Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War Page 17

by Unknown

  “Ugh, enough mush. Let’s go,” Kai prompted.

  “Wait. How did you get here?” I asked Kellan.

  “Kalel called me from your phone and picked me up. At first I thought it was a trap, but I went willingly. I knew you wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”

  “You know I wouldn’t,” I smiled. “Speaking of my phone, where is it?”

  “In a safe place,” Kai winked.

  I went full command; hands on hips, angry expression with eyes narrowed and roared. “Hand it over.”

  He laughed and returned the phone. “You amuse me Leka.”

  “Glad I could be of service,” I rolled my eyes stuffing the phone in Kellan’s pocket.

  “Can we go now?” Gabi huffed impatiently.

  “Please,” I added.

  “Follow me,” Kalel stated. We sped out to the same underground garage. Gabi insisted the couples ride together in the Hummer while Kai and Kalel took the black Infiniti.

  “Where are we going?” I asked Gabi once we settled in the back seat. Rafi was driving with his left hand on the steering wheel and his right gently entwined with Gabi’s. It was a sweet moment to see. They looked so natural and comfortable together.

  “Dancing. We’re going to a club. Woohoo!”

  “I won’t ask how I’m getting in,” I said observing the scenery, mainly trees, around us.

  “With these,” she passed Kellan and I two IDs.

  “How… When…” I stared down at the state ID showing my age as twenty-two. My picture was the exact copy of the one from my real driver’s license. I glanced at Kellan’s which claimed he was twenty-four. “Is that your driver’s license photo too?”


  “Kalel makes them for us every few years. We rarely use them, but it’s better to be prepared. He hacks into the government’s records and implants us so they work and scan anywhere. That’s also how he got your license photos,” she explained.

  “Wow,” was all I could say. Shocking, but it made sense given their real age.

  Most of the drive I cuddled against Kellan. I felt relieved to have him beside me. It signaled the end of my mission in many ways. That and there was a familiar security I had with him. I knew he would protect me at all cost. My commitment to him was tested these last two weeks, and, while I failed on many accounts, I also developed stronger feelings and an open, honest and fresh perspective on us.

  “Stop thinking so much,” he teased.

  “How did you know?”

  “Because I know you,” he answered coyly.

  “Uh huh,” I brushed him off playfully.

  “I do and you know it.”

  “Okay,” I snickered. He tickled me. Despite being a thick skinned vamp, I was still ticklish. Go figure. I squirmed, laughing hysterically, and was fighting hard not to accidentally dent the car somewhere.

  “Give! I forfeit! You know me!”

  “See, you don’t have to be so stubborn,” Kellan stated, sarcasm was smeared throughout that comment. I let it slide with simply a quick cut of my eyes before yanking him to me to brush his lips with mine briefly. I’d really missed him. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much with him now. I was elated to have him back beside me.

  We parked in a packed garage in downtown and walked, too many humans, towards the blasting music a couple blocks away. Conversations were everywhere, as were the illegal items our enhanced scent caught.

  “IDs,” the heavy set bouncer demanded. We held out our mocked IDs and I held my breath waiting for a rejection.

  “Go in,” he said motioning toward the door; he lifted the makeshift belted gate and we entered. I held tightly to Kellan’s hand since it was my first time in a place like this.

  The club was packed tighter than a sardine can. It reeked of sweat, booze and cigarettes. Occasionally I got a whiff of someone’s cologne or perfume. I lifted Kellan’s arm to see the time, 11:57pm. Suddenly Gabi whipped me with her towards the crowded dance floor.

  “When you’re a vamp, you make space for yourself in the crowd,” she said swaying gracefully with Rafi.

  “Shall we?” Kellan asked from behind me.

  “I’d never say no to you,” I was beaming with delight. I didn’t expect to see him for another few days so I wanted to savor every moment. “I want to dance with Kai later though, at least once,” I added. He nodded with approval.

  We danced for over an hour nonstop. Kellan was very territorial when any guy came close to me. I didn’t mind. I was still self-conscious in my dress. We eventually separated and I went to find Kai. It took some convincing for Kellan not to follow me. I found Kai sitting alone on the sidelines. He appeared the opposite of the social butterfly I pictured.

  “Having fun?” I asked taking a seat beside him.

  “This isn’t really my thing,” he answered, still looking around at the masses.

  “What is your thing?”

  “Surfing. Anything in the water actually.”

  “Oh.” We sat in silence for a minute before I mustered up the courage to ask him to dance. I felt like I was in middle school all over again. “You want to dance?” I spit out the words as quickly as possible.

  He looked at me, completely serious without a hint of emotion traceable. I sat waiting for a response, but his gaze only intensified.

  “Where’s your boyfriend?”

  “Wandering. I laid claim to you at the beginning of the night,” I smiled timidly, unsure of his reaction to come. I knew I’d said it before, but he really was unpredictably moody.

  “You can’t claim me, but you can dance with me.” A smile gently broke through. I sighed in relief; rejection avoided. He hopped down from the ledge we were sitting on and held out his hand to assist me. Though I didn’t truly need it, the gesture was enjoyed.

  “You can’t laugh at my dancing,” he conditioned as we made our way back to Gabi.

  “No promises,” I smirked.

  “Remember who has a gold dagger,” he playfully warned.

  “And remember who has seductive powers,” I rebutted.


  “Shut up and keep up with me. The trick is to listen for the beat and then move your hips in rhythm. Your hips swaying will motivate your feet. And your hands are a freestyle; do whatever with them. Most people use their hands as their link. It’s the only thing that touches your partner… unless you’re naughty,” I winked deviously. I knew I shouldn’t have egged him on, but I did want him to loosen up. Kai, Mr. laid back Hawaii, stood stiff as a board in front of me.

  “Show me,” he challenged.

  “Haha. I knew you’d make me work for that dance.”

  “Actually, I just wanted to enjoy the view for a minute.”

  I rolled my eyes and pulled him to me. I wasted no time moving with and around him. He cracked after two minutes. He started swaying with me, occasionally getting fresh with his hands at which point I had to remove them…repeatedly.

  “What’s the point of dancing with the prettiest girl here if you can’t touch her?”

  “You can touch, just stay above the waist.”

  His eyes lit up and he immediately moved to my chest. I whisked around him and pinned one of his hands behind his back. “Don’t be rude,” I scolded. He laughed.

  “You have good moves.”

  “I know.”

  “Beat it bro. It’s my turn with Leka,” Kalel surprised me with his cut in. And he was a surprisingly good dancer.

  By two thirty, we had played round robin with dance partners. Gabi and I danced with every guy at least once.

  “You ready to go girls?” Kai asked. We nodded in agreement and headed out. It wasn’t due to exhaustion, moreso boredom. As a vamp, you rarely tire and have forever to do it again and again. You never want to burn out in one night when it comes to activities.

  The streets outside were busy in spurts. Small groups dotted the road here and there as did the random street lights. I walked quietly beside Kellan, hand in hand, while t
he others treaded in front and behind us in the same silence.

  Softly, off in the distance, I heard it…

  “Stop! Please don’t! Take my purse, just leave me alone!” the girl spoke in a frantic tone.

  I abruptly froze trying to locate the direction.

  “Lexi don’t. I told you about interfering,” Kellan warned.

  “Afraid it doesn’t work like that. I’m not after money,” the male’s voice taunted her hauntingly. It slightly echoed which indicated an alley.

  “Please,” the girl pleaded weakly. I heard a tear of clothing, a tiny ripping of material. That’s all I needed to locate them.

  I left the others in the dust and raced east seven blocks. Her pleas became louder and eventually broke with tears. I heard the rustling. She was fighting. Good girl!

  I flew around the side of an old brick building and startled them both. “Back off!” I ordered stepping closer.

  The scruffy college boy held tightly to the girl’s tattered shirt. She was small, a little over a hundred pounds, and adorned newly torn clothes, a few scrapes and a black mascara trail down her pale face. She was shaking violently with fear.

  “Looks like I get two rounds of fun tonight,” he grinned. Sick perv.

  “Let her go.”

  He whipped out a small revolver from his jacket pocket and cocked it. He pointed it right at me. “Make me,” he challenged.

  “Lexi!” Kellan called. I heard him racing for me with the others close behind, but they were still a bit away probably trying to pinpoint my position.

  The girl began pleading again, weeping hysterically. At vamp speed I yanked the gun from him and knocked him against the brick wall. His back slammed hard forcing a few stones to crumble onto him.

  I turned to the girl who looked ready to pass out. “Do you live nearby?” Still trembling she shook her head no.

  “Are you parked close by?”

  “Y… Yuh… Yea,” she finally managed.

  “Did you come with anyone? Friends?” I checked. She just looked at the frat boy slumped against the alley floor now.

  Kellan arrived in horror at the scene. “Damn it Lexi! I told you not to interfere!” he scolded, staring at the sunken male body with blood soaked hair.

  “Rape is not allowed on my watch,” I firmly stated, angry that he could turn his back on such a thing.

  The girl started inching away from the scene but tripped. Kellan caught her and she crumbled into his arms crying.

  “Give me my phone,” I requested. He tossed it to me and I immediately dialed the police. The girl was clearly too shaken to go anywhere alone and this boy certainly belonged behind bars for attempted actions.

  The others arrived as the 911 operator picked up. I explained the situation and then waited on the line as they sent over an ambulance for the girl and hopefully the toughest police officers in Charleston County for the pendejo.

  Chapter 16

  The girl was ok, my conscience squeaky clean, but my ears full.

  The medics took care of the girl; her name I still didn’t know. It’s probably better that way. The medics also took care of frat boy Jay before he was arrested. Gabi had to stay away from the scene; it had been too long since she’d seen fresh meat. And the ear full came the moment we were permitted to leave.

  Kellan, Kai and Kalel all agreed and lectured me on the risk, irresponsible impulsion and sheer forbidden interference I ignored in the situation. All the way home I heard it since Gabi and Rafi took the Infiniti earlier. I finally snapped when they parked; I actually growled and hissed at the same time.

  “Listen to me you ignorant bloodsuckers! You keep throwing what if’s and could have’s in my face but, news flash, nothing happened. Yes I took a risk but had that been your mother or your sister or your friend you wouldn’t have hesitated. Well, guess what? She is a daughter, a sister, a friend and possibly a mother to someone! So stop punishing me for doing the right thing this time and consider me warned against it for the next!”

  I stormed off at vamp speed infuriated by their treatment. Why do people and vamps alike find it so easy to turn the other way? How can they ignore the abuse and destruction of a person’s life and continue unfazed within their own? Why do they choose to do nothing when they have the ability to do something?!

  I banged on the door at the end of the long walkway underground since I didn’t know the code. Rafi opened the door and I raced upstairs. Maybe it was a bit juvenile but I shut and locked myself in Kai’s room. I heard the guys come in. Kalel told Kai and Kellan to give me time and space. I could hear their silent hesitation.

  I woke up two hours later startled to be cuddled up to Kai.

  “Morning Sunshine,” he grinned.

  “Where’s Kellan?” I immediately asked.

  “Relax. He’s in the library with Kalel. Breakfast is almost ready.”

  “Oh.” I glanced around the room. I could feel the sun alive and risen, but the blackout drapes left the room pitch black.

  “What are you doing up here?” I broke the silence wanting to kill my curiosity. I did awake to his arms around me…

  “It is my room,” he replied. Smart ass. I narrowed my eyes at him to show my lack of amusement.

  “Ok, okay. You win,” he sighed, still smiling. “I guess I was impressed with you a couple hours ago.”

  “Impressed? Between you, your brother and Kellan I nearly got my head chewed off,” I scowled.

  “I know. I reacted to fear. I wasn’t rational with you. I apologize. Will you forgive me?” He put on his best look: open, bright yet dark, alluring eyes with a charming smile. “Please…” he added.

  “What impressed you?” I refused to acknowledge forgiveness at this point though I was mostly over it. In a way I sort of expected it. Other vamps hold separate morals and values, if at all, than I do.

  “You did what we could have but wouldn’t do. You rebelled against the crowd,” he answered. He pulled me into his chest and whispered in my ear, “It was so sexy.”

  “Ugh!” I slapped against him and hopped out of bed. “I see some things don’t change.”

  “What? I can’t use the word sexy?” he smirked still laid out on the bed. He propped himself up on his side with his elbow. “Especially when you’re wearing that,” he winked.

  I looked down and realized I was still in my dress. I had kicked the heels off the moment I stormed in the room hours before. I yanked the dress down self-consciously and sourly said, “No.”

  He softly giggled, amused again by me I was sure. “You always amuse me Leka. It’s part of your charm,” he said, his eyes locked on mine.

  “I thought you couldn’t read my thoughts when Kellan’s around?” I checked begrudgingly.

  “He’s in the library. It blocks everything.”

  “Oh.” I picked up my bag of clothes and searched for my comfort staple: my VS capri sweats.

  “Do you want to maximize your ‘comfort’ – he did the air quotation marks with his fingers – and wear one of my t-shirts? I really wouldn’t mind,” he offered. Ugh. The last part was visibly a form of flirtation and his horrible stab at tempting me; testing the waters again. Or I suppose he could have been trying to make Kellan jealous. Men are petty like that.

  “Sure, thanks.” A bit of jealousy as an informal competition never hurt any man… or vamp.

  I got comfy in my sweats, Kai’s tee, which hung on me but was worth the fashion faux pa, and my pink Uggs. The boots that felt like slippers were my birthday gift from Mel. Her words verbatim, “They are so not fashionable but worth the ticket.”

  She had the same pair and wore them religiously on cold days. Of course she had more appropriate options, according to a stylist anyways, in knee high boots she bought in black and brown. And even though she bought them and wore them, she complained they’re too stiff and corporate looking.

  “Breakfast!” Gabi called.

  Everyone else was downstairs when I arrived to the full table. I sat beside K
ellan, who had an odd expression, in the only remaining seat. I guess he’s not familiar with our eating ability either.

  I leaned in to kiss him once in my chair to find him and Kai glaring at each other. I guess he took in the shirt.

  “Ugh, good morning?” I said cheerfully trying to pull his attention to me. He growled softly at me. Taken aback, I set out to clean up the mess I invoked.

  “Stop. I just borrowed a shirt; nothing more.”

  “You could have worn mine,” he shot back. He wasn’t rude but in a foul mood now.

  “I didn’t know you had any here.”

  “Well now you do.”

  “Kai is so not worth this argument. Now can we please begin?” Gabi cut in.

  “Agreed. Sorry,” Kellan stated. He gave me the cold shoulder by not regarding me. We all joined hands and bowed our heads. This morning Gabi said the prayer.

  This, the entire ritual of breakfast was something I’d come to cherish and would love to continue at home. We never had family meals together growing up. Of course I knew why now and would like to change it. In fact, I was going to make it a point to talk to my parents about it later. I said that because I wasn’t sure my dad could stomach my food soaked in human blood. Animal blood, as my mother used, was a bit different. Humans devour it all the time. It’s not as thick or vibrant in color and is mild, less flavored and dull in taste but it’s cannibalistic nonetheless.

  I had to admit, it felt strange to be sitting beside Kellan amongst this crowd, not that I opposed.

  Everyone started digging in, except Kellan. I did as Kai had done the first day for me; I loaded his plate. I stacked two waffles on his plate, scooped some berries on top. I placed eggs, bacon and sausage beside the waffles and smothered the dish with steaming blood. I tore off a piece of Cuban bread, dipped the end and handed it to him. He stared at it and me for a good thirty seconds.

  “Take it. Try it,” I insisted pushing the bread closer to him. Reluctantly he took it. Looking around at every other vamp chowing down must have given him the courage. He slowly raised it to his mouth and bit off a small piece.


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