Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War Page 7

by Unknown

  Mel ordered her drink and immediately quizzed Craig. He was smart; he recited it verbatim.

  “Hey Lexi. The usual?” Sam asked as I stepped up to the counter.

  “Actually, I feel like experimenting. I want a tall coffee with cream,” I began.

  “Unh-unh. Cream has sugar,” Kellan interrupted.

  “Ugh. Fine. Icksnay the cream Sam and also give me a tall black tea hot with no sugar and a tall iced green tea with no sugar. And throw in a bottle of water, I’ll need to cleanse my palate somehow,” I commented. I turned to Kellan who stood smirking at my side. “Do you want anything?”

  “Only you,” he winked.

  “Okay, that’s it Sam,” I said swiping my member card then my debit card. Once the drinks were done we joined Craig and Mel at our usual table.

  “Ugh, thirsty Lex?” Mel asked taking a sip of her drink.

  “I’m experimenting with the approved liquids. Hopefully I’ll like one,” I replied taking the green tea first. “Hmm. Not bad. Tastes like water dipped with a citrus leaf. It doesn’t wow me though.” I shrugged already picking up the black tea. “Ok, off subject a bit, but can I burn my tongue?”

  Craig broke into hysterics. “Ah mate! Don’t drop her! She tickles my rocks!” Mel elbowed him but it didn’t seem to faze him.

  “Uh,” Kellan chuckled a bit,” You can burn your tongue; it’ll hurt but heal quickly.” I gave both Craig and Kellan my death glare which brought them to an abrupt halt.

  “Try the hot tea Lex and ignore these puff balls,” Mel encouraged.

  I took a sip of the hot tea. “Totally out! This tastes like hot water with a swill of dirt,” I grumbled immediately chugging half the water bottle. Craig lost it again, even snickered in a feminine way.

  I ran my tongue around my mouth ensuring nothing lingered. “Well, my last hope is the coffee,” I announced bringing the steaming cup to my lips with hesitation. I longed for variety despite being a new vamp. I drank a small amount; all eyes were on me awaiting my response. “Well, this is the best of the three but so not what I want.” Ok, so I pouted a bit. “What would happen if I drank a frap? It’s not like I’d be sent to el bano…”

  “Don’t ask but your belly rebels. It feels like a snake widdled its way in and bullied your insides,” Craig explained.

  “Wait. You guys don’t go to the bathroom?” Mel interjected. I shook my head ‘no’. “Like at all?”

  “Not at all. Nothing we take in is wasted,” I reiterated.

  “Wow. You’re gonna hate me on a road trip,” she gloomed. “Umm, touchy subject I know, but what happened with your dad K?”

  I instantly tensed and peered at Kellan. His expression told nothing, but I knew he was upset. I grabbed his hand under the table and gave him a tiny squeeze of support. Even Craig appeared instantly mellow with the subject change.

  “He was involuntarily discharged,” he finally answered.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I know you must be upset about it,” she offered. I could tell she felt bad for bringing it up given the outcome. No one spoke for several minutes.

  I finally broke the silence. “I’m super happy it’s a teacher work day tomorrow. I’ll probably need an extra day to recoup depending on what happens tonight. I’m a little scared. Don’t really know what they could want,” I sighed. I began fiddling with my hands to distract myself from the impending, and of course trying to redirect my nerves.

  “Wow. That was a bi-polar moment if I ever saw one. You’re happy about school and then a nano-second later depressed about tonight,” Mel chuckled, taking another sip of her drink.

  “So I’m flawed; sue me. I think the whole emotional roller coaster proves that I’m still human despite everything,” I defended, despite the smile that broke out near the end.

  “Uh huh. You keep telling yourself that. Just know a pig’s a pig until turned into bacon. Once it’s changed, it’s never a pig again,” she rolled her eyes mid-response.

  “Yea, yea. Can we move to a more upbeat, positive topic?” I requested before taking another long drink of water. I briefly walked away to discard my epic failure of an experiment. Looked like I’d be drinking water and blood for all of eternity; at least the blood types offer variety.

  When I returned to the table there was a whisper-fest finishing up between Craig and Kellan. Mel didn’t even realize they were speaking. “So…what did I miss?” I asked pointing my finger between the guys as I sat down.

  Mel appeared confused by my remark; she scrunched her forehead and furrowed her perfectly plucked brows. “Did I miss something? If so, that’s so unfair. I’m calling an injustice to humans on that one,” she asserted with disapproval stamped all over her.

  “Weasels, aren’t they? They were talking behind our backs but I missed it,” I said.

  I retrieved my cell from my pocket and made it a point to check the time – 8:37pm. “I’ve gotta go guys. Mom wants to debrief me before we go and I have to find a suitable outfit.”

  Mel suddenly looked shaken. Craig instantly took to consoling her. “Please be careful Lex. I… I can’t live without you,” she stumbled, a tear flowing down her left cheek.

  “I promise I’ll be careful, but give me a hug just in case.” I stood to meet her halfway.

  “I’m going with Lexi. Make sure Mel gets home safe,” Kellan advised.

  “Always mate. Lexi, love, don’t fuddle this up. I don’t want to be cuddlin my best mate forever. That’s how long it’d take him to stop boohoo-in over you love. You’re a champ doll to lose,” Craig added stepping up to hug me now that Mel pulled away in a full on cry-fest. I embraced Craig as if he were my brother. After only a few days I felt like I’d known him all my life. We’d become a tight bunch which was why no one killed him when he slid his hands down to coddle my butt for a moment. He about lost a finger or two courtesy of Kellan but nothing fatal was threatened.

  After a silent ride home we arrived at my house in business mode. My mother was pacing the kitchen and living room in a full blown business suit – grey pencil skirt, black button up shirt, matching grey blazer and powerful pointed toe black stilettos. She was the epitome of a female vixen.

  “Alexa, quickly shower and select your best business attire. No jeans and I expect heels,” she ordered the moment I closed the front door. “Kellan, if you go up, don’t distract. Tonight is a major event and I don’t know yet if it’s positive or negative,” she added checking her watch anxiously.

  We both nodded and flew up the stairs. I hit my closet first. I flipped through my clothes and selected the first thing that popped out. I pulled out my grey wool wide-legged dress pants – they’re more comfortable than they sound – with a plain baby blue slim fit tee. I figured if I put on a nice necklace she wouldn’t complain about the tee. I picked up the shoe box with my patent grey pumps. I kicked off my shoes – made a mental note to schedule a pedicure with Mel – and dropped the lot on my bed before scurrying to the bathroom.

  I quickly turned on the shower and yanked off my clothes; I was in business mode – extremely focused.

  “Lexi,” Kellan called.

  I halfway scaled the tile wall; I’d forgotten Kellan was there. He immediately threw up his hands in surrender and looked away since he had entered the bathroom already. “Sorry babe. I didn’t mean to scare you, but you’re a vamp so I figured you heard me coming,” he quickly explained.

  I wrapped myself in the towel at vamp speed. “It’s okay. I just… I’m really nervous and just focused on getting downstairs. The sooner I get downstairs, the sooner we leave and the sooner this, whatever this is, is over with.”

  Without notice I was wrapped in his arms. “Lexi, I know I don’t say much and I haven’t said it but,” he took a deep breath and pulled me away to look directly into my eyes. “I love you. I’ve never felt this way, this strong for anyone, even my family. You have to swear that no matter what you’ll come back to me,” he pleaded.

  I stared into his beautiful emerald eyes,
lost in the moment. He said he loves me. No man but my dad has ever spoken those words to me.

  I wasn’t sure how long I’d stood there. Nonetheless I stood still, absorbing all that was spoken to me. My mind was still racing, trying to comprehend whether I’d imagined it or not.

  “Lexi… please say something,” Kellan prompted, he had both hands on my upper arms and shook me a bit.

  “I, umm… I love you too,” I replied a bit dazed. I was praying inside. I was hoping he didn’t break my heart now that I’d opened myself up to acknowledge I cared this deeply. It’s one thing to know I did inside, but to verbalize it directly to him was another. It helped that he said it first though.

  He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips. It was a strong, deeply emotional one. I knew this because I felt us instantly connect as one; no layers had to be peeled through.

  “Promise me you’ll be careful. You have to come back to me.”

  “I promise.”

  “I really do love you. I’ve never felt like this. You are one of a kind Alexa Lorrayne Jackson, and you’ve stolen my heart.”

  “I concur. I love you just the same Kellan Alejandro Phoenix Bancroft,” I giggled a bit purely out of bliss, for the moment anyways.

  I pulled back, still clinging tightly to my towel. Kellan’s hands moved to cradle my face. He gently pecked my lips softly a few more times before pulling me into his arms.

  “Alexa! Get moving! You can make out with your boyfriend another time,” my mother yelled from downstairs. That showed how stressed she was; I could have heard a whisper the same as her scream.

  “Well, that’s one way to kill the moment,” I commented. “I better shower before she kills me. At least I wouldn’t have to face tonight then…”

  “Get showered,” he said, a bit of sadness in his tone. Though he didn’t outright say it, I knew he was just as worried about tonight.

  I showered and changed in less than five minutes. It was blow drying my hair that took twenty – too bad vamp speed couldn’t help me there – but I couldn’t have it soaked straight or looking like a rat’s nest. I threw on the jewelry Aunt Claire bought me on our shopping spree and headed downstairs where Kellan was situated with my mom.

  She gave me the full once over. “I suppose that’ll do.”

  “I like it,” Kellan winked.

  “Let’s get down to business,” she commanded. My mother in work mode was intimidating. She’s the best real estate negotiator in the southeast saving her clients an average twelve percent off the list price. “When we get there, let me do the talking unless they address you directly. Do not admit to or confirm anything incriminating or that could contribute to condemning anyone. When spoken to or replying, look the person in the eye for three seconds then look away; any more than three and they could glamour you into answering anything. Which brings me to my next point. You have rights. You do not have to answer any question you’re not comfortable answering. And when you’re answering, don’t stutter or hesitate; it makes you appear guilty regardless of the subject matter,” she disgorged all while pacing.

  “When we get there, do not speak to anyone unless they speak first. No smiling either, some vamps consider that a sexual invitation. Walk behind me, not in front of me or beside me; that’s strictly for your protection. We will go through several forms of security, the final may be invasive so be prepared. Also you cannot use your powers when in there; no vamp speed or strength allowed. And there are cameras everywhere so don’t do or say anything you wouldn’t want them to see or hear. And lastly,” she paused, inhaling deep before continuing, “If for any reason they separate us, do as I’ve instructed so far and know that I will not willingly leave without you. They will never take my only child from me. I will fight anyone, anywhere with anything if they do so. Please don’t worry Lexi.”

  All I could do was nod and try to swallow the lump in my throat. “Now go say goodbye to your father. Be prepared. He’s a wreck right now. When you’re done meet me in the car,” she instructed.

  Saying goodbye to my father was almost unbearable. He nearly cried half a dozen times, but told me multiple times to be strong. He played the part of a dutiful dad and loving hypocrite. I said one more quick farewell to Kellan. I felt a strong pull at my heart the moment I saw the beginning of a tear in the well of his eye. I was constantly being reminded of the true severity of my meeting given everyone’s cumulative reactions.

  The drive was painfully tense and empty. I was almost relieved when we pulled up to a downtown garage.

  “We’re going on foot from here,” she announced.

  “How far?” I asked, glancing around at our surroundings.

  “Two miles,” she replied. Thank God I was graceful and not significantly slower in heels.

  We headed out at vamp speed through several dark alleys and deserted one-way streets. It was strange sprinting so quick next to my mother. Thus far I’d only run alongside Kellan and his dad. And maybe until now I never truly accepted her as a vampeen since she’d blended with humans so well. My mother was anything but flashy – aside from her car and fancy touch screen blackberry – so she never displayed the title of vamp to me.

  What felt like seconds later we stopped in front of a downtown high-rise of part business offices and part loft-style apartments with a garage on the bottom two floors. It appeared upscale from the outside though no security officers were patrolling.

  “Why didn’t we just park here?” I asked in a whisper despite no one being in sight or hearing range for blocks away.

  “This is restricted parking. Follow me and get into business mode Alexa. Once we’re in, there is no way out unescorted,” she warned.

  I followed diligently towards the garage side entry. We slid through the gap of the entrance bar which acted as the gate. It was decently lit considering it was a garage. We walked between cars to an oversized cement beam in the center of the lot. I didn’t notice it at first, which was rare given my enhanced vision, but there was a well-blended door on the north facing side of the column. The handle was cleverly disguised as a deep diagonal chip in the cement.

  My mother opened the door and we stepped immediately into an old school wrought iron walled elevator. I felt slightly claustrophobic stepping in given the grey cement on all four walls around me, and there was barely an inch between the open elevator walls and the slabs surrounding us. She pulled the cement door shut and then closed the hinge door. She pressed the only button on the display panel which was simply a square button with a strange symbol I’d never seen before engraved on it.

  The elevator drudged down a good three stories before hitting the bottom. Looking forward, all that was visible was a long sterile white hallway with a dark grey metal door at the end, obviously bullet proof. My mother slid the door open. As soon as we stepped out the door closed itself behind us and the lift started back up to its higher docking station. She was serious about the no way out alone.

  She knocked three quick taps on the metal door. It was opened by a well-built man standing at least 6’3” with long dark brown hair, all black attire and piercing pale blue eyes that startled me. He pulled us into an all-white 8x8 room with only a desk, chair and a small 7” black and white rabbit-eared TV.

  “Stand against the wall arms spread out like an eagle,” he instructed, his voice a rustic baritone. “You first,” he pointed towards my mother.

  I was expecting a police type pat down but he didn’t touch her. Rather a small blue beam shot from his blue eyes and scanned her from top to bottom.

  “You’re cleared. You now,” he swished his finger directing me to stand where my mother just was. I assumed the proper position and was shortly being scanned. I felt a flurry of warmth where the ray drifted that left once he moved down. When he finished he didn’t say anything; he walked to a door, a straight shot from the one we’d entered, and placed his hand on the grey scan-pad. I heard the click of the lock.

  I followed my mother into the next room which
was again white but set up like the airport security centers. There was a belt with plastic bins on our left and an upright metal detector straight ahead, or so it appeared to be. Two obviously armed guards were standing on the other side of the scanners.

  “Step through one at a time. Place all weapons and cell phones in the bin,” the short blonde haired guy advised. He looked young, my guess twenty, but was clearly vamp.

  We placed our cell phones in the bins. My mother stepped through first as agreed and I followed. I turned to retrieve my phone but nothing came out of the other end of the belt. Our bin seemed to banish within the draped scan box it slid through.

  Taking notice, the other guard promptly said, “Your phones will be returned when you’re approved to leave.”

  The blonde guard led us through the grey metal door – another straight shot – down a short hallway. He scanned his hand and opened another door, this one black metal, out into what looked like a business lobby. He walked up to the reception desk and provided another security officer with our names, though we never gave them. The officer, a thin African-American, nodded and the blonde one returned and exited the door we entered from.

  “Follow me,” the officer stated. We entered yet another room, this one a pale blue. The common theme I was noticing was absolutely nothing on the walls. They were all bare and most of them stark white, aside from this room.

  A female officer with cropped red hair and thigh-high black boots greeted us. “Hello Sharon. Hello Alexa. Please strip down to your panties and bra. Place your clothes in the metal boxes on the tables on the far wall. You may leave socks and stockings on but shoes should be removed. I’ll return in approximately thirty seconds.”

  With that she left and we began undressing. There were two fold out particle board topped tables with folding metal legs on the north wall. A medium sized grey (they love that color) colored metal bin was placed in the center of each table.

  By the time she returned we were undressed with our shoes and clothes in the bin.

  “Do they do this to everyone?” I whispered to my mother.


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