I fuck you. Suck him good, baby, and I’ll give you everything you want.”

  Nobody had to tell her twice. She took him to the root, nursing his cock with long, fluid strokes of her mouth, smiling inwardly when Bodie moaned his approval. His hand stroked her damp hair and fisted at the base of her skull, holding her still as he fucked into her mouth.

  “Oh yeah, darlin’. That’s so good. You suck my dick like it was yours. Do it, Ty, fuck her.”

  Libby moaned as Ty’s cock teased her slit. He was moving it up and down, grinding against her clit, then shifting to her opening, pressing in an inch before withdrawing to tease some more. It was torture, sweet, erotic torture. Why wouldn’t he fuck her? She was so hot, so delirious with lust that she went wild on the hard length filling her mouth, sucking and slurping Bodie’s dick as Ty gave her another inch, then another.

  “Oh Jesus, I’m gonna come,” Bodie said and uttered a pleasured groan.

  At the exact moment Bodie’s hips arched, Ty drove into her, hard and deep. “Ah fuck!” Bodie shouted. Bodie’s tangy essence flowed over her tongue, and Libby drank him down, moaning loudly as Ty’s cock continued to pound into her.

  “Oh yeah, Libby, this is some tight pussy. I’ve been waiting forever for your sweet little cunt. And when we get you into the backcountry, I’m gonna have this ass too.”

  Libby panted, thrusting herself back on Ty’s cock. “So close, so close.” She thought she said the words to herself until Ty chuckled.

  “Don’t worry, baby, I know just what you want.”

  Two fingers probed her pussy, then burrowed into her anus. She howled as he worked them deep, probing, pushing, stretching.

  Bodie slid to her side and caressed her breasts. “Just think, baby, in two days’ time, you’re gonna have both of us buried inside you.” He used his free hand to reach between her legs and caress her clit. He continued at a whisper. “You’re gonna love it, Lib, having your ass reamed while my dick fills your pussy.” He gave her nipple a hard twist, and she howled.

  Bodie’s words were thick with lust. “She’s gotta be opening, bro,” he rasped. “You could take her ass now if you wanted.”

  “No. Together . . . the . . . first . . . time.” He groaned. “Come, Libby, come now!” He pulled his fingers from her bottom and held hard to her hips.

  Libby’s arousal-soaked brain responded as Ty powered into her. God, his cock felt so good, so long and thick as it shuttled hard and fast, slamming into her, so deep, so deep. She heard him croak his brother’s name and felt Bodie’s fingers tunnel into her ass.

  “Harder,” she shouted. “Do it harder!”

  “You got it, baby,” Bodie growled, ramming deep.

  “Oh. My. God!” She howled through the last deep plunge as her pussy rippled around Ty’s cock. Over and over, she screamed her release as Ty emptied himself into her. Bodie’s fingers fucked her ass, corkscrewing in and out, before finally plunging deep for the last time. Libby’s knees gave out, and Ty followed her down as she collapsed on the blanket.

  “You didn’t get to fuck her.” She heard Ty apologize to his brother.

  “I can wait two days, bro. But that virgin ass is mine.”

  Libby shuddered at the sensation of dark pleasure that rolled through her.

  In two days’ time, Bodie’s big cock would breach her ass, and she couldn�
��t wait.

  Jesus, she was the biggest slut ever born.

  Chapter Seven

  Libby was dazed when she walked out of the nursing home with Alex, so much so that her sister had to guide her to the truck and open the door for her.

  “You knew about this?” Libby shook her head.

  Alex climbed into the truck and buckled her seat belt. “He mentioned it, but I didn’t think it was my place to tell you his plans.” She started the truck and drove to Bubba’s, where they were supposed to meet Arch for an early dinner.

  “Who’s taking care of the place while he’s in the nursing home? I mean, a place of that size can get away from you pretty damn fast if you don’t keep it up. Does he still run cattle?”

  Alex maneuvered the big truck into the parking slot and shut off the engine. “He’s got a couple of hands up there that ride fence, watch out for varmints and such, but he hasn’t run cattle in years.”

  Libby was aware of the fact that her sister was looking at her. “Is this why you wanted me to come home? So we can merge both properties into one big operation?”

  “Of course not, Libby. You’re my sister, and I love you. I want you to come home because I miss you. You’re the only family I have left. If you decide you don’t want the property, that’s fine. I’d still want you home.”

  Libby looked at her sister. “But?”

  Alex sighed. “But it’s the perfect location for the mustangs. It’s got good water, and it sits inside a national forest, so no way it’ll be developed.”

  “Not much forage for a herd in the middle of the winter, though I reckon we could drive them down to the valley when the weather really started setting in.” Libby opened the door and hopped out of the truck. “Jesus,” she said, following Alex into the restaurant. “I don’t know. It’s a huge responsibility, not to mention I’d be snowed in all winter.”

  “Well, you don’t have to decide now. Walter’s stubborn enough to prove the doctors wrong.” Alex looked around, and her smile faded. “There’s Arch, and he’s not alone.”


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